• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 5,375 Views, 97 Comments

Transformers: Return of the Dark Spark - DarkSkylynx

When an ancient relic cappable of untold power lands in the magical world of Equestria, two universes will come together to claim this relic. Though some want it for evil purposes, some want it far away from evil-doers for the sake of peace.

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A New Opportunity

Chapter 2: A New Opportunity

"Inspired by Bumblebee, but better."

A human built Transformer, Stinger was created by Kinetic Solutions Incorporated (KSI) which seeked to replace the Autobots with their own machines. Designed to be a spy and saboteur, Stinger is the dark counterpart of Bumblebee. Originally an autonomous drone, Stinger was brought to life at the hands of Galvatron and now lives only to serve the bounty hunter Lockdown.

“The Matrix of Leadership, formed from Primus himself, grants the wisdom of the Primes.”

"But for every force in the universe, there is an equal and an opposite. For every matter, there will be an anti-matter.”

“Legends speak of the Dark Spark: The antithesis to the Matrix of Leadership.”

“Where the Matrix grants wisdom, the Dark Spark empowers its master to bend the very fabric of the universe and its inhabitants to his will.”

There have been many legends surrounding the existence of the Dark Spark. Some say that it is the very spark of the God of Destruction: Unicron. Others claim that it is an ejected corruption from the Well of AllSparks. And a few particular say that it came from another universe.

Whatever the accurate legend is, the Dark Spark was sought out by two warring factions on the planet Cybertron: the Autobots who fought for peace and the Decepticons who fought for tyranny.

The reason for the Autobots to seek out this powerful relic was because for them, they believed their darkest hour was beginning. The Decepticons on the other hand, believed that this was their moment of glory.

These two factions fought and died for possession of this powerful relic. When it got into Megatron’s hands, Optimus Prime confronted him and engaged him in a ferocious battle which ended in the Matrix of Leadership and Dark Spark cancelling each other out with a huge blast. As a result of this blast, the Dark Spark was launched off Cybertron and into a new universe on a planet called Earth.

Unfortunately, another Cybertronian known as Lockdown also wanted the Dark Spark for his own benefit. The only obstacle that stood in his way was Optimus Prime and his mighty Autobots. After a lengthy battle between the two, the Dark Spark was hurled into another dimension.

And just like the past two, the Optimus Prime and Megatron of the dimension fought for the Dark Spark, ultimately resulting in it being sent to another world.

However, the Dark Spark did not arrive on any ordinary planet, but on a world populated will small little equine creatures called ponies.

Some of these ponies were unicorns as they had horns which granted them magical properties.

Other ponies had wings which let them fly great distances.

Only a few of these ponies had both a horn and wings. These ponies were called alicorns.

And finally there were just normal Earth ponies that plowed at the ground day and night like anyone else.

The planet that the Dark Spark landed on is called Equestria. But where the Dark Spark goes, a power hungry creature will follow. And all of the ponies that live in complete harmony will soon find themselves in a new war.
Defeat. That is all that rang through Lockdown’s mind as he looked out into the empty void of space.

His plan to use the Dark Spark to bring all the Decepticons back from the past to the future was so close to completion he could taste the money that he would earn.

But before he could complete it, he was stopped by Optimus Prime and his Autobots Bumblebee and Drift. Using the power of the Dark Spark, he fought Optimus long and hard. But just when it seemed like victory was his, Drift removed the Dark Spark from his chest and Optimus shot it out into space. Luckily he got away before his beloved time bridge collapsed.

Now that the relic was gone, he had lost his opportunity to become a well-paid bounty hunter once again.

And he hated it.

As he stared out into space and plotted his revenge, he heard the doors behind him open up. Lockdown turned around to see three of his mercenary troops and a red and black Decepticon follow out.

“Lockdown sir! We have something you need to see!” yelled the first mercenary.

“What is it?” Lockdown asked.

“Stinger, come over here and show Lockdown what you found.” The other mercenary said to the red and black Decepticon.

Stinger nodded his head and moved towards Lockdown carrying what appeared to be a small map of planet Earth.

“Our scanners picked up a strange energy spike down on the planet sir. We aren’t too sure on where it originated from so we came to you sir.” The third mercenary said.

As Lockdown looked at the screen, he suddenly began to laugh. His laughter soon became louder and louder until he was laughing maniacally. The other mercenaries just looked at each other with confused looks in their optics as their boss laughed. Stinger, on the other hand was just staring at Lockdown as he laughed.

Lockdown then stopped and told his mercenaries “Set course for Earth immediately. No questions asked do you hear me!”

“Yes sir!” the mercenaries said before they ran out.

When Stinger looked at Lockdown questionably, Lockdown replied with “You’re wondering what we’re looking for aren’t you?” Stinger nodded.

“The answer is quite simple my human-made friend. The past is calling to me again. And this time, I will kill Optimus Prime.”

The sun slowly set on the Yeager house as three cars drove up to it. One of the cars was white and two humans were sitting in the front. The car to the left was green in color while the other one was yellow and black.

Just as the car came up to the driveway, the two humans came out, revealing the driver to be a boy and the other one a girl.

“That was incredible Shane! You left all the other racers in the dust!” the girl said.

“Hey I couldn’t have done it without you Tessa. You really helped me out there.” Shane told her.

Just then the green and yellow cars suddenly transformed into two robots. The green one appeared to have goggles on his forehead and his taillights were on his knees. Behind him was what appeared to be a cape of some sort that resembled the front hood of his car form? The other robot had his tires on his back as if they were wings and his chest was the front of his car form.

The green one then said “I still can’t believe you humans race around in cars! It’s like you own us or something am I right Bumblebee?” Bumblebee nodded his head.

“You always got to complain don’t you Crosshairs.” Shane told the green robot.

“I have a right! Frankly I still can’t believe those humans let us into the parking lot. Blasted meatbags still don’t trust us”. Crosshairs growled. Bumblebee let out a sad bleep in response.

“Can we blame them Crosshairs.” Another voice spoke. The humans and Autobots turned around and saw a blue robot with a samurai helmet and four blades sticking out of his back walk up to them. “The humans didn’t ask for our war. Now we pay the price.”

“If by price, you mean being treated like outcasts after saving their fleshy behind from the Decepticons FOUR times Drift, you’re right about that.” replied another robot. This robot was olive green and had a bunch of wire dangling from his face like a beard and had a large stomach.

“Come on Hound, give those people a chance. They’ll see things differently one day.” Tessa said.

“Yeah or maybe they’ll enslave us all like they did me!” a small robot with fuzzy blue hair and a makeshift leg while seemingly carrying his real leg said as he walked up to Tessa.

“That’ll never happen Brains, KSI shut down all operations remember?” Shane told the small robot.

“He’s got a point Shane. What if one day we’ll have to change our vehicle modes to rescue modes like a fire truck or hauling truck and we’ll have to wear visors to look like incompetent robots. What are we going to do then huh?!” Hound shouted.

“What is going on out here?” The humans and Autobots turned around to see a blue and red robot walk towards him. Walking next to him was another human.

Drift then spoke up to the Autobot and said “Sorry about that Optimus, we just got into a little argument.”

“Did you invite the Autobots to another race Tessa?” the human said.

“I wanted them to see Shane race Dad. I wish you could come to his races more often.” Tessa said.

“Yeah come on Cade. It’ll be awesome AND it’s an excuse to get you out of that barn for once.” Shane said. Cade just rolled his eyes. He wasn’t used to having Shane date his daughter but after the battle at Hong Kong, he took a liking to him.

Just then, Optimus pulled Cade out of his thoughts and said “Forgive me everyone, but I’m afraid I have some bad news.”

Bumblebee made some curious bleeps in response to which Crosshairs translated as “Bee is right. Is Lockdown attacking another city again?”

“No.” Optimus replied. “It is something far worse. A portal has mysteriously appeared in the nearby forest and Lockdown is nearby. Although it is not known where it leads, I will not allow Lockdown to use its properties for evil.”

Hound then exclaimed “Well then what are we waiting for, let’s go kick some mercenaries where the sun don’t shine!”

“I’m up for that. Am I right Bee?” Crosshairs asked Bumblebee. Bee nodded his head and gave out an excited bleep.

“Wherever you all go, I will follow bravely.” Drift said.

“And we’ll go with you too Optimus. Isn't that right Shane?” Tessa asked.

Right before Shane could reply, Cade butted in and said “No way Tessa. You and Shane are not getting involved in this fight. I’m going.”

“What!? Why not? And Why you?!” Tessa exclaimed.

“Because I have an alien gun and I don’t want to see you two risk your lives and die this time the way Lucas did.”

“Although I don’t approve of you coming Cade, I’m afraid we will need your help. Perhaps it is for the best you don’t come Tessa.” Optimus said.

Noticing Tessa looking a bit unhappy, Cade walked up to her and said “I’m sorry but I just want what’s best for you this time. And don’t worry; I promise I’ll be back alive and whole O.K.?”

Tessa replied with a sad “O.K.”

Cade then walked over to Shane and said “Don’t let her do anything stupid got it. And if you do anything to her, well I got an alien gun. Can you guess what follows after that Lucky Charms?”

Shane chuckled a little bit at the nickname Cade gave him and nodded in understanding. “Don’t worry, I will do nothing bad and I won’t let her do anything bad. Trust me”.

Cade then walked over to Optimus and said “Ok OP, I’m ready.”

Optimus nodded and transformed into his vehicle mode with the other Autobots transforming after him.

“Hey wait a minute I’m coming too!” exclaimed Brains as he got into Bumblebee.

Cade yelled “I’ll be back soon!” as the Autobots drove off.

As Shane and Tessa looked at the Autobots driving away, Tessa said “I really hope he comes back.”

“You and me both Tessa.” Shane said.

Meanwhile, a purple meteorite sails over the skys of another planet before crashlanding into a far off mountain, with only a few of the natives of the planet paying heed to it before resuming their everyday activies.

Author's Note:

Sorry if it's a little longer than expected. I was trying to include as much as I could.

Anyways, I was making a Rescue Bots joke. see if you can find it.

I also apologize for my hitatus I was away for three weeks. but now i has returned and I shall make the best dang story I will ever write.

If you gonna hate, explain.