• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 10,574 Views, 88 Comments

See How You Like It - Silver Rose

Fed up with Diamond Tiara's bullying, Cheerilee decides to give her a lesson in empathy. However, the lesson comes with some unintended results and a side of Diamond Tiara no one has seen before. (warning: diapers)

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Chapter 3 - Feeling So Small


It didn’t take long for Diamond Tiara to regret her decision to accept Silver Spoon’s conditions. Only an hour had passed before she felt a twinge in her bladder that she needed to go. Thinking Miss Cheerilee wouldn’t be so cruel as to actually make her use her diaper, she raised her hoof in the middle of the lesson to get her teacher’s attention.

“Yes, Diamond Tiara?” Miss Cheerilee acknowledged her.

“Miss Cheerilee, may I please use the restroom?” she asked in her kindest voice, hoping and praying the answer would be yes.

“I’m sorry, Diamond Tiara,” Miss Cheerilee dashed her hopes swiftly. “I’ll ask you please wait until the end of the day if you can.”

Another twinge of her bladder signaled an impending doom the likes of which made her previous embarrassments today seem miniscule. Her eyes widened as she tried to focus on the lesson as Silver Spoon eyed her knowingly. It was going to take a great deal of strength for her to make it through Miss Cheerilee’s afternoon lesson without bursting at the seams.

The clock seemed to tick on endlessly as she patiently waited for the end of the day, squeezing her legs together as the urges to release became stronger and more frequent. I’m not a foal, she thought to herself over and over again with an iron will to make it through the day and prove to Silver Spoon she was wrong.

Ahead of her, Scootaloo was in a similar position. Like Diamond Tiara, she too was not going to give up despite wearing a diaper. She strained as much as she could, but like every day since her accident, it was a battle she quickly lost. She sighed in defeat as the padding became heavier, hoping nobody would notice. Part of her wondered if Diamond Tiara would actually manage to hold up. No, Scootaloo shook her head a little, putting those thoughts out of her mind. I shouldn’t care about what happens to her. That’s her problem.

Diamond Tiara’s problem though was quickly spiraling out of her control. She had drowned out Miss Cheerilee’s lesson nearly an hour after she had been declined to go to the restroom. Her hooves were in her lap now, holding herself in futility. Some of her classmates were starting to notice her panicking, including Silver Spoon. Her cheeks had flushed red as sweat began to trickle down her brow.

She forced herself to ignore the audience she was attracting, focusing only on the clock. There was only an hour left in the day. If she could just hold on until then, she would be free. She kept looking forward to that point in time an hour from now, when she’d turn to Silver Spoon and make her apologize, when all the ponies would recognize that, even though she had to wear a diaper to class for a few days, she was not a foal herself. She would show them all exactly the kind of pony she really was.

The second hand seemed to slow down in the last hour as the hands crawled slowly towards three o’clock. She squirmed and gasped, clutching herself and wincing in pain. Miss Cheerilee could see Diamond Tiara squirming and whimpering in her seat. This was not the kind of thing she intended to happen and she was afraid her student would hurt herself if she kept trying to hold it in any longer.

“Diamond Tiara,” Miss Cheerilee conceded. “If you still need to you the restroom, you can…”

“Yes!” the filly gasped, clawing at her desk and pushing herself off. Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head as the numbness of her bladder was overtaken by standing up on all fours and feeling the weight of her urges pull down towards the exit. Tears were welling at her eyes as she commanded each of her hooves to move as fast as possible, out of the classroom and to the restroom.

She could feel it starting to come. It didn’t matter as long as she was out of Silver Spoon’s line of sight, as long as she didn’t show her a side of herself she hadn’t shown the world since she was a foal. Hold it, she commanded herself as she picked up the pace down the aisle of desks towards the exit. Hold it, hold it, almost there, almost there, almost…

In her binocular-like focus on getting to the door, her back right hoof walked forward before her front right hoof did, throwing her off balance. She gasped as she slipped on the wooden floor and toppled over. Her sense of falling overtook every other command over her body, reacting only towards making sure she was not hurt in the fall. She managed to stop herself, but in the one moment where her attention was lost, it happened.

She didn’t even realize it at first as her bladder had almost numbed entirely to the urge, but as a sensation of steamy warmth crawled over her bottom, it slowly dawned on her what was happening. She could feel the weight of the diaper pulling downward, the elastic around her waist tightening on her backside as the garment began to droop and darken just the slightest. She couldn’t stop if she wanted to. The numbness had made it so her muscles could not respond at that moment.

As the weight of the diaper pulled downward, she looked ahead. She had reached the door, and so behind her was the classroom, looking at her, staring at her as she remained frozen in fear. Maybe they didn’t see, Diamond Tiara told herself, desperate to convince herself everything was still fine. Maybe nobody noticed at all.

But as she turned around, she could see their eyes, all of their eyes, upon her and her sodden diaper. Her lips parted as if to say something, but instead they just hung there, frozen and aimlessly searching for the words to say that would make everything okay and finding nothing. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were dumbfounded, Scootaloo looked away, and Silver Spoon was doing her best to suppress the slightest smile of victory. It wasn’t until Miss Cheerilee approached her that she snapped out of her frozen state.

“Diamond Tiara,” Miss Cheerilee approached her cautiously. “Are you okay?”

Diamond Tiara made a dash out of the room towards the restroom. She locked herself inside and began to pant heavily as a thorny knot of anxiety began to constrict itself around her heart. She quickly examined her diaper and noticed its state. There was no way anyone didn’t see what she did. Just the mere realization of her circumstances reduced her to tears.

“Diamond Tiara?” she heard Miss Cheerilee’s voice through the restroom door.

“Go away!” she screamed at the door, forcing Miss Cheerilee back. "It's your fault you didn't let me go sooner!"

Miss Cheerilee backed away from the door quietly, returning to the lecture for the end of the day. In the classroom, commotion was already brewing over the image the school ponies would never be able to erase from their minds.

“She did it in front of everyone!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “Did you see the look on her face! I’ve never seen Diamond Tiara so terrified in all my life!”

“Ah can’t understand why she made such a scene,” Apple Bloom questioned. “If she hadn’t held it like that, ah doubt anyone would have noticed.”

“She had to prove herself,” Silver Spoon confirmed proudly. “Just like always, she had to have her way. She really is just a big foal.”

“Enough!” Scootaloo shouted at the top of her lungs, banging down on her desk with her two front hooves and bringing the room to silence. The orange coat of her face was turning bright red in frustration for conversation she was hearing around her. “Couldn’t you see she felt horrible enough as it is? None of you have to say or do anything to make it worse, so stop it!”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle couldn’t tell if Scootaloo felt sorry for Diamond Tiara or not, but seeing their friend so visibly upset, they complied with her wishes, as the other ponies. As Miss Cheerilee entered the classroom again, the lesson was finished in relative quiet with the softest sounds of Diamond Tiara’s tears coming from down the hall.


Diamond Tiara kept herself locked in the restroom until the school bell rang and class had ended. As the sound of hooves passed out the door and down the hall, she waited for them to pass before she decided to open the door again. She only opened it a crack, but paused as her line of sight met Silver Spoon looking at her through the crack in the door intently.

“Go away,” Diamond Tiara sputtered, still breathing heavily from her crying. “I don’t want to talk to you. I thought you were my friend.”

“I told you, I’m not friends with foals,” Silver Spoon repeated. “Maybe when you grow up, we can be friends again.”

“Grow up?” Diamond Tiara asked, her voice croaking under her sadness, but Silver Spoon did not acknowledge any other clue as to what she meant and walked away, leaving her alone as she entered the hallway. The warmth of her diaper was growing colder, making her walk funny as she made her way back to the classroom for her saddlebags.

She opened the door, expecting only to find Miss Cheerilee still there, but looked to see her putting a small purple sheet over her desk and hoisting Scootaloo on top and laying her down. Diamond Tiara stared for a moment, realizing Miss Cheerilee was about to change Scootaloo’s diaper, before turning away and heading back to her desk to get her stuff.

Scootaloo waited for Diamond Tiara to make some snide comment, but she kept her mouth shut as she slowly walked to her desk and gathered her things.

“Diamond Tiara,” Miss Cheerilee reminded her. “Remember you have to stay after class for being late.”

The pink filly cringed at the reminder. As if this day couldn’t go on any longer, she groaned inside as she took her seat and put her head down in her desk, shutting out the world.

Scootaloo watched her from atop the desk as Miss Cheerilee removed her diaper, cleaned her up and diapered her anew. Looking at Diamond Tiara, she felt content and a sense that karma had taken its course on the pink pony for all the mental anguish she had put her through over the years. Yet through that sense of satisfaction, a strange feeling, a burning sensation beat within her and from it blossomed a feeling of guilt that lightly shrouded her heart. Was she herself any better to think Diamond Tiara got what she deserved? Was that not her in that position yesterday? Was it fair to think on that same level? Scootaloo could not make sense of this feeling of guilt as she looked at Diamond Tiara, but wanted to make sense of it all the same.

“Is something wrong, Scootaloo?” Miss Cheerilee asked as she helped the orange filly sit up.

“Diamond Tiara,” Scootaloo called out. “You need a change too, right? Come over here.”

Diamond Tiara raised her head, glaring at Scootaloo with still-puffy eyes. “Why?” she managed to ask. “So you can watch and make fun of me for it yourself?”

“Because you’ll get a rash if you don’t,” Scootaloo argued back. “And trust me, you don’t want that.”

“It’s not like you care,” Diamond Tiara pouted, putting her head back down. “Forget it.”

“Do you really want to stay in that wet diaper?” Miss Cheerilee asked. “Scootaloo and I aren’t going to make fun of you for it and you’ll feel a lot better.”

“I’m not a foal!” Diamond Tiara shouted. “I don’t need my diaper changed like one!”

“And you think I do?” Scootaloo growled right back at her. “That’s your problem - you never think before you speak and your words hurt whether you mean them or not! I’m not wearing this because I’m a foal; I’m wearing it because I can barely feel anything below my flank! Now get over here and get your diaper changed!”

“Scootaloo,” Miss Cheerilee addressed her, petting her mane gently. “It’s okay. You don’t need to get all excited.”

“Sorry,” Scootaloo muttered as Miss Cheerilee helped her back into her wheelchair. “Sorry, Diamond Tiara.”

“It’s okay,” Miss Cheerilee told her reassuringly. “If she doesn’t want a change, we can’t force her.”

“Actually,” Diamond Tiara spoke up, her eyes looking downward. “I don’t think I’d mind it too much.”

“Do you want me to change you or would you rather take care of it yourself?” Miss Cheerilee asked, making sure Diamond Tiara understood she had a choice.

“I’ve never changed a diaper,” she stated. “Much less my own, so…” her voice trailed off, not wanting to say it outright. Instead, Miss Cheerilee smiled and patted on her desk.

Diamond Tiara got her saddlebag with her extra diapers and brought them over. Fully able, unlike Scootaloo, she got on the desk herself and lay down. She instinctively looked to Scootaloo, waiting to see her reaction to the sight of the class diva getting her diaper changed like a foal, but Scootaloo didn’t show any interest whatsoever as she pulled out a Daring Do book and began to read while Miss Cheerilee took care of the other pony.

Diamond Tiara crossed her front legs as Miss Cheerilee began to untape her diaper. “How do you put up with other ponies making fun of you?” Diamond Tiara asked Scootaloo in a rare moment of openness.

“I don’t have to put up with it from other ponies,” Scootaloo replied, not even looking up from her book. “You and Silver Spoon are the only ones who ever do, and even then, it's mostly you.”

“That can’t be true,” Diamond Tiara replied. “Everyone was making fun of me today, so I was sure you get made fun of just as much.”

“Maybe you had it coming,” Scootaloo told her. “Maybe they thought you did too.”

Even Silver Spoon? Diamond Tiara thought, thinking back to how her best friend had treated her. All the teasing, the bet… ratting me out yesterday… does Silver Spoon not like me anymore?

The thought brought fresh tears to the corners of Diamond Tiara’s eyes while Cheerilee was cleaning her up. This feeling of helplessness, feeling so alone and weak… she felt she could curl up into a ball and shrink into nothingness altogether.

“Oh dear,” Miss Cheerilee sighed, wiping at the filly’s eyes with a tissue. “It’s been a long day, hasn’t it?”

Diamond Tiara nodded as she looked up at Miss Cheerilee from the vantage point a foal would have if they were being changed. She whimpered softly as Miss Cheerilee finished putting a new diaper on her, taping it up, and helping her sit up on the desk. The cool dryness of the new diaper really did feel good, but her heart still ached for the reality of her situation and how those around her saw her.

Miss Cheerilee couldn’t stand to see Diamond Tiara in so much pain, even though she knew she would be better for it in the end. She pulled the filly close and gently rubbed her back comfortingly. It was like a feeling Diamond Tiara had known only so long ago. “There, there,” Miss Cheerilee soothed. “Everything’s going to be okay, you’ll see. This is only temporary. In a few days, this will all be over.”

“Why can’t it be over now?” Diamond Tiara sniffled, holding onto Miss Cheerilee in return, sensing a compassion she had not sense in many years, not from her work-addled father, not from the nanny who took care of her but only in the sense of it being a job… had this feeling always been here inside her and had she forgotten what it felt like for so long? “I want everything to be okay now.”

“I know you do,” Miss Cheerilee continued to coax the filly. “I knew the first day would be hard for you, but it will get better. I won’t let you feel like this is the end of the world.”

As Scootaloo was running late with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle waiting outside, Miss Cheerilee quickly helped Diamond Tiara down and folded up the purple sheet, putting it back in Scootaloo’s bags along with her other diaper supplies. “I’ll be right back, Diamond Tiara,” Miss Cheerilee told her as she wheeled Scootaloo outside so Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle could make sure she got home okay.


As Apple Bloom wheeled Scootaloo through Ponyville with Sweetie Belle, the two chatterboxes could barely contain their excitement after witnessing Diamond Tiara’s punishment firsthand.

“And did you see how poofy it was?” Sweetie Belle’s voice cracked with the biggest grin on her face at being able to witness the perfect justice for all the times Diamond Tiara had picked on and bullied the three of them. “It looked like it was even bigger than yours, Scootaloo!”

“Yeah, and the way she tried so hard to hold it,” Apple Bloom commented. “She looked just like a little filly getting potty trained!”

“Guys, stop it,” Scootaloo spoke adamantly. “Did you forget who you’re talking to?”

“Well, we know you’re not a foal, Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom told her reassuringly. “But if there’s anyone who deserves to get treated like one, it’s Diamond Tiara!”

“You guys sound like you did when we were planning to make Babs look like a fool,” Scootaloo told them straight out, noticing her friends were getting too carried away in the joy of seeing their bully get comeuppance.

“Scootaloo, that was diff’rent,” Apple Bloom defended her and Sweetie Belle. “Babs was just a normal filly like us.”

“And so is Diamond Tiara,” Scootaloo found herself saying to her own surprise. “We’re no better than her if we talk like this behind her back.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked down at the ground, disappointed in how they were acting now that Scootaloo had reminded them of the lesson they had learned before. “I suppose you’re right,” Sweetie Belle admitted.

“But it’s Diamond Tiara,” Apple Bloom repeated, as if Diamond Tiara was a force unequal to other ponies and unequal of the same treatment. “Do you really that sorry for her?”

Scootaloo shrank in her wheelchair, looking down then up into the distance of the setting sun. She decided to be honest with her friends; “I’m not sure.”


Miss Cheerilee returned a few moments after seeing the Cutie Mark Crusaders off to find Diamond Tiara at her desk, contemplating what had just happened. “Miss Cheerilee… did I really deserve all this?” she asked softly, ready to burst into tears again. The sight of the heartbroken filly made her heart twinge as she second-guessed if this punishment was right. She wanted Diamond Tiara to understand what Scootaloo was going through, even if just a little, but she had not expected the filly would have taken it as harshly as she did.

“I’ll tell you what,” Miss Cheerilee offered to Diamond Tiara. “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve learned from today? If I feel you’ve learned your lesson, I’ll send a letter home with you saying the punishment’s over.”

“Okay,” Diamond Tiara gasped excitedly. “I learned… I learned that some ponies can’t help being in a position that makes them embarrassed and that I shouldn’t make fun of them, even if it is embarrassing.” Miss Cheerilee nodded thoughtfully, smiling a little bit. Diamond Tiara’s heart leapt at the sight of her teacher’s approval. “Does that mean it’s over?”

“You’re definitely on the right track,” Miss Cheerilee acknowledged. “Let’s give it a few more days.”

“A few more days?” Diamond Tiara whined, throwing her hooves over her desk in exasperation. “But I thought I got it!”

“You’re missing what that means to you,” Miss Cheerilee hinted. “When you figure that out, come tell me.”

Diamond Tiara grumbled a little bit, shutting her eyes disappointingly that she’d be back here tomorrow, all padded up. She hung on Miss Cheerilee’s words thoughtfully. What that means to me? But it doesn’t mean anything to me. Once this is over, I’ll be the same as I always was. What could it possible mean to me?

Unfortunately, the clock struck four and Diamond Tiara was let go from Miss Cheerilee’s care for the day, back home. After embarrassing herself in front of the entire class, she didn’t think anything of walking through the center of Ponyville in a diaper. The stares of strangers meant little to her after seeing the stares of the ponies closest to her.

She made her way back home, quick as she could, already late from staying after class. As she arrived home, Randall dutifully took her bags. Walking through the door made her feel so much more tired than she normally felt. She yawned as she trudged into the mansion and made her way upstairs. Loving Care was waiting for her at the top of the steps.

“Good afternoon, Miss Tiara,” she dutifully greeted. “Would you like to remove your diaper for the day now?”

“I don’t care,” Diamond Tiara muttered, walking right past her nanny. “I think I’m going to take a nap.”

“Oh…” Loving Care replied, taken aback by Diamond Tiara’s lack of usual assertiveness. She watched, worried as the filly entered her room and closed the door softly.

Throwing herself down on the bed, Diamond Tiara curled up into a ball on her bed. The day had been so long. So many things had gone wrong, but despite how horrible she felt, she could not stop thinking about what happened after school, what Scootaloo had said to her, how Miss Cheerilee had comforted her. She curled tighter at the thought of Miss Cheerilee, how it felt to be comforted and shown compassion. Nobody showed her that feeling anymore. She had almost forgotten it had existed, and it made her feel good. It made her feel worth something despite how worthless she had felt immediately before that feeling had surfaced. She thought about that feeling more and more, until a face, so very blurry in her mind, resurfaced after having been forgotten long ago.

Mommy… Diamond Tiara thought, a small tear forming at the corner of one of her eyes. Is that how it felt when you were here?

Author's Note:

When I was in Catholic high school, we had a retreat in my senior year. It was designed to break us down and build us back up, better than we were before. It was one of the defining moments of my teenage years. Diamond Tiara has been successfully broken down at this point, albeit in a much different and incredibly unconventional way, and now it's time to start building her back up, little by little, better than she was before. For anyone who was afraid this was going to be page upon page of giving Diamond Tiara her just desserts, this is the last chapter as such. For those of you upset about that, I'm sorry, but I've never been a fan of stories designed to pummel certain characters just because they are unlikeable (no wonder I love MLP - love and tolerate forever!). I hope you will continue you to read though. As you can see, there is still quite a lot to come.

Again, thank you so, so very much to everyone who has read up to this point. Your favorites and followings have touched me deeply to know you enjoy my writing that much. It makes me so happy to know you like reading it as much as I like writing it, and I hope you will continue to enjoy it just as much as we move past the beginning of the story and into the heart of matters. Until next chapter :)

Comments ( 46 )

Wow, so Diamond's mom is dead....well, you punched me in the personal feels, congrats. :applecry: Anyhoof, in my Catholic Elememtary/Middle school, Saint John Vianney, we went on a retreat near the end of our 8th grade year. I can't remember the name, but it was gorgeous.

Good story. But I think you're making Scootaloo too kind. Even though they are sort of in the "same boat". I already know that bullies are just like everyone else and are a victim of circumstance but this is a very interesting take on Diamond's back story. Keep it up! And also I can't wait to see what will happen next.

The fact neither Diamond Tiara's father nor mother were at her cutie mark party IMHO is not a good sign.

:rainbowderp: My God... Am I starting to feel... SORRY for Diamond Tiara? My least favourite character on the show?!

when i started reading this story i thought YESS YESS someone is actually make DT Have some payback for what she has done to the CMC when after i read this chapter i feel I FEEL BAD FOR HER for what has happened to her and this story makes me relate to her i had a two friends and one tried to kick me out of being friends with either and basically stabbed me in the back the next year they both moved away i haven't seen them since so i fell bad for the character that bully's some of my favorite ponies and i was bullied and i relate to the cmc so wow this story gives me feels :fluttercry:

Well Diamond Tiara, at least now you're starting to learn your lesson. See that you don't slip up again. :eeyup:

As for Silver Spoon, well now Diamond Tiara knows what it's like to be on the recieving end of torment. :trixieshiftleft:

I like were this story is headed and diamond tiara getting to learn a lesson is always good

enamis #8 · Jul 2nd, 2014 · · 1 ·

I enjoy where you're going with this but my only problem is that Scoots is waaaaaaay too caring for DT, in the end the little brat does deserve at least some of this.

4631529 Indeed. After everything she's done she deserves at the very least to see how her actions and words feel when she's on the recieving end. If she can't take what she can dish out, then hopefully she'll understand why such things are wrong.

Love this story ^^ cant wait for next chapter ^^

4624996 oh shut up scootaloo is not being too kind she doing the right thing because DT does deserve it but she doesn't deserve to get bullyed by everyone

I have read your comment dear writer,
About breaking you down and building you back up. I to have been through a very
similar scenario to what scoots is going through. I damaged my nervous system
Quite badly and could not feel anything below my rib cage. Demeaning me to, yes diapers it hurt on the inside. I was confined to a wheel chair for TWO YEARS

However, one kid Terrance pushed it over the line,
He started kicking my shins which I couldn't feel.
I was so pissed off (note it was nerve damage not spinal damage)
I stood up to him, literally and I punched him so hard his nose and jaw broke,
I got two week suspension. But I won that day,
My doctor even says I might get som feeling back in my legs but it's unlikely.

But the point is, I won, me the little weak kid that couldn't do anything, but it was worth it.

Okay okay, everyone is just thinking DT deservers this beasue she a bithc and bullies the CMC, excuse me have you ever seen bullies in real life. Just cause they bully dosn't make them any less human(or in this case pony) It's not knocking a character down a knotch just to feel better for yourself if you can make a story of redemtion and her learning her lesson. People who think scoots should be mean are so, SO wrong.

Silver Spoon turning on Tira was at least logical, she was the sheep, and now she the wolf

I really feel for DT. It can hurt so deeply to be so alone. That was something Scootaloo never was, the CMC always kept supporting her.

I again feel like Cheerilee should be lecturing DT more. Asking her more questions about the day and force her to really think carefully about what she is feeling and why.

have you read the story 'bringing up blueblood'? I think you'll like it. It's very similar to your story but of a higher level.

Comment posted by Neku22 deleted Oct 15th, 2014

I really really feel bad for DT. As much as I don't care for her, I am having major feelings for her. In my 4th grade class we had a student that had to have a portion of her small intestine removed and was subsequently in a diaper when she was able to come back to class, she was one of my best friends. so this story hits me right in the feels. i feel i need to say thank you.

What I find funny is that Diamond Tiara's backstory (a workaholic, neglectful father and a dead mother) is the same backstory as used in "Pen Pals." Considering that her father has made multiple appearances and her mother hasn't, drawing this conclusion about Diamond Tiara's home life shouldn't be too surprising. It's probably very common.

Your first showing is a solid work without much in the way of typos, and a browse of your comments reveals you're someone actually open to criticism and is actively trying to improve their craft, a rare set of traits in this little padded niche of ours. Colour me interested, both for this story and yourself as a writer.

If you care to talk trade, feel free to note me for my Skype name (I try to keep it secret to avoid those who dislike my harsher-than-normal critiques). I'm also part of a semi-large group of accomplished padded pony artists and writers, if you're interested in a semi-exclusive group to discuss your work amongst equals.

In spite of it's odd premise, this is a very character driven piece. And does force Diamond to grow up. Even if at first she needs to be broken down.

Comment posted by Neku22 deleted Oct 15th, 2014
Comment posted by Neku22 deleted Oct 15th, 2014

Is this fic dead?

I wish this was continued. Since it was showing Diamond Tiara realizing the true nature of what she does a realistic step at a time.

I hope scoot get better maybe she comes one day with crouches

When are you gonna post the chapter?!:twilightangry2:

This is excellent. I can't wait to read more.

It's surprisingly common in Diamond Tiara stories. Why am I Crying? has something similar.

Also, I'm guessing Scootaloo is a permanent paraplegic?

6081210 I thought as much.

And yes, that's what's implied in "Flight to the Finish."

I really feel for her.
DT thought that SS was her friend and that she could depend on her and SS just turned her back on her when she needed her the most.
Scoot's friend never abandoned her. Though she was bullied too she knew she could count on her friends to support her.

4957005 Yeah, it seems to be a common theme for Diamond Tiara to have a dead mother and a father that just doesn't devote enough time to raising her.

6260045 Looks like I'll be following the trend when writing the second draft of "A Mother's Touch."

Too bad this story went off. This was an interesting premise.

I really kinda feel bad for Diamond Tiara. The "Mommy" comment at the end really got me. Great story though. Hope to see more! :scootangel:

In spite of the odd premise, or perhaps, BECAUSE OF the odd premise, this is something Diamond Tiara NEEDS, but at the same time, it shouldn't come at the cost of public humiliation, that only teaches "you against the world" rather than "personhood isn't defined by wealth and status." Which I imagine Cheerilee KNOWS!

I love this :fluttershysad::heart: I cried throughout the first and second chapters
I really like the lesson learned in this. I tell everyone the same message.
<3 I hope you make something like this again, it was really good; and you can't find too many stories like this.

Wait this story isn't going to be continued? For what reasons?

Comment posted by FluffyBrony deleted Feb 16th, 2017

This was truly an amazing story

I really liked your story, too bad it wasn't continued... :(

Nice one

This is just too heartwarming, the ending. ♥️

We need more of this.

I kind of felt bad for diamond tiara in this chapter, maybe she'll get used to it, could there possibly a squeal to this story, where scootaloo tries to befriend diamond tiara, if not that's ok, I kind of got invested in this story, maybe it could've inspired me to do my story, but an editor would be nice, as well as a proofreader, the previous stories I've tried too do were um not approved *nervous laugh*

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