• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 9,018 Views, 409 Comments

Elsa's Snowdrop - TheOneAJ

In her kingdom of isolation, Elsa discovers a special filly that will change her life in ways she never expected.

  • ...

Ch. 8

“For the last time,” Anna said to the court of dignitaries as she held her head with one hand, “my sis— Queen Elsa, will be back soon! Until then, we are not going to talk about any trade, politics or… any other topics until then.”

“But what if she doesn’t come back?” one man asked.

“Yeah?” the rest chinned in.

“Perhaps,” the Duke of Weselton suggested, “it is time you should consider that your sister might not come back. Perhaps,” he added with a raised hand, “it’s time you started to accept your role as queen, and forget the demon—” He was interrupted by Anna’s fist as it made contact with his face.

“The next person who thinks they can speak such treason will be set out to sea in a row boat without an oar! Now,” Anna sighed heavily as she forced on a happy face. “How about we all relax to some freshly made tea and cookies?” Anna said through her teeth.

“It’s um, pronounced, tea and biscuits,” one of the dignitaries corrected, “your majesty. And, my kingdom would like to know whether this winter will affect trade prices?”

“Grr!” Anna moaned as she made a run for it, with the noble’s guards and dignitaries in pursuit.

Fortunately for her, she knew the castle well enough to slip into a hidden corridor where she could breath. Alone at last, at least, until one of the staff found her. Still, it would allow her a moment to recompose herself before she had to face them again.

“I’m going to kill you Elsa,” Anna said as she curled up into a ball. “First, you ignore me for twelve years, then you go and set off an eternal winter, then you leave me with these piranhas who think they know what’s best, then… then!....” After she vented and her breathing became weak, she added, “not that I know much better myself.”

Out of the past two days, the only thing Anna had found comfort in was locking her lying ex-fiancé, Hans, in the dungeon. While she had originally intended to have him beheaded, her court had convinced her that it would be better for the relationship with the Southern Isles if they sent him back alive.

Although, with how annoying they had been, she had been tempted to disobey their ‘request’ just to spite them.

While the people—for the most part—were willing to accept everything that had happened and had eagerly gone back to the way things were before, the nobles, dignitaries, and the higher classes though were either convinced that they had to replace her ‘demon sister’ and make her queen, or were just out to take advantage of the situation for more power through her own ignorance in politics.

She then got herself more comfortable into her ball. “I can’t believe…” Stop talking out loud! Anna forced herself to say in her mind. It’s not an empty castle anymore. Or at least, she hoped so.

In her few and far between alone moments, when no one was trying to manipulate her, Anna's mind was occupied with two words: What now? At least, with her and Elsa. Theoretically, Anna had a feeling that Elsa wouldn’t shut her out again. No, she told herself, that’s a fact.

Sure it is, a tiny voice in her head said.

No, Anna convinced herself. She wouldn’t let Elsa drift into any kind of depression now that she knew about her powers.

Suddenly, the doors to the hidden room were flung open.

“Oh, there you are, Anna,” one of the servants said.

Anna rolled her eyes and turned her back. “Could you at least give me five more minutes?”

“No, I mean, Queen Elsa has returned!”

Anna’s eyes shot open as she bolted up. “She has?”

“Yes, a guard just spotted her entering the town and—Whoa!” she cried as Anna ran past her.

“Sorry,” Anna shouted back without slowing down. “I’ve got a sister to talk too!” she said with a desire to hug and strangle Elsa at the same time.


“Hey, you alright there?” Kristoff asked Elsa as Arendelle came into view.

“Why would I not be?” Elsa asked as she clenched onto Sven’s mane.

“Because your ice-powers are showing.”

Elsa looked down at her hands as the ice began to creep up the reindeer’s fur. With a sigh, she retracted her hands and began to take erratic breaths.

“Hey, hey!” Kristoff said. “Take it easy.”

“How can I?” Elsa blurted as a snow fluery began to form. “My powers are coming back. Oh,” she said as the ground around them began to turn to ice. “Maybe we should wait a few more days. Maybe we should just turn back,” the ice began to grow, “there is not any…”

“Elsa,” she heard Grandpape say as his arm rested on her foot from his spot, tied up on Sven’s side. “It will be okay.”

“Bu… but…” she muttered, “I…”

“You are more capable than you think. Just think about love, think about your sister and… think about how happy Anna will be to see you.”

The ice beneath Sven’s feet melted.

“Alright,” Elsa nodded with more relaxed breaths, “let’s go.”

With that, they continued down the last track to reach the kingdom. Each step they took, brought them one step closer to getting home, and all the drama that would be sure to ensue with Elsa.

Even if by some miracle the people accepted her, the dignitaries, and those higher up, would have a million questions for her. There would be those who would break their treaties, and Elsa wouldn’t put it past them if a few of them would declare war on them for her actions. At best, she could keep some of the nations that had favored them over the years is she lowered tariffs on select items. The only thing she could hope for was that Anna had calmed most of the dignitaries down and hadn’t done anything irrational to Hans.

Once Elsa spoke that out loud, she said to Kristoff, “Is there any way we can go faster?”

“Why?” Kristoff asked as he tilted his head. “Suddenly not nervous to get back now?”

“No, I just imagined the worst case situation Anna could have gotten into while I was gone.”

Kristoff was clearly tired, but he bursted out with laughter. “I wouldn’t put it past her to behead that Hans guy. Although, I’ve always found feisty girls very attractive.”

“Yeah, about that.” Elsa hummed, “now that I am not in a dire hurry, or have a branch through my body, or drained of all my powers, is there anything else you would like to say about any, intentions, you might have towards my sister? The one thing that has, and will keep my powers from losing control again?”

Kristoff stuttered. “Um…look, we’re here!”

Elsa shook her head. She supposed her sister could have picked worse. Plus, she did ow Kristoff enough to give him a chance. However, she didn’t have time to think more about it as a crowd began to gather on the outskirts of the town.

“Are we there?” Olaf asked as he poked his head out from beneath the sheets.

“Yeah,” Kristoff said as he pushed the snowman’s head down, “but you might want to stay put for now.”

Olaf frowned. “But I…”

“Olaf,” Elsa frowned at him, “just for today, I promise.”

“Fine,” Olaf grumbled as he went back down next to Snowdrop.

For a moment, Elsa considered letting him walk about, and to hold Snowdrop in her arms. However, her instinct took over as the first wave of children began to circle them, and threw the covers over the pair.

“Hey, it’s the queen!” one of the boys said.

From there, one of two things happened. Either—and mostly all of the children—circled around her as the adults who did came up to give her blessings and wishes of good fortune. The other half—the half that made Elsa keep Snowdrop under the covers—were the ones who simply looked at her, grunted, and looked away.

While Elsa knew no one would disagree with a queen that could freeze them all to death, they could still moan about it. There wasn’t anything Elsa could do about it. Even if she had fought off an evil snow witch, there'd still be those who would fear her. Elsa’s only comfort was in the possibility that most of the people didn’t care who she was, as long as she didn’t raise the taxes. Yet, as she held on tightly to Snowdrop, she prayed for a day where—most of them—could learn to accept people like her, and Snowdrop.

“Hey, miss!” A girl caught her attention with a wide smile on her face. “Thank you for bringing back the summer. You were so amazing on the lake.”

Elsa didn't hold back her grin.


As they neared the castle gates, the pain in her stomach intensified as she had to put more effort into not freezing anything. Though, if the mood around her outside the castle ground had been chilly, the mood as they moved inside the courtyard was frozen.

“Elsa!” In a flash, Anna had raced out of the castle gate and threw herself onto Elsa.

“Ow, Anna!” Elsa moaned as she hugged her sister back, while she pushed any worries away

Anna grew frantic as Elsa cried out in pain. “Are you hurt? What happened? Were you able to save your friend? Kristoff, what happened…?”

“Anna,” Elsa reassured, “it is okay, and I will tell you all about it once we’re inside.”

With heavy breaths, Anna nodded her head and allowed Kristoff to lead them inside the closing gate.

Once the gates were about to close in on the cheering crowd, Elsa, for a moment, considered demanding them to keep it open, but froze up as she felt Olaf and Snowdrop wriggle beneath the blanket from her hips.

“Um, Elsa,” Kristoff said as he placed his hands on his lips, “you got a little—“

“Muff!” Elsa moaned as she brushed the ice away from her lips as the gates were sealed shut behind them. She was about to order them back open, when a mob of nobles and dignitaries, one of which acted very loud and stupidly.

“You!” the Duke of Weselton said, finger pointed right at her as the other hand held a raw steak to his eye, “you nearly froze us to death, and then you just run off. I demand an expla—“

“And you will all get one!” Elsa shouted loud and clear as the air around them began to chill. “I mean,” Elsa said with calming breaths as the temperature of the courtyard returned to normal. “If you would all just be a little more patient, I wish for some alone time with my sister so we may discuss what has happened. Then, I will listen to what you have to say.”

The Duke raised his finger as Elsa cut him off. “Do not think I did not recognize the men you sent to kill me.” The Duke lowered his finger and seemed to grow smaller. “Now, just gather in the ballroom, where I will address all of your concerns shortly. Come on, Sven,” she ushered to the reindeer who seemed just as eager to get away from the crowd as he bolted into the castle, the nobles right behind her shouting out demands and questions.

With that, they all ran into the castle as Kristoff stayed behind.

“Go on,” he shouted, “I think you two need some bonding time. Hey, everyone!” he shouted at the crowd as he pointed in the opposite direction. “They went this way! Said something about cutting trades in half!”

If Kristoff said anything else, it was lost in the loud uproar of people as they raced to the other end of the castle.

Meanwhile, Anna giggled madly as Elsa rolled her eyes. “This way!” Anna motioned as they slipped around a corner. From there, they were able to duck into a hidden room while the noise of the crowd died down.

It might not have been the largest with Sven in it, but without Kristoff, it allowed enough room for them to breath, and talk.

“You seem to know your way around,” Elsa nodded as she dismounted from Sven.

“Oh, you know,” Anna brushed off, “when trying to survive from pestering nobles, knowing the ins and outs of a castle you spent your whole life in alone,helps.

“Yes, it sure…” Elsa tensed up, “I mean, Anna, I’m so sorry—“

Anna raised her hand up. “It’s fine. I know your secret now, so we can move forward to a better day.”

Elsa weakly chuckled. Before Elsa could say anything, Anna wrapped her tight into a hug. With a sigh followed by a relaxed face, Elsa returned the hug.

“Speaking of,” Anna said as she broke the hug, “why did you bring a bunch of rocks back to the castle?”

“Couldn’t walk into the kingdom as trolls,” one answered, “now could we?”

“Gah!” Anna screamed as she fell backwards. “Sorry,” she immediately replied when she realized that they were just trolls. “I mean, welcome to the castle,” she bowed as the trolls descended from a relieved reindeer as she presented herself in front of them. “Oh, and Grandpape, what brings you here? Not that I’m not happy to see you, but—“

Grandpape held up his hand. “Its fine, it was on the request of the queen.”

Anna shot an eye towards Elsa. “You did? Oh, you brought them here to help you with your powers.” Anna closed her eyes and clapped her hands. “That ought to be fun.”

“Yes,” Elsa said as she scratched the back of her head, “and to help find Snowdrop’s home.”

“Snow—” Anna titled her head before her eyes widened. “Oh, your little friend,” her younger sister smiled. “I take it that means you got to her in time?” Anna looked around the room. “Where is she?”

“Well…” Elsa began as she moved toward Sven, “do you remember when we use to play with doll, especially doll ponies?”

“Oh were those the days.” Anna laughed. “Stuffed unicorns dolls galore. Why do you ask?”

Elsa’s lip curled up as she pulled back the covers. “See for yourself.”

“Yeah,” Olaf said as he wiped his brow, “it was getting warm in there.”

He hopped down, and allowed for Anna to get a clear view of Snowdrop. “What, you bought a pup—” Anna gasped as she saw the pegasus yawn and stretch out it’s hooves and wings. “Wait, ponies, magical creatures… is that a…?”

Else chuckled. “Yes, she is a pegasus.”

With that, Elsa stood back to watch her sister’s eye grow wide as she swelled up her lungs, ready to squeal when Elsa realized that might be a bad idea.

“Shh!” Elsa ordered, “You don’t want to wake her.” Elsa sighed and took a step back. “She is still recovering.”

To say that Anna was a bit shocked by Elsa’s motherly behavior was, surprising, to say the least. However, to Elsa’s relief, Anna didn’t think about it as her sister lowered her head, but then with spring in her step, Anna placed a hand on Elsa’s shoulder. “Hey, it was an accident. an accident, you went to fixs. Besides,” Anna said as she moved in, nearly touching the sleeping foal with her nose, “she’s so cute.” She squeaked and rushed back over to get a better look at Snowdrop. “Although, she’s the strangest looking pegasus I’ve ever seen.”

Elsa crossed her arms “You have something to compare her by?”

Before Anna replied, she mentally said, Oh, and said, “Well, I mean… Where did she come from?” Anna thoughts went back to the creature’s cuteness.

“That is what I was hoping to find out here.”

“Queen Elsa!” they heard several people say as a series of doors were thrown open down the hall.

Anna sighed. “Looks like our time is up.”

“Yes it is,” Elsa nodded with her head down as she made her way to a grandfather clock. She opened the clock, pressed the eight, and up opened a secret passageway.

Anna’s lower jaw nearly crashed on the floor. “Wait… What? How did you know that? How did I not know that?”

Elsa winked. “You are not the only one who knows this place inside out.”

“Queen Elsa?” another, much closer door was heard being forced open.

“Right,” Elsa said as she gestured towards the passageway, “all of you, get in. It won’t lead you directly to your room, but it will get you away from all of this. Anna, try to keep everyone out of sight, I’ll take care of all the politics my title requires me to do. Just, make sure Snowdrop is comfortable, and I’ll come to get you once this whole mess is over.”

At first, it seemed like Anna wanted to protest, but as the group of people drew closer, Anna’s mind flashed back to the past two days of hell. “Alright,” Anna said with a relieved sigh, “just don’t take too long,” she said as she lead a reindeer, four trolls, and one snowman, into a secret passageway. “Oh,” Anna said she closed the wall, “I’m not counting on you to execute Hans, but if you could be hard on him, that’d be great.”

There was a loud banging on the door to the room, and Anna had only closed the secret passage as the door burst open, and in poured all the displeased dignitaries.

“There you are!” The Duke of Weselton said, finger raised. “We have waited long enough, and we want answers, now!”

Elsa frowned as she thought back to how he treated her at the coronation, and how his men had nearly killed her.

Though, like a queen, Elsa sighed and tightened her knuckles behind her back. “Ah, yes, I suppose many of you do not care about what happened, only how this will affect your treasuries. So,” she sighed as she moved her hands out from and cupped them, “let us talk.”

Author's Note:

Alright, for those of you who might be wondering, I though this was a mlp, not a frozen fanfiction, the next chapters will be about Snowdrop, and she will be awake from now. So keep those insulin shots nearby.
Also, don't forget that I have an Q&A coming up! You can find more info in the link provide over on my Youtube channel. Which is where I would recommend you post your question. If you can't comment on Youtube or something, you can post it below, but I can't make any pinkie promises that I'll be able to get all of the questions posted in this stories comment section.
Regardless, thank you all for making this story as popular as it is.