• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 9,028 Views, 409 Comments

Elsa's Snowdrop - TheOneAJ

In her kingdom of isolation, Elsa discovers a special filly that will change her life in ways she never expected.

  • ...

chapter 12

"How are things coming along?" Elsa asked on her morning routine as she stopped by the library to see how Grandpapie and the other trolls were doing on their research.

The old troll shook his head. "Still nothing, your grace, but we'll let you know if we find anything." He then went back to analyzing one of Snowdrop’s features.

Elsa nodded through a yawn. "Very well, as you were. And keep up the good work."

Before she headed out, Grandpapie added, "You alright, dear?”

Elsa blinked through her baggy eyes. "I am fine," she lied. “I just have a lot to do since I took the throne.”

Grandpapie nodded and crossed his arms. “Just be sure not to exhaust yourself.”

Elsa turned her head and thought back to her near death experience. “I will keep that in mind, thank you very much.”

With a shake of his head, Grandpapie went back to work as Elsa continued on with the rest of her morning duties.

“Morning, your majesty,” one of her aides said as he bowed.

“Good morning, good sir.” Elsa nodded. "What do you have for me today?" She began to walk off as her aid followed reading off her list of duties for the day.

“Well, you got several marriage proposals."

Elsa rolled her eyes. "Where they always go.”

“You got letters from five neighboring kingdoms who want to talk about trade, half of them are with the marriage proposals. "

She waved her hand. "Lay all of those on my desk, I’ll sort through them later."

"Of course. Also, the meeting on the tariffs are today.”

“Will do.”

“And you still have to deal with the growing concern of the ice-pickers.”

Elsa groaned. "I’ll talk to Kristoff again."

He then flipped through the notes. “Oh, and your sister birthday present is done.”

Elsa’s face lit up before she relaxed and regained her composer. “Put it under my desk. Under! I do not want Anna finding it.”

He bowed. “At once.”

“Is that all for the moment?”

“Yes, my queen.”

Elsa nodded. “Very well. You are excused.”

With that, he ran off and Elsa headed down the hallway until she stopped when she heard giggling behind one of the doors. Carefully opening the door, she saw Anna combing Snowdrop's mane.

"I’m afraid to ask,” Snowdrop moaned, “but how do I look?"

"You look great.” Anna straightened one of the bows in Snowdrop’s mane. “I bet every colt will want to date you when you get home."

Elsa noticed that Snowdrop tensed at the words, but put on a brave happy face as Anna continued.

Wearing her first true smile all morning, Elsa walked in and said, "You are not tiring the poor dear too much, are you?"

The pair looked up at her and beamed.

"Oh come on, sis," Anna picked up Snowdrop by the waist and showed her off. "I mean, isn't she adorable?"

Snowdrop narrowed her eyes through the bows and makeup.

Elsa chuckled. "Well, in any case, it's time for breakfast."

With that, Snowdrop shot out of Anna's arms and flew to Elsa and said. "Okay!"

"Well..." Anna said as she scratched the back of her neck, "Kristoff and I were going to go—"

“Just be careful with whatever you do.” Elsa moaned. “Though, while you are at it, could you ask him to put in another word with the ice-men?

"Of course,” Anna nodded vigorously as she raced off.

Elsa merely shook her head. “Oh sister…” she felt a rustle in her arms.

“Hey” Snowdrop said, “it’s been over two months, I think they’re doing alright.”

Elsa sighed. “I know, I know. I just do not want her to get hurt again.”

Snowdrop nuzzled up to Elsa. “She’ll be fine.”

“Of course,” Elsa said with a slide of her arm as she undid all of the bows. “Though I thank you for putting up with my sister and the children of the kingdom every Tuesday.”

Snowdrop grumbled, then sighed. “Of course, Elsa.” She then shrugged. “I guess they’re not… that bad. Though, it is Thursday… Right?”

Elsa smiled. “Yes, it is.”

Snowdrop let out a breath. “Right.” She then looked up and smiled at Elsa. “So, breakfast?”

Elsa nodded. “Breakfast.”

As they walked, Elsa couldn’t help but to think back on the last two months…

‘Had it really been that long?’

Most of the kingdom had gotten used to the trolls, blind pegasus and snow queens, while Elsa and Snowdrop had settled into their own routines. Every day, aside from the occasional complaint from someone involving her magic, she spent most of her time ensuring her kingdom was lead as well as possible. In her free time, she spent time with Anna listening to her jabber about Kristoff, Grandpapie while he was trying to find where Equestria was, or with Snowdrop doing... Whatever she wanted mostly.

While Elsa hesitated to let Snowdrop go outside, she allowed it as long as she herself was in town to make sure the little filly didn't crash into anything, which Snowdrop seemed happy to accept. Though, while Elsa spent a lot of time with the little pegasus, she could never get Snowdrop to open up. At least about her life from where she came from.

It seemed that whenever Elsa brought up something to do with Equestria, Snowdrop would always find a way to change topics. If she asked Snowdrop about what her life was like, she would instead talk to Elsa about her snowflake making process. If she asked about her family, Snowdrop would suggest they make a pizza as they had when Snowdrop first explained what one was. Which was fun to make and it tasted incredibly good.

Still, a part of... No, all Elsa could think about was, what is she not telling me? And why won't she open up?

"So," Elsa said, holding her hands together. "Is there anything you would like to do today, Snowdrop?"

Snowdrop rubbed her chin. "Um... I don't really know.”

Elsa clicked her tounge. “Do you want to have a snowball fight? Maybe we can make a pizza?”

“Maybe we can go to that pizza café we built for the city?” She thought back to when they opened the place up and grinded.

Snowdrop giggled.

"Oh,” Elsa added quickly, "maybe when Grandpapie finds Equestria we can invite some of your friends over.”

Snowdrop stopped in the air, only to fly on quietly.

After a moment of several hesitation, Elsa said, "Um... So, um..."

"Oh, that me remind me!" Snowdrop flipped around to Elsa. "What month is it?"

Elsa shook her head. Seeing as how she wasn't going to get anywhere else on the matter for now, she humored Snowdrop with an answer. "It's August."

Snowdrop stared at Elsa. "Um... What season would that be? Is it almost fall?"

“Almost, it's about halfway through summer and autumn. Though, are months named differently where you are from?”

Snowdrop rubbed her chin, then snapped her hoof. "Yeah. So, I don’t suppose you’re up to learn how my land’s months’ work compared to yours, Elsa?”

It didn’t sound like fun, but as they entered the dining room and took a seat, it sounded like a decent enough idea to talk about something that had to do with Equestria.

“Alright, excuse me,” Elsa asked one of the servers, “would you fetch me a calendar and a piece of paper with some ink please?”

“Of course, your majesty,” the servant bowed. She raced off, and returned a moment later with all that Elsa requested.

“Thank you, miss. As you were.” The maid bowed and Elsa showed Snowdrop the paper. “Now, this is our calendar.”

Snowdrop touched the paper. “Ah yes, I love how the yellow mixes with the green and the purple bunny on the front.”

“Um, this calendar is…” She blinked as she looked to a smirking filly. Elsa tensed up and started to breath fast. “Oh, Snowdrop, I’m so sorry! I forgot you can not—”

“It’s fine.” Snowdrop interrupted as she placed a hoof on Elsa. “You don’t have to freak out every time.”

Taking a deep breath, Elsa said, “Alright.” She moved the calendar in front of her. “Now, our year starts in the month of January…”

They then spend the next hour going over the calendar as Snowdrop told her the months of Equestria, which wasn’t too far off from Arednell’s. Then, after a while, Snowdrop became more and more focused as they got to what day it was compared to what it would be in Equestria.

“That’s… Perfect. I mean great.” the filly said. Snowdrop then grinned. “This was fun.”

With a deep breath, Elsa said, “Yeah, it was.” She never would have thought going over a calendar would be fun, but it seemed as if anything she did with Snowdrop was fun. “Although,” she said getting up, “I do have a few duties to take care of. When I am finished, would you like to check out what I got Anna for her birthday?”

Snowdrop perked up. “Anna too?”

Elsa halted in place and stared at Snowdrop. “What?”

Snowdrop’s eyes began to circle as her hooves fidgeted. “Oh, I mean… When is it?” She then tried to act excited by floating up into the air. “What did you get for her?”

Elsa chuckled and pushed Snowdrop down. “Clam yourself. I will show you later. And her birthday will be in three days.” She then let out a sad sigh. “It is… well, I just want to make this one special after all the ones I ignored.”

“Oh,” Snowdrop moaned.

Elsa perked up as she rubbed Snowdrop’s mane. “But that’s behind us.” She chuckled. “You will love it. Right then.” She clasped her hands together. “Now, how about—"

"Could I maybe fly around by myself for a bit?” Snowdrop asked.

Elsa tensed and raised a finger.

“I won’t leave the castle grounds or fly too high.” She pouted her eyes. "Please."

Elsa lowered her finger. “Alright, just be careful.”

Snowdrop smirked. “Don’t worry, Elsa, I won’t.” She began to fly off, before she added. “Oh, um… is there any chance I could have a lit candle in my room?”

Elsa’s eyes widened.

“Oh, I’ve used candles before!” Snowdrop insisted. “It’s just… a technique I have for some of my… Special snowflake designs.”

Elsa didn’t like the idea. “Well… I—”

Snowdrop pouted her eyes. “Please!”

With a closed fist and grumble, Elsa said, “Just be care—”

Snowdrop cut her off with a hug. “Thank you, you’re the best, love ya, bye!” With that, she flew off to her room as Elsa merely stood there and shook her head.

“That girl.”


With that, the day passed on for Elsa much like any other day had been for what felt like forever. She held court for anyone, sorted through whatever problems she could, held a meeting with her advisers on the tariffs to keep on the good side of their remaining trading nations. Then all she was scheduled to do before she could focuses on Anna’s party was deal with the flood of marriage requests.

Before she could ‘organize’ said letters, she stopped by the dining room to enjoy a quick lunch. Afterwards, a tray of cupcakes was placed in front of her.

“Oh,” she said surprised by the unrequested treat. “Thank you, you did not need to make dessert for me today.”

“I didn’t,” the chief explained, “Snowdrop requested a cupcake, so I thought I’d make a few extra so I don’t waste a tray and batch.”

“Oh,” Elsa said without too much thought for the moment. Although, as she burned the dozen of marriage proposals, she couldn’t help but think that, between that and how obsessed Snowdrop was about dates that morning, something seemed off about her.

Maybe it was just how that was the closet she had gotten to getting Snowdrop to talk about her life from Equestria, but it pestered Elsa to no end. Why was it so difficult for Snowdrop to talk about it? Did something bad happen to her back in Equestria? It was a problem she dragged over when she later meet with Kristoff and Olaf to talk about Anna’s birthday party.

"I mean, it is as if she does not want to talk about what may have happened in her old world!"

Kristoff and Olaf merely watched as Elsa paced back and forth between the picture room.

Olaf raise his arm. "Well, maybe she's—"

"I mean, have I given her reason to not like me? Do I remind her of someone who hurt her?"

"Now, I don't think—"

"Oh!" Elsa said as she bit her nails, “what if she tries to run away? What if she gets lost or eaten by a predator—"

"Okay!" Kristoff said as he stood up and rubbed his hands together. "Two hours of this is long enough!"

“Then she’ll hate me and lock herself up forever and—” she paused as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Elsa, you need to relax.”

“I… I,” she ran a hand over her head.

“You need a hug?” Olaf offered.

Elsa held up a hand. “It is fine.” She took in a deep breath. “Now, what were we talking about?”

Kristoff rubbed his chin. “Well, first you just wanted to ask me to help set up a birthday party for Anna, which in some way lead to your freaking out about Snowdrop.”

Olaf raised an arm. “I’m just here because I was promised cookies.”

With a groan, Elsa walked towards the nearest wall and leaned her head against it. “I am a wreck, am I not?”

Olaf and Kristoff looked nervously at one another.

“Well…” Kristoff began.

“You could always—” Olaf began.

Elsa stomped her foot. “Let’s focuses on Snowdrop, shall we?”

They held their breaths.

“Okay,” Kristoff said, “so she has something she doesn’t want to talk about.” He crossed his arms.

Olaf shrugged. “Maybe there’s a good reason for it.”

Elsa placed a hand on her head. “Maybe… But I do not like the idea that she is holding in something that is troubling her.”

Kristoff shook his head. “You sure do care about her.”

“Of course I do!” Elsa quickly placed a hand over her mouth. “I mean, her comfort is very important to me.”

Kristoff smirked. “Yes, that be why, exactly?.”

Elsa raised an eyebrow. “Are you implying something?”

Kristoff scratched his neck. “Well, it’s just… you’ve been spending a lot of time with her. You’re always finding an excuse to play with her, constantly worrying about her…” He gulped as she took several steps towards him.

“What are you saying?”

Through his sweat, Kristoff said. “Um… well… I mean… So, what about getting that cake, Anna told me she likes a cookie cake.”

Elsa flinched and took a step back. “That is a lie!”

With a relieved sigh, Kristoff added with a smirk, “And isn’t her favorite color… orange.”

Elsa’s eyes began to twitch, and the poor man was starting to wonder which nerve he should mess with most.

“Or was it red?”

“It’s green! And you should know that!”

“Okay,” Kristoff whimpered, just now wondering if he went too far. “Conjoined words. Not a good sign.”

Elsa glared at him.

“Could be worse.” Olaf suggested. “You could have implied she was acting like a mother to Snowdrop.”

From the hallway, Anna, who “happened” to have been listening to her sister's “secret” birthday plans, reeled back when the doors flew opened, and Kristoff and Olaf busted through the door, running from blue blast after blue blast.

“Um… Elsa?” Anna nervously asked as she peaked into the room.

“Oh… Um, Anna,” Elsa said as she straightened her hair. She then widened her eyes as she reached towards her sister. “I did not hit you, did I?”

“No! I’m fine, but what about you?”

Elsa sighed. “I’m… I am okay. I was just… well.” She shook her head and attempted to regain her posture. “Just a lot of work.”

Anna raised an eyebrow. “Right… so, anything you want to talk about.”

Elsa raised a finger, and then lowered it. “Actually, I could use a moment alone. I will be fine, just got to… think about some things.”

Anna bit her lip, but decided to let this issues pass. “Alright, just,” she placed a hand on Elsa’s shoulder, “don’t be afraid to come to me if you need anything.”

Elsa sighed. “I will not, sis.”

With that, they gave their pleasant goodbyes, and then, arms crossed, Elsa headed towards her bedchamber to digest what was said.

Her, acting and becoming a mother to Snowdrop? No, she told herself. She was just acting caring to Snowdrop. Besides, she had a real mother she was desperately trying to—

She stopped short when she heard something. A soft whisper coming from Snowdrop's room. Just now realizing that it was well into the night, she headed towards her door.

What is she doing up this late?

With a moment of hesitation, she slowly slid the door open.. "Snow—" she stopped as she stared at the foal in the dark room, save for a single candle that lit up the room.

Realizing that Snowdrop, somehow, hadn't heard her. Elsa continued to stare as she figured that part of the reason why Snowdrop hadn't noticed her was because she was mumbling something.

It took Elsa a moment, but soon, she realized that is was a song. A secondlater, she made it out to be a sad song.

"Happy... Birthday, to you... *sniff... Happy birthday, to you..."

As Snowdrop cried between the lyrics, Elsa backed out of the room and clenched her hand to her chest.

So that's why she was so keen to figure out what day it was. Because it's her birthday, and she's feeling sad because she's not with her family.

Chest tightening, she peaked into the room again, but slowly raced off once she heard Snowdrop was getting closer to the end.

Oh, Snowdrop, Elsa moaned, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to get you home. Oh, I bet that is it. She won't talk about home because it hurts too much.

She ran her fingers through her bangs. "What am I going to do?"

Realizing she was in her bedroom, Elsa threw herself on her bed, and noticed the plans for the gift she was going to get Anna for her upcoming birthday.

Elsa's face lit up. "Oh," she cheered, "would that not just be the best idea ever! I will be making up to two people for the price of one!" She began to squeal and clap. "Oh, but if I am going to do that, I will have to make it grand and epic and… and...."

She began to pace around the room. "Okay, they both like ice-cream cake, so that will work, but I can make it bigger! Oh, and then maybe a scavenger hunt, I could get the school choir involved, and then we'll need games, oh, and why not a large pizza for Snowdrop! I’m sure the new business could use the promotion ." She chuckled.

Elsa raced to her table and began to frantically jot notes down. "Oh... It’ll be a lot of work…”

She shook her head. “Does not matter, this is for Snowdrop, and Anna. Though, I’ll need help and… I need to get started now! Only have three… no, two days to get this all done!" She then grabbed her paper, and with a grin plastered on her face, raced off to what was going to be a long night.


"—to... you." Snowdrop let out another soft sigh through her tears as she focused on the candle light. Which, while she wasn't able to see it, her mind could make out the flames bright orange color if there was no other light around.

"Happy birthday, mom." With a deep breath, she blew out the candle, and fell asleep as she hugged and cried into the pillow she had been laying on.

Author's Note:

So yeah, Maddie got the money she needed to get her livelihood back :pinkiehappy:

Thank you all who donated, and thanks to each an everyone one of my pre-readers who took the time to look over this ^^ (and sorry for the delay... stuff -_-)
But before I go onto a few other thins related to this story and when I plan I release the next chapter, I first want to bring up a few more friends who need help.
*audience boos and moans
Hey! Calm down! This won't be the way I'll keep promising new chapters -_-
Though, for these ladies, there all friends of mine who need the money, and are will to make commissions ASAP to get them. So if you're interested in buying a cover for your fan Fic, check them out and please help them.
Wacked Muffin
Pristine (This is actually a journal of a friend of her's in need, but she needs help to getting her art business started if you want to message her for something)
And finally fallen wishes ^^ (you'll have to send her a note since I could find her journal about her money needs -_-)
Even if helping them won't get you a new chapter of this story, it will do them good and you can get an amazing cover out of it ^^ (maybe I'll make you guys a new story or something for your trouble ;)
Though, I guess I should also address when the next chapter plans to come out since I left it on a bit of a hanger. Well... Okay! So I have a lot going on -_-. Friends, family, videos, one being a one year anniversary of being the autistic pony ^^, and I'm always busy in the summer. Especially with a new mail room job. Also, with the next chapter being the birthday from the short 'Frozen Fever' I have to wait for the live action 'Cinderella' anyways to come out on DVD before I can do anything because I want to watch it again before I work on said chapter. Though, while you wait...
Check out some of the fics I'll be pre-read for a group called 'Brush Stroke Productions' ^^ First you got my little sis, Rose Quart.
As well as the groups stories fearless leader, Brush Stroke.
Check them out if you got time, and ill see ya later ;)
Thanks for everything ^^
also, big thanks to my pre-readers for this chapter,
Spike120812 and Henki Pie