• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 7,904 Views, 562 Comments

Celestiphilia - Dr Atlas

(A sequel to Celestiphobia.) Carl wants Stan to partake in the tradition of getting drunk to celebrate the success of the treaty. He then realizes what a horrible mistake that was.

  • ...

Lets talk

Author's Note:

Holly Antonucci! It's finally done, the last chapter of this story is finished...
Now I feel sad that it's over...but at least it ends on a good note.
As for you guys, I'm glad you stuck around to the end.
This story had some bumpy roads, but it made it through.
I just hope I didn't lose too many of you.
So, without further adieu ado, here it is.
Hope you like it.

Carl slowly walked out of the hospital; his mind trying to process everything the doctor told him. Although, all of it was very hard for him to take in. His eyes were wide and his walk was just like Stan’s when he was drunk. All he wanted to do right now was forget everything Dr. A had told him. “I...I think I’m gonna...go get something...normal...to eat…” He whispered to himself. “Y-yeah…”

He slowly walked down the street. Trying his hardest not to bump into anyone along the way and to maintain eye contact with the front of the sidewalk “Okay Carl.” He thought “Take a breather, think NON-suggestive thoughts.” Unfortunately, that was all Carl could think about. Nothing but thoughts of what had happened last night, especially toward the end.

He was so focused on this that he didn’t notice Shift and Lift walking along the other side of the street, carrying various sound equipment; some changelings behind them were doing the same. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Lift whispered to his twin.

Shift smiled. “If we did it once, we can do it again, and I’m pretty sure the other brothers will remember their lines.”

“Oh really, can you even remember yours?” Lift asked.

“Uh...yeah.” Shift scrunched his face and looked up, making Lift doubt this plan even more. Shift realized the face his brother was putting on and nudged him. “Hey! Words or not, this song is gonna give a great message, alright.”

Lift sighed. “Alright, fine, but if this doesn’t work-”

“Trust me.” Shift reassured him. “It will work, it always does.”


“Stan...hello? Stan.”

“But I don’t wanna clean the eggshells today...wha?” Stan’s eyes slowly opened. His body felt like something was wrapped around him while his eyes adjusted to the light. “Uh, I feel like I smashed through a wall.”

“You smashed through a window,” A voice called out. “not only that, but I’m sure your body isn’t feeling good after...well…”

Stan recognized that voice, which made his eyes shoot open and stare right in the face of a white alicorn. “P-p-princess...I-I-I...w-w-what are you-”

Celestia hushed him. “Stan, please stay still, I can’t heal your body if you keep moving like this.”

“Heal?” Stan looked down at his body to see some of the cuts he had going away. He also noticed he was laying on a bed with Celestia sitting on the floor next to it. “W-wasn’t I-”

“I got the glass out while you were asleep,” Celestia explained “all that’s left are the cuts.” Celestia looked at him. “But I would like to know just why you crashed in here in the first place.”

Stan bit his lip. “Well, uh...y-you see...uh...princess...m-my wings kinda have a mind of their own, constantly going wherever they want, usually when I sleep...uh, t-they didn’t do anything while you-”

Celestia shook her head. “No, they didn’t put up any fuss, I’m just glad it’s only cuts I’m mending.”

Stan tilted his head. “Why would you say that, I don’t think I hit the floor hard enough to break a bone.”

Celestia looked away. “I’m not talking about you shattering the glass, I’m talking about...earlier…”

Stan was still confused. “Earlier, what did I…” Stan eyes when wide once he realized what he did. “O-o-oh, u-uh i-i-it wasn’t my fault...I-I-I was drunk, and-”

“And so was I…” Celestia’s horn faded as she mended the last cut on his body. “Stan, about last night.”

Stan was trying to find an excuse for all of this, he went with the first thing that came to mind. “It never happened...”

Celestia looked at him. “So you do understand?”

“Understand what?”

“That what happened here, stays here.”

“Oh...y-you’re not mad?”

Celestia bit her bottom lip. “Well, yes and no, to be honest, It was very...strange to have a changeling in my quarters at that time of night, with him being intoxicated, and making me intoxicated as well.”

Stan stood up, still worried about this situation. “B-b-but I was-”

“I know you were drunk, Stan, and I know that you know what happened...and I know that if anyone...anyone knew about this.”

“It would be bad for both of us?” Stan was certain if others found out about him beating up a princess, they would throw him out for sure.

As for Celestia, she sighed in relief, knowing this changeling understood all of this. “Glad to know you understand.”

Stan got off the bed. “I-I-I understand p-perfectly…” He put on a nervous smile

“But just so we’re clear.” Celestia leaned in her face as blank as ever. “If you tell anyone about this, I will teleport your still beating heart out of your body and show it to you…” She leaned away and smiled. “Understand?”

“Uh…” Stan wasn’t sure if he heard that right, “She wasn’t even talking in her evil voice that time.” He thought. He then slowly nodded, hoping that would help.

“Good, glad to know you understand.”

“O-Of course princess...uh...c-can I go now.”

Celestia nodded, “Yes, but out the window, please, I’d rather not have the guards deal with any changelings anymore.”

Stan gulped and made his way to the open window, happy to know he was still alive from all of this. He turned around one last time. “Alright, princess...j-just please don’t tell anyone about this either, I don’t want others knowing I beat up a alicorn.”

Celestia closed her eyes and smiled. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell any...wait, beat up...Stan, we didn’t fight, we...” But it was too late, he was already out the window. Leaving Celestia as confused as ever. “Did he really think he...no, c-changelings aren't that oblivious…”

As Stan flew out of her room, he couldn’t help but feel like he was forgetting something, something important, something that he knows he needs to do. He flew down to the sidewalk and tapped his chin, trying to remember, then it finally hit him.


“Ow...hey, can’t you see I’m trying to regain my...Stan?”

Stan readjusted his eyes and looked up to see his answer. “Carl?”

Carl stepped back. “Uh, yeah, it’s me. W-what are you doing here, last I saw you, you were flying away for no reason, what? Did the plot force you to-”

“It’s my wings, apparently they thought I was asleep and decided to fly without my consent.” He chuckled.

Carl smiled. “Well, glad to know you’re okay, where have you been?”

Stan sighed. “Everywhere…and, geese, am I tired”

“Well, if you’re that tired, we could...we could...uh...oh! Hey, look.” Carl pointed to his left. Stan turned to see they were standing next to a diner. “You feeling hungry?”

Stan raised an eye at him. “Carl, we don’t eat that kind of food, I mean, we can, but it doesn't really-

Carl wrapped an arm around Stan’s neck and started walking inside. “Oh, there are ways to get love out of food, as for me, I’m just gonna get something normal to eat.”

“And what about me?”

Carl shrugged. “I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”


“So, uh...how’s life, Stan?”

Stan continued looking at the plate of food in front of him, ignoring what Carl said. His mind was too busy focussing on what had happened throughout this whole adventure, but one thing in particular was bothering him more than anything, he just couldn’t but his hoof on it.


Stan shook a bit and looked up at Carl, seeing him eat away at his breakfast. “How can you eat that stuff, Carl?”

Carl looked at his plate and back at him. “I grew used to it, believe it or not, ponies put love in this stuff, ya just gotta taste it.” He opened his mouth and shoveled another spoon full of scrambled eggs. “Anewheh, you gunnah answher mah queshtun?” He said through the food.

Stan sighed. “Life’s...good, I guess…”

Carl swallowed. “You sure, It doesn’t look like you like life.” Carl chuckled. “Heh...alliterations…”

Stan continued looking away; he didn’t feel like talking anymore today. He just wanted to relaxes after what happened. He glanced around the diner, not seeing many ponies of changelings around. “Pretty empty place.”

Carl started looking around as well. “It’s usually got a few customers, I guess we’re early or something.”

Stan looked back at Carl. “It’s almost twelve, isn't that the time ponies start eating again?”

Carl shrugged. “Guess they don’t feel like it.”

“That’s your excuse?” Stan shook his head.

“Hey, does it look like I know where ponies are twenty-four seven?”

“Well, Carl, you have been with them for almost a year, you’d think you’d know how they live by now.”

Carl was about to say something, but quickly shoveled more food in his mouth and looked away.

Stan could already tell what he was thinking about. “Oh great.” He thought “You just had to remind him.” Stan sighed and decided to change the subject. “Carl, remember when we first met.”

Carl swallowed his food and raised an eye. “You mean when we were born?

“No; at the train.”

“Oh, yeah, I remember that, why?”

“Do you think I’ve...changed at all?”

“You mean from being a jerk to a drunk jerk?” Carl chuckled.

Stan slumped in his chair. “I’ll take that as a no then.”

“Hey now, I was just kidding. To be fair, you are pretty different.”

“How so?”

Carl shrugged. “Well, after getting drunk, going through tons of stuff that got you and me in trouble, (mostly me) and all the while, trying to get with a princess...I think that classifies you as having a change of character.”

Stan looked at his plate again, not a single piece of food had a bite in it. Carl noticed. “You not hungry. I know the bacon might not be that good since the pony who usually makes it is on hiatus, but that doesn’t mean-”

“I’m not hungry.” Stan pushed the plate too him. “I’m just kinda...disappointed.”

Carl stacked Stan's plate on top of his empty one. “Disappointed? All you did was get drunk, I’m sure some do that all the time, even I did it a couple of times, though I didn’t act as bad as you.”

“It’s not just the drinking, it’s about what I did, this whole ‘adventure’ was horrible from the start. I mean, me getting wasted and walking around like an idiot, almost getting myself killed, and all the while, you had to deal with it. That’s another thing.” Stan stood up and looked down at the changeling in front of him. “Why?”

Carl swallowed a piece of bacon. “Why what?”

“Why didn’t you just leave me?”

Carl sipped from his glass of milk and shrugged. “Cause friends don’t leave each other, I mean, I might’ve left you at the hospital, but at least I didn’t leave you in a dumpster, or at the bar, or in some dark alley. I’d rather not have a dead bug on my conscience, Stan.”

“What does that...F-Friend?”

Carl chewed the rest of his eggs and swallowed. “Yeah, we’re friends, right?”

Stan didn’t know how to answer that, he wouldn’t classify him as being a friend, just another brother who was part of the swarm, but Stan had to admit, what they’ve been through, and what they’ve done. He couldn’t help but feel a bit...he didn’t even know the feeling. “I-I guess, I mean...I don’t-”

Carl chugged the last of his drink and sighed. “What? Is it that you don’t want to be friends with an outsider like me?” Carl said sarcastically. Stan was about to say something, but Carl stood up; empty plates in his magical grip. “Listen, Stan, I know I abandoned you guys; left you; betrayed you…”


Carl continued. “You see, When I caught word about you guys getting blasted from Canterlot all those months ago after I left, I thought for sure I made the right choice in leaving, but seeing you guys now, I makes me feel awful…” He sighed. “I’ve realized that I never should’ve left, I should’ve helped, maybe I could’ve brought more love in, or care for others, or try and fight for you guys…”

“Carl...you didn’t-”

“Do you know the last thing I said when I left the cave, Stan...Do you?” Stan shook his head. Feeling like this was getting very serious. Carl stepped closer. “I said ‘this place will die with or without me.’” Carl looked down. “I had no idea how right I was.”

Stan stepped back. “What are you talking about, everyling’s still-”

“If you hadn't of caught that branch and delivered that treaty, I’m pretty sure everyling would’ve died.” Carl crossed his arms. “Believe it or not, Stan, you are a hero.”

Stan rolled his eyes. “Oh please, I’m not a hero, the entire time I walked and flew from the cave to here, I was traumatized by that white alicorn.”

“But you still went with it, even though you were afraid.” Carl smiled. “I don’t think I would’ve gone if I was afraid of that changeling chomper.” He chuckled.

Stan smiled back. “Yeah, but I probably wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for you.”

Carl rolled his eyes. “Oh please, a changeling like you could’ve handled it.”

Stan shook his head. “I don’t know, I went through two dreams and tones of visions on the way, I was pretty sure I would lose it toward the end.”

Carl laughed. “You kinda did, seeing as how you puked in my face again.

Stan laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. “Y-Yeah...heh...sorry about that…”

They had a short chuckle before looking at each other again. “Look, Stan.” Carl started, looking away from him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn't have ever let you set hoof in that bar, I should’ve just let you go home like you wanted, otherwise we would never-”

“Be friends.”

“Yeah, something like that is just-” Carl paused and looked up at Stan. ”W-What did you say?”

Stan smiled. “Carl, even though this whole thing was pretty stupid, chaotic, convoluted, crazy, and overall, pretty disappointing.” He shrugged. “It kinda brought us together a little bit.” He scratched the back of his neck. feeling a bit embarrassed for saying this.

Carl’s jaw stayed dropped. “R-really?”


A long silence came after Stan said those words. After a minute, Carl decided to break the silence. “So...are we friends?”

Stan scuffed the floor. At the beginning, he didn’t consider Carl as a friend, just some brother who wanted him to experience what ponies had to offer, and even when he first met him, he was annoyed, but after all of this, from the fake fight, to drinking, to even having to deal with his drunk antics...there was only one answer. “Yeah.” Stan said. “We’re friends.”

Carl was astonished, not sure how to react, to be fair, it was a bit awkward, with these long pauses, but to him, it felt like it was bringing them closer together...as friends. “Well, that’s good...uh...so, what do you wanna do now then?”

“Well, we could…” Stan started thinking, but was caught off when his ear flicked. “You hear that?”

Carl raised his ear stems higher. “Yeah, what is that?”

“Sounds like...singing?”

They looked at each other before running up to a window, seeing something they couldn’t comprehend. “Huh, looks like the guard is a...I mean, it looks like Shift and Lift’s song actually got the town to sing. It’s pretty relatable too...in a way.”

Stan looked away from the marching crowd outside and smiled at Carl. “Ya think?”

They backed away from the window. “Welp,” Carl shrugged. “looks like fun to me, you wanna go out dancing or singing, I prefer dancing, my voice isn’t really that-”

Stan stepped closer. “How about we just, relax here instead of walking out this time, maybe we can taste more of that food stuff.”

Carl tilted his head. “This time?” He paused before realizing what he said. “Oh, I see, kinda like how we-”

“What do you think I should get?” Stan looked up at the menu hanging above the counter.

Carl stood beside him. “Well, theres sandwiches, hayfries, pizza...Oh hey, look.” Carl pointed at the side where the drinks were listed. “They serve beer here, imagine that.”

Stan raised an eye, unsure as how to react to that. “Beer eh?”

Carl stepped closer. “Wanna another one?” He smiled

Stan rubbed his chin, this whole adventure pretty much started with one glass, and from what he and Carl had been through, there was only one answer.

“Why not...I mean, what can one glass do to me.”