• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 3,253 Views, 168 Comments

Iron Kingdom Equestria - Bitt_Player

By unknown magic, Equestria has been suddenly moved to another world. What's a pony to do?

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The Siege of Canterlot: Part One

Canterlot Mountain's railway tunnels had four entrances, and the railroads entering them converged on a subterranean junction to follow a single line up the mountain to the city itself. Warcaster Kommander Izak Harkevich, Khador's Iron Wolf, could not work out the operation of the rail switches, which seemed to be completely unattended. He presumed that the inexplicable magic used by ponykind was somehow involved. In the larger view, Harkevich decided that it didn't matter. All that mattered was that his forces prevented trains from entering or leaving Canterlot. To this end, he had battle mechaniks and building crews, assisted by his warjacks, constructing a large stone-and-mortar wall on the tracks close to the Canterlot entrance to the tunnels. It left enough room for 'jacks to walk around either side, but completely blocked the railroad. The wall was only five feet in height, but was nearly as thick, more than strong enough to withstand being struck by the small and weak-engined trains used by Equestria. Similar barricades had already been erected near the four entrances to the tunnels, all thrown together in a matter of hours thanks to the power of Khadoran hardware and willpower. Harkevich had made sure that the walls were clearly visible from as far away as possible. He would rather the train crews stopped their engines without colliding with the barricades, as he'd prefer that no civilians came to harm. Kommander Oleg Strakhov had originally advocated simply destroying the railroad at key points, but Harkevich had recommended against such an action, as it was more likely to result in civilian deaths, which would make the Equestrians less willing to accept Kadoran rule once surrender had been secured.

The Kommander heard the screech of train brakes and the shouts of men hastily leaping off the tracks. Izak Harkevich lifted his mechanika club, Minister, and went to see whether the train's engineers had seen the wall in time.

Harkevich was pleased to see that the Equestrian train's engineers had indeed stopped the machine before it collided with the wall, and with a decent amount of room to spare. The train driver and firepony were climbing out of the engine as Harkevich stepped up to the vehicle, which appeared to be a passenger train. Ponies of all ages peered worriedly out the windows at the groups of Winter Guard soldiers. One of the train crew ponies, a pale-green stallion with a brown mane, stomped up to Harkevich.

"What's with this wall?!" The stallion demanded furiously, speaking in strangely-accented Cygnaran, "are you all idiots or something?!"

"I am truly sorry," Harkevich replied in jovial, Khadoran-accented Cygnaran, "I am Kommander Izak Harkevich, serving Khador's First Army. My people and I have successfully penetrated Equestria's border and are under orders to blockade Canterlot." It was perhaps overstating things a bit to claim that the Khadorans had 'penetrated' Equestria's border, which as far as he could determine had been totally undefended. The pony called Applejack had once said that on their natural world, Equestria was bound on all sides by imposing natural barriers, so perhaps border defense was an alien concept to them. Admittedly, his forces had traveled by night, and Strakhov's clever use of large, dark sheets of canvas held up on poles had apparently done its job of hiding them from the eyes of any flying ponies, but it was still quite an accomplishment, given the size and composition of the force.

"What the hay are you talking about?!" The pony demanded, escalating the duel of Cygnaran dialects by using 'hay' as a substitute curse word.

"I have said exactly what I mean," Harkevich offered, "the city of Canterlot, and I should say this entire mountain, is besieged. We have walls like this at all four tunnel entrances below us. No one may enter or exit by land, and I suspect the transport capabilities of your winged cousins will be terribly overwhelmed by Canterlot's need for food and goods from the rest of your fine nation."

"You realize the Princesses will hear about this, don't you?" The stallion asked through clenched teeth. Harkevich was pleased that the pony didn't seem to intend to fight him. Minister was a weapon for soldiers, he detested using it on civilians.

"In fact, if you had not mentioned it, I would have asked you to inform them," Harkevich replied, "please tell them that we will tear down these walls as soon as Emperess Ayn Vanar has been given their unconditional surrender. Of course, I will be more than pleased to escort either Princess Celestia or Princess Luna to Korsk so they may deliver their capitulation in person."

"You're a tomfool idiot if you think the Princesses are just gonna give up like that," the stallion shot back with a snort, "but I'll tell 'em you asked anyway." With that, both ponies returned to their train's engine. Izak Harkevich couldn't help but be impressed by the pony's faith in his leaders as he and the other stallion threw the train into reverse so it could begin its long trip back up the mountain.

"Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention," Princess Celestia said. Her heart burned with a white-hot fury that threatened to break through the facade of serenity she used to mask the fact that her typical genuine serenity was no longer present. "Please go to the rail yard and inform the railmaster on duty that no trains are to leave the city."

"Of course, your highness," the engineer stallion bowed and left, oblivious to his Princess's seething anger.

As soon as the citizen had left, Celestia rounded on the ever-present Royal Guard ponies, all of whom suddenly found the throne room much smaller and more confining than they had ever imagined possible as her veneer of calm shattered and her fury was unleashed.

"YOU!" The princess shouted, pointing at a guard, "send pegasi to every town connected to Canterlot by rail, inform the mayors and the Royal Guard posts that no trains are to come to Canterlot! YOU!" She pointed to another guard, "go find the Generals of the Guard and tell them a war council is convening in the north tower thirty minutes from now! YOU!" A third pony had his Princess's hoof unceremoniously pointed at him, "go to Hollow Shades and inform my sister at once! YOU!" Celestia singled out a fourth stallion, "Assemble a retinue and go tell this Izak Harkevich he was twenty-four hours to tear down his walls and leave this nation before the full fury of Equestria descends upon him! The rest of you!" Celestia stopped to take a deep breath before continuing, "find somepony, anypony at all, who can tell me how hundreds of members of an enemy army could march to the foot of Canterlot Mountain and start building walls WITHOUT! ANYPONY! NOTICING!!" The Guardsponies scattered, nearly forgetting to bow in their haste to obey their furious Princess's commands.

Izak Harkevich was not at all surprised when a flight of white, winged ponies in gleaming, golden armor descended from the sky and started asking random Winter Guard where he could be found.

"I am the one you are seeking," Harkevich informed the nearest of the armored pegasi, interrupting the Winter Guardsman he was talking to.

"You're in charge here?" The pony asked as his fellows joined him in glaring angrily at Harkevich.

"Indeed I am," the warcaster replied. He failed to mention that this was actually a joint operation with Kommander Strakhov, finding it strategically valuable for the Equestrians to believe he was the only Khadoran warcaster present.

"I have a message from Princess Celestia," the apparent leader of the group said, stepping to the fore.

"Does she wish to arrange a surrender?" Harkevich asked genuinely hoping to have the situation done with.

"Quite the opposite," the pony replied, "she demands that you and your people remove your walls and leave Equestria within twenty-four hours."

"And if we do not?" Harkevich asked, even though he had a good idea of the answer.

"The Canterlot Guard will descend upon you. We destroy your forces and grind these walls to dust," the Guardspony said, "when we're finished you won't be demanding that the Princesses go to Korsk, you'll be begging them to stay away -if you're still alive."

"That is quite a boast, my friend," Harkevich cheerfully replied, stroking his thick beard, "but I have my orders. These walls will stand, unless you think your little pony friends can overcome Khador's finest warriors."

The leading Guard spread his wings, the rest of his force following suit. "You don't know who you're trying to threaten, Kommander Izak Harkevich. You have made the very sun and sky your enemies." With that, the ponies took flight.

"Kommander, should we shoot them down?" a Winter Guard rifleman asked in Khadoran as the ponies flew away.

"No, let them go," Harkevich replied, "there is no need to shoot the messengers, as the saying goes. We will be attacked either way, so let us fortify this place."

"Whatever else we can say about this Harkevich person, he's right about one thing; Canterlot will starve without the trains." Earth Pony General Rockrib said grimly. "Even if we commandeered every zeppelin and hot-air balloon in Equestria, we'd only be delaying the inevitable." The oldest of the three Generals of the Guard, Rockrib possessed an analytical mind and a fondness for precisely applied force.

"Not to mention the economic impact such an action would have on the nation as a whole," Pegasus General Thunder Wing added. The only mare General, Thunder Wing was a former Wonderbolt with an eye for talent and a particular skill for logistics.

"That makes our course of action clear," said Unicorn General Bengal Fire. The youngest General, Bengal Fire favored both military intelligence and aggressive action. "We must strike immediately!"

"I believe you are correct, Bengal Fire," Celestia said, "I will hold to my promise and give Harkevich twenty-four hours, so tomorrow is the earliest we can attack."

"I recommend sending scouts tonight," Bengal Fire advised.

"I can have a scouting party down there by sunset," Thunder Wing suggested, "Tomorrow morning we'll know exactly how many soldiers and warjacks we're dealing with. They can corroborate their intel with Applejack, who might be able to give us additional insight."

"See that it's done," Celestia ordered. "And send somepony to catch up to my sister and make sure Applejack is coming here with her. On another note, what is the state of Project Red River?" Thunder Wing's organizational skills had gotten her tentatively placed at the head of Equestria's military research and development.

"They're back on schedule thanks to the Cyrissites," Thunder Wing answered, "but the first prototype is only about half-finished. It can't even stand up on its own yet."

"Well, it was worth hoping," Celestia said with a small sigh.

"Actually, I believe Engines Equestria has produced some other war machines that may prove useful," Rockrib suggested, "mostly as byproducts of Red River."

"Of course!" Thunder Wing said excitedly, "I think you've got your hooves on something there!"

"Ah, I think I know what you're talking about," Celestia added, brightening up, "but they're at the Ponyville branch, correct?"

"In that case, how about a pincer attack?" Bengal Fire contributed, "The Canterlot Guard will descend from the mountain, while the Ponyville Guard, led by Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor, attacks from the southwest."

"An excellent idea!" Celestia agreed, "I will personally contact Shining Armor and make the arrangements. I believe we are finished here, at least for now." A scroll and quill manifested in the air, suspended in Celestia's magical aura, and she began to write. Knowing that there was nothing left to be said once Celestia dismissed them, the three Generals wordlessly left the room to set about their work.

She was surprised to realize it, a bit embarrassed to admit it to herself, and absolutely set on never telling anypony else, but Twilight Sparkle was tired of reading. She had memorized both volumes of Viktor Pendrake's Monsternomicon, read, re-read, and re-re-read a Cygnaran translation of Irusk on Conquest: How to Fully Subjugate Your Enemies, and even slogged all the way through the ponderous tome that was Starswirl the Bearded's Confounding One's Self and Other Hazards of Time Travel. Twice. Words on pages were the last thing Twilight wanted to look at, and she was getting pretty bored with the interior of Ponyville Hospital, so Twilight was delighted when Doctor Stable decided that it was time for her to leave. Thus, with no evidence of her Cryxian ordeal save for some minor aches and her own memories, Twilight walked cheerfully out of Ponyville General Hospital's main entrance and made her way into the town proper. While she was tempted to head straight for her library, Twilight didn't expect anypony to be there, and for the first time since her arrival in Ponyville, she wasn't in the mood to be alone with a treefull of books. Instead, she made her way to Engines Equestria, where Twilight knew she would find Shining Armor, Cadance, and Spike. Sure enough, as she approached the entrance to the Engines Equestria compound, the gate opened for Cadance and Spike to walk out.

"Twilight!" both said in unison, running to meet the unicorn.

"Cadance! Spike!" Twilight was overjoyed. While both pony and dragon had visited her daily, it was still a joy to see them outside the staid environs of Ponyville General Hospital. Cadance wrapped her in a tight hug while Spike latched on to her torso.

"We were just on our way to see you," Cadance said, "looks like you were looking for us, though."

"I sure was," Twilight said as Cadance released her. Spike remained firmly attached to her side, "is my brother here too?"

"Yeah, he's inside," Spike said, "he has to do some kind of inspection on some secret thing they're working on."

"Aunt Celestia really doesn't want anything getting out about that project," Cadance said, "Shining isn't even allowed to tell me of all ponies. I mean, I could probably squeeze it out of him if I wanted, but I'm not that kind of mare."

"That's why I let you get away with marrying him," Twilight replied with a grin.

Cadance giggled, "Oh, I think you'd have had to leave me in those caves if you wanted to keep me away from my Shining Armor."

Twilight laughed. "Well, I guess if I want to see Shining, I'm gonna have to wait until he's done with his little secret project for today."

"Probably," Spike said, "but there's some other cool stuff we can show you in here. Come and see!"

"What kind of a warjack is this?" Twilight asked quizzically. The machine was evidently based on the Talon, but instead of the spear and shield normally carried by that light warjack, the machine had a spike mounted on each wrist, above the fist. In addition, four sleek, tear-shaped pods were attached equidistantly around each wrist, and each pod had an egg-sized, silvery sphere embedded in it. Its shoulders carried larger pauldrons than the Talon's, with strange, curved etching in them, connecting smaller silver spheres.

"It's a new design, based on the Talon," Cadance explained, "we call it the Soldat."

"Cadance named it," Spike interrupted, rolling his eyes.

"I certainly did," Cadance said brightly, "we were attacked by a force of elves from a place called Ios, and they brought some very unusual warjacks with them. They weren't powered by steam, they used magic instead."

"Really?" Twilight was curious, "did they hold a magical charge, the way our appliances do?"

"They did indeed, with joints using metal vanes that moved in response to magic. They also generated force fields, and some of them could even attack by shooting blasts of force."

"That's amazing!" Twilight said, always excited to learn about a new kind of magic. "do those silver spheres channel the magical power?"

"Ooh, well spotted!" Cadance confirmed, finding Twilight's enthusiasm infectious, "the ones in the shoulders generate the force field, the ones around the hands create bursts of force that cause additional damage. Soldats are pretty hard hitters for light warjacks."

"Clever!" Twilight said gleefully, examining the machine's arms closely. She had never been much for military hardware, but then she'd never seen military hardware that integrated magic so completely.

"The downside is, the arcane generator takes up a lot of space," Cadance admitted, "that armor's thinner than it looks, so it needs the force field for survivability."

"Well, one would expect that," Twilight said. "Still, it's a fascinating innovation."

"Shining's a big fan of them, but I like my warjacks to have distance weapons," Cadance said, walking over to another 'jack. "Like this one, the Fusilier." The warjack in question resembled the Soldat, but without the punching spikes or wrist-mounted force channelers. Its right hand held a large tower shield, nearly as tall as the warjack itself. The left arm bore what looked like a cannon, but with no discernible firing chamber or ammunition feed. At the back of the barrel was a fairly large metal sphere.

"I take it that sphere houses a larger version of these force-channeling devices?" Twilight asked.

"That's right," Cadance confirmed, "the Iosans got their warjacks to launch bolts right from their force fields, it's impossible tell which ones can shoot and which can't. We're not there yet, we still need a barrel to physically direct the attack."

"Still, outside of Ios we probably have the only warjacks with ranged weapons that don't need ammunition," Twilight pointed out.

"I have heard rumors that Cygnar deploys warjacks with lightning guns, those don't seem to use ammunition of any kind," Cadance admitted. "Still, being able to fire without ammunition is always valuable, even if other people can do it, too. Oh! let me show you the custom warjack they built for me!" Cadance always enjoyed talking about gifts she'd been given, particularly very unusual ones.

"Oh, a personal warjack?" Twilight was even more curious. She was aware that some Cryxian warcasters had modified or even custom-built warjacks. Lord Exhumator Scaverous had a custom-made Slayer named Erebus, which he treated more like a pet than a machine, and she had heard tell that Lich Lord Asphyxious had a centipede-like warjack named Cankerworm that was so sinister that even other Cryxians were disturbed by its presence, but she'd never seen it.

"Yes! Come and see her!" Cadance said excitedly. She lifted a large tarp with her magic to reveal a warjack that vaguely resembled a Nomad. "This is Percuteur! Engines Equestria created this beautiful machine just for me!" The heavy warjack featured sleek, curved armor, with force channels in the shoulders and on the upper leg cowling that were similar to those in the Soldat and Fusilier, but larger and more elaborate. Its fists and lower arms were larger than a Nomad's, with snub-nosed weapons similar to the Fusilier's cannon mounted on the lower arms, above each hand. "She's got short-ranged force bolters and the best field generator Engines Equestria can build! Not to mention a custom-built cortex designed for maximum force control."

"That's great!" Twilight slid into full magic-nerd mode, "I really have to know more about how this force magic works!"

"Doesn't Shining Armor have a special warjack too?" Spike asked, hoping to divert the conversation away from sleep-inducing discussions of arcane theory.

"Yes, Chevalier, but he's not here," Cadance said, "anyway, he's almost a stock Nomad, Shining just took the buckler off and gave him another sword. And added some extra armor plating on the hull."

"That sounds like my brother's idea of a good warjack," Twilight commented.

"Well, the cortex has started to awaken," Cadance admitted, "Chevalier's learning from the skirmishes we've had to run, he's picking up some of Shining's habits."

"Wait, there's been fighting around Ponyville?" Twilight asked, surprised. Now at least the stone wall around the town made sense.

"We've been getting hit by trollkin raiding parties," Cadance explained, "sometimes bands of mercenaries, too. Some anonymous creep keeps hiring people to come try to knock down the walls. It was a real problem, but it hasn't been happening as much lately."

"Well, at least it's slowing down," Twilight said worriedly.

"Twily!" Shining Armor's voice came from a side entrance to the warehouse.

"Shining!" Twilight and Cadance said in unison. Spike struggled not to laugh at the pony-tangle that occurred as both mares attempted to hug the surprised stallion at the same time, resulting in all three of them falling to the floor.

"It's good to see you out of bed, Twily," Shining said, extracting a hoof with some difficulty to pat his sister on the head.

"I finally got permission to leave, so I thought I'd come and find all of you," Twilight replied.

"That's great, kid!" Shining was genuinely happy to see his sister on her hooves. "I'm pretty much done here, so how about-" the Captain was interrupted by Spike belching out a gout of green flame, from which formed a scroll with Princess Celestia's seal holding it closed.

"A letter from the Princess?" Twilight asked rhetorically.

"Spike's become more or less the official middle-dragon between me and Princess Celestia," Shining explained as Spike scanned the letter.

"Uh, this looks pretty big," the baby dragon said, "a bunch of Khadorans are trying to blockade Canterlot!"

"Wait, what?!" Shining grabbed the letter with his magic and started to read. "They walled off the railroads, the maniacs!"

"They did what?!" Cadance demanded, "how did they manage that?"

"Princess Celestia doesn't seem to know, looks like a bunch of them managed to just sneak up to the base of Canterlot Mountain and start building." Shining explained, continuing to read. "She wants us to head up an attack from the base of the mountain, while the Canterlot Guard hits them from above."

"Well, I guess we'd better make that happen," Cadance said with a sigh.

That night, a caravan of flying chariots and wagons arrived in Canterlot, bearing Princess Luna, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, as well as Glam and a pair of Luna's Nomads. The rest of Luna's warjacks had been left in Hollow Shades, in the care of talented 'jack marshals in case more enemies tried to strike at the forest town. Unbeknownst to the Princess and her entourage, and equally-oblivious Forward Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff arrived with a large detachment of Men-O-War to reinforce the Khadorans far below Canterlot.