• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 5,375 Views, 97 Comments

Transformers: Return of the Dark Spark - DarkSkylynx

When an ancient relic cappable of untold power lands in the magical world of Equestria, two universes will come together to claim this relic. Though some want it for evil purposes, some want it far away from evil-doers for the sake of peace.

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Rage of the Dinobots

Chapter Eight: Rage of the Dinobots


"The leader of the legendary knights, Grimlock is a thick headed, aggressive bot who can transform into a Tyrannosaurus Rex. He and his allies teamed up with Optimus and his Autobots to defend Earth from the evil Lockdown and the dreaded Dark Spark. Having been a captive aboard his ship, Grimlock intends to deliver some delicious revenge.


The ponies nearly gasped from what they saw right in front of them. The only one who didn’t gasp was Rarity; she ended up fainting the minute she laid eyes on the ferocious beast.

Standing right before them was a ginormous, metal reptile with horns on the sides of his head and teeth longer than a dragon’s. What scared them a little bit was that the creature’s red eyes were glaring straight at Lockdown (who had stepped away from Optimus upon laying eyes on said creature).

Just as the mysterious creature walked a little closer to Lockdown, Brains said “Oh yeah! I knew Grimlock was too tough to die! Now things are about to get REAL nice and fired up!”

The ponies (except for Rarity) and Spike’s eyes went completely wide when the heard the name ‘Grimlock’. Rainbow Dash’s eyes went even wider than Pinkie Pie’s when she heard the word. After the shock wore off, they noticed that he wasn’t colored gold and grey nor was he that Cybertronian like the Grimlock they knew. The ponies realized that only possible reason why he looked so different was because he must’ve come from Optimus world.

Before anyone could make a move at the lumbering Transformer, another noise was heard but closer to where the mercenaries were standing. Then, out of nowhere, another gigantic reptile came charging in and rammed one of the mercenaries into a tree! When the creature pulled out, the mercenary had holes in his chest that were pouring out energon. The mercenary then fell to the ground dead as the titan gave out a huge growl.

This creature also shocked the ponies and Spike due to its appearance being similar to the Dinobot Slug. A closer inspection showed that it had a wide forehead and horns that were still covered with energon. It was also standing on four legs and had extremely sharp teeth.

Then, another sound was heard. Except instead of it being the ground shaking, it was a cry or shriek of some sort. Before any of the mercenaries could pull up their guns, a massive, two-headed creature with humongous wings and two tails came flying in. It then landed next to Grimlock with its two heads giving out a loud shriek.

This one REALLY surprised the ponies. Why? Because it had two heads! The only creature that they knew were those Decepticons from Cybertron named Hun-Gurr and Sinnertwin and they were dead! But after it landed next to the Dinobot commander, they knew that he was friendly, albeit he did look like Swoop with those big wings.

After the creature landed, another one came out to the left of the ponies and gave out an intense roar at the other mercenaries. This one that appeared had what appeared to be spines in the shape of sails on its back. Like Grimlock, it also had sharp teeth but they weren’t as long as his.

As the newcomer walked closer to Grimlock, the four reptiles released a simultaneous roar at the sky. While they roared, the Autobots began to wake up from their assault from Lockdown. The first one to lay eyes on the creatures was Optimus. Just after he saw them, he gave a weak smile while the others stared at them in shock.

Optimus and the Autobots weren’t the only one’s coming out of their comas. Rarity finally woke up and looked at the four knights in complete shock. Next to her, Cade began to wake up as well. When he was fully awake, he saw that he was much closer to the ponies and Brains. He then turned around and saw the knights and said “I had a feeling they’d show up.”

His sudden wake up startled the ponies and they turned to him. “Cade, yer alright!” Applejack told him.

Just as he stood up, Cade replied with “Don’t worry about me. I’d worry about those mercenaries if I were you.” he told them.

Everyone’s head then turned to see Optimus stand up. He then faced the four knights and said. “Grimlock, Slug, Strafe, Scorn, transform and engage Lockdown!”

The minute they heard that, the four knights transformed into their robot modes, shocking the ponies and Spike once more.
Grimlock’s robot form was different than the robot mode of the Grimlock from Cybertron. He had two notable eyes instead of a slit for eyes. On his shoulders, the ponies noticed the jaws of his dino mode acting as his shoulder pads. In his right hand he was holding a spiked ball until the ponies looked a little closer and saw that the ball WAS his hand. In his other hand, Grimlock was holding what appeared to be a club with spikes everywhere. He also had two strange things hanging from his behind as if they were a cape like Crosshairs. His feet were really interesting because they were curved like a harlequin’s.

The one that was called Slug was shorter than Grimlock but still looked scary. Similar to Grimlock, he had the face of his dino mode on his shoulders as the ponies could clearly see the horns around his head. Speaking of his head, it had no mouth; only a blue slit of an eye like the Slug from Cybertron. In his left hand he was holding a spiked club while his other hand was in the shape of a sword. He also had spikes on his legs and his feet looked similar to Grimlock’s.

Strafe’s dino mode was different from the other two. Unlike Grimlock and Slug who only had one actual hand, Strafe had two actual hands. In his right hand, he had a sword while in his left hand; he had what appeared to be a crossbow with a loaded arrow. Similar to Slug, Strafe had a slit of an eye colored blue. Behind him, the ponies could see his wings folded up and the two heads were now his shoulders like the other two. Another thing that the ponies could see was his two tails being dragged behind him.

The last one, Scorn, seemed pretty intriguing to the eyes. For one, he didn’t have the face of his dino mode on his shoulders but rather on his hips. His head resembled an old fashion knight’s helmet and had another blue slit for an eye. On his back, he had is spines sticking out and his tail in dino mode was his right hand.

As soon as they were in robot mode, Grimlock gave out a huge roar and then he and his men began to run at the mercenaries. Lockdown then faced his men and said “Well what are all waiting for? Destroy those demons!” But before he could pull out his gun, Scorn swatted him into a nearby tree. When another group of mercenaries began to shoot at the knight, Scorn then pulled out a sword from his back and used it to impale three of them and then tear them off with his tail hand. He then ran towards a few more mercenaries and bashed them into the ground before squishing all their heads. Scorn then used his tail hand to impale a nearby shotgunner and then threw him over the forest and out of sight.

When the ponies, Spike, Cade and Brains turned their attention to Strafe, they saw him stab a few mercenaries with his sword and shoot a couple with his crossbow. When two rocketeers jumped onto his back, his tails then jabbed themselves into the mercenaries and then flung them away. He then turned his head to see two shotgunners trying to knock him down only to get their heads cut off by Strafe’s swords. When another one tried to shoot off Strafe’s head, he was suddenly picked off the ground by Slug.

While the mercenary tried to free himself, Slug then grabbed him with both hands and then brought him down on his knee, breaking his back in two. Slug then turned his attention to a rocketeer who had just shot him in the shoulder and was preparing to load another one. Before he could fire, Slug brought his club down on the mercenary before using his sword hand to cut off the bodies of two mercenaries that ran up to him.

Finally, the ponies looked at Grimlock, who was tearing apart several mercenaries with his club while slashing other mercenaries with spiked hand. The ponies also clearly saw that he was making his way towards Lockdown who was beginning to get back up after getting smacked by Scorn. Just as he arrived and began to bring his club down onto the bounty hunter, Lockdown shouted “STOP!” toward the knight. Surprisingly, Grimlock stopped and put down his club while all the other Transformers looked at the bounty hunter. Just as all the noise settled down, Lockdown spoke to the legendary knight and said “Take a good look at me you reptilious scum! I am your superior mind and your rightful bringer of chaos! And I will not let a stupid, prehistoric, piece of garbage that was once my finest trophy beat me around like a-” but before he could finish, Grimlock grabbed Lockdown by the foot and began to beat him around constantly while all the others watched.

After a while of smacking Lockdown around until he was unable to move, Grimlock then threw the evil bounty hunter as far away as he could until he was out of sight. Seeing their leader defeated, one of the mercenaries yelled “Lockdown is down! Retreat, Retreat!” prompting all the other mercenaries to turn and run to recover their fallen leader wherever he was thrown to.

With the battle finally over, the four knights walked over to their respective allies and helped them get up. Drift looked at Slug and said “It is great to see that you survived.” Prompting the knight to give out a low roar.

When Scorn helped up Crosshairs, Crosshairs looked at his partner and said “Nice work Spike.” Spike (the dragon) heard this and said “What did he say again?” to the ponies who just shrugged.

Strafe helped up Bumblebee who gave out some friendly bleeps and Grimlock picked Hound up with his only actual hand.

After the knights were done helping up the Autobots, they then noticed the six colorful ponies and baby dragon next to Cade and Brains and slowly began to approach them. As the ponies backed up a little bit, Optimus walked over to them and said “Do not fear my friends, Grimlock and his knights will not harm you.”

As Grimlock lowered his head to meet the ponies, Twilight looked at him and said “Um, Grimlock is it? I just want to say thank you for your help protecting us from Lockdown.” Grimlock then gave out a low roar in response to the Princess.

Unfortunately, this ended up leaving the ponies and Spike confused when Grimlock didn’t respond with words. Rarity then asked Optimus “Did we say something to upset him?”

Optimus responded with “No Rarity. Grimlock is not upset with any of you. He was merely saying ‘you’re welcome’ in his own native tongue. He, along with the rest of his team, never learned Earth’s language.”

“Can you understand him then?” Fluttershy asked Optimus.

“Indeed we can Fluttershy. Now that you have been introduced to him, I think you all should meet the other legendary knights.” he said.

Hearing this, Grimlock nodded his head and then called out to his men to come and meet the ponies.

As they walked closer to the Main Six Optimus said “ This is the knight’s assault infantry specialist Strafe, the savage warrior Slug, and the demolition specialist Scorn.” The other three gave out low roars to show they were happy to see them all.

Rainbow Dash then turned to Cade and asked “What’s with the ‘S’ names?” Cade just shrugged.

Spike then spoke up and said “Hey, if that guy’s name is Scorn, then why did Crosshairs call him Spike?”

Crosshairs walked over to him and said “That’s my nickname for him. Don’t worry; I’ll call him Scorn from now on okay?” Spike felt a little better hearing that.

Twilight then spoke up and said “Well now that we met you all, I think now should be the time to go to Canterlot and tell Princess Celestia about you guys.”

Optimus nodded his head and said “Autobots, transform and prepare to roll.” With that, the Autobots transformed into their vehicle modes while Grimlock and the knights transformed back into their dino modes.

This transformation ended up suprising the ponies and Spike with Rainbow saying “Whoa. Those forms are pretty cool!”

“Focus Rainbow! We gotta get ta Canterlot so we can tell Princess Celestia about that Lockdown varmit.”

“Then let’s get going girls.” Twilight told her friends.

With that, the Main Six and Spike ended up climbing into Optimus while Cade and Brains decided to hitch a ride with Bumblebee. Once everyone was all buckled up, the five Autobots and four knights made their way to the city of Canterlot.

By the time they had left the forest, it was almost morning.

Comments ( 33 )

Finally, the ponies looked at Grimlock, who was tearing apart several mercenaries with his club while slashing other mercenaries with spiked hand. The ponies also clearly saw that he was making his way towards Lockdown who was beginning to get back up after getting smacked by Scorn. Just as he arrived and began to bring his club down onto the bounty hunter, Lockdown shouted “STOP!” toward the knight. Surprisingly, Grimlock stopped and put down his club while all the other Transformers looked at the bounty hunter. Just as all the noise settled down, Lockdown spoke to the legendary knight and said “Take a good look at me you reptilious scum! I am your superior mind and your rightful bringer of chaos! And I will not let a stupid, prehistoric, piece of garbage that was once my finest trophy beat me around like a-” but before he could finish, Grimlock grabbed Lockdown by the foot and began to beat him around constantly while all the others watched.

Me Grimlock no stupid, prehistoric, piece of garbage! ME KING!:rainbowlaugh: Couldn't resist.

Nice avengers reference BTW.

Can't wait for the next chapter soon.

4819670 Thank you. Do you read Atomic Chinchilla's story Predator's Moon?

4819650 I can never get tired of that scene! :rainbowlaugh:

4819745 I've read it, it seems to be a good crossover with 'Beast Wars'. The parts involving Fluttershy and Waspinator have to be my favorite moments.
Shame though that the author has been too busy to work on it.

4819650 XD it woulda been better if Grimlock actually said that in his language hehe

I wonder why Stinger was not in the battle

probably in charge of the ship while Lockdown was gone.

Anyways i got a good pic of Crosshairs and a better pic of Grimlock for you to use



4822276 I want the ponies to meet Stinger later. I'm wondering about how much I should say about age of extinction.

4823441 You already have the characters so maybe you should talk about AOE more.

How did Stinger join up with Lockdown anyways?

And why is he not a drone?

4824215 think of the end of age of extinction never happened so Lockdown was still alive and rise of the dark spark came after. Stinger would already be sentient and maybe Lockdown found one more extra Stinger KSI built.

HA never get tired of hearing that avengers line.:rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by DarkSkylynx deleted Aug 11th, 2014

Man, you're good. :raritystarry:

4997459 Well yeah but we are not talking about toys for images.

5038233 why yes it does.

lol That Avengers reference :D

Pretty good. Though it would be better if the mane six told the autobots about their counterparts. Maybe next chapter?

really hoping this story will continue. 1 to many times Ive looked for good stories on here and they are usually always left alone for so long that there is no hope of them being continued and I dont want this one to be like the rest :pinkiesad2:

5463075 Really sorry. Haven't been having the ambition.

In chapter 3. Look where I ment the Autobots.

Is there a prequel to this story?

5623531 This is based off JDPrime22's stories. It's actually a spinoff sequel.

The game should have been like this, not that wobbly mess


If only the Decepticons showed up, I think the bots would all get creamed. I mean they aren't built for fighting and even if Optimus showed up, he wouldn't know the Decepticons. And no Galvatron.

By the way, I haven't been having the ambition to finish this story. One day I will pick it up.

5802429 whens the next chapter

5896954 I don't know my friend. I haven't been feeling like writing since school started.

5897040 not sure how long for you but for me week 1 ending tomorrow

I don’t know anymore. Maybe.

Great story so far, keep up the great work

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