• Published 20th Jun 2014
  • 2,400 Views, 109 Comments

The Last Keeper of Harmony - Rammy

Spike wants to know his destiny, what his role is. The price to be paid to find out may be too high...

  • ...

The Meaning Behind Chaos

Dear Princess Celestia,

As you already know Discord has caused chaos in Ponyville, again. While Discord has from time to time played pranks he has not been this destructive in years. Furthermore, something was off about Discord. He implied that somepony else was behind his latest ‘remodel' of Ponyville. The Council of Friendship and I are concerned that this may be a repeat of the Tirek incursion. When we gave up the Elements of Harmony we lost the only known way of keeping Discord inline. I have done some research (after what happened with Tirek) on some other possible magic artifact(s) or magic that could help:

In my research that I have done I have concluded that the chest "seed" and the magic contained within that created the Friendship Place and allowed us to defeat Tirek seems to be a one time deal. I would consider retrieving the Elements of Harmony but the Tree of Harmony can’t survive without the Elements. We don’t want to trade one problem for another.

Sadly, the Rainbow of Friendship doesn't seem to have the same abilities of the Elements of Harmony. I do find it odd that we traded the power of the Elements for something that seems to be much weaker. I have tried before to discover the secrets of this crystal tree but have been fruitless so far. I will however not stop there must be something hidden within the Palace and preferably to help keep Discord in check if and when this happens again.

On that note, I have considered the Crystal Heart. However, it only works within the Crystal Empire so unless we can trick Discord it's out.

I know this is a long shot, but do you know of any other magic that may reign in Discord? Also any thoughts on who may have made Discord do such a thing? I would think he would have learn from the last time he "helped" somepony.

Yours faithfully,

Twilight Sparkle

Beads of sweat dripped down Spike's face as he picked up another book from a huge pile. The last six books where larger than himself and nearly squashed him with their weight.

I swear that Twilight is getting heavier and heavier books for the library.

"Yoo-hoo... Spppike!"

“Yes, Rarity?" He put the book in its proper spot before turning to greet her. It was always a treat to see her even if he was smelly and disheveled from all the book shelving...

Rarity took one look at him and tsked, "Darling, you look terrible. You really need to take a break before you collapse," She pulled out a lady's tissue with her magic and wiped Spike's face. "There, better." She seemed satisfied with that as she finally eyed the piles of books, "Now, darling, I must insist on helping you."

“But Rarity…” Spike halfheartedly protested.

“I insist,” She stated putting her hoof, so to speak, down.

He still had feelings for the mare but he would do anything to make her happy. It was a good thing that Spotlight was such a good stallion to her otherwise he would have had to resort to... he quickly pushed the darkening thoughts away. He knew that Rarity would disapprove of it if she ever found out that he let his thoughts go down that path. He kinda of swore off of that too after what happened on his birthday and those jerks...

Soon they had settled into a routine where Spike would read a title of a book then showed Rarity where the book went. She would then put the book away while Spike would grab a different book to carry it to its spot. On the occasion that a book or scroll were too large or heavy they would work together. Before they knew it the sun was low to the ground and the floor was without a single book, scroll, or scrap of parchment.

Spike’s stomach growled loudly. Rarity glared at him before a very unladylike sound came from her. She turned slightly red at the sound. "I do feel a bit peckish don't you? Ponyville is having a citywide dinner picnic in town square. Let’s go get something to eat, shall we?"

He happily nodded in agreement. They walked out of the palace. A good amount of the town was back to normal although there were still puddles of curdled chocolate milk. Both of their noses wrinkled as they passed those puddles. Spike even looked a bit greener than usual. They picked up their pace a bit and after avoiding a flock of fruit shaped birds they made it to town square. Spike and Rarity wandered around the square until they found a group of familiar ponies. They were sitting near the entrance to town hall.

Spike hadn't seen Twilight so frazzled in a long time. She appeared almost as bad as when Spike got the awful 'Inspiration Manifestation’ book for Rarity. "You look awful, Twilight," he commented sitting down next to her while Rarity sat next to a blue stallion with a spotlight for a cutie-mark.

Twilight frowned heavily which caused Spike to smirk. She rolled her eyes. "Fluttershy, Big Mac, you spend the most time with Discord, any thoughts?"

"Nnope," Big Mac shaked his head slightly.

"Well he was a bit distracted and distant the last time we spoke. Something about not feeling up to our weekly friendship tutoring tea party. Though to be honest he does that from time to time. I'm sorry." Fluttershy hid in her mane even with the gentle leaning from her husband to encouraged her.

"No need to apologize, Fluttershy. Discord has always been ... difficult to..." Twilight tapped her hoof on her chin trying to come up with the correct word, "understand..."

"The only thing I don't understand his that he made it rain chocolate milk without a single dollop of whipped cream," Pinkie narrowed her eyes in anger, "Not. A. Single. Drop."

"Um, Pinks, didn't you say that last time?" Cheese Sandwich who was sitting next to Pinkie knowingly commented.

"Of course, Cheesie, but that its still know excuse for no whipped cream." Pinkie fake pouted.

Cheese eyed Pinkie evilly, pulled out a can of whipped cream, and covered her completely. To top it off he threw a cherry which landed smartly on Pinkie's head.

"Now we're talking!" Pinkie squealed, slurping up the whipped cream. Everypony laughed at the sight even Pinkie joined in, giggling.

Suddenly, Spike burped up a scroll which caused the mood to sour up. He groaned slightly before breaking the seal.

I wish Princess Celestia would find better way to send letters.

Twilight giggled at Spike's expression then gulped when Spike gave her a look that could outburn his flame, "What does she say?"

My dearest Twilight Sparkle,

I understand your concern over Discord recent “relapse”. I must confess that I knew ahead of time what Discord was going to do because he told me in advance. Yes, yes, I know that is odd behavior for him. Before you go off worrying that Discord "corrupted" me in someway let me explain:

After numerous (and annoyingly I assure you ) false starts he told me that somepony needed him to give a test to Spike. Trust me he really didn't want to do what he did. (He's still somewhat nervous even after all these years.) I tried to get him to reveal the pony that coerced him but he wouldn't reveal who. When pressed all he would say is that Luna and I are needed along with the Council of Friendship in Ponyville in two days time.

I do have my suspicions on who compelled Discord but I will withhold that until we meet in person. If I'm proven correct we are all in grave danger, but do not fret in the mean time. I'm sure rebuilding Ponyville and reversing Discord's magic will keep you busy until we arrive. Please keep all of this confidential let no one but the Council of Friendship know of this.

Celestia and Luna

Author's Note:

Revised 2.0

Somepony making Discord do things he rather not? And grave danger?