• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 7,904 Views, 562 Comments

Celestiphilia - Dr Atlas

(A sequel to Celestiphobia.) Carl wants Stan to partake in the tradition of getting drunk to celebrate the success of the treaty. He then realizes what a horrible mistake that was.

  • ...

The chase

“Ooooowwwie...What was that for?” Stan rubbed his head and looked up to see a guard holding a frying pan with a dropped jaw.

The pony started shaking. “H-how are you-”

“PrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrIVATE! You need to hit harder!” Stan and the guard looked straight ahead to see an older pony glaring at them.

The private tightened his grip on the pan. “O-okay captain.” He raised it in the air and hit Stan again.


“Gah...What’s your problem? I’m just getting a-”


“Do you really have to hit so ha-”


“Is...is it bedtime yet?...”


The captain groaned and snatched the pan out of the privates hooves. “You’re doing all wrong son, it’s like this.” He raised it in the air and plunged it down to the changelings head, making sure to make the creature unconscious.

“Wha?” He was abruptly stopped by something else grabbing onto it, both ponies looked down at the changeling to see that it grabbed the pan while its face was down.

“H-how can he…” the captain couldn’t finish his sentence, the pan he had held onto smacked him in the face and tumbled him back.

“C-captain!” The private watched in horror as the guard fell to the floor with his eyes in a daze.

The captain raised his head and said. “P-permission to go to bed sir?” His head hit the floor again and he passed out.

“C-captain…” The private looked away from his high ranking officer and looked back at the changeling. He nearly fell over once he saw it stand up with it’s head hung low.

“Well look who it is…” The bug slowly raised its head and smiled at the private. “Another trespasser it seems.”

“Trespasser? Me? You’re the one wh-who..who…” The private started backing up once he looked at the changelings eyes, they glowed bright red, and its teeth were snarling right at him. “W-what the…”

“And to think I only had to kill one today…” The changeling chuckled. “How lucky for me.” It took a step forward, and with every one, the pony took a step back.

“Uh...u-uh...S-stop in the...i-in the name of..e-equestrian law?” The private started shaking, he saw changelings before during the invasion, but he didn’t know they could look this...scary.

Stan continued stepping forward. He twirled the bottle in his hooves before shoving it into one of the holes in his hooves. He then glanced over to a door and looked back at the private. “Look’s like I’m gonna have to make do, like the queen always says…” Stan ran over to his right, making the private yelp, and smashed through the closet door. “Don’t stop killin’ when they don’t stop strugglin’”

“Okay changeling….Y-you made your point...so…uh.” The private looked in all directions until his eyes spotted the double doors. “At least I can escape if this get’s out of hoof.

“Who says you’re gonna be escaping?” The private turned around and gasped as the changeling came out with-

“Pretty sharp ey?” Stan twirled the fire ax in his hooves while still holding the wine glass in one of his holes. “Wanna see just how sharp it is?”

The private had enough, so he took a deep breath, raised his hoof in the air, held his head high...and ran away, screaming like a filly.

Stan just chuckled and shook his head as the pony ran. “I love it when they play hard to get.”

The private fell face first into to the door, he backed up in a daze and walked through it. He shook his head and pulled a wheel cart, a chair, a table, more chairs, another cart, a potted plant, and many other things he could find in the dining room to block the door. He stepped back to see if the changeling would make an effort to go through, but after a while, the private reassured himself that the changeling wouldn’t-


The private looked to his right to see another door with a hole in it, curiosity got the best of him as he waked up to it to see the changeling standing on the other side, its red eyes looked as if they were looking into his soul. “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE'S STANLEY!” It then kicked the door down, sending the private to the other side of the room. The pony quickly got back on his hooves and looked at the deranged changeling one more time before running.

Stan cackled with laughter and held up his weapon of choice. Prepared to end the poor pony's life.


“*Yawn* How much longer…”

A guard in white looked up at the window “Six hours.”

The guard in red sighed and leaned on his spear. “Are you sure?”

The other pony to the side of him pointed at the moon. “If the moon is in that position, then I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be that long.”

“But it feels like its been there forever.” The red guard whined.

The white one rolled his eyes. “Just let Luna do her job, besides, it’s not like she wouldn’t move it without a reason.”

“I don’t see why the princess needs guards anyway. She’s pretty powerful, and so is her sister.” He pointed to the door of Celestia’s room. “Not to mention she raises the sun for a living!”

The other guard shushed him. “Hey, you wanna wake her up.” He whispered while looking at the door.

The pony in red did the same and grinded his teeth. He understood this. When you wake up a princess, you would need a very good reason, a very important reason, one that would require lives to be in danger, or world’s ending. So the red guard moved back to his position and straightened himself up. “It’s just so boring sitting here, you know, staring at a wall, looking up a ceiling, looking left and right to see...another guard?”

“Yeah.” The white nodded. “It does get kinda bor-”


“Ow...what the- Private?”

The private continued to pant as he got off the guard. “S-sorry...j...just….guh….just...you know….hef...yeah…” The private fell to the floor and panted his head out while the guards looked at each other, then at him in confusion.

“What are you getting so worked up about private?” The pony in red asked. “And why are you not at your post?” He tapped his hoof.

“I...fugh...don’t have a...p-post…” Private tried getting up, he had never ran so fast in his life, even during practices he ran slower than this.

“No post?” The other guards looked at each other “Then why aren't you, I don’t know, sleeping?”

“He will be….”

The two guards and the private turned around to see a pair of red eyes in the distance. The guards raised an eye while the Private gulped. He then grabbed the red guards hoof and said, “H-he’s….blugh….he’s….not….himself…” He slowly started climbing up the pony untill he got on his own hooves. “I-It’s like….some sorta...sorta….thing…” He lazily hung his tongue out and continued panting.

The white guard rolled his eyes and faced forward. “Hey! You! Come out of the dark!”

White, sharp teeth appeared at the bottom of the red eyes as the figure started walking forward. The private hid behind the red guard while the two guards looked at each other again.

“Oh...you know us Darklings, can’t get away from the dark…” The figure finally came to view as it stepped into the moonlight shining through a window.

“What in the celestia’s mane are you holding changeling!” The red one questioned, tightening his grip on his spear.

The changeling smiled and brought up his weapon. “Oh nothing, just somethin’ I found lying around…” He shrugged and continued staring at them with bright red eyes.

The guards started getting a bit uncomfortable with how the bug was looking at them. “Listen changeling,” The white one said. “Either you state your business, or you answer to the princess.”

“Princess?” Stan’s eyes blinked green for a second before returning to red. “Oh, I don’t think your princess will stop me from ending, not only your lives,” He pointed his hoof, which had the wine bottle, to the private. “but his as well. Then, your pretty p-p-princess?” His eyes turned green again, but he shook his head and returned his eyes to red. “Your princess will be next…”

The guards were flabbergasted at what this changeling was saying. The white one whispered to his fellow guards, “I’m starting to think this one is intoxicated.”

“I-is that why his eyes are red?” The private asked as he continued to quiver in fear behind them.

The red guard shrugged. “Guess so. Why don’t you stay here private, while me and my friend here take care of this.”

The private nodded and backed away. “Alright changeling.” The white one yelled. “Either you come with us, or we wake up the princess.”

Stan’s eyes turned flashed green again. “So be it, you ponies,” He went into a combat stance. “Come and get me!”


Celestia read quietly in her bed. Her eyes skimmed the pages of every word until she turned the page, she was happy to know the guards were making as little noise as possible outside, she would always hear them go on and on about the silliest of conversations. She sighed placed a bookmark on the page she was reading and put the book away. Now she was ready to finally-


“Changeling! Stop!”

“How are you still standing! I hit you like...four times with this thing.”

“Just put the broom down changeling!”

“It’s Darkling, and this is an ax! Not a broom!”

“Changeling, you’re drunk, just go home!”

“I will once I end you!

Celestia raised her eyes toward the door, knowing full well that a fight was in progress. She sighed and walked to the door. “Look’s like another sleepless night for me.” She thought as she put a hoof on the nob.


She quickly backed up once a changeling busted through her door with a wine bottle in one hoof and a broom in the other. The changeling groaned and quickly got back on his hooves, glancing left and right outside the door.

“Come on! COME ON! Just try and see if you can take me on!” The changeling pointed the broom to the group of guards and snarled at them.

As for the guards, they smiled smugly crossed their arms. The changeling growled. “What the hive are you smiling at?”

The private peaked through the doorway and pointed behind the changeling. “Um, I think you should surrender now.”

the changeling rolled his red eyes and dropped the broom. “Oh what?” He crossed his hooves and turned around. “What could possibly do to try and stop…me...”

His eyes shot open and the redness in them started going away once he gazed at the sight of the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he dropped his jaw and looked up to see the face of this wondrous creature. Stan’s eyes went back to greenish blue and his mouth turned right side up. Knowing that this alicorn will forever bring him joy in this land.

His love smiled back at him and with a voice ever so soft said, “So, you must be the so called intruder? Mind telling me why you’re here?”

And with that, Stan fainted.

Author's Note:

Day six, still, no steam....
Anyway, this took a tad bit longer due to another fic I was writing. (not promoting it...or anything.)
And there will (unfortunately) be another story based off of this.
the only thing that's stopping it IS....

The cover art. Which it has none.

I hate asking these things, but, is there someone in the audience who has art skittles?
I'd do commission, but I'm poor.