• Published 10th Jun 2014
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Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 13 "Enter Nightmare" - Jacoboby1

Nightmares are gripping Ponyville's denizens. It's up to Private and Twilight to find a way to free them of this dark power. But something evil is lurking behind the scenes, something very old, and very angry.

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Chapter 2 "Tenebros"

Chapter 2


Twilight and I rode in the sky chariot together, two solar guards pulling us as fast as they could through the early morning sky. The Stygian Cove, according to Encyclopedia Twilight, is a collection of underground caverns where the Bat Ponies went after Nightmare’s fall. Years of persecution by the more zealous of Celestia’s followers have caused them to go into hiding.

Nowadays, with Luna back and the ponies of Equestria starting to become more accepting, you would start to see more Night Ponies moving around. But, in the end the Night Ponies were still relatively isolationist. They rarely ventured out of the cave and only ambassadors really showed themselves.

But as the closest Night Pony settlement, they’d know where exactly to find Tenebros. The cave was, of course, dark, and somewhat foreboding. It looked just like a dark scar on the side of the mountain. Even so, the Clopathian Mountains were old, and rugged, with snow-capped peaks that towered over us.

“Any ideas what we could be expecting?” I asked.

“Well, I’ve never actually been here myself,” Twilight said. “Only heard some things from Earshot, but, let’s just hope the Bat Ponies aren’t too cranky.”

“Take us down,” I told the guards.

We moved down towards the cave, Twilight and I hopped off the chariot and looked into the maw of the cave. Both of us lit our horns and we ventured deep into the dark of the cave. A rather rugged path led us down and down into the near pitch black cave. I knew Bat Ponies could see in the dark, but this was just ridiculous. There were some illumination crystals, here and there, but not enough for a daylight pony to see by.

Suddenly Twilight yelped. “Private, is this really the time for that sort of thing?” She said, glaring at me.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, looking over at her.

“Weren’t you just playing with my tail?” She exasperated.

“Playing with your tail?” I said, raising a brow “Now would I-hey!”

I felt something pull my tail too.

“What was that?” I said, turning around, only to find myself looking into bright yellow eyes. “AAAAH!” I yelled, falling back.

The eyes, giggled, well it sounded more like a collection of squeaks but it was kind of like giggling.

Twilight shown her light on the creature, revealing….

A foal. She… She was absolutely adorable. Younger than Earshot, which only amped up the cuteness factor by about ten. Her big gold eyes looked at us, with avid curiosity and a lack of fear that was typical of young things. Typically of the Night Ponies, her coat was gray, and she had leathery bat-like wings folded at her sides. Her mane and tail were a dark sable brown. Her ears were very distinguishable, huge and furry at the tips. She waved, and said something in Ethereal that we couldn’t hear, obviously.

“Ooooh!” Twilight gushed, picking the filly up. “You’re just so adorable! Did you just want attention you cutey?”

The Filly, not afraid of Twilight in the least bit, made that squeaky sound and reached her little hooves to feel this strange creature. Gotta love foals, always so adorable…

“She probably wandered off from the settlement,” I said, coming to the filly to rub her head a little.

“Oh don’t worry, we’ll find your mommy and daddy.” Twilight said to the filly in that cutesy voice you use when speaking foal.

The filly squealed a little nuzzling Twilight as she lifted the filly onto her back.

Twilight smiled. “Funny, for a total stranger she seems rather cozy around me.”

“That is weird,” I said. “Come on, let’s go try to-” I started walking forward in the cave, only to be tackled by a grey blur. I was on the ground, as another pair of yellow eyes glared down at me...huh?

“How DARE you try and kidnap my daughter, Klebstoffer!” he growled. The light revealed a face that had me feeling I was looking in a funhouse mirror. He looked like a Night Pony version of… me, except with a darker gray coat, bat wings, large tufted ears, and a darker brown mane.

“Wait, what?” I said, and suddenly watched as another shadow swooped on Twilight...and I saw...oh boy…

“You miststück! Wie kannst du es wagen meine Tochter zu nehmen!” a beautiful Night Pony version of Twilight yelled, glaring at her. I’d never seen a purple-gray, but whoever she was wore it well.

“Wait, hold on!” Twilight yelled at her counterpart. “I wasn’t trying to take her! She snuck up on us!”

“A likely story!” Bat Pony me said, “Dammerung, do you know zese dayvalkers at all?”

“Nein I do not, I haff not seen zem in zese lands before,” She said, glaring at Twilight. “Nasty foalnappers likely, maybe changelings vith really poor disguises!”

“We are not foalnappers!” Twilight said, firing her magic and flaring her wings. “We are visitors from Princess Celestia! Your daughter just happened to find us first!”

“Luna tränen! Ein alicorn!” Dammerung uttered in surprise.

The daughter, in case you were wondering, had leapt of Twilight just in time and was gleefully squeaking. She was probably thinking we were all wrestling or something.

”What? Oh… Really? You vere… Oh… Oh dear… Privat, we may haff jumped ze gun,” Dammerung said as she listened to her daughter’s cute little squeaks.

Privat? Seriously?

Privat stood and kept his eyes on me, “Just know, I’m vatching you, and do not lay a hoof on my daughter again.”

Hopefully I’m not this overprotective when I finally have kids…

I got up and dusted myself off, “We are just hoping to speak with your leader, Tenebros.”

Dammerung picked her daughter up and as she held her, she asked, “Why? What do you want with our leader?”

“We need his help…” Twilight then went on to explain our situation. Aside from the occasional question or dealing with the filly, the couple listened intently throughout.

“Princess Luna is in trouble?” Privat said. “Ja, that is not a gut thing to hear.”

“We are sorry for ze way we’ve attacked.” Dammerung said, politely. “We lost track of our filly, ve vere going to play today and she snuck out, got too curious for her own gute.” She nosed the filly a little at that last statement, eliciting a giggle.

“So, who are you two exactly?” I asked.

Privat spoke up, “I am Privat Auge, chief investigator for the Stygian Cove. I am in charge of keeping our home safe from danger. This is my beloved vife, Dammerung Blitzen, she is a scholar for our King, Tenebros.”

“Not his student?” Twilight asked.

“Vhy would he need a student?” Dammerung asked, “I am not going to become ze alicorn anytime soon.”

“Good point,” Twilight replied.

“So, can you lead us to him?” I asked.

Both Dammerung and Privat looked at each other. Privat spoke up, “Tenebros iz, how does ze say, not eager to meet outsiders.”

“But, Night Ponies have visited the outside, my friend Grapes has one working at a winery.” Twilight pointed out.

“Ah, Earshot,” Dammerung said with a smile, “He has written about his new home quite a bit.”

“True, while some of our brethren have visited ze outside, and stayed,” Privat said, “Tenebros only ever goes up to raise and lower ze moon, and then he returns to his castle. He doesn’t like outsiders, but lets us go to visit.”

“I wonder what kind of stallion is he.” I said.

Privat and Dammerung just gave this pained look at one another.

“He... how do you day ponies say,” Dammerung began. “Haz to be seen to be believed.”


The place… was not quite what I was expecting. The houses were tall, and somewhat ornate, and… well it looked like Ponyville, if it was reflected in a dark mirror. All around were buildings that seemed familiar, yet not. The bakery looked like it had been constructed of crackers, and was called “The Hardtack Cafe”. A circular building, with stained glass that was obviously scavenged, and interspaced with sliced crystals had a sign saying “Geode’s Clothsmithy.” It was homey, and… unsettling all at the same time.

All around, Night Ponies were actually retiring for the day, most of what looked like daily businesses were closing up shop. Guess things run in reverse in this society.

As we walked, we got no shortage of stares, some of them simply gave us odd looks. Others, glared while others just kindly stepped out of our way when we came by.

I would be bothered by it, if I wasn’t distracted by my wife being distracted by the filly.

“Yes you are so adorable yes you are.” Twilight gushed at little Glitzen, the filly giggled and booped her on the nose.

Privat gave me a nudge. “She iz your wife?”

“Yeah,” I said, “I’m glad to see she gets along with foals so well.”

“Ah,” He said smiling, “To think I almost didn’t have some.”

I looked over at Privat. “You, you weren’t the one who wanted kids?”

“Ja,” Privat replied. “Dammerung wanted Glitzen. I was reluctant but, looking at them now, I don’t regret a moment of it…”

Dammerung and Twilight were both gushing at Glitzen as we walked on. I can see a true mother’s love in Dammerung’s eyes…

I couldn’t wait...till the day I see that look in Twilight’s eyes.

“Ve are here.” Dammerung said, pointing to the path ahead.

Before us, built in black marble, with silver trim, was a smaller version of Canterlot Castle. The doors showed the Night Pony coat of arms of a bat, moon and stars. Guards stood attentively at the gate, looking at us, curiously. The castle would have blended in, but it was lit in such a way it seemed to glow in the cave. The moat was filled with thin sharp quartz crystals, and the wood of the drawbridge was of a strange, washed-out color. Nearby a guard troop practiced their agility by flying a course of stalactites. A night pony in ornate armor came flying across the moat, and landed near us.

“Little sister, who are these outsiders you bring?” he said. He had a very pale gray coat, and a two-tone blue colored tail.

“Visitors from ze outside, Glanzender, vith news of Princess Luna,” Dammerung replied. “Zhey wish to see Tenbreos.”

“Ah. I see. I vill escort zhem. Danke scoen for bringing zhem,” Glazender said with a nod.

“Thank you Glanzender, it is most kind of you.” Privat said.

Glazender glared at the Night Pony. “Just make sure my sister is happy you hear?”

“It’s like a crazy funhouse mirror verse…” I whispered to Twilight.

“No kidding…” She replied.

“Follow me,” Glanzender said, and we left the couple behind and entered the palace of the Bat Pony King. “Also… vhy do you say zis is like a crazy funhaus verse?”

“Well… you act like my brother,” Twilight said.

“You haff a good brother, zhen. He should alvays protect you, even if you are married,” Glanzender said with a nod.


Inside couldn’t be more different from the outside. Geometric shapes, and stern-looking profiles of Night Ponies decorated the halls. All in various colors of stone, some red, some gray, some black. Glowing geodes were set here and there, as decoration, as were crystals of various shapes. Servants scurried about, doing various tasks, guards stood at attention, occasionally calling Glazender “herr kapitan’, with a salute. The palace was, all in all, a very stern, and militarized area.

The guards opened the door into the throne room. Before us, sitting on a stone throne, was an alicorn. He was somewhere between Luna and Celestia in terms of size. Sporting a dark grey coat with a long raven black mane, two large bat like wings, a pair of yellowish slitted eyes and a cutie mark that resembles a cloud covered moon with eyes beside them. He wore almost crystal looking regalia, a black crown adorning his head as he looked down on us.

When he opened his mouth….I wish I had ear plugs…

“GLANDZANDER!” He yelled. “Dost thou ears find fault?!”

The guard captain was taken aback, “No sir, they are daywalkers from the-”

“Verily I can see they are one’s who walk on Celestia’s sun covered earth! I was inquiring as to the intentions of your bringing them here! You know my laws about outsiders! They are to be screened by me, and by my personal invitation! I will not tolerate any break in mine sanctuary!”

“Huh,” Twilight whispered to me, “no wonder him and Luna dated.”

“Mine king, zhey bring news of Princess Luna,” Glandazender said kneeling before him.

That stopped Tenebros in his tracks, he seemed to..wander off to a different place. “Luna…”

“Princess Celestia said you two used to... be together.” Twilight pointed out.

“Aye,” He said, his eyes still glazed over. “She was night incarnate. Whilst I simply through flew darkness’ warm embrace, she danced in it. She painted the very skies with her stars and planets. Love was in her every movement in her night sky. For she was the fairest of the fair, the most beautiful of all mares in all the lands in all the world!”

“Ah here he goes again…” Glandazender groaned.

Tenebros flew into the air, flying as if nopony else was there. “We met when we were but foals. I thought at first that she would be terrified by my appearance. But no, she found true beauty within the soul. She was my every being. She and I danced under her moon. We played, we laughed, we found joy in the warm embrace of darkness.”

“Geez, he sounds like me during my goth phase…” Twilight muttered.

“You had a goth phase?” I asked.

“Well, it was more Celestia’s thing but...ya know...gotta follow teacher…” Twilight said nervously.

“Ah but as we grew older, our duties drove us apart. Her night and duties as a princess kept her busy. Her every night was a toiled affair. I tried to help, but my own duties to my people became just as tiresome. We parted on such sweet sorrow. We argued for hours about what was right, we wanted to run away into the wild, just us...or that may have just been me but details.”

“Your majesty, I apologize for interrupting your story, but Luna needs your help.” I began...and then...Tenebros stared right at me...as if noticing me for the first…

And that was the second time I got tackled to the ground today. “Foul Phantom! You’ve come twice have you! Even beyond the grave you will not cease to torment me!”

“Wait hold on,” Twilight said. “Your majesty what are you talking about?”

I was suddenly lifted by Tenebros in his aura of silvery magic. “This foul unicorn shares the face of the thief to Luna’s heart! That foul Nocturne!”

“You know Nocturne?” I asked.

“Aye I know him!” Tenebros said, glaring at me. “You share his face, perhaps you share his villainy! My Luna would speak nothing but him whenever we were in each other’s presence! Nocturne is brave! Nocturne is valiant! Nocturne is every conceivable good adjective in the dictionary!”

Now I’m starting to see why they broke up…somepony has issues…

He dropped me like a sack of potatoes and went on. “So, you can imagine my reluctance to aid one who shares that villain’s face!”

“Your highness,” Twilight began, “Luna really needs your help. Private and I were here to seek your aid.”

Tenebros turned to Twilight, “The speak, say what is my love’s distress.”

“Well, it’s like this…” Twilight went on to explain everything Celestia told us. Tenebros listened intently, occasionally asking for a Daylighter term clarification. Also to cast the occasional glare at me.

Thanks Nocturne for the looks, they’ve been a real big help.

“So, we need your power over the dream realm to aid us.” Twilight finished. “Only you can help us stop whatever is putting my friends and Luna into a deep sleep.”

Tenebros stood stoically, and said, “And what is in it for mine children of the night? I will not do something out of the goodness of mine heart. I expect some level of compensation for my people.”

“You expect us to pay you for doing something good?” I asked, my mouth agape.

“The way I see it, this is a rare opportunity for Equestria to owe us a favor. I only look out for my people. Even if mine love is in danger, I wish to make sure my people benefit in some way.”

“We... could always set you up with a date with Luna.” I suggested.

Tenebros blinked...looked thoughtful then said…”Done.”

“Well… Luna as queen would be beneficial to us, methinks,” Glazender observed quietly. “Our king does need to settle down a bit…”

“Wait a minute, you just made this entire speech about us helping you and you getting something in return.” Twilight began. “But you toss that all aside for the prospect of a date with Luna?”

“What can we say? We Stallions are simple creatures,” I said with a smile. “I would toss everything out for a date with you, Twi.”

“I don’t know whether to hug you or smack you.” Twi uttered.