• Published 20th Jan 2015
  • 2,958 Views, 33 Comments

My little Venom 2: carnage among ponies - Shadowheart332

Almost a year after venom was locked away she has completely forgotten about the whole thing. But what will happen when Trixie returns, with a new friend.

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Chapter 1: Far from over (edited)

Time: 3:00 a.m.

A light blue unicorn was walking through the forest knowing she no future anymore, she mumbled to her self.

"Stupid Twilight ruined everything for me, know I've lost everything" until she heard a whisper.

"Your right, why would she put you through that?" Said a creepy voice

"W-who's there?" Asked the blue unicorn

"Your ticket to revenge!" The voice said.

"And what makes you think I want that." The blue unicorn asked again starting to back away.

"You want revenge on Twilight for what she did to...you." Said the voice knowing it now has her full attention.

"Very much." She said with a devilish grin.

"Good..good. Now what is your name" the voice asked

"Trixie." She said unaware of the red stuff creeping on her.

"You will have wish....Trixie! It said as it then leashed on to her.

Soon the transformation was complete now standing in Trixie's place was rad creature with long white teeth and white fearsome eyes.


Soon after a loud creepy laugh could be heard.

Scootaloo leaped out of sleep crying, she had anther nightmare, she has been a orphan for as long she can remember, still not have a loving family that she desperately craves.

Getting up to look out the window of the CMC tree house. Wondering who she could trust with a secret like this one.

She then made a decision to tell Twilight tomorrow she might be more understanding.

Twilight was having just as much of a hard time, she got over the venom thing. But something felt off about tonight almost as if something was going to happen

"Come on Twilight you've been pacing around for almost two hours can't we just go bed." Said Spike with a pout see Twilight make hole as she walked.

"I have good reason to be worried Spike in you have not noticed nothing bad has been happening lately." Said Twilight still pacing around.

"And that's a bad thing?" Spike said as if thinking they have been up for nothing.

"I'm just saying it's quiet...too quiet." Stated Twilight.

As Spike yawned he said" will can we be 'too quiet' in our sleep"

"Spike this is serious!" Said Twilight

"Will I'll be 'serious' in my sleep." Spike replied.

Twilight just groaned as Spike left.

When she looked outside she remembered that day. And shivered at the memory.

Soon she left for bed too.

While in the forest a set of white eyes could be seen and a creepy smile creep up on its face, until it disappeared.


Soon she was asleep, but she may look like nothing is wrong, that is not the case, for she had been having nightmares, about....her.

"Twilight...Twilight!" an angered familiar voice said.

"You cannot escape the coming death for soon everything you hold dear will burn in flames" was what it said when she heard the screams of her friends and a filly.

"NO!" she said as she shot up from her sleep breathing heavily. When she heard a somepony at her door.

Walking to the front door still wondering what that dream meant. She opens the door to find a little orange filly with a purple mane.

"Scootaloo? What brings you here?" Was all Twilight had to say when the little filly tackled her.

"T-twilight I need to tell you something but please pinkie promise to not tell anypony." Said the little filly, while Twilight was a little confused about why she would trust her this much with a secret.

"Alright Scootaloo calm down, what has you this worked up? And why this early in the morning?" Twilight asked as she let out a yawn.

Scootaloo had no idea how to put this without ending up in tears or if worse end up back in that orphanage.

"Well..um..have you ever wondered why no one has ever seen my parents?" Gaining a nod from Twilight.

"Weeeellll I may be an orphan."

Twilight just stood there almost as if she had a heart-attack, it was like the world just froze the second Scootaloo said that last word. She would have been like that forever it Scootaloo had not snapped her back to reality.

"What do you mean you have been an orphan, does your friends now about this?" Twilight asked


"Does anypony else know?" She asked


"Scootaloo why have you not been taking care of? What happened to your parents?" Twilight said

“They’re...they’re dead.” Was all Scootaloo could say before she ran to Twilight and cried into her chest fur.

Twilight who still had wide eyes and mouth wide open (after she gasped of course.) now had to do something. The thing is what?

When it hit her like an arrow in the head.

"Scootaloo? It's okay. I'm here, how about this, how would you like to live with me until we figure things out?" Twilight said while calming the sad filly.

"R-really? I could stay?" Scootaloo said while Twilight just nodded with a gentle smile.

"Of course, what are friends for? I'll get the girls later to talk about this." Twilight said

Scootaloo first hesitated but know that it was right for Twilight's friends to know at least. So she nodded.


Not too long away a set of eyes was still watching everything that had just happened

"Get ready Twilight soon you will see us everywhere. Even in your nightmares!" Said the creature watching while letting out an insane laugh.

To be continued....

Author's Note:

As many now know that carnage is the villain in this story. after all what is a venom story with out carnage.