• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 1,040 Views, 6 Comments

Far From the Apple Tree - ForestOfSpring

Applejack is comin to our world... With a guide ofcourse

  • ...


Far from the Apple Tree - Chapter 1

"So... Remind me why we have ter sit here in this here darn cold? Ah thought we'd be shiftin our butts to yooork or whatever yer call it" Applejack glared at Zane.
"don't worry AJ, the train will be here soon, that will take us to York and then we'll find a hotel to stay in." Zane chuckled as he looked over to Applejack who was shivering violently in her seat next to him. A droplet was forming on the end of her nose as she stared down at her feet with an exhausted expression.
She then turned her gaze towards Zane which became stern with annoyance.
"Yer had better be right or so help me ah'll make a monkey stew outta yer" an evil glimmer shone in her eye as the corners of her mouth turned up in a slight grin.
Zane merely giggled at the pitiful sight and shuffled in closer, wrapping his coat round the poor girl as she shifted her head onto his chest. Her grin became a contented smile as she closed her eyes and basked in Zane's warmth.
Snow had accumulated around the platform, blanketing all the exposed areas in a brilliant white, almost as if all the dullness of the station had been washed away. The winter weather had taken its toll as several platforms were out of commission while irritated bystanders shivered angrily to themselves, awaiting their arrival.
A screeching could be heard in the distance as almost every head in sight turned to the source with a relieved look on their faces.
"this sounds like our lift, come on AJ, let's get at it before this lot steals all the seats".
Applejack stirred then lifted her head off of Zane's chest before standing up and shaking off.
"Ah should darn well hope so, my rear has gone numb from this here cold." Applejack sighed in exasperation .
Zane smiled warmly at her for a few seconds allowing himself to admire Applejack's figure. It had been three days since they made their way back from Equestria, only to be greeted by the harsh January cold. This didn't seem to please Applejack who was used to the summer weather she had just came from, cursing her luck and sighing most of the journey.
The weather didn't really bother Zane as he knew what to expect upon coming home. He had taken the train home after his flight back from Japan to see his family after three months away, only to have the train crash mysteriously into an enclosed cavern. After looking for survivors, Zane had ventured further into the cavern to find shelter from the stormy weather and somehow ended up in Equestria.
It had been a rough, emotional roller coaster for the both of them but they were heading back to Zane's home to meet with his family and introduce his "marefriend" Applejack. She had volunteered to become human after a few weeks with Zane to stay with him, wherever he decided to go.
The train slid to a stop in front of the couple as both relieved sighs and disappointed groans could be heard from the bystanders. Zane got up and led Applejack onto the train and found a seat for the both of them as they collapsed onto each other.
"So Zaney, enlighten me as to how this here do-hickey is gonna take is to yer home, there ain't no ponies pullin it so how in tarnation does it move?" Applejack looked to Zane with a questioning expression.
"It's an electric train AJ, those wires feed electricity into the train, that fires the engine and it goes." Zane smiled to Applejack, who didn't seem content with his answer.
"Electrici-what now?" Applejack's brow raised in confusion. "is it similar to Twilight's magic?" This made Zane giggle slightly as he pondered a simple enough explanation. After fifteen minutes, Zane had explained the principles of electricity to the confused cow-girl, her expression slowly slipping from confusion to that of wonder. In that time, the train had already set off (which caused Applejack to yelp in alarm) and was well on it's way before the explanation was over.
"Ah get it, so it's similar to lightning that comes from our rainbow's storm clouds, and that powers this lump o' iron ter move? Boy that sure is cool, Rainbow would be shakin at the knees by now" Applejack said with a giggle.
Applejack proceeded to bombard Zane with a flurry of questions about his world, remaining silent when listening to Zane explain before firing another group of questions at Zane.
It was hard to believe that Applejack had started out hating Zane. He had saved her little sister Applebloom from a Cockatrice and was running out of the Everfree forest with her unconscious and bleeding in his arms before Applejack had spotted him and immediately assumed the worst. This lead to a seriously rough relationship between the two, with Applejack's stubbornness refusing to accept Zane as he fought alienation for a small portion of food and a warm place to sleep. He ended up almost killing himself when a fire spread from the barn to the house, trapping the Apple family inside behind a burning timber. Zane had stepped in and held up the timber, allowing the petrified siblings to escape before allowing the inferno to collapse on top of him.
This took a major toll on Applejack, who blamed herself for his death and shut off to the world before finding Zane, unconscious in the Everfree forest as a pony, transformed after collapsing into a batch of poison joke. She took him back to the farm and nurtured him, still repairing a broken heart as Zane took the opportunity to start anew, believing that Applejack would hate him if she ever found out his true identity. They grew closer and closer before Applejack revealed her dispair to him, explaining that she can't love anyone as much as she loved that darn human who sacrificed himself for her family despite being tortured by her.
Zane, having realised the truth, waited till the right moment until revealing himself by donning his old voice and referring to her by his trademark "cute" name "Jackie". After a brief moment of shock they embraced each other, lost in both wonder and love while their friends watched from a distance.
Zane still smiled when he thought about that moment in Pinkie's party, daydreaming about the heat and bliss of that moment.
"what are yer pullin that goofy grin for" Applejack eyed him suspiciously, a slight grin hid on the corner of her mouth. She placed her hands on her lap before raising her shoulders and sliding closer to his face. "Yer've been makin dem googily eyes at me for a while now, is mah monkey body's charm too much for yer?" Applejack cooed in a seductive tone. She was playing with Zane and this time he wasn't going to lose.
"I would be if you can keep your distance, your breath is... Fine! Completely fine!" Applejack was glaring at Zane, daring him to spill so she could stick her gloved fist down his pie hole.
"Ah thought as much" Applejack turned her head away with a victorious smile.
"But do you really have to wear that? I mean it's so... Revealing" This got a sharp look from Applejack. She was wearing an orange fake-fur coat with her traditional cowboy hat, save for the fact that she had her coat half-unzipped, revealing a tight fit red shirt that sported an image of her cutie mark. Behind the shirt slumped (in Zane's point of view) a HUGE pair of plump breasts that Applejack seemed to pride herself on (since she found out from Celestia that for a human's point of view, the bigger one's bossom, the better).
"Hey! Yer should be lucky a'm wearin anythin at all! Wearing clothes all the time feels so... Weird" This turned a few heads in the cart and Zane dropped the subject.
The couple sat in near silence for the duration of the journey until the tannoy chimed and a masculine voice sounded throughout the carriage: " We will now be departing at York Station, please exit the carriage when the train has come to a complete stop and the doors open, thank you."
Applejack looked around with an alarmed expression "what in the blue blazes? Come out from where yer hidin!" this attracted some more stares from the other riders as Zane fought back a giggle.
"It's just the tannoy AJ, there's a speaker there that lets him talk to all of us from a different carriage" Zane pointed to the speaker above the exit as Applejack's cheeks burned red.
"Ah knew that..." Applejack retorted before standing up and collecting her favourite denim backpack. She had saw it in a store window upon their arrival back in London and bounced onto Zane, begging him to buy it for her, which he happily obliged. He figured that since she was now his girlfriend, he could spoil her with bags and clothes. She never asked for much though, Applejack went more for practicality rather than style, which suited Zane just fine... to a point.
They both exited the carriage and headed towards the station exit. The sound of rolling suitcases was thick in the air as passengers rushed for their respected trains, some bumping into each other while large queues piled at carriage doors.
Applejack clung on to Zane as they fought through the crowds towards the car park. She still wasn't used to the herds of ape-like creatures that swarmed this world "Shouldn't all these kritters be climbin a tree or sumethin?"
Zane rolled his eyes, another monkey joke from Applejack. He had a few choice horse jokes that he could make but he could never find the opportunity. He once tried the "i'm so hungry I could eat a horse" expression, only to get a horrified look from Applejack and all their friends before bursting with laughter. That little stunt earned a good stomping from Applejack and Rainbow Dash before being sat on by the former.
"There should be a hotel in the city centre, about a twenty minute walk from here. Sure you can handle it?" Zane cooed the last sentence while stooping so he was eye level with Applejack, pouting his lips to make his question as patronising as possible.
Applejack went to punch him in the gut, then recoiled as a blush spread across her cheeks. "Ah'll be just fine, thank yer kindly." she strutted off ahead of Zane, shaking her hips as she walked.
Zane chuckled to himself. Applejack was beautiful in human form. Her curved figure seemed to show poise and confidence while her muscular arms swung in a care-free manner, built from her hard-working lifestyle back on the apple farm. She chose this form, purely for Zane, after their embrace at pinkie's party, her cutie mark had dissappeared, causing her to panic for awhile before realising that the apple farm was no longer her top priority if it meant keeping away from Zane. She then opted to be transformed into a human by Princess Celestia so she could spend the rest of her days with Zane, learning his way of life.
Of course they promised to return to Equestria after Zane saw his family but the question remained as to whenether they would remain human or be transformed back into ponies.

They walked for a short time, giggling and teasing each other in the cold before arriving at a large hotel, situated beside a casino. They looked up at the sign: " Chalice Hotel" seemed to fit as the building was covered with strategically placed ivy, bright lights and huge pillars that supported the entrance roof, all adding to the already majestic structure that towered over them.
"seems... Homely" Zane giggled before entering, Applejack following closely behind.
Inside the hotel was just the same, a huge fireplace stood in the lounge with a fancy leather couch accompanying it, as if the two were paired from the moment they were crafted, forming an eternal partnership. At the far wall the receptionist sat reading a magazine behind a deep ebony desk, one hand holding the magazine, the other hand drumming the desktop with her fingernails.
Zane walked cheerily up to the receptionist and spoke in his softest voice. "Excuse me, I'd like to rent a room for the night, two beds, one bedroom please."
The receptionist looked up and immediately a smile spread across her face as she beamed to Zane "Oh yes of course! Will you want the good suite for you and your sister? I could make a discount for you if you like."
Applejack's face reddened as she huffed at the receptionists words, causing Zane to chuckle, blushing slightly himself.
" She isn't my sister, we're kinda... Together" Zane explained as the receptionist deflated, eyeing Applejack with a slight look of envy.
"Oh sorry sir, I assumed since you asked for two beds that you were siblings, my apologies." The receptionist fiddled with the magazine, fluttering her eyelids in Zane's direction. "Surely you would like the good suite, I'll bring the room service myself."
Applejack snapped.
"Now looky here missy, this here hunk is mine, so you can maker yer cute eyes and yer sly remarks but it ain't gonna make no difference, ah ain't lettin him go for someone like you so give us our room and leave us to our business." Applejack's voice echoed through the reception as the receptionist stared wide-eyed at Applejack, completely taken aback by her last comment.
Zane smiled at her "I ain't letting go of her either... sorry... now about our room..."
The receptionist snapped back into reality "O-of course, I'll give you room D15, f-fourth floor. I hope you have a wonderful stay with us." She stampered before handing the key to Zane, keeping her beaming smile whilst hiding her disappointment.
"Thank yer kindly." Applejack said before walking off towards the suites, Zane following close by.
Zane snuck a quick look back to see the receptionist go back to her magazine, resting her head in one arm and sighing to herself. This made Zane chuckle, earning an annoyed glance from Applejack.
"And you Mr Hunkalin, goin an givin her the voice, ah think ah'll be havin a few words with yer when we get there." Applejack give Zane a small punch in the gut as he giggled.
"She gave us the discount, I actually don't believe she would be interested in me AJ, I don't even know why you like me." Zane chuckled to Applejack, a slight bit of sadness lined his tone which she quickly picked up on.
"Yer know why I do Zeze, you are the nicest... ANYTHIN that ah ever did see, both monkey and stallion, and ah would give anythin to be with yah...always." Applejack took his arm and snuggled his shoulder as he leaned his head on her head.
"I love you my little Applepie." he stroked her blonde hair as Applejack's face burned.
"Ah told yer not to call me that..."
They reached their room as Zane pulled out the key to the suite, eyeing Applejack's smile before opening the door. Inside was a huge bed, curtains draped on either side, hugging the frame of the bedside that stretched to the ceiling. In the corner was a kitchen, dressed with bowls of fruit, trays with wine and a black marble finish on the tops. A balcony hid behind some golden curtains, lights of the city sparkled through the drapes like stars on a golden sky.
"I asked for two beds." Zane said with a huff. His face became redder and redder from the though of spending the night in Applejack's arms. Applejack spotted this and began giggling with devilish delight.
"So Zeze, yer ready for a long night of romancin or do yer wan me to read yer a bedtime story?" she said with a wink. Zane wasn't impressed.
"Hmmmm, I'm not really... Ready... For-" he was cut off by Applejack wrapping her arms around him, staring his troubles down before leaning in and pressing her lips to his. The kiss lasted about a minute before Zane finally broke it off, turning his head to the kitchen and smiling.
"Should we have a drink? Watch the stars... Play some scrabble?" Zane added a simmer of innocence to his voice. He could read Applejack like a book now and he wasn't as Applejack would say: "on the same railroad" as her.
Applejack slumped "Wut so are yer gonna go back down to the pretty little lady instead of poor ol' Applepie?"
'damn her'
"Don't you dare play that card you little cretin or so help me I WILL tickle you to death." Zane looked at Applejack, his face moulded into a stern expression which only managed to crumple when he got a glimpse of Applejack's evil grin.
"Y'all ain't gonna be the one makin threats here, ah think ah'll take yer up on that there ticklin offer." She reared her arms up in a threatening manner and began to advance onto Zane. He wondered how Applejack had become so... Forward, especially since she started out denying have any romantic interests at all. Her big brother Big Macintosh had teased her multiple times about finding herself a stallion, only to be met with an annoyed glare or a hoof to the flank.
"That's right, ah'm comin fer yah." Applejack's grin widened to a dangerous level as Zane quickly sought a way out... Eventually coming to only one solution...
"They have apple pie in here?!" Zane whisked up his best fake-surprised expression and pointed over Applejack's shoulder.
She took the bait, spinning her head round, face beaming only to come to a sudden realisation and quickly whip her head back round.
Zane was already out the door and had shot off down the corridor. Applejack's face flushed in anger as she roared out "Y'all better get back here yer darn vermin or ah'll tear that there lump off yer neck an' stuff it with applesauce!!!"
She bolted out the door after him and it wasn't long before she was hot on his tail. Zane glanced back in horror to find the red-faced cowgirl gaining on him, he could swear she was enjoying this. Zane took a sharp turn down a main corridor, missing a frightened couple by a hair's breath with Applejack following closely behind, causing one of them to drop their keys.
The chase continued down the stairs into the sports hall. The room was strewn with tennis nets with players sporting headbands and rackets, ricocheting tennis balls off of every square inch of wall. Surprisingly Zane and Applejack avoided the on oncoming projectiles as they raced round the hall in a large arch before barging through the opposite door and continuing the epic chase.
Zane continued running, he had already given up hope of outrunning Applejack but he figured if he could tire her out he wouldn't receive a harsh punishment... that and the fact that he was enjoying it immensely. They shot back up another set of stairs, shocking a few more bystanders along the way.
Zane took a sharp left down the next corridor and made one last sprint for the pool area, not noticing the "closed sign that had been placed a few yards back. They burst through the doors and gave a scream of surprise as both Zane and Applejack soared straight into the vacant pool, causing an immense splash that painted the walls a glistening blue.
They both emerged, half spluttering, half laughing from the excitement of the chase, their laughs ringing out through the pool area and returning to their ears as a satisfying conclusion to their fun.
Applejack decided that it wasn't over yet as she turned to Zane, leaping onto him while wrapping her arms round his neck and planting her lips firmly on his. She found no resistance, surprising Applejack as Zane returned the kiss, lost in an ocean of passion and love. The kiss lasted a long while before they both slowly drifted away from each other, never straying their eyes from the other's gaze. The memory of their first embrace filled their minds as they resisted the urge to dive deeper into their own ocean of lust.
Still fighting their desires, the couple climbed out of the pool, dripping wet and walked back to their suite, hand in hand, never taking their eyes from one another.

Comments ( 6 )

cute.:twilightsmile: that about sums it up. First!:yay: :ajsmug:

Is this updating any time soon? I'd really like to read more of this.


please, update this. Its very interesting

I like this. a lot, might I dare say it requires an update

It is interesting if a bit short but well done

It is interesting if a bit short but well done

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