• Published 20th Jun 2014
  • 2,400 Views, 109 Comments

The Last Keeper of Harmony - Rammy

Spike wants to know his destiny, what his role is. The price to be paid to find out may be too high...

  • ...

Harmony Enters

"It was me." A voice spoke.

Everyone but Celestia, Spike, and Discord gasped as a voice rang out in the council chambers. Spike was the first to respond.

"YOU!" Spike roared; his eyes going feral. His eyes darted to and fro desperate to find where that voice was coming from. He looked like a predator about to pounce on some unsuspecting prey.

When Twilight saw this she got very concerned, “Spike?”

"Calm yourself, brother, I kept my promise." The male voice called out again. This time everypony knew they weren't hearing things and began to look around. Pinkie Pie had somehow managed to slip into a Sherlock Holmes costume and was examining the floor with a magnifying glass.

Twilight had a problem Spike had gone feral. She frantically tried to hold the very ticked off dragon in her magic. It was not easy given a dragons natural resistance to pony magic. Never mind that Spike was wildly trying to claw everything in sight including her.

"Spike, what is he talking about?" Twilight turning Spike so she could face him properly. One look at him worried her she had not seen his eyes like that since that one day she'd like to forget. "Spike?"

“Calm down.” The voice again called out. Still nopony could discern the source. Celestia and Discord seemed to just calmly sit by apparently content to wait.

Spike seemed to only get more enraged. One of Spike claws even manage to scratched Twilight on the muzzle. Wincing slightly at the pain she yelled out, “Celestia I need help holding him so that I can cast a calming spell on him.”

“Don’t.” The voice said with such authority that Twilight paused for a moment to consider. Celestia, who had gotten up to help Twilight, sat back down.

“Why not and for that matter who are you?” Her curiosity building. Who is this voice?

“Let his dragon fury subside it had been building up too long anyway,” The voice matter of factly spoke.

After a few minutes Spike stopped clawing the air and he sat down, sulking. Fire and smoke pouring out of his nostrils in anger.

“That's better...”

Discord nodded at this then started going around the room pulling paper bags from everyone's ears. Discord was about to get a paper from behind Luna's ear, "Get back from me, thou foul trickster."

"Very well, Luna, but I will not be responsible for what will happen..." He smiled evilly at this before continuing down the line of ponies.

"What exactly is going on Discord?" Twilight asked as Discord pulled a bag out of Pinkie's nose eliciting a giggle from her.

Discord looked thoughtfully at the Rainbow Dias in the center of the room "Okay, everypony is ready," then almost to himself, "Well, almost everypony"

"Discord who are..." Twilight began but the glowing light coming from Dias stopped her as she stared at it. We didn’t active the Rainbow what is going on here!?

The Dais glowed even brighter. The Rainbow shot out and began spinning around the room. Twilight never seen the Friendship Rainbow do that before and pulled out a notepad and began taking notes. Soon the Rainbow tighten its spinning around the Dais

"Gah! I'm out of practice," The voice called out, this time from within the vortex, "Can somepony please turn this thing down?"

"How?" Twilight asked still taking notes.

"For starters lessen your concern for Spike, and Spike I said CALM DOWN!" The voice yelled the last part. Spike heard this and his eyes went less feral but his anger still showed.

Slowly the Rainbow died out and everyone could see a cloaked figure within the rainbow. Soon the Rainbow dissipated completely given everyone a clear look at the figure. The figure was quite tall. Twilight couldn't be sure but she could at least hazard a guess that the figure stood about the same height as Celestia. The brown cloak that was wrapped around him was tattered and torn but seemed to be enchanted to prevent anyone from see who has inside. For a moment no one spoke. Then a strange rainbow magic aura engulfed the clock and the clock was thrown off.

The figure was a stallion alicorn. Shocking everyone(except oddly Celestia, Discord, and Luna) as they thought the only alicorns were the princesses. He was a touch taller than Celestia so Twilight had guess right. However, it was hard to look at him. His coat, wings, and horn was all the colors of the rainbow. Normally that wouldn't make it hard but the colors on the coat and wings kept shifting. His mane was white and chopped in a military cut but his tail was long, jet black, sleek. The strangest thing, besides the shifting fur color, that everyone noticed was what he was lacking a cutie-mark. He was too old not to have one. Of course a pony at his age could have lost it if he lost his magic. But it was plain to see that he clearly had magical ability.

"I must say I have always been jealous of your coat Harmony." Discord smirked slightly, "Always brings a bit of chaos whenever you show up. Although I don't think I want to make my coat like yours... too much work in the morning."

Seeing the green faces only getting greener Harmony sighed deeply, "I suggest that you look at my mane or horn as they are static unlike the rest of my coat. It will make it easier to look at me without getting nauseous..."

Harmony waited patiently for the ponies to collect themselves. After a few minutes the green faded. Harmony opened his mouth to speak when when all Tartarus broke loose as everypony began speaking at once.

“What is the meaning...”

“...oo pretty…


“Hey, I was speaking…”


“No you weren't…”

“Ooo can we have a party….”



“Such awful coloration…”

“...high pulluting..”

“Well I never...”

“Who are…”




"Thank you, Bearer of Kindness." Harmony removed his hoof from his eyes, his headache dissipating. He turned to Spike, "I must say I'm surprised at your silence through all this little brother."

"Why do you keep calling him that?" Twilight asked cutting off Spike. Spike glared hotly at her but refrained from giving a snarky remark.

"I think the answer, Twilight, would be a spoiler and might mess up the pacing." Discord answered before Harmony could even open his mouth.

"Discord's right." Pinkie Pie agreed bouncing.

Everypony stared at Pinkie and Discord. Harmony kept going back between the two. Something was definitely was weird and familiar about the Bearer of Joy, too familiar. Harmony thought on this for a while. He thought on it so long that everyone noticed that he had blanked out. He seemed to have lost all sense of reality. Spike knew that look but as Harmony was not Twilight he was at a loss for how to fix it. Discord, on the other hand, seemed to have an idea as he moved in front of Harmony.

"Hey." Discord spoke waving both arms in front of Harmony's eyes.

"Harmony!" He shouted. Harmony was suddenly dressed as a clown. Discord squeezed his nose with a resounding honk. When that didn't work he pulled Pinkie in front of Harmony with an unnaturally overlong reach, whispered something in her ear, then snapped a megaphone in front of Pinkie.

"HEY, HARMONY!" She yelled the blast of her voice knocking everyone down. "YOU IN THERE??"

"And.... he's pulling a Twilight." Discord commented after everyone's hearing stopped ringing.

Spike for once actually agreed with him, which scared him slightly. Discord turned to everyone dressed in a commander uniform. "Well ladies, this may take a bit. Celestia and Luna, I will fill you in with what is going on so you can get back to your girly duties." Luna scowled at this while Celestia giggled. "I think we can do this back at Canterlot." Discord snapped both hands and his tail and in a flash the princesses and Discord were gone.

"Wait, what about us?" Twilight called out annoyed at not getting answers. What was the point of bringing the princess... Twilight stopped right there she just didn't want to deal with that at the moment. Too much information; not enough sense.

"Discord knows what is going on and will be able to fill the princess in on everything. Besides I think that I should explain this to my Bearers, personally." The alicorn finally answered, clearly snapped out of his daze.

"Your 'Bearers'!?" Rarity spoke with surprise.

"Yes, of course," Harmony stated in a way that made it sound like it should have been obvious. "Although to be fair, I'm here more for Spike then for you."

Nearly everyone went into various from of disbelief. Pinkie Pie had stiffly fallen over so stiff was her body that one could have mistaken her for a mannequin. Applejack and Rarity were eying Harmony with very hard expressions. Fluttershy being timid as she was did nothing but coward behind her mane. Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves in irritation, hovering over her throne. Spike was being held back from attacking him by Twilight's magic so Twilight didn't have much ability to respond. His eyes had gone feral again.

Harmony shook his head at Spike. "Spike, enough. Calm down don't let the fury overtake you again." He turned to Twilight, "I don't think he will calm down with me here just yet. There appears to be more fury built up then I anticipated. When you get him to calm down and stay that way then come to Zecora's home in the Everfree."

"Wait, how do you know Zecora and Spike?" Twilight asked tilting her head slightly. "What exactly is going on!?"

"Zecora is good friend of mine. As for Spike, I have been speaking with him for years."

"Is this true?" Twilight spun Spike around to so that she could look into Spike' eyes and force him to not look at the pony of his anger. Again she asked, "Is this true?"

Spike blinked, his eyes back to normal " ...Yes..."

"Hey! Where'd he go?" Pinkie pouted, "How can I do a welcome to Ponyville Party now?"

Everyone looked around at Pinkie's outburst and found that they were alone. Harmony had vanished.

Spike facepalmed and groaned. "Not again!"