• Published 13th Apr 2012
  • 3,223 Views, 138 Comments

BlazBlue: Equestria Shift. - Alkem

The mane six wind up in the world of BlazBlue and become separated.

  • ...

Twilight: Scene 2

In a not to different setting, in a secluded part of the Kagutsuchi pier surrounded by dozens of large wooden shipping crates, Twilight Sparkle was leaning over a weary Ragna the Bloodedge. Her horn glowing as she cast another healing spell.

"Ragna. Hey, Ragna, are you feeling better?"

Awakened by her gentle voice, Ragna's eyes flew opened to see a horn shining bright on the forehead of the girl seated next to him. "You know, we seriously got to stop winding up like this."

"Hmph, well if someone didn't have people who wanted to fight whenever they see you it wouldn't. Though at least with you unconscious, I had an easier time treating your wounds. Now could you please stay still a bit longer, I haven't finished yet. Healing magic takes time to complete and I don't need you to go off running off like you did the first time."

Ragna pushed with his elbow, lifting his upper body up slightly. "In my defense, you were buck naked at the time. So excuse me for being modest—Oow!" he yelped dropping to his back again.

"See what I mean." answered Twilight, resuming her treatment. You're still not patched up yet. So please, just lie still." Keeping up with her spell, her finger danced around the stone pavement while she focused, eventually meeting with the edge of her skirt that caught her eye. "Hey, Ragna. I wanted to say thank you, for the clothes you bought me earlier." Her eyes suddenly furrowed. "I wanted to say it, but then I remember that you made me steal it!" She sighed. "Unbelievable. Now nothing I'm a thief! A thief!"

While remaining motionless on his back, Ragna shrug at her. "Hey, what was I supposed to do? I'm sorta strapped for cash and clothing is expensive. I couldn't leave a girl walking around the city naked, especially after she just saved my ass. Counting that moment with Jin earlier, that makes two times."

"Don't you mean you've saved me? If you hadn't pulled me back before we teleported…" Twilight looked down and placed her palm against her chest. "If it was just an inch closer… Thank you, Ragna."

"Don't sweat it. In the end it was your magic that got us out of there." Ragna rolled his eyes up, focusing on the glowing horn sticking out from Twilight forehead. "You've got to be a pretty strong person to be able to handle magic like that."

Twilight stared back at him, puzzled by Ragna's comment. "What do you mean, Ragna? Weren't you and your brother shooting icicles and that dark stuff you made at each other just a moment ago?"

"That stuff's different. What Jin and I were doing wasn't magic, not exactly. He was using his ars armagus to make all those icicles. I used this." He lifted his right arm, letting Twilight observed the crystal-like red shell encrusted on the back of his black colored glove. "Not bad huh? Especially considering it's fake."

"Fake? You mean this hand is a fake?" Twilight began poking and prodding the artificial limb more vigorously.

"Hand? Pretty much my whole right arm is—" Ragna let out a chuckle as a set of fingers eagerly poked him more and more. "Hey cut it out will yah? That tickles."

Twilight placed his arm down and continued her healing. "Sorry. But when you said it was a fake, I had to see how it works. So is this that thing you called arms magus?

"You mean ars armagus. Wait, you don't know about ars armagus?" She nodded. "What about ars magus? How the hell don't you know ars magus when you use magic?" Twilight looked at him, at a loss for words. "Geez, you are one strange girl."

"What's so strange about me using magic?"

"Well for starters there's the fact you use magic, something humans can't handle. Second, you have no clue about ars magus or ars armagus for that matter."

"Well that makes sense then." Twilight sat back and touched the tip of her horn. "After all I'm not a human. I'm a pony."

A twitch suddenly overcame Ragna's right eye reflecting Twilight's image off its crimson lens. He sat up, his lingering pain overcome by disbelief. "Did you just say you're a pony?"

"Why yes," Twilight said with a nod. "A unicorn pony to be exact." She patted her horn again which shined in reaction. "That's why I can use magic. Since only unicorn ponies can use magic."

Ragna's mouth fell open, though a lack of words left him silently staring for a few seconds. "So what you're telling me is that you can use magic because you not human. You're a pony?"

"A unicorn pony," she corrected.

"But, but you look human! Hell aside from that horn on your head you look no different for any ordinary girl!"

"Well that's… because…" Twilight paused, looking down to observe her hands. Checking them front and back, she looked past her fingers, down towards her skirt and noticed her knees. She placed her hand against her thigh, dancing her fingers down, meeting the end of her sock and continued down to her ankle. "I don't know…" She sat down and clutched herself. "I don't know what happened to me." Her head slumped down, with her eyes focusing on the floor. "I was with my friends, having a picnic, when we were pulled into something. All I can remember before I met you was waking up on a strange table with all these eyes staring at me in this body. Ragna…" She turned her head back up. "What happened to me?"

Watching her staring up at him with tears in her eyes, a girl who earlier bravely leaped into certain death to save him, Ragna sighed. "I don't know…" He then stood up and reached out to her. "But I think I know someone who might."

Sniffling away the tears in her eyes she took his hand and pulled herself up. "You do? Who?"

Ragna's sighed, furrowing his brow. "A certain vampire who's a real pain in my ass. But I'm sure she might have a clue about what happened to you and your friends."

Twilight was practically skipping along the road; her spirit rejuvenated with the hope of finding her friends, she looked back at her begrudged guide. "Wait, Ragna…" She stopped, looking at some lingering bruises and cut on his arm. "You're still hurt. You need to let me finish healing you."

"Don't worry; you've already done a great job. I can handle small cuts like these," said Ragna, walking past her, failing to hide a limp.

"But Ragna—"

"I said don't worry about it. Once we get to the rabbit's place I'll take a break there, so relax. Besides, with Jin gone, it's not like we're gonna run into any troub—guuuwaaah!" Ragna's reassurance, along with his face, was deformed by a pair of white, golden trimmed shoes that sent him smashing into one of the crates.

Turning her head and watching in shock as the dust settled around Ragna, Twilight sprinted after him. "Ragna!"

"Stay back!" A girl's voice called out.

Twilight stopped and turned to see a girl -Platinum—with her arm stretched out towards her. "Don't worry, Luna's gonna save you from that slimy creeps."

Twilight was at a loss for words. "What?" Taking her eyes off Platinum, she looked back to Ragna, getting hit by dropping pieces of the destroyed crate that loomed overhead. "Hold on, Ragna."

"Oh no," Platinum gasped, seeing Twilight running after Ragna despite her warning. "That pervert must have hypnotized her into his clutches. It's up to me to save her before she loses her innocence to that perv."

Platinum spoke out again, but this time in a young boy's voice. "Uh, Luna, don't you think you might be jumping to conclusions again? It could be that this girl isn't hypnotized and is just worried for him. After all, you did just drop kicked him in the face."

"No way, Sena, it's obvious that dumbass over did something. There's no way any girl would worry about a perv like him. Luna gonna break his hold by breaking his ugly face!"

"Oh boy…"

Crouched beside Ragna, Twilight brushed away the debris covering him. "Are you alright?"

He groaned. "Yeah… though I feel like I've been hit by a truck." With Twilight bracing him, Ragna began to stand. "Geez, just what the hell—uhwaaa!" Striking down upon his head like a bolt of lightning, a hammer nailed back onto the pavement.

"Stay away from her you slimy creep!" said Platinum, gripping the other end of cherry colored mallet. With the sexual deviant passed out between them, she grabbed Twilight by the wrist and pulled her away. "Come with Luna. You ain't safe hanging around this dumbass."

Startled by sudden events Twilight got yanked a few feet before she pulled her arm from and faced the mysterious new girl. "Not safe? You're the one who just hurt my friend. If there's anyone who isn't safe, it's you!"

Platinum stared back at her, darting her eyes between her and Ragan until she took a step back in realization. "Oh no…" Her look of shock instant switched to rage as she looked to the pancake lying behind Twilight. "That pedo must have completely brainwashed her!"

Despite his mug being ingrained into the pavement, Ragna mustered the strength to mutter something. "I ain't… a god damn pedo… you little…" His strength left him.

"Alright!" Platinum raised her hammer above her head which began emanating a radiant light that covered it. Under its blinding silhouette, the weapon in her hand changed in shape and converted into a large staff with a spear shaped bottom and a large gold hollowed out heart, complete with a red crystal orb in the center, at the top. She then twirled it in around skillfully and held it at her side as she faced Ragna. "Time for Luna to kick some ass and teach that idiotic creep not to lust after innocent little girls."

"Little?" Twilight replied, looking down at the young girl across from her. "I have about seven and a quarter inch on you to be exact."

"Pipe down girly. Luna's trying to save you. Geez, you could least show a little gratitude ya know."

Platinum turned away suddenly and spoke in Sena's voice. "Hey Luna, maybe we shouldn't do this. After all we still have find out where that light from earlier came from."

"Zip it Sena," Luna retorted. "That alien stuff can wait. Right now Luna feels like kicking some ass."

Seeing Platinum was speaking about Ragna, Twilight moved into her line of sight stood to block her. "I won't let you do that."

"Step aside girl. Can't you see you've been brainwashed into protecting that creep."

"What are you talking about? I'm not brainwashed. I'm protecting him because he's a friend of mine."

"Oh man…" Platinum sighed. "That perv's hold on you sure is strong. All the more reason why I've got to beat that crap outta him. Now for the last time girly, get out of Luna's way!"


Platinum sighed at the girl standing against her. The determined look in Twilight's gaze told her all she needed to know. "Luna didn't want to do this." Platinum grabbed her staff, poised ready to fight. "But if you're going to stand in my way, then Luna's gonna have to kick your ass too." She darted forward, swinging her staff in a sweeping arc.

"Aaaaah!" Twilight raised her arms to protect herself but the hit knocked her back, knocking her on her back.

Platinum held her staff back at her side, staring down at the fallen Twilight with a look of disbelief. "That's it? Huh, guess you don't put up much of a fight. So that means Luna can take care of that spiky haired idiot sooner then she thought."

Racked with pain, Twilight lurched herself up, watching Platinum approach Ragna and begin to repeatedly stomp the heel of her foot his head. "Stop!" His guttural yelp with each stomp, further embedding him, into the floor, motivated her through the pain. "I said stop!"

"Whoa!" A surprise tackled knocked Platinum off her feet. "So, you still want to fight huh?" she said, looking at Twilight who also was getting back on her feet. "Don't blame Luna when your ass gets handed to you again." She closed the distance and raised her staff above her head. "Let's see you come back after this."

Sweat ran down Twilight's chin, watching Platinum's weapon take the form of a giant mace that possessed the color essences of a blueberry. The word dodge hollered again and again in her head, desperately trying to get her legs to hear it. Unfortunately they only answered back with a quiver as the mace came down upon her.

"Take that!" Platinum defiantly shouted, rising her mace off the ground where Twilight now lay. "Sorry bout that, but it's for your own good."

Her body ached but Twilight endured, lifting her head to see Platinum headed for Ragna again. "No…" She reached out. Ragna, still out of it, was on the verge of another beating. "You can't…" Light now permeated through her hair as Twilight's horn began to glow. "I won't let you."

Standing before Ragna again, Platinum raised her staff over her head as it transformed into a hammer once more. "Just go away you—what!?"

A flash of light emerged in between the two. At first a flicker but then followed by what seemed like a ball of lightning. Her mallet hit against it, clashing into something hard. Platinum hopped back, watching the sphere diminishing to reveal Twilight standing poised and ready in front of Ragna.

Luna eyes instantly lit up as brightly as the light surrounding Twilight. "Wait a sec—how did—was that?"

"Hey Luna," Sena spoke out. "Isn't that the light we were—"

"It was! That was teleportation magic! So that means…" Platinum lowered her hammer, grinning from ear to ear, and pointed at Twilight. "You're a magical girl just like me!"

Twilight, still breathing heavy, stared blankly at her. "I'm… I'm a what now?"

"A magical girl," Platinum repeated. "This all makes sense now. Your weird colored hair, that cute outfit, although that red jacket doesn't work with it. And that short skirt. Not to mention you just used magic. So, yup, you're definitely a magical girl."

Down near the back of Twilight's feet, Ragna started to come to. "Shit… The hell's with all the beatings I'm getting today."

Platinum gasped at the sight of the awakening ruffian. "That's right, I almost forgot. Luna's still got to kick that idiot's ass and break his control."

"You'll have to get through me to do that!" Twilight shouted.

"What?!" Ragna stared up at the determined looking girl in front of him. "Just get out of here Twilight. I can handle this."

Twilight looked back at him. "Handle this, Ragna, you can't even get up."

"Just watch me." Ragna grunted over and over, struggling to move just a little. He let out one last yell as the only limb he barely managed to move fell limp. "Damn…"

"See, you barely moved you arm. Now just leave her to me." Twilight then turned back towards Platinum. "Okay you, if—" Twilight fell silent. For standing before her was no longer the girl from before but rather a demon in a cute skirt.

In place of Platinum's once green heart shaped pupils, were now two searing red flames staring death at Ragna with the intensity of the sun. "You up skit peeping pervert!"

Lying down, not at all by choice, Ragna looked up at Twilight again, this time becoming aware of something he hadn't before. "Whoa!" The hue of his face now matched Platinum's to a tee, though not for the same reason of course. "No, no, no, no, no! It's not what you think. I wasn't looking there." He started flopping like a fish, desperately trying to get away, or at the very least change is angle of view. "I didn't do it on purpose. You gotta believe me!"

Despite his pleas, Platinum was already on the warpath. "Take this!"

Standing in her way, Twilight's palms emanated a light as she put her hand up in defense and felt something against her palms.

Platinum's staff struck against something, but it was softer as she anticipated. Pulling her staff back, she looked at Twilight's hands. "Hey. Where did those come from?"

Arms cross, Twilight looked up to see a thick tome emblazoned with her cutie mark in one hand and a simple black wand in the other. Releasing them in shock the two mysterious objects floated around her hands as they basked in a light purple light. "Huh?" She moved her hands back and the two items followed. "Well, this is interesting."

"So, you finally ready to go all out!"

Twilight levitated the book and wand and held them tightly. "Ready to stop you." Twilight looked back to Ragna. "Just stay still and rest. I'll handle her. Trust me."

Incapacitated, Ragna could only watch as the battle between magical girls unfolded.

Platinum charged in, throwing the first string of blows but Twilight held up her book like a shield and took each of Platinum's punches and staff swings. She then shoved her back and lunged after her. Holding her wand like a sword, she infused her magic into it to create a raspberry tinted aura around it that stretched out and extended the swings and thrust of her wand as it clashed against Platinum and knocked her to the ground.

"Oww… That's going to far." Platinum sprang back to her feat, raising her staff up where the sphere on her staff's top turned light blue. She then brought the hollowed heart shaped to her lips and blew, creating a large bubble that slowly bounced towards Twilight.

Peering past the transparent orb, Twilight watched a blurry vision of Platinum aiming the front of her staff at her. Bubble bounced off the ground and rose up and Platinum fired a white bullet adorned with a smiley face and a cute blue bow. Twilight jumped, dodging it but, another came at her. The happy missile hit, knocking her into the bubble which absorbed her and trapped her inside.

While Twilight tried fighting free, Platinum struck with the pointed edge at the bottom of her staff, popping Twilight's prison as well as knocking her into the air and leaped after her. Platinum spun in mid air, landing two consecutive strikes of her staff before changing its form into a pogo stick. With Twilight still caught in a string of midair blows, Platinum pogo bounced against her, planting three sturdy blows that sent her slamming down to the ground.

Bouncing hard against the pavement Twilight got onto her feet and jumped to the side, dodging before Platinum's mace hit. While she pulled her mace back, Twilight moved in, wielding her weapons like a sword and shield, striking Platinum again and again. She then stretched out her wands aura like a vine that wrapped itself around Platinum and lobbed her against the wall behind Twilight.

"Alight, let's see how this spell works." As Platinum bounced off the wall, Twilight quickly skimmed the pages of her book and turned it forward, shooting a beam of light that plastered Platinum back against the wall. "Whoa."

Finally dropping to the ground after the onslaught of beam fire, Platinum pushed herself up with her staff. "Okay, that's it!" Platinum rushed in swinging, her wand meeting against Twilight's wand. The two exchanging clashes one after another. Sparks of light flew between the two as magic shot between the two of them. Twilight used both tome and wand, blocking and parrying Platinum's staff.

Meanwhile Platinum was bobbing and weaving around Twilight's strikes. Avoiding hers blade and its absurd flexibility, to getting around that shield, she was also having a rough time with the fight.

Twilight raised her book, readying herself to block either hammer or frying pan, but instead Platinum rushed in and grabbed a hold of Twilight and pulled her in. She then lifted her staff, using of her magic to hold Twilight in place and summoned a giant bell at her back that pendulum swung forward and slammed Twilight away before it vanished in a plume of smoke.

Tumbling back and getting back to her feet, Twilight gnashed her teeth, eyes shining as she built up her magic. With eyes fuming with equal vigor, Platinum ran in with her now baseball bat shaped staff. Just as she was about to clock her, Twilight vanished in a flash of light.

"Where'd she—oof!" Striking from behind, Twilight unleashed a flurry of wand thrust and shield slams.

Twilight's book and wand hovered around her like a pair of hornets, battering Platinum repeatedly until Twilight grabbed both and started channeling her power, building the aura around her wand to expand.

"Uh Luna, this looks bad," Sena spoke out as Platinum backed away.

"Shut it Sena," Luna barked, spitting at the ground. She then raised her staff. "Okay, this one will definitely blow her away." Her staff shined, turning the sphere on top yellow.

Unsure what that trouble that new color would mean, Twilight tossed caution to the salty sea winds and ran in. Keeping her eye on the little magical girl, she watched as Platinum conjured a group of yellow bombs, each with cat faces complete with whiskers and ears from her staff.

Twilight kept on charging, weaving around the bombardment that rocked the pier as clouds surrounded the area. She leaped through the fog of smoke, tackling Platinum and swatting her with her book before laying a brutal strike with her wand that smacked Platinum clear across the other side of the landing.

"Luna, we should run," Sena muttered. Platinum lifted herself off the ground, looking up to see Twilight standing across from her.

"No! We still have to free her from the perv's control!" She looked towards Ragna, still lying face down on the ground. "I may have lost in a battle of magic against her, but I'll still liberate my fellow magical girl."

Ready to take whatever Platinum would dish out, Twilight hadn't anticipated the little mage's next attack wouldn't be targeting her.

"The strength that lies dormant inside me…" Platinum's outfit changed, gaining golden trims around her shirt and dress, and angelic styled bows replacing the ones on her pigtails. Her staff had also improved, becoming more eccentric with a halo now hovering over top of the heart. A halo that was now pointed towards Ragna.

"No!" shouted Twilight, sprinting to her unconscious friend "Hang on Ragna, I've got you." Sensing a huge amount of magic building up around Platinum, Twilight reached Ragna, lifting him up as she prepared a spell of her own. Basking both of them in brilliant light, Twilight and Ragna vanished, leaving Platinum standing alone in the smoke shrouded docks.

"What the hell?" Putting her staff down, with her clothes returning to normal, Platinum approached the charred pavement where Ragna and Twilight were once standing. "Oh man! They ran away! How's Luna supposed to free her fellow magical girl from that pedophilic creep's clutches when they run away like that?"

"None of this would have happened if you didn't jump to—"

"Damn it! Who know what kind of bad touch things he's going to do to her," Luna cut in.

Sena sighed. "Why do I even bother?"

Although troubled with her failure, she shrugged and looked out to the rest of the docks as the smoke began to clear. "Anyways, Sena, let's back to finding those aliens. If we keep walking around like this, I'm sure we'll meet up with one of em."

"You mean like the one we just fought? The one who's magic made that bright light we were looking for? The one we should have just spoken with in the first place?"

"What you mean her? Brainwashed girl? She didn't look like an alien to me?"

"She had a horn on her head!"

"She did?"


"Well shit… Guess I didn't see that. On account of I was too busy being a badass. Next time I see her, I'll be sure to beat that Ragna the suckedge and set her free. At least now we know what to look for right, Sena.

Sena let out a very minute yet exhausted sigh. "Someone… please help me."