• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 10,574 Views, 88 Comments

See How You Like It - Silver Rose

Fed up with Diamond Tiara's bullying, Cheerilee decides to give her a lesson in empathy. However, the lesson comes with some unintended results and a side of Diamond Tiara no one has seen before. (warning: diapers)

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Chapter 2 - The Lesson Begins


No matter how many glasses of water she drank or how many times the temperature of the room was adjusted, Diamond Tiara found sleeping that night very difficult. She had the sense that something was not right. Miss Cheerilee had never come to the house before to speak with her father, and this was the only punishment she was getting? That can’t be right, she thought as she tossed and turned underneath the bed sheets.

It wasn’t just the punishment. Her mind kept going back to Silver Spoon as well. I should have ratted her out too, Diamond Tiara thought in retrospect, at her heart no better. She was making fun of the baby blank flank too. She just didn’t get caught.

A knot tied up inside her as she became convinced this was not the end of her punishment. It wasn’t until her strength gave out and she finally fell asleep that she was able to push it down, hoping this sensation would be gone in the morning.

The daylight broke as Diamond Tiara’s nanny, Loving Care, came into the room. She was an older earth mare, a little older than her teacher with a light purple coat and silky golden mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a big pony and a little pony side-by-side. “Good morning, Miss Tiara,” she called to her charge as she parted the drapes and let the morning sun into the room.

Diamond Tiara winced in the bright light, pulling the covers over her head instinctively. She felt like she had barely slept a wink. “Go away, Loving!” she barked through the bed sheet cocoon she had wrapped herself in. “It’s too early!”

“Not true, Miss Tiara,” Loving Care spoke gently, having become accustomed to the more abrasive sides of the young filly. “It is indeed time for you to wake up and go to school. We have much to do to get you ready.”

“What’s so hard about taking a bath, combing my mane, and eating breakfast?” Diamond Tiara argued, pulling the bed sheets tighter around her, even using her mouth to keep them over her when Loving Care began to use her full strength to take them off the bed. “I want to sleep a little more.”

“There’s more to do than that today,” Loving Care announced as if it was normal. As Diamond Tiara peeked her head out in curiosity, Loving Care seized the opportunity and dutifully removed the covers, smiling warmly at the filly without even the slightest hint of animosity.

Diamond Tiara eyed her nanny warily as she moved from the bed slowly. Loving Care urged her from behind to move a little faster, gently nudging her towards the bathroom. What is with her? Diamond Tiara thought to herself. I have plenty of time.

After her morning bath, Diamond Tiara was groomed accordingly by her nanny. She made her brush her mane at least four times, making sure her mane was exactly as she liked it - without a hair out of place. Satisfied, she made her way to the bedroom door before Loving Care pulled on her tail just the slightest, urging her back.

“We’re not done yet, Miss Tiara,” Loving Care stated, reaching under the sink for something. “Your father asked me to make sure I didn’t let you leave for school without this.”

“Without wha…” Diamond Tiara began to ask, but her voice trailed off into silence as her nanny brought forth a large white bulky garment that could not be mistaken for anything else.

“Miss Tiara, please put this on,” Loving Care spoke plainly, but no matter how unassuming she managed to speak, Diamond Tiara could only react in horror as her lips found the words to speak again.”

“A diaper?” she shrieked, pointing at the undergarment in disbelief. “Daddy wants me to wear a diaper?!”

“That’s what your father said,” Loving Care replied dutifully. “For your punishment, you’ll wear a diaper to school just like the little filly you bullied until he and your teacher feel that you’ve learned your lesson.”

Indeed, she had been worried there would be a greater punishment. She had entertained the possibility of no trips to Carousel Boutique, no dessert, and extra chores, but wearing a diaper hadn’t even crossed her mind. Even now, as Loving Care was approaching her, holding the diaper in her mouth, she could not comprehend the meaning behind this as a punishment.

“This is some kind of joke, right?” she asked what she thought was a rhetorical question, but her nanny answered with kindness and sincerity as always.

“It’s no joke, Miss Tiara. If you hurry up and put it on, you may still have time for breakfast,” Loving Care said as she managed to get ahead of Diamond Tiara, shutting the door so she couldn’t run away. After all, though she was responsible for taking care of Diamond Tiara, she had a duty to her father as her employer to make sure to uphold any discipline and rules he set for his daughter.

“Forget breakfast,” Diamond Tiara stomped her foot on the floor in a huff. “Forget school! There is no way I am going anywhere wearing that.

“Miss Tiara, you can’t miss school,” Loving Care insisted, having no room to let Diamond Tiara have her way like usual. “Now you can either put this on yourself or I will put it on for you.”

“You will do no such thing!” Diamond Tiara snarled, stomping her hooves on the floor incessantly. “I will not wear that to school!” To her classmates, this may have been considered threatening, but Loving Care only saw an impetuous little filly throwing a temper tantrum, and if that was how she insisted on behaving, her nanny had no problem treating her as such.

Asserting her strength over her charge, she picked Diamond Tiara up and placed her on her back on the bed, nudging her legs up as she kicked and squirmed, screaming loudly. Someone’s going to come and stop her, she thought as she made as much noise as possible, but nobody did. The entire staff knew of Diamond Tiara’s punishment and they had no intention of getting in the way.

Sliding the diaper under her hips, Loving Care worked quickly with great agility, dodging Diamond Tiara’s kicks, to tape the diaper snug around her flank. Diamond Tiara immediately tore it off, sat up, and threw it at Loving Care. As the soft padding hit her face and slid down her forehead, Loving Care’s expression changed from one of great compassion to stern discipline.

“Diamond Tiara,” Loving Care called her by her full name. “You will wear that diaper or I will tell your father you resisted your punishment.”

“And do what?” the filly dared her caretaker. “There’s nothing he can do that’s worse than this!”

“Your father has stated he will cancel the birthday party that he and Pinkie Pie have been planning for you if you don’t accept your punishment.”

Diamond Tiara froze where she was. That was only a little more than a month away and she had been planning it for months already. After her cuteceanara had gone off without a hitch, she asked her father to hire Pinkie Pie again for her birthday. After seeing what Pinkie Pie had done with Cheese Sandwich for Rainbow Dash, she wanted a party just as big if not bigger and better. They were going all out. There would be a roller coaster, acrobats, and a stage that Filthy Rich had told Diamond Tiara he was going to get Sapphire Shores to perform. The invitations were almost ready to go out. It was going to be the birthday party of her dreams… and if she didn’t wear that humiliating thing, it was all going to vanish into thin air.

“You’re lying,” Diamond Tiara accused her nanny, her voice trembling all the same over the possibility that it might be true. “Daddy would never cancel my party.”

“He can and will if you don’t cooperate,” Loving Care warned one last time. “Now lay down and hold still.”

Diamond Tiara sat perfectly still for a moment, testing her nanny’s resolve, but as she watched the mare’s eyes narrow, she slowly, reluctantly, began to lie back down on the bed. Having spent too much time fighting with her, Loving Care made quick, efficient work of diapering Diamond Tiara, patting her flank when she finished to get off the bed and head down for breakfast.

Making her way downstairs, Diamond Tiara took a seat at the kitchen table. She heard the diaper crinkle as she sat down. It wasn’t very loud, but to Diamond Tiara, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard, causing her to cringe at the sound. Randall hastily brought out a plate of wheat pancakes for her to eat within moments. She could tell from the first bite they had been prepared more than a few minutes ago and had gone cold while she fought with Loving Care. Lest she receive more scolding and possibly make herself late in leaving, she ate her breakfast without complaint, washing it down with a glass of apple juice before leaving for the schoolhouse.

None of the help had said a word to her about her diaper as she came downstairs, ate breakfast, or walked towards the front door. Despite how noticeable it was and how it made her look like a foal, she continued to move towards the door with her head down in shame.

“Miss Tiara,” she winced as she heard Loving Care coming from behind, holding her saddlebag. “You almost forgot your bags. I made sure to pack some extra diapers in case you need them."

“In case I need…?!” she started and quickly stopped, grinding and clenching her teeth as she reminded herself what would happen if she didn’t accept her punishment. She could not lose that party. Whatever the case, she would most certainly not use this thing, no matter what.

As Loving Care opened the door for her, she headed outside tentatively, taking small steps as she made her first outdoor appearance in diapers since she was a foal. “Now be good and don’t take it off,” Loving Care reminded her. “Miss Cheerilee will let your father know if you do.”

So much for that possibility, Diamond Tiara winced as the door closed behind her. Shifting the weight of her saddlebags, she slowly trotted towards town. On any normal day, she would meet Silver Spoon near Sugarcube Corner to walk the rest of the way, but the constant crinkling sound made her painfully aware that she could not do that.

Her pace slowed as she neared the more populated part of Ponyville that she had to cross to get to the schoolhouse. There would not be so many adult ponies out so early in the morning, but there would be some, and some was far too many ponies than she wanted to see her like this.

Maybe I don’t have to be seen at all, she thought as she trotted a little faster. Maybe I can just ditch school! No, Miss Cheerilee would know and tell Daddy and I’d lose the party. She slowed again, realizing there was no alternative to her plight. Her classmates were going to see her wearing a diaper, even Silver Spoon. She would never live it down.

As she came into town, she took extra care not to be seen, dipping and swerving in and out of buildings and alleys, making her way towards the schoolhouse as quietly and unseen as possible.

“Oooh, nice diaper!” she nearly jumped out of her coat as Pinkie Pie looked out the window alongside Sugarcube Corner down at her. “Very cushy!”

Diamond Tiara’s skin crawled as she was called out. Even if it was just Pinkie, who was well-known for her randomness, she was loud enough that anyone within a good distance could hear her, including some of her classmates on their way to school. Quickly, she dashed away and decided to take the long way around.

The school bell had already begun to ring to signal the beginning of the school day just as the building was coming into sight. She winced at the thought of being late, of Miss Cheerilee noticing. She hurried to make it so as not to be too late, but stopped as she crossed into the schoolyard, standing just outside of Miss Cheerilee’s peripheral view.

No, she thought as she stepped back into some bushes. Even though she had come this far in such an embarrassing outfit, she could not bring herself to take another step. She didn’t want anyone else to see her like this, not now, not ever. I don’t care if I lose the party. I’m not going in there.

She could not move one step forward or back as she cowered in the bushes, too afraid to go back into town, too afraid to show herself like this to her friends. I can’t take the diaper off and go in. Loving Care packed more so she could just put me in one in front of everyone if she wanted to.

Her mind was racing for possible ideas what to do next, but they all ended with being pointed and laughed at by young and old ponies alike. I’m not a foal, she repeated to herself, squeezing her eyes shut as she saw the laughing faces in her mind. I’m not a foal, I’m not a foal, I’m not a foal…

Inside the schoolhouse, Miss Cheerilee had already begun to take roll call.

“Apple Bloom?”




“Berry Pinch?”


“Diamond Tiara? ... Diamond Tiara? Did anyone see Diamond Tiara on the way to school this morning?” Miss Cheerilee asked the class. She knew they would know if they did. It didn’t surprise her that Diamond Tiara may have tried to skip, but it would defeat the point of her punishment if she wasn’t put in Scootaloo’s position, who despite everything yesterday, had been coaxed again by her friends to come again today.

Miss Cheerilee smiled a bit at the disabled filly before continuing with the roll. When she had finished, she excused herself and headed outside to see if Diamond Tiara was anywhere to be found. Scanning the schoolyard, she saw a hint of white and purple fluff coming from the bushes and a small, scared voice softly crying “I’m not a foal” over and over again.

“Diamond Tiara?” Miss Cheerilee called out in the direction of the frightened filly. Diamond Tiara’s eyes widened as she looked to see part of her tail sticking out, quickly pulling it back in and hoping she would go away, but Miss Cheerilee would never turn her back on one of her students. “Diamond Tiara, I know it’s hard, but it’s time for school. Let’s go inside.”

“No,” she flatly refused, curling up tighter. “They’re all going to make fun of me. Nobody’s going to like me anymore!”

“Nobody’s going to make fun of you,” Miss Cheerilee tried to assure her, but it was impossible to convince Diamond Tiara, who had been the one bullying others up until yesterday. She remained vigilant though, as this is why Diamond Tiara was in this position to begin with. “I’ll wait for you as long as you need, but we’re going in there eventually.”

“I don’t want to!” Diamond Tiara cried, covering her mouth for fear her classmates might hear her from the classroom.

“Diamond Tiara, if you don’t come inside, ponies are going to start wondering why I’m standing out here by myself and start to watch,” Miss Cheerilee explained. They’ll see you coming out of the bushes like you are and that you were crying. You have a chance here to take this like a big filly or to prove to everyone you’re acting like a foal. It’s up to you.”

Diamond Tiara wished for time to stop right then and there and never ever go forward. Her chest tightened with every move of her body in any given direction. Whatever she did, she had already lost.

“You saw what I did when you made fun of Scootaloo,” Miss Cheerilee reminded her gently. “You’re one of my precious students too, and anyone who tries to bully you will get the same punishment.”

Diamond Tiara uncurled a little bit. She knew from her own experience there was no guarantee she wouldn’t be bullied, but if the other colts and fillies saw her and knew Miss Cheerilee really would talk to their parents about punishing them like this if they bullied her, maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as she thought.

Trembling, she eased out of the bush behind Miss Cheerilee. She peaked to the schoolhouse, seeing a few ponies looking out at what was going on. “Can I stay behind you, until we get inside?” Diamond Tiara asked quietly.

“Of course,” Miss Cheerilee smiled, proud of Diamond Tiara’s bravery as they walked around to the front of the building and went inside. It was not a quick walk. Diamond Tiara was still incredibly hesitant about what would happen when everyone saw her like this. Having Miss Cheerilee make sure they wouldn’t laugh made her feel a little easier, but after years of being on top of the social pyramid, the smallest possibility that her entire image would be shattered in the blink of an eye left her feeling completely helpless and weak.

Miss Cheerilee opened the door for Diamond Tiara, making sure she went inside ahead of her. She was being given the choice to show her classmates how she was being punished on her own terms and she had to use that to her advantage. Although it took all of her courage and determination, she put on a brave face, neither smiling nor frowning, closed her eyes, and with a deep breath she stepped into the classroom.

She purposefully walked to her desk, eyes forward, keeping her gaze away from the eyes she could feel upon her diapered self. She did not react, focusing only on her desk, walking straight to it without a sound. As she passed by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she could hear some murmuring. At least I’m not one of those blank flanks, she told herself as she passed by undeterred. Putting her saddlebag away, she sat at her desk and looked forward. She did not dare to cast her gaze aside to Silver Spoon.

“Class, you may notice something different today about Diamond Tiara,” Miss Cheerilee explained. Diamond Tiara slumped in her desk, closing her eyes and shutting out everyone around her. “She is being punished right now at the agreement of her father and I. Anyone caught bullying her for it will receive the same punishment, so be nice.”

Diamond Tiara smiled a little bit at Miss Cheerilee for keeping true to her word, but immediately lost that moment of relief when Miss Cheerilee turned to her knowingly. “And Diamond Tiara? For being late to class without an excuse, I want you to stay after class today.”

Diamond Tiara grumbled, letting out a quiet, exasperated “yes, Miss Cheerilee”. It was the kindest and most polite response she could manage under the circumstances. Her nerves were shot and it took everything she had to just focus ahead at Miss Cheerilee’s lesson. The hands of the clock crawled as slow as possible towards lunch and recess.

She winced every time she fidgeted in her seat, the diaper crinkling. It was quite warm that day and the lack of air in her diaper area was making her incredibly uncomfortable on top of everything else. This day can’t end fast enough, she thought as the bell mercifully signaled the halfway point of the day. Carefully, she slid away from her desk and made her way to the door. Though she tried not to make eye contact, she was met at the door by Silver Spoon.

She didn’t have to say a word to completely destroy any shred of dignity Diamond Tiara was clutching to. Her eyes narrowed, glaring at her knowingly with just the slightest smirk said everything all at once. Rather than say anything herself, she slowly backed away from the door. “Miss Cheerilee,” she asked as Silver Spoon went outside with the others. “Is it okay if I spend lunch and recess inside?”

Miss Cheerilee had expected this might happen. One of the things both she and Filthy Rich had agreed upon in Diamond Tiara’s punishment is that she would still have autonomy throughout her day. She could do anything she normally could as long as she wore her diaper, and if she didn't want to do something that made her uncomfortable, she would not be forced into it.

“I don’t mind, but wouldn’t you rather play with your friends?” Miss Cheerilee coaxed, hoping Diamond Tiara wouldn't allow her punishment to completely deter her from her everyday life.

“No,” Diamond Tiara admitted softly, sadly. “I really don’t.”

“Then you’re welcome to stay inside,” Miss Cheerilee agreed. Diamond Tiara unpacked her lunch, eating her alfalfa sandwich halves while looking outside. Everyone was playing jump rope and tossing balls around and having so much fun, but she felt so isolated from all of them. How could something as pointless as wearing a diaper made her feel so alone?

Outside, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were eating lunch together at a wooden table, sharing their own shock and awe over Diamond Tiara’s new appearance where Miss Cheerilee wouldn’t see or hear them.

“Ah can’t believe it!” Apple Bloom exclaimed with a mouth full of hay chips. “Diamond Tiara in a diaper! Ah never thought I’d ever see that!”

“Do you realize what this means?” Sweetie Belle asked her friends, positively giddy. “She’s not going to be popular anymore, which means she can’t bully us anymore! If anything, she’s the one that’s going to get bullied!”

Scootaloo didn’t feel comfortable with Sweetie Belle’s enthusiasm, herself wearing the same padding even if it was for a different reason. She couldn’t necessarily feel sorry for Diamond Tiara, but she couldn’t exactly stand by and let Sweetie Belle get excited about Diamond Tiara getting bullied for the same thing.

“Yeah, but Miss Cheerilee said we’ll all get the same punishment if we bully her,” Scootaloo reminded them.

“Scootaloo, that's why you should be the one most excited,” Apple Bloom rebutted. “She can’t give you the same punishment. If anyone in our class can really give Diamond Tiara what for now, it’s you!”

“She’s probably already giving herself what for as we speak,” Scootaloo predicted, knowing how shameful it felt coming to school yesterday wearing a diaper herself.

“Good,” Sweetie Belle acknowledged, taking a sip from her apple juice. “Now she’ll know how it feels.”

It wasn’t that Scootaloo didn’t agree with her friends. Diamond Tiara had this coming for a long time. It wasn’t to anyone’s surprise that karma had finally caught up with her. Still, being in a similar position, she knew it wouldn’t make her any better a pony if she treated Diamond Tiara the same way Diamond Tiara had treated her.

Inside, Diamond Tiara had grown restless of hearing the joyful voices outside. Maybe if she were nice, someone would still want to play with her, maybe even Silver Spoon. “Miss Cheerilee, is it okay if I go outside for the rest of recess?” she asked politely.

Miss Cheerilee smiled approvingly. “Of course you can,” she answered sweetly. “But you’re always welcome to come back inside if you change your mind.”

Diamond Tiara nodded and got down from her desk, making out of the classroom. Immediately outside, she could see Silver Spoon playing Double Dutch with Peachy Pie and Sunny Days. Diamond Tiara smiled, walking over. “Is it okay if I play too?” she asked uncharacteristically shy.

Silver Spoon jumped out of the ropes and strutted over to Diamond Tiara, showing her claim over her friend as the new head of the popularity chain. “Double Dutch is a game for big ponies, not little foals. Maybe you’d feel more comfortable crawling around in the sandbox,” Silver Spoon mocked Diamond Tiara relentlessly.

Crushed by the insults, especially given they were coming from her best friend, Diamond Tiara stepped back a bit, not sure how to react. “I'm not a foal! You better apologize or I'll tell Miss Cheerilee!”

“Of course you will," Silver Spoon taunted her. "Only foals tattle and wear diapers,” Silver Spoon argued. “Or is that some new fancy clothing from Manehattan?” All three fillies couldn’t help but snicker at Silver Spoon’s remark.

“I…” Diamond Tiara began, biting her lip, trying not to show any sign of weakness or sadness. “I thought you were my friend.”

“I don’t have any friends who are foals, especially not you, Diapered Tiara,” Silver Spoon replied, making sure to emphasize the cruel nickname. Her words fired off her tongue, drilling them into Diamond Tiara’s psyche without hesitation. Tears welled at the corner of her eyes as she struggled to fix her resolved, doing so in a loud outburst.

“I am not a foal! I still have my cutie mark! I’m still the most popular pony in class! Just because this is how I’m being punished doesn’t make me any less a pony!”

Silver Spoon was taken aback to be on the receiving end of Diamond Tiara’s wrath. Yet her furious demeanor was belied by the absurdity of the diaper. It gave her just the chance to see if she really was a foal or not. “Prove it.”

“What?” Diamond Tiara asked, taken aback herself this time.

“If you’re not a foal, prove it. Make it through the rest of the day without using your diaper. Only foals do that, so it should be easy for you, right?” Silver Spoon dared her with a smug look on her face.

Diamond Tiara frowned, sticking her hoof out. “Fine! And when I make it through the day, you'll apologize and quit calling me a foal!”

“Deal,” Silver Spoon agreed, hoof-bumping Diamond Tiara as the bell rang for all the ponies to come back inside for the afternoon. Diamond Tiara made her way in first, taking a seat at her desk again.

This’ll be a piece of cake, Diamond Tiara thought as everyone took their seats and Miss Cheerilee began. I’ll show her. I’ll show them all.

Author's Note:

Oh, Diamond Tiara... how the mighty have fallen.

First of all, thank you all so so SO much for your readership! I did not expect the first chapter would get even half of the views it got and to say I was moved is an understatement. Your comments and constructive criticism (I didn't know FIMFiction got rid of italics when copy/pasting from Word.Thank you xOG_KILLERx!) have been especially welcome. Honestly, truly, thank you all so much for your support! I'll do my best as a writer not to let you all down :)

As far as the story goes, you likely noticed I'm using an OC for Diamond Tiara's nanny. It's not a role that figures heavily into the plot, so please keep that in mind. I just needed a pony in this position as it relates to Diamond Tiara for reasons yet to be explained. Please know I will only use OCs when they are called for and will always rely on canon characters whenever possible.

There's a lot of other things I'd like to talk about, but it would be hard without it coming across as "Notice this! This is important for later!" and nobody likes that. So with that in mind, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as the first and will continue you reading those to come. Again, thank you all for reading :)