• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 3,253 Views, 168 Comments

Iron Kingdom Equestria - Bitt_Player

By unknown magic, Equestria has been suddenly moved to another world. What's a pony to do?

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Pendrake's Report: Equestrian Military Forces

To: Scout General Bolden Rebald
Cygnaran Reconnaissance Service
Caspia, Cygnar

From: Professor Victor Pendrake
Department of Extraordinary Zoology
Corvis University, Cygnar

Scout General,

While I am sure you and King Leto fully comprehend the merits of having a neighbor-state that isn't desperate to conquer or destroy Cygnar, I am concerned by the possibility that insurrectionist elements within Cygnar may poison Equestria against us, as they have unfortunately done with Madrak Ironhide's trollkin supporters. While I have warned Equestria's leaders against these elements, I feel concern that the nation may still be made our enemy. For this reason, I feel that it is of vital importance that we have at least a basic understanding of how Equestrian ponies behave in combat situations, and I am composing this report for that purpose.

It must first be noted that Equestria has a relatively loose military doctrine. The Royal Guard serves as both police and military, and are trained to focus their efforts on protecting the civilian population. Beyond that, Equestria's overall strategy seems to boil down to 'improvise constantly.' This makes them difficult to predict, as it is difficult to determine how they might respond to any given combat situation. I believe that this doctrine is derived at least in part to the long period of uninterrupted peace enjoyed by Equestria, which has likely had a detrimental effect on the development and advance of military theory among their people.

The Royal Guard is grouped into three general divisions based on the three normal types of pony. These three groups are divided within themselves between Princess Celestia's Solar Guard and Princess Luna's Lunar Guard. Earth pony guards are extremely strong, resilient, and motivated. They are not to be underestimated. During a raid conducted by Steelhead mercenaries hired by an unknown employer, I witnessed earth pony guards endure blows that would even fell the mighty steeds of Khador's Iron Fang Uhlans, and retaliate with armor-crushing and bone-shattering kicks.

While not as strong or tough as their earth pony counterparts, pegasus pony guards are strong, fast combatants. Trained to strike quickly and in close concert, a small squad of pegasus guards can make short work of a full datha of Praetorian Swordsmen despite being severely outnumbered. Pegasus ponies of the Royal Guard are deployed as shock troopers for fast-strike actions, and many of them have training in the control of weather, a skill which I will elaborate upon below.

Unicorn Royal Guards are the nation's acanists and sorcerers. Much of their magic brings to mind that of the Iosan elves, with a strong emphasis on force barriers and energy attacks. Many of them are also able to manipulate light or darkness. Each specific unicorn tends to bring his or her own unique arcane talents to the battlefield, as well, resulting in an unpredictable combination of abilities. Additionally, at least a few unicorn guards may potentially be warcasters, and it might be worthwhile to consider a trade agreement with Equestria involving warjacks or cortexes. Princess Celestia seems eager for any advantage her people can be afforded.

Celestia herself is a formidable enemy, willing and able to take to the battlefield. With spells that shield her guardsponies and the ability to release blasts of searing heat, Celestia is likely the arcane equal of any of Cygnar's warcasters. I have not seen Princess Luna in combat, but I would assume that she is as powerful as her older sister.

In addition to the Royal Guard are the Equestrian Irregulars, which seem to have an extremely open recruitment and retirement policy. Nearly any pony can temporarily become a member of the Irregulars, apparently by merely arriving on the battlefield. I am reminded of the compulsory military service required in Khador and the Protectorate, but membership in the Irregulars seems entirely optional. The open recruitment policies of the Irregulars makes them extremely unpredictable, and they compensate for their lack of formal military training with a surprising ability to improvise. Among the most dangerous of ponies that might be seen among the Irregulars are the members of the Weather Patrol.

In Equestria, weather patterns do not occur naturally. To compensate for this, pegasus ponies have incredible power to manipulate weather, and each town's Weather Patrol is comprised of the best weather-controllers available, all of whom can move clouds, cause rain or lighting, and even create tornadoes and hurricanes with relative ease. Weather patterns that require days-long rituals conducted by dozens of blackclad druids of the Circle Orboros can be brought about within a few short hours by a small team of Weather Patrol ponies. Despite this, the pegasus ponies I have spoken to seem fascinated by the idea of weaponizing weather. I have seen pegasus Guardsponies pushing small clouds across the battlefield to inhibit visibility, but no pony I have met has considered the idea of attacking an enemy with lightning, despite being fully aware of its lethal effects and being able to generate it by delivering a swift kick to a cloud. I imagine that on my return to Cygnar I shall be accompanied by at least a few pegasus ponies eager to discuss such matters with our stormsmiths.



I am writing this while on Captain Kara Sloan's military train, traveling to her next assignment, which will take me closer to Corvis. As expected, I find myself accompanied by a number of pegasus ponies. The train was stopped due to an improvised barricade on the rails and set upon by a sorely-outmatched farrow raiding party. During the ensuing battle, one of these ponies, Rainbow Dash, produced a colorful and brutally destructive shockwave by accelerating to an extreme speed in the air. She refers to this attack as the "Sonic Rainboom", and claims that it was considered a myth, a stunt which was impossible to perform, before she proved able to accomplish it. The Sonic Rainboom was originally meant as a stunt used to entertain audiences, but Rainbow Dash, aware of the force of its shockwave, has chosen to weaponize it. Rainbow Dash is not a soldier, and is in fact employed by the Weather Patrol. Her attempt to weaponize this airborne trick, and its devastating results, are a particularly noteworthy example of Equestrian capacity for improvisation.