• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,822 Views, 16 Comments

Of Mice and Gods - Living Madness

Equestria is all but gone. Sombra and his Queen rule with an iron hoof. Five mares and one Draconequus spend their time in a dark prison cell. Until one day they are visited by someone Discord did ever want to see again.

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The Calm Before The Storm. (Part one)

The group approached the entrance of the temple in a huddled mass, walking across a large similarly snow white marble bridge that stretched the whole length of the lake acting as the only way towards the temple like structure. A mildly upset Ordinis, and a smirking Discord led the way whist five mares followed behind. The farm pony and fashionista looking more than a little annoyed at their cyan friend who for her part at least had the decency to look sheepishly apologetic.

It had taken nearly two whole hours for the group to get the Rainbow Dash down from the sky. At first the sight of the friend finally reunited with one of her long lost passions was a heart-warming experience for the other mares, who were similarly enjoying their new found freedom from the incarceration. However after twenty or so minutes to collect themselves Ordinis less than subtly pointed out that they had places to be and pony’s to meet. Being a creature of order any dent in his schedule always made him a tad flustered and nervous. Unfortunately for him that was not on the agenda for a Rainbow Dash.

It was only when they had used Pinkie ungodly ability to catch up to the mare in question, and a little assistance from Discord who swears that shooting taffy at her wings was the ONLY way to get her out of the sky they had finally been able to reign in the stunt mare. Luckily for Rainbow she found that the taffy washed off rather easily once she collided with the lake from several stories.

After a vicious Fluttershy scolding, Discord was finally forced to apologise to Rainbow who in turn apologised to the group, or tried to at least. Ordinis at his wits end had finally decided to take matters into his own hands and more than a little forcefully redirected the group towards the temple using a large lasso that had materialised from nowhere stating that, ‘They could have their schedule ruining friendship moment in their own time!’

As the group approached the main entrance of the Temple Rarity stopped to admire the doors that lay before them. A brilliant master peace in its own right the crafts-pony ship of the metal was fantastically combined with the gilded jewels that encrusted the edges of Gates only seemed to add to its enormity, but also made it feel more serine and peaceful rather than benevolent like one would think. The most impressive piece was the carving of what looked like a solar system or many different solar systems that seemed almost endless.

Rarity remembered back to when she had seen similar images of the nocturnal lights on maps of the planets and stars that dotted the little Tree Library that a certain mare had once occupied before those dreadful days. The though didn’t bring as much of a terrible feeling as she thought mostly because Rarity’s mind over rid it with the simple look of awe over the door the flood of such inspiration was intoxicating.

At this point she would gladly jump in the biggest pile of mud she could find if she could get her hoofs on some fabric, well, as long as she could have a shower, and an all-out spa treatment, and a cup of tea afterword’s that is, she wasn’t a madmare.

The most interesting thing was that it felt like the carvings on the door were moving, if very slowly, she could see it they were rotating and gliding in all directions. It was an observation that was not lost on the other mares she would remember to ask about it another time as she noticed Ordinis giving her a flustered stare that screamed ‘keep up’ the stare did not have the intended effect though as it did little but reminded her of a pony she once called friend.

Ordinis knocked on the door and stood vigilantly tapping his bare feet on the floor in a mixture of impatience and worry his hair was a bit flustered and he was holding his hand on his waist whist fidgeting with the other. Discord snickered as he lifting a large camera from out of nowhere and snapping a picture of the god of orders face. This seemed to take Ordinis from his stupor he turned and glared at the sibling before turning back to the door.

Discord’s tried to stifle his laughter with a claw but it wasn't working as he waved the photo in the air a few times before placing it in a book labelled ‘cherished memories’ opening to a page which seemed to have pictures of nothing but his brother in similarly uncomfortable states of distress. He placed the photo amongst the many others before snapping it shut as he walked back towards the group of mares that where standing closely together near the entrance.

“So what do you think she looks like?” Rainbow muttered just above a whisper to her other companions.

Applejack looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was ease dropping before continuing “Ah have no idea sugarcube, but judging from the look of her kin I’d say were in for a bit of a surprise that’s for sure.”

“Yes I don’t mean to talk ill of the Mare who aided in our escape, but either way we should all be in for something of the strange and unusual variety.” Rarity agreed.

“Oh I don’t know about that… I think she might look sort of nice I mean, Ordinis doesn’t look that odd and Discords doesn’t look scary or weird once you get to know him, right? Well I just hope she’s not scary” Fluttershy whispered sinking slightly into her hair.

“Well regardless we must act with the utmost respect and revery she deserves.” Rarity concluded.

“As long as she’s not a big meanie pants, it shouldn’t matter what somepony looks like.” Pinkie added with her usual gusto.
“Well said Pinkie.” A voice accompanied by a pair of mismatched eyes agreed before turning back to his original equally mismatched form startling everypony in the circle but Pinkie whose own habits of random appearances had trained her a bit too well in the subtle art of scaring the hell out of her friends.

“You all shouldn’t worry too much regardless, Mother has always preferred the company of the female persuasion, I think that’s why she almost always makes most of the ruling planets have monarchy’s” Discord stated almost nonchalantly.

He leaned down towards the five mares and brought one of his mismatched hand up to his mouth in an attempt to insulate his voice. “If you ask me, I think mothers a bit of feminis— ouch, ouch, ouch!”

The sentence was cut off by an enormous hand reached out and grabbed the tip of one of Discords ears. The hand in question pinched down hard and pulled it towards himself until the two where face to face like one would do to punish a misbehaving child. Discord looked uneasy at the large muscular figure holding his beloved ear hostage and smiled sheepishly.

“Hello Discord bad mouthing mother again, I see.” the deep commanding voice grilled his eyes boring into him with an almost bored expression to match.

“Ahah, why of course not Statera what makes you say that” Discord pleadingly wined trying his best to release the ear from the Minotaur vice like grip.

The Minotaur grunted completely unamused by Discords failed attempts at an excuse dropping him and his pained ear to the floor.

“Ah little brother finally I've been waiting here for-” Ordinis reached into his inner suit pocket producing a large golden pocket watch from the interior and stared intently “one minute fifteen seconds.” He noted stamping his foot rapidly.

The Minotaur looked down his sibling with an uncaring gaze before turning back towards the mares and watching with faint amusement as the yellow mare flew over to his older brother fussing over his damaged ear much to the Draconequus protest.

“Your late, this is unlike you Ordinis.” The Minotaur stated in a no less commanding voice.

“Yes well it seems that I ran into a little bit of a snare in the schedule.”

The Minotaur raised an eyebrow nonchalantly already guessing at the probable reason “Discord?”

“Actually no it was one of our little guests, no harm done I suppose. I mean mother won’t mind too much, given the circumstances” he worryingly added putting a hand though over a fallen black strand of hair and brushing it back with the greased back others.

Statera was less amused he let out a snort before marching slowly towards the other mares. “Listen well little ones, you are Mothers guests but you do not understand the privilege you have received in her invitation so I will make this clear enough that even your tiny intellects will comprehend. You will do everything you are told here, you will behave accordingly or you will be punished, severely, do I make myself clear.” He finished putting his hands behind his back and standing to attention over the mares.

Rainbow finally had enough, she had just had a taste of freedom once more and she would be damned if someone was going to come in and start pushing her around again. “Hey buddy you listen here, we just spent four buckin’ years over in some Tartarus forsaken pit with pony’s like you pushing us around just because your some big important stallion doesn’t mean you can push us around and talk to us like dirt so jus—“

At almost lightning speed the large bulking hands closed around her neck cutting off her speech and lifter her up like a plaything bringing it up so that they were eye to eye.

“Do not think to threaten me! You no not who you are dealing with, I shall be keeping my eye on you little one.” He stated squeezing slightly tighter to hammer the threat home as rainbow squirmed defiantly using her forehooves to attempt to pry his fingers away as her friends began to protest and gasp accordingly.

“STATERA. PUT HER DOWN. NOW!” came a voice from someone not easily angered.

Statera eyes opened slightly the only tell-tale signs of shock and fear as he turned to his mismatched older brother a chaotic and powerful aura of magic whipping around his being. The Minotaur shifted in his position for a bit before releasing the mare from his grasp she hit the floor and began to cough and wheeze as her lungs once again became accustom to oxygen.

“So; It’s true what they say you’ve finally gone soft, I guess that’s why you failed so miserably in Equestria” the Minotaur growled slightly as he made his way towards Discord who was giving the minatory a deathly angry stare.

Before that could close the gap Ordinis was between them both hands outstretched. “Wow, wow easy now brothers no need for a brawl, this is a happy occasion remember family reunion and all that, why don’t we settle the guests in and have a couple of shots get trashed as the humans say… I think?”

The Minotaur only snorted not breaking his gaze from Discord who was now literally bright red with rage. After a moment the minotaur turned and began walking into the temple before stopping and turning his head “heed my warning pony’s, you may get away with insulting me by being here, but so much as step out of line and you will be begging me to send you back to your cell.” He finished walking into the temple.

Discord finally settled down as the other mares ran over to their fallen friend.

Rarity placed a hoof on her friend as she lay their trying to caress her neck. “Rainbow darling are you ok?”

“Yeah… yeah I’m fine… what’s that dude’s problem… besides being a total jerk.” she wheezed as she brought a hoof over to her slightly inflamed neck.

“Yeah that bullies nothing but a meine bo beany.” Pinkie added staring madly at the exit the large Minotaur had used.
Ordinis reached down and extended a hand to the fallen mare which she accepted.

“Yeah I’m really sorry about that Statera can be… well difficult sometimes he doesn’t like it when he’s not informed about things and he’s very protective of mother, I thinks it’s a youngest sibling thing.”

“That ain’t no excuse to go actin like a maniac and attacking our friend for no reason!” Applejack added she understood the importance of protecting family but that didn’t mean you had to go being a psychopath about it.

“I know, I know but trust me he’s not always like that. He just takes things a bit too seriously sometimes he’s only four thousand and thirty years old you can remember what it’s like at that age right?”

The mares in question stated dimly at the Human once again his social ineptitude had left them wondering if he was being serious or not.

Ordinis face when though several shades of red immediately “Right mortal sorry” he scratched his neck trying to distil the embarrassment.

“Annny way why don’t I show you to your rooms my offer still stands by the way, I know some cider that will knock you pony’s down silly if you can handle it.”

Rainbows sour mood lifted somewhat at the prospect of reconnecting with two of her long lost passions in the same day “Is that a challenge?” she added the corners of her muzzle lifting into a smile.

Ordinis chuckled at the reaction of the cyan mare he was already starting to see why his little Dissy was changing his ways for the group. “I don’t know think you can cut it?”

“Buddy you just watch. I can drink you under the table any day”

Ordinis turned his smile to the rest of the group “any other competitors?”

“oooh oooh count me in.” Pinkie happily bounced around like a little filly trying to be picked first for a game of hoofball.
“Ah ain’t one to shy away from a challenge.” Applejack added with a determined grin.

“Ahah count me out good sir. I’m afraid cider does awful things to me, I wouldn’t say no to a glass of wine though." Rarity chimed with her usual good graces.

“Of Course anything for our little guest, how about you Fluttershy… Fluttershy?” the man turned his head over towards the creamy yellow Pegasus who was hovering next his little brother, who had not moved since the encounter his face still bright red and both hands clenched tightly into balls of rage.

“Discord, everything’s fine now ok, Rainbows fine you don’t have to worry… um Discord?” Fluttershy concluded touching his shoulder the mare had only seen him in this one state previously when she had been struck in the face by a guard a few years ago trying to stop them crushing a butterfly during dinnertime. Said guard was still having night terrors according to what she overheard the other prison guard’s idle chatter by their cells.

Discord turned to the mare, his face the picture of wrath and a small ping of disappointment in his eyes, Ordinis frowned at his brother he knew that when Discord got this way his own work load of order was about to go dramatically up.

“Please excuse me Flutters, I have to be alone right now.” He muttered out barely containing his rage as he began to fly off, the act causing great concern to his nature loving friend it wasn’t often she saw Discord simply fly off on something that wasn’t some completely odd contraption.

Discords sight was blocked by blue blur of his ex-cell mate who looked at her with concerned eyes “Hey Discord, I know your about to blow off some steam or whatever and I’m not stopping you but, well I just wanted to thank you. I mean I could handle that creep any day but it’s good to know I got a buddy watching my back. So thanks.”

Discords expression lightened for just a second that alien and wonderful feeling of warmth like before coming back at the admittance of the rowdy mare’s friendship. Discord nodded in acknowledgment before flying off. Leaving the mares to themselves for the first time in four years.

The group feel silent once again in contemplation for a while.

“…Ahem sooo about those drinks.” Ordinis meekly blurted out as his voice faded under the intense and increasingly familiar stare of four disapproving mares and one shy disappointing scowl.

Ordinis looked down at the note that had materialized just after the incident with the bridge. It was from his mother, she had apparently had to go deal with a potential collapsing star somewhere on the other side of the universe and would not be home in time for dinner tonight. Ordinis scrunched up the paper in anger of all that planning ruined. Then because of his nature immediately un-scrunched it and carefully flattened it out again before placing it into a previously unseen folder he kept on his person.

After a quick tour around parts of the temple which turned out to be vastly bigger on the inside than outside, though it still looked huge from the outside as it was, the five walked towards what was said to be their chambers. As much as they wanted to take a look around the area. The sad realisation that this had been the longest any of them had walked in a very long time meant they didn’t quite have the leg strength for a full tour plus they were all looking very thin compared to the average pony. So in everyone’s best interests Ordinis decided they should skip to the next point in the schedule, dinner.

As they walked, Pinkie in her ever curious nature was hounding, and annoying the poor god of Order in a way his younger brother would have been proud as she barraged him with question after question most of them too fast for him to even answer.

“So does you mom like vanilla or Strawberry flavor I always think that Pony’s from outer space would like strawberry’s more, that is if they had a mouth.” She gasped “Ordy does your mom have a mouth it going to be so hard for her to appreciate my get out of jail free cake without a mouth, actually does she even have eyes! Does she know about monopony? I’m going to have to make a whole new cake that outer space supper beings without eyes, ears mouth or board games can eat!” she rambled putting both hooves to her mouth in abject horror at the idea.

Ordinis turned around to the other companions who were smirking at the hyper pony’s actions thankful to see Pinkie was still for all intents and purposes still just being Pinkie. Ordinis on the other hand was not taking it as well, true he was bother to the most chaotic and disorderly being in the known universe and then some. But this was different! It was like somebody had left the fast forward button on the mare and then left the room. He would have to ask mother what she was thinking when she made this one.
“So Mr Ordinis I got a question for ya.” Came a more coherent question.

Ordinis exhaled in relief thankful that it was most likely going to be question he would be given the acceptable time and though to answer.

“Please just Ordinis I’m barely over one hundred thousand years ‘Mr’ makes me sound old” he stated with no form of irony what so ever as the pony’s started to come to terms with the fact that he obviously didn’t get out much.

“Yeah, anyway just how many brother’s or for that matter sisters you got hangin’ around anyway? We ain’t gonna be walking inta a huge firebreathin’ dragon only to have her be ya baby sister or nothing are we?”

Ordinis chuckled that would be an interesting thought. “No I’m afraid I only have my two little brothers and a mom no napalm spewing lizard siblings unfortunately, why do you ask?”

Applejacks faced flushed a bit she looked down sheepishly before continuing “I was just wondering cos I, I mean I don’t wanna’ sound rude or nothing but bein’ that your all different species and such—“

“Applejack wants to know if your mom gets around.” Rainbow interjected as she flew closer into the conversation.
“RAINBOW!” Applejack growled in both shock and anger.

“Rainbow really that’s most un-lady like!” Rarity butted in next to Fluttershy who had now decided to effect a more reddish colour in her cheeks.

“Hey you were all thinking it and Applejack was taking too long.” Rainbow stated angrily folding her hoofs together as she hovered over the group despite her fatigue.

Ordinis wasn't doing to much better than Fluttershy but was pulling more of a disbelieving face close to something that read ‘where do these people come from.’ He coughed in an attempt to establish himself once more.

“Yes well anyway let’s nip that particular bud quickly and simply say no, no she doesn’t.”

But then why don’t ya’ll all look the same?” Applejack said with an inquisitive tone.

“well its, its complicated this isn’t my true form and neither is my other brothers this is just the form of the first planet we were sent to me and Statera where sent to planets with all or most of the inhabitants looking like this and I suppose it just sort of stuck that way or at least for me, you look this way for a few thousand years you get a bit attached if you get what I mean.”

Applejack shrugged “No, not really but for the time bein’ in just gonna go and stick with Magic as the answer to the question.”

Ordinis frowned slightly “Don’t worry Mothers better at explaining these types of things than I am I’m sure she will be happy to answer all of your questions but she won’t be able to do it today because-”

“Because she’s plugging up a black hole or potentially doing battle with aliens from another universe?” Pinkie asked with a smile as six eyebrows lifted in confusion.

“How do you even know that I didn’t even tell you about the letter?” Ordinis looked down at her throwing his arms into the air.

Pinkie looked up at Ordinis and smiled. “I read it in the script obviously.”

“Seriously I have no idea what she just said, is she always like this” Ordinis pleadingly asked. Unfortunately his answer was a round of shrugs and “it’s Pinkie.”

Ordinis let out a defeated sigh before walking forward and opening a grand door the ebony hands twisted as he flung both dramatically to revel a table with enough food to feed a small army with room for seconds. Everything from chocolate fountains to hay French fries, rich and cheese’s pilled next to red and green grapes that looked almost ready to burst foods of all variety’s lay before them at the dinner table. It was like a dream never knew they had. True many of them dream't of certain foods some of them a certain party pony more than others but it was still the second most beautiful sight to them since their freedom.

“I’m sorry its only small you arrival wasn't well timed believe me if I had known ahead of time this would be so…” he stopped as he realized that not a single word of what he was saying resonated with the pony’s who were stuck at the edge of the door it looked like they believed that if they moved it would disappear like some cruel trick that they would wake up back in the pits of Canterlot.

It was a little quiet for a while before. “Ouch Pinkie whatever was that for!” Rainbow yelled.

“Sorry Rainbow I just had to see if I was dreaming, oh ponyfeathers please say I’m not dreaming I don’t think I could take it.” the Pinkie mare said as tears fell from her eyes stopping the cyan mare from getting to mad at her. After a moment a hand was placed over her back by a much taller and less pony looking individual.

“You know this is mothers cooking and she would ever so insulted with me if we didn’t try ever single item on the table so Pinkie im asking you to do me a favor, would you help me eat all this.” He added lifting his hand across the dining room. Before turning back to the mare who just in time to see her pounce on him forcing him into the second tightest hug of his life the first being saved for when he meet his mother later on today. The mare nuzzled his cheek before looking at him with tear filled eyes and enormous smile.

Despite the unorthodoxy Ordinis couldn’t help but laugh “I’ll take that as a yes.”




Bark, Bark



The light from the chaotic magic faded on and off from the Draconness face as he took on a thoughtful expression whilst he causally rewrite a small animals DNA to his will. Streams of endless chaos around him, but nothing that would change his mood as he sat on a throne of swords that had once been a park bench. He tried to make it look as chaotic as possible it was his comfort zone after all much like back in the days of his reign in Ponyville.

However no matter how much chaos surrounded him it did nothing to lighten his mood, eventually he give in with a sigh and slumped into the iron chair as he’s eyes drifted wirily back around the land before him.

“Winter is coming hey bother.” Ordinis calmly stated looking at the thousand sword throne that Discord was occupying. “Sorry I thought because of the chair, never mind human joke.”

Discord turned around to see a garish purple blazer obstruct his view he looked up to see the face of his sibling with a caring yet sad smile across his face as he wielded a more reserved office chair next to his discordant brother.

Discord looked away, back to the amusing sight of the animal in front of him as it tried to paddle though the water with its hooves and udders. Yet this again did little to lighten his mood.

Ordinis looked at the chaos around him, a shuddered slightly but kept it at bay, he knew it was just his brother blowing off steam. And in a morbid way to him it was funny like supporting some sort of family art exhibition he knew was awful. “Ha haven’t lost you’re touch hey Dissy, Oh Mother, I remember the first time you learned how to use your powers. It was right here back when we were only a few hundred years old I was feeding a swan and you turned it into a great unknown one for some Love-craftian horror story by mistake.

Discord despite himself smiled at the memory it took his mother almost two hours to convince the great old one that Ordinis was not its new son before it let him go and she could send it back to the dimension it came from. Ordinis still couldn't look at squid without cringing even to this day.

“You want to talk about it Dissy? About Equestria I mean.”

Discord huffed he always hated being treated like a child, it was a lot of the reason why he enjoyed annoying Luna and her Holier than thou sister back in the day they treated him like an unruly child so of course he would act like it. And his brother was no different.

“I have nothing to talk about I’m only here because I finally got most of my power back to full and I want to stretch it out a bit nothing more.”

Ordinis sighed audibly his little brother was always difficult when it came to talking about his feelings making jokes and misshaping reality to his unorthodox will was just one of his way of hiding his emotions.

“You know bother there was a time when I thought like him our little brother Statera, being immortal has its benefits and all, but it’s easy to think we are better than the others that inhabit the universes, we live longer we have more power than they could ever wield hell if we wanted to we reign over them like gods given the chance I know you had a little experiment with that yourself a few thousand years ago.”

Discord turned a sour expression towards his brother not sure if he was getting at something or just insulting him for his actions.
“What I’m getting at brother is simple. Our time is eternal yet the purpose of ourselves is not how we chose to live it but what we do to make the universe what it is that’s important. It came easy to me at first ill admit, being a creature of order as I am showing kindness though order to others was one of the best joys in this universe and it was almost child’s play, something horrible happens in a mortals life one snap of my fingers a few contracts and hopefully all is restored in the world.

“Ok now you are just talking meaningless dribble Ordinis. Either say what you’re going to say or leave, I’m really not in the mood.” Discord angrily snarled.

“What I mean is I thought it was that simple. I went through my first thousand planets in record time as soon as I saw something wrong, an evil dictator, a corrupt economy, a slave nation I went down there and with a snapped my fingers or even a few necks I ended what was chaotic and set things straight… or at least I thought I did.

This time discord was all ears he was used to his brother gloating about his first few hundred planets how easy it was to go down and make mother proud as he put it. Every time discord saw his brother his smug little face he wanted to hurl.

But this was the first time he actually heard a different side to this story, it was as if his brother was finally showing his true nature and Discord was not going to let this pass no matter how much he pretended to not care.

“Well as I was waiting for mother to send me back so I could make sure I had beaten you in that little bet we had you remember the first one to complete a hundred planets wins their own planet? Anyway as I was waiting the message was never send, even when I tried to return I was denied every time. I couldn't understand what I did wrong, I fixed everything I killed all the right people I set thing right in my own perfect order right? Well after a while I decided to just go back from my First planet to last. That’s when it hit me, and it hit me hard.”

Discord was listening at the edge of his seat now he was still trying desperately to not look like he was paying attention but it was obvious to anyone that he was hanging off of every word his brother was saying even as Ordinis himself was holding his head in both hands and starring off into the distance.

“Every plant I went it was all the same, the dictators I overthrew, new more horrendous ones took their place, every genocide I put down another one reigned, ancient monsters took old ones places, slaves turned on the masters and then on each other. All” Ordinis sighed and looked down deep in thought “all of them using the system I used to destroy their fellow creatures though my own actions I had done as much if not more damage than when I arrived.

Discord once again in his long, long life was practically speechless this was becoming something of a record he thought to himself, his brother had failed that many times, how? He was always mothers perfect little baby, when they were children it was like he could do no wrong. Discord was always the one that got scolded if something went wrong, even though in fairness it was mostly his fault but that’s beside the point!

He was the perfect prodigy so to see him admitting that he had failed in almost all of his charges was something that even Discord was finding hard to believe. Something was eating Discord about this, this was the information he had always wanted to hear something he could finally hold over his perfect goodie two shoes brother, and yet he felt something else, was it pity or mother forbid empathy?

“What I’m saying Dissy is that I've been there what you’re feeling right now, like you messed up big time and even though it has come later to you than it did with me I want you to know that you are not alone in this. It is a horrible tragic lesson our family must learn, every actions we take or in your case do not take has a reaction, but it can be fixed trust me. It will be hard and may take everything out of you both physically and emotionally, but I have no doubt that you will do it bother especially with the friends you carry.” He put his hand on discords shoulder immediately regretting it at the awkwardness of being this open with his brother something they were both very unused too.

“Discord those adorable bundles of fur, you’re friends are strengths not weaknesses always remember that, Funny now that I think about it I believe that was why mother gave you charge of Equestria to begin with. That’s just a guess mother moves in mysterious ways so long as it’s not around wine haha.” He turned his gaze left and right quickly to make sure his little joke was not heard by a certain Minotaur, the action causing a soft chuckle from Discord which then became a joint chuckle and then full blown laughter from the two brothers.

Discord looked at his mismatched hands for a long moment and then looked at his brother with those crazed red eyes for a long moment as much as he wanted to argue even just for the sake of it he found he just didn’t have the words or energy to speak otherwise he still didn’t quite get what his brother was going on about the whole thing to him was quite an eye rolling affair in all honestly.

Yet something he said resonated with his chaotic soul, something that another mare had also said to him many moons ago. With another reluctant sigh he lifted his talon over to his brother who in turn lifted his hand to clasp his bother and pull him up from his slump Ordinis despite himself gave the god of chaos a short brotherly hug something he again immediately regretted as the awkward moment ended and bother where looking for anything to break the unbearable silence even if both had a an dark flush on their cheeks and a smile on their faces.

“Ahem, yes well I don’t know about you but this guy needs his rest and as much fun as those filly have had this day, I bet their missing their favorite bundle of chaos something fierce I know I did.” Ordinis finished with a large smile as he clashed his had around discord back and motioned him towards the temple all the while subtly warring with his brother as he attempted to set things back in order while Discord attempted to do the exact opposite with his own click of this fingers.

It was a dark night, darker than it had any right to naturally be as Fluttershy left the Everfree forest, she was coming back from helping some orphaned owls readjust to their nocturnal routine. Something she had done hundreds of times with her other animals when the sight hit her an orange glow coming from Ponyville.

The sight baffled her, it was a warm orangey glow spewing smoke from above the hillside, and then the realisation hit her.


It took everything for the mare not to instinctively run away from the direction of the flame however she fought back her terrified nature.

“No I have to help… What if my friends are in there, remember what Rainbow said I have to be strong.” Fluttershy firmly stated to herself, as she began to gallop towards the blazing inferno.

True to her fears everything was engulfed in a burning haze it was as if nothing had been left untouched, houses, trees even street lamps where ablaze the smog around the streets making it all but impossible to see anything let alone fly as Fluttershy opted to run carefully though the streets.

The first thing that confused her was that She couldn’t see anypony that confusion quickly turned to fear and downright terror when she began to run past familiar land marks Rarity’s Boutique, Sugarcube corner even the Town hall not a single living being was around it was as if Ponyville had been abandoned completely.

Instinctively Fluttershy opted for the Library she convinced herself as always that if anyone know what was going on and how to fix it, it would be Twilight. As the fog began to thickened Fluttershy began to cough instinctively as the smoke rushed into her lungs with each breath at first it irritated and tickled her thought but now it was starting to get heavier and more concerning.

The usually quiet and slow mare was now galloping full speed towards the Library which to her complete surprise was almost untouched by the fire. And yet it looked even worse than some of the buildings. The braches where snapped and splintered as if a giant hurricane had attacked it, the windows where all smashed and the whole tree looked like it had aged hundreds of years more than it should have.

All these thoughts combined with the half hanging door that was just barely stopping anypony from entering as it held onto its last Hinge made Fluttershy come to an almost crawl, despite the smoke and inferno around her the tree was by far the scariest thing to the mare.

“Um…Hello?” the mare almost whispered as she closed the gap between her and the doorstep. Ever so gently she placed a soft hoof on the door which immediately gave into the tiny force. The slamming sound of the wood as it fell into the library, the shy mare let out a loud ‘eep’ and jumped behind the door frame shivering for several moments.

After calming her nerves she starred into the entrance, the home of her friend was pitch black she couldn’t spot a single item or even the floors it was all very disturbing to the mare. However some overwhelming force inside her was telling her she had to push forward, almost without knowing the young Pegasus was stepping into the residents once she closed the threshold of the door and was over the fallen door she spoke.

“H-hello is anypony o-ok in here?”

Sounds of groaning like something in pain could be heard in front of her it was soft but blatant.


As suddenly as it had collapsed the door sprung back up and closed with a tremendous slam. Fluttershy screamed at the top of her lungs and dashed upwards away from the noise she after a moment she flew down and covered her eyes with her hooves shivering in fear as her breath began to hyperventilate.

After an untold amount of time the Yellow mare slowly removed the hooves from her eyes and what she saw she almost could comprehend. In found of her was a violet mare with only one wing and a cracked but still fully formed horn she her breaths where wheeze and sporadic and her eyes where barely opened and unfocused, she was also covered in allot of her own blood.

Fluttershy gasped in horror and flew towards her friend. “Twilight! Oh dear no, Twilight what happened?”

The mare in question didn’t answer at first her eyes blinked slightly as Fluttershy cradled her head with her hooves. A small raspy answer was all that she received.

“Twilight, I-I don’t understand what happened” Fluttershy whimpered small beginnings of tears formed in her eyelids as she eyed her seriously damaged friend

“It’s all…”

“It’s all what?” Fluttershy almost begged.

“It’s- it’s all your fault.”

“M-me what did I do.”

Twilight moved her head on her own her one open eye bore hatred of unrivalled animosity at the yellow Pegasus.

“Why! Why didn’t you stop her? I told you, I told you everything and you stood there and did nothing WHY!” the voice increased as it finished until it was a loud and terrifying scream Fluttershy flew back from the violet mare as it began to lift itself up from the floor the lavender mares wounds no hindrance to itself as it continued to look at the shivering crying mare.

“Twilight I didn’t know, I’m sorry I wish, I, I could change it if I could but…but”

The mare’s body vanished and in its place hundreds of faces of the purple mare flooded the pitch black room each one of them hate filled glares.


Fluttershy was a shivering wreck at this point her tears matted her face as she tried desperately to not curl up into the tightest ball she could.

I-I don’t know” she whispered in a barely auditable voice.

“Everything I did for you, I thought we were friends Fluttershy I can see know that you helped me more than you know, you helped me understand that friendship was just another lie that she taught me as well I understand now friendship only brings weakness and I won’t let that weakness hurt me ever again.”

Before Fluttershy could answer a huge ball of flaming Purple magic lunged forward.

Instead of crying or running from the impending doom Fluttershy stayed perfectly still completely defeated whilst looking down to the ground.

“I’m sorry.”

Fluttershy screamed loudly as she flew out of her bed her breath was ragged and she was desperately looking around at the unfamiliar location, for one horrible moment she believed he was back in prison and that was enough to set the young mare off. She flew back down to the bed held the pillow in her four legs and began sobbing uncontrollably. The pillow bringing little comfort to the distraught mare as she let out years of emotional pain out onto the fabric.

After all the tears had dried up and she was down to a few sniffles and whimpers, Fluttershy settled down and listened to the sounds of the temple. It was mostly just the white noise of absolute silence but as she flicked her ears slightly, very faintly she could make out the sounds of owls, geese and even a few bats. All of these sound of the untamed nature lifting the spirits of the young mare despite herself.

She composure herself quickly and began to walk out the door she just couldn’t stand being alone right now she knew it was terribly rude but she hoped that maybe her friend would understand. As she exited she studied the outside of her chambers it was a large table the one that they had used for dinner around it was five doors each one of them containing her sleeping friends she looked around to make sure the coast was clear, she had no need to fear as far as she had been assured the temple was completely safe but it was something of a force of habit after her previous location.

She stopped outside of the middle door of the half crescent room and knocked gently.

“Y-yes who is it?” an upper class voice responded.

“Um…Sorry Rarity it’s me Fluttershy is it, is it ok to come in I mean if I’m not disturbing anything.” the yellow mare began pawing at the ground with one hoof waiting for an answer.

“Of course not dear do come in.” the voice behind the door answered.

Fluttershy turned the handle and peered into the room it was almost the exact same size as her room a large white single onsweet bedroom, the centre dominated by an enormously large bed the same as Fluttershy fit for almost eight pony’s her size it reminded Fluttershy of the guest rooms she had used in Canterlot castle many years ago.

The light form a single candle glared into Fluttershy eyes and for a moment, she couldn’t make out what was behind the source of light after blinking a couple of times she saw Rarity half out of the covers rubbing her eyes, and wiping some moisture under them with a tired but still genuine smile across her face.

“Well come along dear you’ll catch your death if you stay out their long enough.”

With a simple nod the yellow Pegasus walking into the room allowing the door to shut behind her as she moved closer to her friend, instantly she began to feel better even as she tried to ignore the bloodshot and cloudy eyes of her friend it was a little concerning but she imagined that it was because she had awoken her friend and nothing more.

“S-sorry to bother you Rarity, it’s just that-“

Rarity lifted a hoof to silence any more talk from the yellow Pegasus. “Say no more darling you never need an excuse to come see me, Anyway why don’t you come lay down here.” She patted a part of the enormous bed as Fluttershy leaped gracefully into the stuffed behemoth of a mattress and landed next to her friend’s side. The warm and comfort of Rarity chasing any of her fear struck emotions away almost instantly.

Rarity looked at her friend and upon noticing the look of her smile dimmed somewhat.

“Why dear please forgive my rudeness but you look positively dreadful, have you been crying?

Fluttershy looked down at her hooves she thought that she had all but run out of tears, but apparently she was going to test that theory once more as new streams graced her face. She leaned into the white unicorn’s side and sobbed again.

“Oh Rarity it was horrible I had a dream about Ponyville everything was on fire and I was all alone and then—“

“Shh, Shy my dear” Rarity cooed as she gently stroked her friend’s mane. “Its ok everything’s fine now.”

“But, but Rarity I saw her again I haven’t dreamed about that in almost three years!”

“Darling it’s not real, none of it is if anything it’s even more unreal considering Luna’s disappearance.”

Fluttershy started wailing even more into her friends shoulder “B-but she blamed me Rarity she blamed me for not being there for her, and, and I think she’s right why didn’t I help her I’m the worst pony ever.”

Rarity had had enough, she pulled Fluttershy from her shoulder and lifted her into eye contact with both hooves a look of determination and anger bearing down on the Pegasus.

“Now you listen her, you, and especially you had nothing to do with this and don’t you dare let me ever catch you doubting yourself again, do I make myself clear!” Rarity stated authoritatively, there was no real anger in her voice it was more like stern confidence but it was no less effective.

Fluttershy looked away for a moment in contemplation before looking back at her friend and nodding as rarity removed her hoof from her face.

“Good, and please if you ever find yourself doing that again always remember that you can talk to me, I find these things are best not left to fester, at worst thoughts like that do terrible things to your completion and a beautiful mare like yourself should never be seen with a frown.” she added sincere smile on her face to lighten the mood.

Fluttershy giggled a little blushing slightly at the complement “Um Rarity I know that we’ve basically be sharing the same room for four years and everything, but I um I mean if it’s ok with you-“

“Say no more darling, of course you can share the bed with me, if I’m being perfectly honest after so long I don’t know how I’m ever going to be able to sleep alone without at least one of you girls in the room, especially in a bed that looks like it was meant for somepony the size of dragon.”

Fluttershy smile strengthened as she felt the sheets of the bed levitate from under her and Rarity before gently folding over them both as Rarity’s horn lit up. The feeling of another body almost seemed to remove any anxiety and fear in the young mare as she felt the hands of sleep grasping her and her friend.

Knock, Knock.

Both mares’ heads lifted from the pillow to sounds of a hoof rattling softly against the door.

“Come in” Rarity finally called.

The silhouette of a pink mare popped into view from the door, however unlike her usual state the usually puffed up crazed mane and tail where instead replaced with a flattened lifeless hair instantly signalling the mares current mental state.

Once again Rarity found herself looking a very downtrodden image of one of her friends.

“Pinkie my dear are you ok?”

“Hey Rares sorry to bother you, oh and hey Fluttershy sorry to bother you too, but, I, I had a bad dream and usually if I had one of those I would tell Mr and Miss cake but they’re not here anymore and I, and I don’t want to be alone is it ok if I stay here for a little bit.” She sniffed a little holding back a tear in her eye.

“Why of course dear, come why don’t you share the bed with me and Fluttershy and tell us all about it.”

Pinkie’s mane inflated just a little at the prospect but still not enough to signal any change in mood as she trotted slowly over and climbed in-between both her friends and under the sheets.

“Now dear why don’t you tell us all about it, it will make you feel better I’m sure.”

Pinkies nightmare had for all intents and purposes been the exact same as Fluttershy with a few different variations, based on it being Pinkie’s reactions and not Fluttershy but other than that was almost note for note as the Pink mare started to cry when it reached the climax both Fluttershy and Rarity threw the mare into a group hug trying desperately to cheer her up and reassure her it was ok.

Finally Rarity spoke up as the sounds of the party pony’s sobs died down to a controllable whimper, there was something that was eating at her and she had to get it off her chest. “Girls I must confess I, I had that exact same dream.”

Fluttershy looked at the two mares and nodded in agreement “Um…Me too Pinkie your dream was almost exactly like mine.”

“What do you think it means?” Pinkie added in between soft sniffles.

“I’m not sure darling but one thing at the end of the day it was just a nightmare and as long as we have one another nothing that happened in that dream is ever going to happen again I’m sure, now I think it’s best if we all get some sleep we have to look are best for the morning and dwelling on this will do none of us any good.” Rarity finished rapping the two mares into a hug with both hooves.
The two other mares nodded in agreement before settling down into the bed still locked in a three-way hug the warmth of the friendly embrace doing wonders for each mare involved.

Knock Knock.

“Oh by Celestia, who is it now?” Rarity moaned.

A sad and slightly tear matted cyan Pegasus and an equally rough looking orange farm pony came trotting into the room the sight instantly sending a ping of guilt inside Rarity for her slightly aggressive response.

“Oh girls let me guess nightmares.” She asked in a concerned but slightly ever so slightly annoyed tone.

“No! I was a just checking on you guys that’s all I um I heard noises and thought that bull thing-“

“Minotaur” Fluttershy corrected.

“Minotaur whatever was up to no good.”

Applejack sighed “Rainbow ain’t no use lyin’ they can obviously see the tears on your fur."

“Hey! I wasn’t cry alright, some bugs flew into my eyes just as I was trying to get a glass of water that’s all.”

Rarity sighted, but kept a sincere smile across her face. “Its ok girls Fluttershy, Pinkie and myself here where just about to settle in for the night are you sure you two don’t want to join us?”

Both mares looked at each other then sighed, as much pride as they both had the prospect of sleeping alone instead of in a cosy bed with friends was not something they were going to trade just to keep up appearances.

With a slightly reluctant nod both earth and Pegasus pony settled into the group hug as Rarity send a small amount of magic to extinguish the candle.

As the moon reached its peak in the sky the moonlight shone gracefully though the window of the bedroom chamber revealing five multi-coloured mares sleeping soundly and safely for the first time in four very long years. Interestingly enough settled around the mares in an almost half crescent fashion was an ancient Draconequus who was only sleeping there because all the other beds where taken or terribly uncomfortable, and not! Because he missed their company and wanted to be with his friends.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the wait tough day at life inc right now.

Hopefully the extra long chapter makes up for the wait.

Anyway don't forget to Like and such, if you enjoyed also please comment on anything i need to edit once again its very likely i miss-spelled or made a completely unreadable sentence in there somewhere, so let me know.

Other than that thanks for reading hope i entertained.