• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,822 Views, 16 Comments

Of Mice and Gods - Living Madness

Equestria is all but gone. Sombra and his Queen rule with an iron hoof. Five mares and one Draconequus spend their time in a dark prison cell. Until one day they are visited by someone Discord did ever want to see again.

  • ...

Four long Years.

Four years….

It had been four long chaotic years trapped in this accursed hell. Discord almost wished for his old stone prison, at least he was certain he had no illusion of escape then. But here, here in this pit below Canterlot he knew escape was possible, but so was certain death.

At least this prison was not as cramped, he was still able to exercise his chaotic nature, but this time it was for the benefit of his fellow cell mates as opposed to his own pleasures. Discord now spent his days doing his best to distract his beloved friend and her companions from madness, it was the only thing that kept him sane… well as sane as a god of disorder could be.

For a time his treats and tricks had done wonders creating intricate little shows with what he could. One time he even managed to get a chuckle from his yellow Pegasus friend by creating a gymnastic pantomime using only cutlery and metal cups he had wielded to life with what magic he could muster. But that was almost a year ago and things hadn't been much better since.

It was not his fault, or any of his cellmates the atmosphere in Canterlot was nothing short of horrific. It wasn't even the type of chaos and evil his old self usually would have accepted with open arms. It was worse, orderly Chaos, summary executions, by the books genocide, monotonous Torture, the whole thing stank of cruel oppressive misery that even he couldn't stand.

Discord lifted his head from his brooding thoughts, slowly the god of chaos made his way over to his yellow and pink friend across the cell. She was entertaining herself with a couple of mice that had taken up residents in the cell next to hers. As he walked Discord could hear the soft mumbling of the other elements of harmony doing their best to keep things cheerful. Pinkie Pie a mare who Discord had greatly warmed up to as a fellow admirer and participant of unexplained disorder, was telling a story about one of her few very rare outdoor excursions that had the other three mares enthralled. Most of all Rainbow Dash who had taken her cramped underground imprisonment worst of all. Her wings flapped merciless at night as her dreams tricked her into the open sky, only for the mare to be woken up to the cruel reality. She still cried nightly, but it was not as bad as it had been. Discord had even managed to create the illusion of an open world for the mare on occasions which Fluttershy had told him she was immensely grateful for, it was one of the few things that kept her going. As the cyan Pegasus was often too proud to admit, the rest of the elements unfortunately had to make do with what they could.

As Discord closed the distance Fluttershy looked up from the mice and with a practiced smile whispered her goodbyes to the rodents who scurried from her bed into their homes. Discord curled himself beside the ex-veterinarian who looked up at him with a gently smile that was betrayed by her defeated eyes.

“Good morning Discord did you sleep well.”

“Why yes as a matter of fact I did, I even dreamt that I was on a flying merry go round that flew over Ponyville spewing chocolate covered projectiles onto all the unexpected residents.” Discord lifted a scaly finger to his lips and tapped slowly. “Actually now that I think about it that might have been real, who knows?”

“That’s nice to hear, I mean except for all the pony’s that would have been hit, but at least it was chocolate, so it would be a tasty surprise” she stated with an ever graceful voice.

Discord chuckled “Well I'm glad somepony agrees, although next time, if I get the chance, I think I'll go for mint flavour, chocolates is a tad predictable.”

“Oh I wouldnt mind, it’s… it’s been a while since I even had chocolate, I don't even think I can even remember what it tastes like” she stated looking down slightly at her hooves.

As if by her own magic Pinkie Pie was between the two instantly with a smile so big it looked like it hurt. “ Discord you have chocolate!? Let me have some please, please, please I'll swap beds with you so you don't have to share with Applejack” she all but gushed out, saliva dripping from her muzzle at the prospect of tasting one of her many long lost passions.

“Hey what so bad about sharin' the hay with me?” Applejack chided back.

“Please darling, we love you very dearly, but whenever one of us has to share the ‘hay’ you treat us like one of your apple trees, I still don't think my back has yet to recovered from our last little shall we say sleepover.”

“Yeah Applejack you sleep bucked me so hard last time, I landed on Fluttershy.” added Rainbow Dash pointing to the bunk across the room.

Applejack looked down sheepishly. “Well I’m sorry I don't have much control over my legs when I’m sleeping, I guess when I’m dream of buckin apple trees, my legs sorta get nostalgic is all.”

“Aw Darling its ok I—“

“You six shut the buck up right now before you lose a few teeth!” a guard from the cell door yelled in a gruff uncaring voice.

“Oh yeah why don't you come in here and show us tough guy .” Rainbow retorted hovering towards the cell door with her usual bravado.

“What was that scum!” The guard growled pushing his face towards the door.

Rainbow pushed forward, however she was caught in Rarity’s magic, it was weak but it kept her at bay.

“Were terribly sorry sir, our friend here is just slow, she doesn’t know what she says half the time.”

“Rarity what the hay!” Rainbow added angry but was shushed by the mare who just winked at her whilst the guards focus was away for her.

“You better tell that filth to shut her mouth, any more noise comes from this cell and the Queen will hear of it.” he spat back.

“Of course sir and thank you for being so understanding of our friend’s condition, you truly must be a stallion of wisdom.”

“Oh be quiet whore, or ill have you serving the guards, in more than one way.”

Rarity swallowed a lump in her mouth, utterly shaken by the look the guard was giving her, there was no kindness in his eyes only untold horrors he smirked villainously at her response. the guard turned slowly keeping his eyes on the mare and was about to walk away when his hoof slipped on a previously unseen pile of green slime which caused him to fall muzzle first into a random, but incredibly well placed tray of would you believe it wasabi flavoured whipped creams. The guards screamed as the creams stung his eyes. However it was not the end to the guards unusual misfortune, as just as he was about to recover out of nowhere a large leather boot flew directly into his rear, causing the pony guard to slide face first across the floor. Landing on his back the guard groaned in agony which was matched by the sound of muffled giggles from the cell.

The guard stood up from his position and stumbled back to the door furiously. But when he looked inside all he saw was five very determined looking mares, and one darkly grinning Draconequus daring him to make his move. The guard flinched from his position his mind faltered from allowing himself to turn the key. “Y-you wait until King Sombra hears about this.” the Guard threatened fleeing from the cell.

The five Mares all let out a collective sigh of relief and settled back down in their place.

“Wowey That was close, I can’t believe a pile of slime, a boot and” pinkie ran over to a glob of whipped cream that had splattered into the cell “belch, Wasabi flavoured whipped cream just came out of nowhere what a stroke of luck” she finished licking the rest of the cream off her hoof despite the taste.

“Yeah, Luck” Applejack stated unconvincingly, tuning her gaze towards Discord who was putting on the face of pure innocence. As the accusing glare intensified he places a claw against his chest pretending to be insulted.

“Why Applejack, you're not saying that I was involved with that wrenched pony’s unusual but totally in no way my fault misfortunes” Discord stated disbelievingly but with an uncontained grin on his face at the farm pony.

“Well discord I hate to say it but that's exactly what I'm sayin’.”

“Darling if I may.” Rarity placed her hoof on Applejacks shoulders “Discord thank you for defending my honour, truly. But you didn’t need to go that far, that brute will just bring more trouble with him than it was worth.”

“Ow come on Rares I know where not in the best situation but I’m sick and tired of being treated like trash here, I’m with Discord that pony got what he deserved.” Rainbow butted in.

“Look girl we're not exactly in the best position here to be causin trouble” Applejack countered.

“Well I don't know about you but I’m tired of sitting here like a coward, hiding under our sheets whenever anypony so much as looks in on us.” she hovered closer to the orange farm pony.

“Who are you callin’ a coward” Applejack stated closing the distance between her and Rainbow as the both butted heads staring daggers into each other’s eyes.

“Girls please!” a soft but determined voice called out next to Discord. The voice so alien in its tone it cause all eyes to focus on her, which elicited a short ‘eep’ from the mare, who retreated into her pink hair for a moment before composing herself. “Look Discord was just trying to help in his own way” she tuned to Discord with her ever gentle smile that Discord despite himself couldn't help but return. She then turned back to the group. “However Rarity and Applejack are also right we can't respond with violence every time this happens remember… remember last time” all eyes subconsciously turned to Pinkie Pie who looked downcast, her hair already deflated as she and everypony else remembered her last little escapade and the price it had cost her.

“Oh no… I'm sorry Pinkie I don't mean to bring it up, I, it just seemed appropriate” Fluttershy retreated further into her hair, her eyes now clouding from tears at the thought of bringing up such terrible memories for her friend. Pinkie for her part walked up to her friend and gave the mare a subdued hug with both hoofs.

“Its ok silly filly, Gummies, well he's in a better place now, it wasn't your fault, so don't cry, remember what I told everypony the first time we meet with Twi… with Her in the forest, as long as you have a friend and a smile we can get through anything, now let’s see that smile.” she lifted her hoof under the yellow Pegasus’s chin bringing her out of her long haired hiding place. Carefully the mare looked at her party animal friend, who was grinning softly at Fluttershy, her hair once again the puffed out crazed mess it was always meant to be. Slowly the corner of Fluttershy’s muzzle curled into a gentle smile as Rarity trotted over.

“There see no harm done dear, now we better get our story straight, before they come back. If anything’s going to happen we're in this together, right everypony.” Rarity announced with determination.

The five gave a unanimous nod and walked forward into a group hug, Rarity looked back at her chaotic friend who was standing next to the group “that means you too dear.”

For once in a very long time Discord was left speechless, the simple gesture of the hug from the mares filled the anarchical Draconequus with a sense of warmth he would never got tired of feeling. He simply whipped around the mares eloping them in a sideways hug that tightened around the whole group.

It stayed like that for a while until, all of a sudden a magical shudder more violent than anything Discord had ever sensed before, up until a certain Princess's ascension into Queendom flung Discord upwards. This time however Discord recognised the magic presence immediately. Unfortunate the other mare were left completely out of the loop.
Fluttershy was the first up hovering over towards Discords face, she laid a gentle hoof on his shoulders. “Discord, Discord are you ok” the others quickly followed standing around him.

“Yes I'm fine Flutters, at least I think I'm going to be.” he added with a touch of hesitation.

Before Fluttershy or the others could question, the sound of clapping could be heard from the corner of the room. However the sound was like nothing the mares had heard before, pony’s often stamped against the ground for applause, and this was more like the sound of two hands than hooves’, a bit like how a certain assistant dragon had often sounded.

The clapping continued getting slowly closer, and closer until finally a soft but playful voice spoke from behind the door, still hidden from view “Bravo Discord I must say that was a very touching scene, I honestly let out a little tear towards the end, bravo simply beautiful.” The hidden voice sniffed a little more in playful mocking, than in genuine sadness.

Discords face went through many different emotions, some even beyond that of a mortal pony’s as he tried to decide on what feeling he was going to settle for, after a moment he spoke up. “Oh… it’s you” he said settling for contempt.

“Now, now, don't be like that Dissy.” The voice continued in its playfully joking tone.

“Now wait just a cotton pickin’ minute, what the hay's goin' on here, who are you and why does Discord here know who you are and we don’t.” Applejack announced loudly.

“Yes I’m with Applejack here, be a gentlecolt and show yourself at one!” Rarity added in a harsher tone.

Just as the group were about to add to the request, the question was answered. The creature snapped his fingers and materialised into the room causing the group to take a collective step back, except for Discord who simply stood there slouching slightly, with his miss matched arms folded together, a look of annoyance still plastered across his face. The creature before them confused the pony’s to no end, it was like nothing they've ever seen before, it had features like that of an ape but it stood tall and upright. And except for its head, chin, and lip, it had no hair at all, it was also oddly pink and cream coloured as well, and had similar muscles across its arms and legs like that a stallion. Weirdest of all it was wearing the oddest clothes imaginable a garish purple suit with matching trousers and no shirt leaving its unusually slim stomach on show for all to see, even rarity was having trouble looking at the garish outfit.

“Hello Ordinis, still gallivanting about as a human I see.” Discord flatly stating, finally ending the prolonged silence with mild content.

“Haha you know it, they are so much fun to be around Dissy, always starting wars, and silly little brawls over mates, they don't even live as long as most pony’s do. But they sure keep me busy, speaking of pony’s who do we have here” Ordinis stated directing his attention towards the five mares, who were still collecting themselves from the initial shock.

“Don't be coy, Ordinis you know who they are.” Discord added for once in his long life not in the mood to joke around.

“Yeah, but I want to hear you say it, I know you have a thing for the yellow one, or so I’m told.” He walked up and nudged Discord with a playful elbow.

Discords jaw dropped quite literally to the floor, as Fluttershy Blushed heavily from the accusation. It was finally Rainbow who ended the farce.

“Alright if no pony’s going to ask I am, who the hay are you, and how the hay do you know us.” she stated hovering next to the ‘Human’ and pointing an accusing hoof in his direction.

“Dissy, truly I’m hurt, how could you not tell them about your beloved older brother.”

Silence reigned in the cell, no pony spoke a word as they attempted to wrap their minds around the possibility that Discord, The Discord could be related to anything.

“Oh please there you go again with the big brother, you're only a couple hundred years older than I am, it barely even counts.” Discord sulked in a slightly childish tone.

“Older broth… I-I think I need ta sit down.” Applejack stated placing a hoof on her head.

Discord why didn’t you tell me you had family.” Fluttershy softly grilled into Discord all the while staring unsurely at his supposed sibling.

“Yeah Dissy, we need to get a party set up like a ‘welcome back big brother party bonanza.” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down giddily around Ordinis who grinned at the antics of the mare.

“Really Pinke its bad enough that he calls me Dissy, don't make me zap your mouth closed for that… for the fifth time this week.” Discord grunted at the mare.

“And you must be the element of laughter? You and my little Dissy must get on famously I imagine.” he stated scratching the back of Pinkes ear which she greedily leaned into.

"Yep-arony Discords been so much fun since, well since…” the Pink pony stopped for a second her mind lost in dark times.

“Say no more I always knew my little brother was a softy at heart, no matter how much he likes to pretend.” he grinned smugly at Discord who huffed and turned his head backwards at an impossible angle mumbling threats.

“Now discord don't be like that, he’s your brother and family sticks together” Fluttershy stated touching Discords shoulder softly.
Discord Sighed, once again something about the little shy Pegasus always seemed to make him more complacent, though he could never figure out why. “Fine, hello how are you brother how are things, why are you here, when can you leave, now? Well then I guess you don’t need to stick around.” He stated flicking his fingers and teleporting Ordinis across the hallway. Much to the shock of Fluttershy who starred disapprovingly at him. Until a snapping noise came from the outside of the hallway and Ordinis was back in the room.

“Seriously Brother that was just rude!” Ordinis stated with a small grin plastered on his face, “and after I travelled all this way to come find you.”

Discord lifted one eyelid up and stared deadpanned at Ordinis “Yes, why exactly did you come all this way? Having trouble with your precious little human world, need your little brother to come in and set things a little out of order.” Discord mocked as he flicking his claws in the direction of his brother, and began rotating his head clockwise until it came back to its rightful place.

“No, no they do that just fine on their own thank you, I don’t need your help, it’s hard enough keeping order as it is, now they got this new thing called ‘reality TV’ all it is morons fighting on television. I swear, I spend more time setting order there than I do on any other planet.”

“Oh sounds fun, I'll have to visit some time” Discord announced gleefully tapping his fingers together nefariously, thankfully both the immortal creatures attentions were interrupted by the sound of a short coughing noise coming from a white and purple maned mare.

“Pardon my intrusion into your family matters, but I feel like this will go on forever if I don’t speak, please tell us Mr Ordinis why are you here? I assure you this cell isn't the funnest, or safest place in Equestria to be in, i imagine even for you.” she noticed half grilling into the ‘Human’.

“huh? Right sorry” he coughed into his hand adjusting his voice, then turned to face both Discord and the other mares in the room extended both arms for dramatic effect “You and your friends here have been summoned to dinner by Mother herself, Discord.” Again a collective gasp of disbelief filled the room, loudest of all from the god of disorder himself.

“Oh and by the way, she’s kinda pissed.” Ordinis finally added with a wink.

Author's Note:

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