• Published 13th Apr 2012
  • 3,224 Views, 138 Comments

BlazBlue: Equestria Shift. - Alkem

The mane six wind up in the world of BlazBlue and become separated.

  • ...

Pinkie: Scene 2

On the hunt for her new friend's lost friends, Tao led the search as she guided Pinkie Pie along from the Kaka Village up to the first level of Kagutsutchi. While Pinkie was fortunate to have found someone to guide her around this strange new place, she was unfortunate that the one guiding her was Tao. While the energetic feline initially brought them there to start their search, she caught a scent in the wind that caused her to forget. The two roamed the streets, both now in pursuit of different goals, when Tao came to a stop at an area where it looked as though a fight had broken out recently.

"Sniff, sniff. Sniff, sniff." She turned left and right, desperate to find what her nose had whiffed, but looked puzzled after coming up empty. "Hmm, that's funny. Tao swears Tao smells Good Guy around here, but Tao doesn't see him."

"Um, Good Guy?" Pinkie wondered, looking around to see what kind of a person would have earned such a title.

"Yeah Pink Lady, Good Guy is a friend of Tao's. Always playing with Tao and buying Tao lots of yummy meat buns." Tao wiped her sleeve across her mouth, drool practically forming a waterfall off it as her mind focused on food.

"So if we find this Good Guy then maybe he can also help find my friends?"

Tao couldn't hear her as her thoughts were clouded by the images of succulent meals dancing about. "Meat buns, meat buns, meat buns, yay!"

Pinkie looked around the crowds, still trying to find who they were in search of. "Do you see Good Guy around here Tao?"

While she sniffed the air, Taokaka looked left and right. "Meow? Tao can't see Good Guy anywhere. But Tao's nose is telling Tao he should be right here. Nya! Tao's nose must be busted. Nyow how will Tao find Good Guy? How's Tao supposed to get a free meal?"

Pinkie approached her distraught escort. "Aww cheer up Tao, I bet your nose works fine. In fact why don't you try using it to find something else?"

"Good idea Pink Lady." Taking Pinkie Pie's advice, Tao tried again to pick up a scent. This time getting something she knew she could find. She then grabbed a hold of Pinkie and pulled her along. "Oh, oh, Tao's got something. Come on Pink Lady."

"Wait for me," said Pinkie as she gave chase after the speeding Kaka.

After scampering through the streets, they arrived all the way to Orient Town, more precisely, at the front of one of its restaurant. While Pinkie took a look inside through the doorway, Tao was hopping up and down with glee.

"You were right Pink Lady. Tao's nose isn't busted after all. It can still find the tastiest meat buns around. Come on, let's eat. Tao's starving."

"Wait Tao," Pinkie said reaching out too late to stop the girl with the one track mind. "What about my friends?"

Tao looked back with a look as if her question flew right over her head. "Meow?"

"We're here to find my friends, remember?"

"Nyeah right. Tao didn't forget. Tao just thinks we should go and check inside here first. Maybe Pink Lady's friends are all inside enjoying a tasty meal. And while we search why not have a bite to eat. After all, it's rude to walk into a restaurant and not eat anything."

"Well I guess we can stop in for a bite. And you might be right. One of my friends could be inside."

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go inside and get us some grub."

"And look for my friends."

"Nyeah, that too."

Time passed with Tao hungrily scarfing one meat stuffed bun of bread after another. Enticed by her friend's enthusiastic eating, Pinkie decided to try one. Finding it more delicious then she expected, she tried another one, and another one, and another. Pretty soon there were two black holes in the restaurant, devouring all manners of meat wrapped within bread. Everything seemed to be going swimmingly, until the two of them were wrapping up their meal.

"Aaaaaaaah! Tao's belly is full," Tao said, lying back in her seat. A tower of plates stacked in front of her and Pinkie sitting beside her with an impressive stack of her own

"That was so tasty," Pinkie said, patting her stomach.

As they both lay back to let their stomachs settle, "Hey you two." a short elderly woman approached them. "You eat an awful lot. Now who's gonna pay the bill?"

"The, bill?" Pinkie repeated, the notion of paying for their tremendous meal just hitting her.

"Yeah lady, the bill. You two owe an awful lot."

Pinkie looked over to Tao, who was nonchalantly eating one more meat bun. "I don't have any money. How are we gonna pay Tao?"

"Relax Pink Lady, Tao's got it covered." Wolfing down the remaining bun in her hand, Tao faced the agitated woman. "Put it all on Good Guy's tab," she said, pointing to a wanted poster on the wall.

The restaurant owner looked at the poster and went silent for a moment. "You, you're with that outlaw Ragna the Bloodedge."

"Yup, Tao and Good Guy are good friends."

The owner's face went slightly pale as she slowly stepping back. "Okay you two, you go. I don't want no trouble."

With the whole restaurant falling silent, the girls stood up to walk away. Pinkie couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Perhaps it was the proprietor's reaction. Or maybe the dead silence of the other diners upon hearing the name Ragna the Blood Edge? Or most peculiar of all was that a man Tao labeled as 'Good Guy' was on a wanted poster with a reward higher than she could count. Whatever the feeling, it escaped her as she and Tao made their exit.

Headed down the busy walkway, Pinkie looked to her companion, still plagued by what happened earlier. "Tao, are you sure it was alright to just leave like that?"

"Yup. Tao goes there to eat meat buns all the time and Good Guy always handles the bill. Every time we finish Good Guy and Tao always have a race with Grouchy Old Lady. Even though she cheats and throws stuff at Tao, Tao always wins."

Questioning the so called little game of hers, Pinkie had second thoughts about leaving like that. "Tao, I think we should head ba—"

"There they are!" a shrill voice shouted, cutting her off.

Both girls cringed and slowly turned over to see was speaking to them. Taokaka's tail wagged at the sight of who headed their way.

"Oh hey it's Grouchy Old Lady. Are ya here to race Tao again?"

"Race, what race? And I'm not old. You two think you can eat everything in my shop and then leave without pay. I'm tired of you and that Ragna the Bloodedge always try dine n dash in my restaurant. Lucky for me, I find mercenary who will make you pay."

A pinching feeling in her knee told Pinkie she'd best intervene. "Please, we didn't mean to eat without paying."

"Oh, then what you think you do? Eat a whole lot of my food then walk away without pay bill. Sound like dine n dash to me. Now I gonna make you both pay." She turned back and waved someone over. "You, mercenary boy, come catch these two."

From the crowd of people slowly gathering around them, two figures emerged. "Let's get this over with. You promised my sister and me a full course meal in exchange for capturing these… Tao?"

Recognizing the boy appearing behind the old woman Taokaka, threw her arms up and pounced. "Shorty!" She wrapped her arms tightly around Carl Clover and squeezed. "Tao hasn't seen you in forever. Did you come to play with Tao and Pink lady?"

Caught in Tao overzealous bear hug, he leaned his head over to get a look past her. "Pink lady?" he asked, spotting Pinkie Pie who waved at him.

The elder woman angrily tapped her foot seeing the show of affection between the boy and Kaka girl. "Hey, boy! I don't pay you to hug them. I pay you to teach them a lesson."

Pinkie join Carl and Tao who were discussing what they should do. "Okay you two, allow me to handle this," said Carl, walking over to the agitated woman, leaving his sister with the girls.

Curious over the silent girl made of metal, Pinkie examined her, feeling a strange sensation exude off her. An off putting mixture of lifelessness yet not, something the chipper girl didn't know what to feel about. She reached her hand to touch her, but before her fingers could feel the cold solid surface the doll swiped at her. Pinkie dodged, avoiding the doll's razor sharp claws and backed away as Carl started speaking to restaurant owner.

"Excuse me miss. Please allow me to cover their bill. I believe that should clear up this situation."As Carl pulled out his wallet and reached in, the woman stopped him.

"I don't want cash."

"What?" said Carl, thrown off by her statement. "But isn't this what you wanted? Didn't you want them pay you."

"Yes. But I also want them to pay. As in no more stealing from my shop ever again. Now go do what I pay you for mercenary."

With the crowd around them looking on, Carl found himself unable to deny the stubborn woman's boisterous demand. He turned away and walked over to Pinkie, Tao and Ada, tilting his hat forward as he sighed reluctantly at what he was now forced to go through. As he joined the girls, his sister walked over to his side and looked down at him.

"I don't know Ada. I don't think I have much choice." He stared into the doll's eyes as those listing in on a plan. "Actually, that might work. Good idea sis." He looked over to Tao and Pinkie. "Okay you two," he said, winking at them repeatedly as he went on. "This is the last time you'll ever dine and dash." He kept it up, hoping the two of them, especially Tao, would get it. "I'm going to fight you to teach you a lesson, and don't you even try and pretend like you're fighting back."

Pinkie, getting the most obvious string of hints in history, gave Carl a subtle nod. She then looked over to Tao.

"Meow?" Tao uttered with a tilt of the head. "You alright Shorty? Your eye is all twitchy twitch. If Tao didn't know any better, Tao would think Shorty's trying to hit on Tao. Sorry Shorty, but Tao's not into ped... Pedo… That big word everyone keeps calling Good Guy."

Carl stood silent, dumbstruck over what she said. Though he was unsure what jarred him more, the fact that Tao couldn't get his blaringly obvious hints, or the conclusion she came to. "No Tao! I saying I'm going to fight you."

Tao's ears and tail perked up in response. "Oh yay! Short Guy wants to rumble! You should have told Tao sooner."

While she hopped excitedly, punching the air, Carl sighed with his palm against his face. "Yes Tao, we're going to—I mean no. We're not!" Remembering who was listening in, he looked back to the old shopkeeper who glared at him.

"You're not?" both the elder woman and Tao asked, having the same disappointed expression.

"I mean yes we are!" he shouted, making sure the shop owner heard.

"Yay! Fight, fight, fight!" Tao chanted, hopping about once again.

"No wait, I meant…" Stuck between the stubborn old woman and Tao's denseness, Carl had had it. "Alright fine! Yes Tao I'll fight."

"Jeeze Shorty, you sure are all flippy flop. You need to be more decisive."

Watching the back and forth between the exuberant Kaka girl and the groaning young boy, Pinkie felt bad for Carl whose plan had quickly fallen apart. She decided to step in between them and faced him. "How about you fiiiight me instead," she said with a wink.

"Oh! You wanna have go against Short Guy Pinky lady? Alright then. Tao'll stay back and root for yah!"

Carl, a little surprised but relieved that his plan may still work, gave Pinkie a faint grin along with a tip of his hat. He then struck a pose, pointing his finger at her while remember a line he'd learned from listening to a certain someone's longwinded speeches. "Alright then you thieving villain. So long as I'm around, you won't get away with dine and dashing from any of these fine establishments. Prepare to taste my justice!" After saying that, he dropped his arm down, tilting his head down in embarrassment. I can't believe mister Bang can talk like that and not feel utterly embarrassed.

"Nyot too bad Shorty. But you just need to yell a bit louder if you wanna sound like Scruffy-man," said Tao, who watched on behind Pinkie who couldn't help giggling a little.

The surrounding crowd stepped back as Carl and Pinkie stood off. Pinkie did her best to keep a straight face, but knowing the boy didn't intend on actually hurting her, she couldn't help but let out a few chuckles as she hopped with her fist raised and ready.

Putting up his dukes as well, Carl strolled his way over to strike. "Take that!" he shouted, throwing his slowly moving fist forward. Waiting for just the right moment, Pinkie moved her head away an inch from getting struck. As she avoided Carl's slow jab she also dodged something that rapidly came behind Carl that delivered the same punch as him, only with much more strength and speed behind it.

"Huh?" Sensing the wind of the second fist, Carl looked up to see Ada standing beside him, her arm stretched forward with her fingers clenched. "Sis? What are you doing?"

Surprised as Carl was, Pinkie looked over to the doll towering over him and noticed it began to move towards her. It lunged with an arm extending forward, narrowing its claw like fingers to form a drill that spun rapidly. Pinkie hopped to the side, avoiding the drill, but she couldn't sidestep Ada's clunky frame which slid forward to ram against her. Pinkie was knocked her off her feet and rolling back a few feet onto the floor. Getting back up, she moved away the pink curls blocking her view and looked over to Carl. "Hey, what gives?"

Ada approached. Her claws were focused on the pink haired girl while Carl clung onto the back of her dress, doing his best to hold her back. "Ada! Stop!"

Pinkie quickly avoided another swipe. "Okay, we can stop now. I've learned my lesson about not dining and dashing. I really don't feel like fighting anymore."

Ada threw one punch after another, each one nimbly dodged by Pinkie as Carl continued tugging and pleading with the hardened maiden to stop while Tao obliviously watched from the sidelines with the crowd. One of Ada's hammer fists almost hit Pinkie, catching her by the sleeves as it crashed against the floor. The surrounding crowd started backing up as the fight between the pink haired girl and blonde automaton intensified.

Seeing how her target avoided her jabs, Ada knelt down and began to spin. Her long arms swung outward as she spun, making her jagged digits line the edge of her circular motion. Pinkie Pie found herself against a wall facing the twirl figure approaching her. Seeing no other options available, she stuck up her hands in the hopes that something would bring the deadly doll to a halt.

She shut her eyes as Ada got closer. With her hands still held up before her, she felt a familiar sensation against them. One she remembered feeling once before when she first awoke in this new world. She reached out as she did before, sensing something as she closed her palms. Affirming her grip, Pinkie heard a thunderous clang of metal come from her front and felt a force push her back. She opened her eyes to see Ada standing a few feet away. But what really drew her eye was what she saw tightly held in her hands.


Examined the strange object in her possession, she noticed it was a long shaft with a large barrel shaped portion at the top. On the side, it bared the same image as that of her cutie mark. Swinging it around a bit, she slammed it against the ground and realized what she held.

"Ooo, a hammer. Neat!" She lifted it up and found something about it to be odd. "It's… It's so light." Pinkie Pie spotted Ada lunging toward her and readied her new weapon. "Okay miss metal dress, you wanna play rough? I'll show you how this pony plays, Pinkie Pie style!"

Her hammer held like a bat, Pinkie swung, causing an explosion upon impact against Ada. The blast pushed Pinkie back and sent Ada bouncing against a wall where she dropped at Carl's feet and started getting up again.

"Ada, stop! That's enough!"

Against Carl's orders, Ada made her way back to Pinkie, but stopped for a moment and turned to face him.

Carl, still puzzled by her behavior, stared into his sister's blank gaze. "Sis…" He looked into them, as though hearing her say something and nodded. "Okay sis. I'll go along with this. But you better give me an explanation later." He stepped forward, approaching Pinkie alongside Ada. "Ms. Pie, if you would allow, my sister and I would like to see how well you'd fare against the two of us in a real bout."

Pinkie, gripping her mallet through the long sleeves of her Kaka outfit, sensed something coming from it. Something about it gave her confidence and compelled her to accepted. "Sure," she said with a smile. "I don't mind, Not anymore" She spun her weapon in her palms. "With this thing, I think I'll be alright. Plus…" She turned over to Taokaka who was still spectating. "You're right Tao; this is a lot of fun."

With his sister standing against him, Carl raised his hand up and gave an order to Ada. "Whump 'em."

On his command Ada slid across the floor with her fingers forming a drill again. Pinkie blocked, but didn't notice Carl sliding behind her and caught her off guard with a string of blows.

"Come on Pink lady, don't get caught between Shorty and Hard Person," Tao shouted from the sidelines while Pinkie Pie found herself fending off attacks from both sides.

Finding a window in the duo's combo, Pinkie hoisted her mallet up and slammed it in between the three of them. A blast erupted, sending all three into the air and splitting up Carl and Ada. In midair, Pinkie used another blast from the cannon end of her mallet, propelling herself towards Carl and bashing him towards the ground.

Bouncing off floor, Carl recovered and called out for his sister. "Ada!" In a flash of light, the summoned doll appeared behind him while he knelt down and tossed something towards Pinkie's feet. "Cantabile!"

Before she caught a glimpse at what wrapped around her, Pinkie was tossed into the air, unable to react as Ada raised her longs arms up and slammed her hands together to create a shockwave that dropped Pinkie to the ground where Carl was waiting to strike. A strange clockwork device emerged from his cape, launching Pinkie back up where Ada repeated her high clap that sent Pinkie back towards Carl. Quickly catching onto their pattern Pinkie avoided Carl's next strike roll away from them.

Standing by Carl, Pinkie Pie channeled her strength, raised her mallet high into the air and slammed it over him. She then raised it back up, revealing that Carl had vanished.

"Meow? Where Short Guy go?" Tao asked.

Her hammer still on the ground, Pinkie fasten her grip. "Okie dokie! Here. We. Go!"

The hammer erupted from the portion facing the ground. Pinkie held on tightly and used the force of the blast to swing it in an arc over her head to slam it on the ground again. There was another blast and Pinkie used its force again to swing it overhead and repeated the process again and again, leaving craters in the metal walkways. Everyone in the crowd was losing their footing the pounding she was making had them in awe. All the while Carl's voice could be heard yelling out from inside the large hammer with each ground shaking slam. She finally stopped, angling the face of her hammer towards a nearby building and, firing her mallet cannon one last time, launched poor Carl straight into it were he bounced back towards her.

"Sis," he muttered with what little energy remained in him as he dropped like a rag doll at her feet.

Seeing he'd been hurt rather badly, Pinkie tossed away her hammer which vanished in a show of lights, and knelt down. "Oh no, oh no. Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I got carried away. I didn't know I could do something like that. Please be okay."

Tao ran over and joined Pinkie. "Meow, looks like you won Pink Lady." She also knelt down, looking over the unconscious boy as Ada joined them. "Aww, Short Guy's sleeping." She lifted Carl up and placed him on her back. "This floors too hard for Shorty to sleep on. We should take him somewhere so he can nap peacefully." Her tail sprang upright as an idea struck her. "Oh I know! We should take Short Guy to Boobie Lady's place. He likes going there, plus we can ask Boobie Lady about your friends Pink lady."

Watching Tao walk off with Carl on her back and Ada following close behind, Pinkie began to wonder about her guide through this ordeal so far. Although she too was concerned over Carl's condition, she felt as though she was getting further and further sidetracked. But she did feel a sense of relief hearing that they'd be meeting someone who can help her. Perhaps Tao just has a roundabout way of helping she thought.

"Plus, Tao'll get a chance to play with Boobie Lady's boobies!"

Perhaps not. That sense of relief began to wane as she caught up to Tao, Ada and Carl; leaving the dispersing crowd where a lone elderly woman was left standing in the middle with a sour expression on her face.

"Wait! Come back here! I still want my money!"