• Published 10th Jun 2014
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Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 13 "Enter Nightmare" - Jacoboby1

Nightmares are gripping Ponyville's denizens. It's up to Private and Twilight to find a way to free them of this dark power. But something evil is lurking behind the scenes, something very old, and very angry.

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Chapter 5 "Loyalty and Hope"

Chapter 5

“Loyalty and Hope”

Perspective: Twilight Sparkle

I awoke, shaking my head, glad to be out of that rather horrible nightmare. Rarity had some issues she needs to work out. Seriously. I slowly got up, stretching and looked around. All of my friends, save Rainbow were relaxing, as if they were sleeping on clouds. Our work really helped them…

I can’t wait for Private to come….Private?

I looked over at my husband’s resting place. He was tossing and turning. It can’t be! Could he be having a nightmare?!

“Private!” I said, running over to him.

Princess Celestia stood in my way. “Twilight, please calm yourself.” she said urgently.

She was right, I had to be calm about what was going on...did something happen in Fluttershy’s dream?

Celestia looked to Tenebros, who was over at Luna’s spot on the beds. “What happened?” She demanded.

“I’m not sure.” Tenebros replied. “The root was removed, but somehow, something pulled Private into Luna’s mind.”

“Luna’s dream?” I asked. “So, is he okay?”

“Frankly, I’m not sure.” He replied. “Who knows what horrors he could be facing in my love’s nightmares…”


Perspective: Private Eye

“I can’t marry you!” I yelled as Luna approached.

“Oh Nocturne...you do not have to worry about my position anymore.” Luna said with a happy smile. “we will be together forever! Bound in love for all eternity!”

“Luna as poetic as that is, I can’t believe I’m saying this again, I’m not Nocturne!” I yelled.

“But, you most certainly are.” Luna said, “My love what do you fear? We are together, none can interfere, we can be happy.”
“But Luna! I’m Private! P-r-i-v-a-t-e!” I exasperated.

Luna, blinked at that, but...kept her smile…

“We will still be happy…” She said…

Something was most certainly off about Luna...it had to be…

“Luna...please I’m not Nocturne, I never was!” I yelled. “You’ve been alive for centuries! There are plenty of stallions out there!”

“NO!” Luna yelled, going straight into royal canterlot levels of volume.

“Luna…” I meeped.

“There was none like Nocturne..none can replace him…” She said, sounding rather unbalanced. “It’s not fair...I should be happy...everypony else is…”

“Luna…” I said nervously.

“Why must everypony I try to love push me away…” Luna said, her dress becoming...black…”I just...want to be happy...I want to be loved...and she...she takes everything…”

“Luna…” I started backing away.

“No longer...no longer no longer…” Luna said, bowing her head. “She won’t take you...nopony will...I’ll have you...have my Nocturne...have my happiness...forever...I will never let her take you away…”

“Who…?” I asked…

She looked up…”Twilight Sparkle…” She said, with slitted teal eyes…


Perspective: Twilight

“You have to get me in there!” I yelled at Tenebros. “If something is happening to my husband I want to be there for him!”

“I already told you half a dozen times, I can’t access Luna until the final root is severed. There’s nothing I can do!”

“I’m sure if Luna was the one in danger you’d do anything to save her wouldn’t you?!” I screamed.

Tenebros, blinked, and looked away.

I stopped, and let my wings fall flat. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

“It isn’t your fault, you’re right…” Tenebros said, looking out the window. “If it were Luna...I would dive in myself to save her if I knew how…”

“You really do love her.” I pointed out.

“I always have…” He said solemnly.

“Why did you two split? I mean, really? If you two were so close?” I asked.

He let out a sigh and said, “The truth, was that although we were very much in love...I felt...that Luna needed my love more than I needed hers.”

I looked over at Celestia, she was stone faced…

“She was damaged, so was I.” He said. “Luna...demanded too much, she wanted everything a certain way…”

“And when it got too hard you bailed right?” I asked.

“You don’t k-”

“I do know.” I said firmly. “Love isn’t supposed to be easy, that stuff is in fairy tales. If you really care about somepony, you put everything you have on the line for them. It doesn’t matter who needs who more, or who’s dominate. If you care about somepony, it shouldn’t matter. You love her, so when all this is over, you face what you did to her.”

Tenebros looked to me, and simply nodded. “I...see the reason to your argument…”

“While this is all very thought fulfilling.” Celestia said. “We need to release Rainbow from her nightmare. If we can do that, the path to Luna’s mind will be open.”

I looked to Tenebros and said, “Send me in...the sooner I find my husband...the better.”

“Very well...let’s begin…” Tenebros said, his horn glowing…


An… arena? What the hay? I looked around, wildly, trying to find Rainbow. She was nowhere above. Wait. Twilight this is a nightmare. If you were Rainbow in a nightmare, where would you… Oh… I found her. Wingless, sitting alone, staring up into the sky of the arena, where other fliers… Wait! Is that… That’s ME?! Huh. I’ve never flown that well… Ever. I galloped over to Rainbow, who gave me a rather comical double-take. Looking from me, then back to the sky, then to me, then back to the sky. Oh look, here the other me comes.

“Well well well. You find a fake princess to help you feel better, Rainbow CRASH?” she said, snottily. “She’ll see just how worthless you are, without your wings. What good is a pegasus, who doesn’t have feathers? None.”

Really? Really?! I’ve NEVER sounded like that. Like, ever. Rainbow should know I would never say such things. Oh look, the fake me’s saying more.

“We’ve outgrown you, Rainbow Crash. So continue to mope, and wish you had your wings back. We’ll be over here. Without YOU.”

“Good,” I said. “The last thing she needs is a fake, like you, bringing her down. A real friend wouldn’t abandon her, when she needs friends most.” The fake me growled.

“You obviously don’t know your place,” she said, aiming a blast at me, which I deflected.

“You obviously don’t know me that well,” I replied, and turned to Rainbow. “This is a nightmare. None of this is real. I’m here to get you out, because unlike Twilifake, here, I don’t abandon my friends!”

“Sure. Come to my rescue, like the big hero you are,” Rainbow yelled bitterly. “Like you don’t have the perfect life! Ponies love you, you married the stallion you fell in love with, and you became a princess! Me? Sure I’m in the academy, and the best student there, but… I’ll probably never get to be an actual Wonderbolt! My coltfriend walked out on me because...”

“He didn’t understand loyalty,” Twilight finished. “That you give your loyalty, and you expect it of others. Especially the
stallion who claims he wants to be with you. But I am the real Twilight. I do understand loyalty. That’s why I’m here to rescue my friend from her nightmares, because that’s what a friend does. And for the record, I’ll NEVER be able to fly as well as you can, because I have too much pulling at me to put in the dedicated training you do.” Rainbow slowly got up, straightened up, the fire I know so well coming back into her eyes.

“Let’s kick nightmare flank!” she said, getting ready to pounce.


Perspective: Private Eye

No...I had to stop this...I had to end this now…

“Luna…” I began.

“Yes my dear?” Luna said, her eyes blinking and returning normal..along with her dress becoming white and pristine again.

“Luna...I can’t be with you…” I said firmly...I can’t believe I have to do this...to Luna..my friend…

“But...Nocturne what are you saying?” She asked. “I love you, and you love me is that not true?”

“No it’s not true.” I said firmly. “I’m not in love with you Luna. I never was. I love Twilight more than anypony I’ve ever met! She’s the most beautiful, sweetest and most amazing pony I know. I’m crazy about her, and would never ever cheat on her! I can’t marry you!”

“But...Nocturne you aren’t well...you’re saying such...horrid things…” Luna said.

Some...part of me just….snapped…

“I’m NOT BLOODY NOCTURNE!!!” I screamed.

She flinched at that.

“You know! I don’t think you even loved Nocturne! You just loved how loyal he was to you! How attentive he was! When he turned his back on you when you fell into Nightmare you were devastated! But the truth was you were destroying yourself long before Nocturne’s betrayal! It was always his so called approval you sought! The truth is you weren’t looking for a mate, you were looking for a robot to tell you that you were special and matter more than anything! You were looking for a toy! Not a pony!”

She started crying before me...but I didn’t stop…

“The only reason you brought me here was to bring on some sick fantasy of me taking Nocturne’s place! I may share his blood and armor medallion, but I will never be him! Because I love Twilight Sparkle!

“SILENCE!!!!” She screamed. And the stained glass shattered at the force of her scream...then...a dark aura began forming around her. “You...you were supposed to be mine...all mine...forever...why must you always turn from me Nocturne...why….?”

“Because I’m not him…” I said, closing my eyes and then glaring at Luna. “Come out...Nightmare…” The dark aura grew and solidified, changing Luna from a pony somewhat shorter than Princess Celestia to a pony her equal in size. Her coat became black, her eyes became teal slits, and fangs grew in her mouth.

“How did you figure me out?” she growled.

“Nightmares, the dark aesthetic, the trying to get me away from Twilight...it all screamed you…” I growled. “I knew from the moment I saw Luna locked in her dreams that you would be a possibility…”

“Oh of course. Naturally, you would suspect me. I should have been expecting that,” Nightmare said, trotting around me. “Even so, I do have a different tack to take, since you found me out. I have an offer for you, Preventus Eye.”

I opened my mouth to refuse the offer outright.

“Ah ah ah! Don’t refuse until you hear me out. After all it’s an offer that lets you keep your precious Twilight,” Nightmare said, then with a flash of her horn the scene… changed. I had changed. My coat was darker, my body bigger, and more muscular. I had wings. WINGS?! And beside me, looking at me adoringly, was Twilight, on the other side, looking at me with equal adoration was… Luna? Arranged around the rather sumptuous throne room were the other girls. Fluttershy was curled up at my hooves, Applejack sat by a table laden with treats, Rainbow lounged on a nearby beanbag chair, Rarity was at a ponyquin sewing on some rather spectacular royal clothing, and Pinkie was bouncing around juggling some multicolored balls.


I moved back, trying to compensate for my new body’s structure. I almost ended up falling on my back.

“Master?” came Fluttershy’s sweet voice, her aqua eyes looking at me. “Did… Did I displease you? I didn’t mean to…”

“Master?” I said in utter confusion. What the hell was going on here?

“I offer you power,” Nightmare said, materializing beside me. “The power to overthrow Celestia, and rule Equestria as you see fit, bringing your brand of justice to the country. Twilight and Luna as your queens, the rest of them as your consorts.”

I shook my head. “This isn’t what I want at all! I won’t accept this offer!”

“You don’t want the power to make sure that the arrogant nobles get punished for making ponies suffer? The power to make sure that the mighty do not prey on the weak? They all gave themselves willingly to you, when you became Equestria’s savior, Preventus, overthrowing the lax Celestia, and creating a meritocracy, overseen by yourself, ruled by you and your queens equally,” Nightmare whispered. “Because you recognise their intelligence, and their merits.”

“I...I…” I said, shaking my head.

“You will still have your beloved Twilight, of course. But then you will be able to make Luna happier than she’s been in centuries,” Nightmare continued. “Nevermind all of the other mares, waiting on you willingly, because I know, deep within, you were tempted by each of them, at least once.”

“NO! I could never turn my back on Twilight! Never!” I shouted. “I would never betray her…I can’t break her heart…”

“But you’re not. She is your queen, first in your heart. Following her is our dear Luna,” Nightmare said earnestly. “The others are here, for when your beloved queens are out helping you govern Equestria.”

“I…” I said...my head was feeling...fuzzy...Twilight….help…

I could see Nightmare grinning.

“Just say ‘yes’, Preventus,” Nightmare said enticingly. “You will change Equestria for the better, still have your beloved, and gain one more. All you have to do is accept… Wait…” Nightmare paused, looking around.Then she screamed as if somepony had attacked her from somewhere I couldn’t see.



Perspective: Twilight Sparkle

I fell through the portal and came out in...huh, it looks like Luna’s night court. I looked ahead and saw, to my horror, Private, on the ground. Nightmare Moon was holding him...what did she do to him!?

“NIGHTMARE!” I yelled, my horn aglow.

She turned, and smirked upon seeing me. “Oh, well I figured you’d end up here sooner or later.” She said in a mocking tone. “It’s been quite some time since we faced each other Twilight Sparkle.”

“So you’re behind all this, I should’ve known.” I growled with narrow eyes. “What are you doing with my husband?!”

“Oh, your dear beloved is dreaming himself right now...dreaming of a world where he is the one on top…” She said.

“What? Come on what kind of nonsense is that?” I asked.

“You don’t know?” She said in mock shock. “Oh there are so many things you don’t know about the stallion you married is there? So many things he’s kept from you, hidden away because he was in love with you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh how many times has he looked on you in awe of your magic? How many times have you did more than he ever could? How many times does he fall while you ascend?” Nightmare said, moving closer. “With him under my control, he can become so much more. He can become more than he ever will be when he’s shackled to you!”

“Is that what you told Luna before you stole everything from her?! That you’d make everything all better!” I screamed. “I won’t let you do the same to Private! He’s a better stallion

“I don’t intend to steal anything, Twilight Sparkle. Private will still be himself. Still the better stallion, but he’ll have the power to bring down those who would hurt others,” Nightmare said with a grin. “And of course, he would still have you. Ruling equally at his side, but you would have to share him with Luna, but that would make Luna happier than she has been in eons. Private would have a world filled with Justice, you could make Equestria a center of learning, and magical advancement, and Luna would have ponies who love her.”

I closed my eyes, and...smiled. “Funny, how everypony seems to be happy once you’re involved.”

“What are you grinning about?” Nightmare growled. “I will make everypony better!”

“Let’s look at your track record, you separated Luna not only from her sister but from the love of her life for a thousand years, all because you made her so short sighted she couldn’t see the repercussions of having eternal night. The world would’ve gotten cold without the heat of the sun. Crops would’ve died without photosynthesis to support them. So what if you say you can make everything better, but you just make everypony only see what you want them to see.”

“Insolent little…” Nightmare grumbled.

“If you think for a minute that Private or I are in some crazy competition, you don’t know the first thing about love. If you knew the first thing about love, Nocturne wouldn’t have been driven away..and neither would Tenebros…”

Nightmare’s eyes became pin pricks...she wasn’t expecting that.

“Nocturne was a pet wasn’t he? A robot to tell you that he loved you. But what you don’t realize, is that love and respect are earned. They are forged through fire and turmoil. Real love takes work, Private and I have made many sacrifices getting to where we are today...and I’m not going to let anypony take him again, not Lunard, not you, not ANYPONY!!”

I unfurled my wings and charged at her, my horn alight and ready to fight with every fiber of my being.