• Published 30th Jun 2014
  • 2,717 Views, 178 Comments

Like Night and Day - DuqFedora

This is what happens when an all-knowing god takes care of business while somebody tries to get into a relationship. A "A New World, A New Way" spin-off.

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Chapter 8

I stared at her face with sadness. How can such a broken creature still exist with even a small shred of sanity left? Any normal human being would already be nuts after even half of what she lived through, yet she still lives and survives like if nothing happen. Even if I wasn’t in love with her, I would still follow her out of sympathy.

She was born in what one would call the perfect living condition. Rich parents, stable living condition and everything she ever wanted. However, even in the brightest of situation can lie the darkest of shadows. It didn’t take long before she stepped into it.

Raped, attacked, the worst you can think, she went under. Her father scarred her for life and no one could help her. The only one who could were given a blindfold made of green bills. She truly was alone… if you didn’t count Mister Sycamore.

He was her psychologue, her caretaker and her only friend. He would sometime come and pick her up for ‘Pokemon Tutoring’ as he called it. Secretly, he would try to find solution to her problems. Sadly, her father didn’t want her to leave the house or own a Pokemon. Both being the most logical solutions to what was happening.

Everything changed during one of her tutoring session. They were supposed to go to a cafe in town, but was caught off guard when Pokemon came out from inside and ran away. They started with a boring meeting and ended up raiding the den of one of the biggest criminal organisation in Kalos.

That’s where I come in. I was nothing, but a simple Eevee at the time. Yet I still remember the event like if it was yesterday. I dream of it quite often, but it still doesn’t mean I want to relive it. Which is why I shall stop here and move over the even like if nothing happened.

We came out of the base and to Sycamore’s lab. After a go through a machine, all of my physical ailments were fixed. I wish it would have done the same for what was in my head however. At that time, I might have been as broken as Neige. Separated from my family a few months after being born and being stuck inside a cage, beaten and famished.

Two souls with injuries invisible to the naked eyes, linked together by a fateful encounter. After much arguing with Sycamore, Neige managed to sneak me into her home. I was able to hide from her parents for a long time. The only beings that would enter her room was the maids, but since they were also subjects to Michael’s tyranny, they were quite friendly to Neige and I.

Unluckily for us, even the most hidden secrets has to come into light one day. When Michael found me, he was… well, I don’t have a word for it. I would say angry, pissed, furious, but that was too tamed. He told Neige that she has to get rid of me by the day after. I didn’t sleep that night. Not because of fear of what would happen then, but from the sounds of pain coming from the other room.

When all was over, she entered the room looking like a mess. Her hair was all over the place, she had blood over her hands, arms and legs and she had a nasty red scar under her ear.. She looked at me, not with anger, but with what I can only call determination. I thought that, after everything that happened because of me, she would be the one ending my life, but I was wrong. She quickly packed up some clothes, basic washroom items and some trainer items.

She looked at me and placed a Pokeball on the bed. “Look. I know… what happened was horrible, but it’s my fault. I should have left a long time ago. If you want, you… could become my starting Pokemon. We could go on adventures, away from him. All you have to do is press the button on the ball.” At first, I was confused, but I agreed to her idea and entered the ball.

We escaped the residence with the help of a Gardevoir maid. She was so beautiful, yet looked so sick. “I know I will die soon. Helping you will be my ticket toward Arcancil, the eternal reward.” She said using telepathy. My knowledge of Arcancil was limited, but I knew that it was a place reserved for the best of this world. Our own personal paradise available when the last bit of life leaves your body. I don’t know what happened to her, but if she was there when Michael saw we disappeared, I wish her soul stands beside Arceus and his sons.

She started moving a bit in her sleep, breaking my chain of thoughts. In the end, she survived hell. Even when she got out of the pit, Arceus himself made sure she would fall again. It’s almost like if life itself was against her. One thing was certain, I would always be by her side.

The door of the bedroom opened, revealing a small figure who I assumed was Sweet Leaf. “Hey Tenebre. Mama made some soup for lunch. Want some?” He asked. If there was one thing that stayed since I started travelling with Neige was the lack of lunchtime. You get used to eating only twice a day after a few weeks. I shook my head, keeping my internal promise.

I looked around, trying to find a way to know what time it was. If there was a window, I might have been able to figure it out, but I was in an enclosed room. I mentally facepawed when I remembered that not even ten seconds ago, Leaf invited me for lunch.

I placed my head in a comfortable position, deciding that getting a power nap would be the best thing to do right now. Plus, having the mate of your dreams in a diminutive state cuddling with you is certainly a great way to fall asleep. I might be a gentlemon, but in the end, I am still a male.

However, I couldn’t get to sleep. Something was still pushing it’s way in my mind and I had to answer it. What would happen in the future? Fighting gyms? There is none left. Running away? We don’t even know if Michael is on this planet. Humans were transferred, but was there a filter? Some kind of condition that had to be filled? I hate when your question can only be answered by a god.

I looked at Neige as she started moving a bit in her sleep. Seems like I wasn’t the only one with a busy mind. I hoped her dreams were pleasant… who am I kidding? With what she lived, I should hope that her nightmares wouldn’t involved events rated for adults.

I didn’t realise that, as I was thinking about everything I could think about, I was actually dozing off. upon the discovery, I stopped thinking, which is a rare sight, and closed my eyes, letting the heat emanating from Neige relaxing my muscles.


Grunting. Grunting means life, means someone is awake. However, I am not grunting. Was I sleeping with someone? Wait, obviously I was. Was I so deeply asleep that my memory has to boot up again? Knowing my body, this power nap might have been longer than expected.

“Urg… T-Tenebre!?” I heard beside my sleepy head. I was about to question the tone of fear and shock that came with this realisation, but quickly fell backward on the floor. The impact placed my body in overdrive, allowing me to analyse what just happened.

Neige was sitting on the bed, her face mixing both shock and worry. Her front paws were folded in front of her, maybe because she just used them to push me off. However, even by using all of my skills, I couldn’t understand why the sudden reaction. Did I do something wrong?

“Uhh… had a good nap?” Step one, start the conversation with an unopinionated statement that can lead the target to a sense of familiarity and peace. Huh, I guess I really learned something from that psychology book I found.

“Yeaaah… WHAT WERE YOU DOING SPOONING ME?!” Oh, so that’s why she was pissed. Does she remember anything that happened earlier today? I guess I will have to reason her before anything else.

“Neige, do you remember anything that happened before you fell asleep?” I asked, hoping that we’ll be able to reach an understanding. She retreated to a position akin to a normal Espeon sitting down. My reasoning is that these positions are part of the reflex side of the brain and that they get… uploaded when the transformation happens. That might also explain Mister Sycamore’s calm and almost dead-like state.

She closed her eyes and stayed like this for a few seconds. Then, her face slowly turned from white to red, maybe due to her remembering what happened yesterday. "Oh... Uhh... Sorry?" She said, trying to bury her face inside the bed. I sighed, deciding to let this even go by. I jumped on the bed and tried to get closer to her without triggering another problem.

When I got close enough, I stroked her fur like she used to do to me. "So, how are you feeling Milady?" I asked, not realising that I used her nickname. She turned her head to look at me, but also held a slight look of confusion.

"Uhh... I feel fine. I am still confused, but I think I stabilised myself. Although I feel something stinging on my side, but I can't see anything." I nodded and poked her side, trying to get her to move so I could see. To my surprise, what was a gash of blood and red fur was now a scar.

"I guess you want me to tell you what happened while you slept." I asked. She opened her mouth her mouth to answer, but before a sound was made, her stomach started to roar like the beast she had become.

"I really wanna know, but can we get something to eat? I. Am. Starving." She said while standing up. Before I could do anything, she stretched her body by keeping her back legs up and folding her back down. I knew that she made that movement unconsciously, but I had a front row seat for something I never would have thought she would show me.

"So, coming?" She said, looking at me. I was looking back with a face comparable to an apple. I couldn't believe she was oblivious to what she just did. Actually, knowing how lost and oblivious she can be, I shouldn't be surprised. I nodded and followed her out of the room.


“That’s when I grabbed you and ran away from the psycho. Let’s just say that I never did as much exercise as that… well, except that time when Korrina made me try her new Pokemon roller skates and then pushed me off a 45 degree slope.” I shivered at the memory that still torments me this very day. Who knew that a mother Gogoat decided to make her home at the bottom.

“All of that happened when I was out!? Wow, I am impressed that you managed to save me like that. As far as I know, I took care of you so much you might have gone a bit too… domesticated and lazy.” I glared at her. “But still, I am glad to have you by my side. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

I smiled as I swallowed another mouthful of soup. It seemed that, even though some technical information was transferred to the brain after the transformation, other details were left out. Well, either that or only reflex-based data gets changed on the way. Anyway, all of that only to say that I had to teach her proper Pokemon table manner that didn’t involve eating like a newborn Eevee.

“Mmm, by the way, Heart, that minestrone soup is delicious. Although I will miss protein-filled red meat.” That was a disadvantage of living with a population of herbivores. The slaughter of animals for food would almost be considered cannibalism. That would make most Pokemon monsters… well, more monster than some already are.

“I love it… your name is Heart? What kind of na- Uhh… I mean, your soup was amazing!” Neige said while keeping her trademark smile. I truly hoped that Heart didn’t notice the slip up. It’s amazing how Milady can think out loud without realising it.

“Well, no problem. I am glad I can be of some help to both of you.” Heart answered while placing the pot of leftovers back in what they called ‘ice box’. It’s such a basic device, but can do so much. I remember refrigerators back home, but they required electricity. Here, everything seemed to be powered either by magic or by nothing. It was incredibly peculiar that such an advanced specie was so late in the technological timeline.

“I forgot to ask though… how can you speak Pokemon? You can answer my questions just fine, but that would be impossible.” Neige stated. Oh, I guess I forgot to explain the idea of magical potions to her. I guess I have the excuse that I wasn’t there yet in the story.

“Oh, that? You should thank your… friend? Mate?” Heart winked as Neige choked on some soup. “...him for that. While he got some salve for your injury, he also managed to get custom-made translation potion… or something like that. Sure, it taste like rotten berries, but it does what is written on the tag.” She turned around and resumed her cleaning.

I looked at Neige, only to see what I could only compare to a Pokemon tomato. Her face was shaded with all the tints of red one could recognize. I was confused for a second until coming to the realization of what Heart said.

“Don’t get any ideas, Heart. Neige is my trainer and I would never see her more than my best friend.” I knew that I was lying both to myself and to the others. However, Neige’s face warned me that I needed to calm the atmosphere. I mean, I was even starting to find it hot in here.

I could hear chuckles as I tried to fill my mouth with what was left of my soup. I hoped that my comment would stop all the gossip. Yet, even with months of experience with Brave, I forgot the fact that comments kindle gossip and that only ignoring it could shut the flames.

“Right.” Heart started. “Sorry to push this. It’s just that, the way you two have been acting, you both look like a freshly married couple. It’s kinda cute, really.” It was my turn to choke. Was I really that transparent? I almost feel ashamed to have shown my emotions so easily.

“Uhh… yeah. I don’t really think I will be in a couple with Tenebre. Sure, he’s… kind and all, but where I come from, being in love with a Pokemon is taboo.” Neige explained as I was trying to regain my breath. “Isn’t that right, Tene?” She asked.

I looked at her, but couldn’t look directly into her eyes. If someone was able to read me like an open book, it was Neige. “Yeah, that’s a thing.” I said halfheartedly. I turned my head to look at my empty bowl. I could feel a weight in my chest. Was it the food, or was it something else?

“Tenebre? Is something wrong?” Neige asked. I took a deep breath and, bearing my most realistic fake smile, nodded. However, her expression showed her doubt over my answer. She couldn’t question me further as this was when Heart broke the tension.

“Was the soup okay?” She asked, already aware of the answer since both our bowls were empty. Neige and I nodded, pushing our bowls with our nose toward the host. “Great! Now, it shouldn’t be a surprise to both of you if I say to not go outside. However, I know that staying cooped inside is long and boring, so you should be okay to go when the moon is up.”

‘And when would that be?’ would be the question I would ask if I wasn’t still trying to sort out how I felt. Luckily for me, Neige was on the same page. When the question got asked, Heart’s head swiveled toward the nearest clock which was displaying our answer.

“It is half passed 5… The sun should go down at 8. Until then, just make yourself at home. I will be making dinner soon. I know both of you just ate, so, if you want a small plate, just tell me.” I nodded and quickly lept off my chair. I needed a second to myself and a place to think.

My quick departure must have seen suspect since Neige was quick to follow. She stayed silent for the whole walk up the stairs and in the bedroom, but I knew that she was barely holding her torrent of questions. My doubts weren’t on which questions were going to be asked, but on why she wasn’t bombarding me with them.

The moment we both stepped into the bedroom, Neige closed the door behind us. Such a simple motion, and yet, it immediately changed the atmosphere from open and friendly to private and tense. And yet, here I was, face to face with my trainer turned Pokemon. The moment of truth.

“Look Tenebre. I know something is wrong. To me, you are more transparent than air.” She took a step forward. I answered by looking away from her. “Yes, something is wrong and what I wonder is… why won’t you tell me?” She said the last part in a more desperate tone. I knew that what I was doing was actually hurting her.

“Neige… I know we’ve been together for so long. I mean, you are basically my mother. However, some things are meant to be kept to ourselves.” I smiled. It might have been genuine, but it was too genuine. Anyone could see the sadness seep through the cracks. She moved towards me and placed her head on the side of mine. This act must be coming naturally to her since it was how one would confort another if they weren’t bipedal.

“It’s alright then. If you don’t want to tell me, I can accept. However, you must answer a question for me.” Curious as I was, I backed up to see her face. She showed concern, but also a look of pure determination. I had no idea what was going through her head, but I was starting to be afraid of what she would ask.

“Do you love me, Tenebre?”

Her tone was serious. Gone were her tone of concern and slight motherly love. I was taken by surprise by the entire package. The tension was unbearable and I stayed silent for a long time. Even though no words were coming out of my mouth, a conversation was going on. Nothing like body language to carry a conversation heart to heart.

“I get it now. All that time and I didn’t even see it. Your displays of love… that kiss when I blacked out.” She looked away, mainly to hide the tint on her face. “It’s been going for a long time. Even then… you did know about the pokephilia law.” She stopped. I couldn’t hold it anymore. This was a worse torture than anything I ever experienced.

“Why?” That question… the bane of my existence. The only subject books couldn’t explain. It causes physical effects, but without any way to prevent them. How to explain what cannot be explained? I looked at her and I broke down. I fell on the floor, crying like I never cried before. Neige’s expression went from serious to worried, filled with guild.

“I DON’T KNOW!” I shouted. “I don’t know and I don’t care. I can’t control these things.” She slowly approached me, but I wouldn’t move. “I get it. You will never love me. It’s toxic for me to love you, but I never cared. Can we just drop it and forget I even tried.” I hoped that the subject would be dropped. Blame my laziness on that part.

However, no answer came. My guess was because of how awkward the situation was. I am sure she only wanted answers with her questions, but she ended up breaking me into tears. She sighed and walked towards the door.

“I’m sorry Tenebre. For… everything. Just… tell me when I can come back.” She said before closing the door and leaving me alone with my thoughts. The first thing that went through my mind was… what have I done? What just happened?

In about 5 minutes, I ruined the strongest relationship I had. The person who took care of me for the longest time now viewed me as… I don’t even know. Do I even wanna know? I doubt it. I just layed there, confused on what I should do.

To be honest, I needed some air. Patience is my friend now. I turned my head toward the window and stayed there, waiting for the sun to fall and the moon to replace it.

Author's Note:

It only took a grand total of 5 minutes to forget a character’s name. 10 outta 10, writer of the year, peeps.

Now, you must be wondering : What is this fic? Well, this is something you most likely started following in the past. You might have seen it vanish from the site before coming back 6 months later. Thank the mods for that. Anyway... yeah, this is an actual new chapter... well, half of a chapter... more like a third.

If you've been following me with my biannual blog post, you might have read that I believed that I wrote myself in a corner with my latest chapter. Well, I fixed that. I should be able to (try and) give this fic a proper ending, even if it's not going to be the big adventure I had planned all those months ago. Instead, it'll be a more psychological fic about denial and love. Not my biggest cup of tea, but I know a lot about psychology so... cool.

I may write a chapter in the next year... maybe. Don't bet on it.

On a more serious note, thank you all for... following? me for the past 2 years. I mean, it has been 2 bloody years since the first chapter. Since then, I entered college in game dev and managed to score grades high enough to be on the Dean's Honor List. I managed to get a summer job at Ludia as a programmer (look them up online, they made a lot of mobile games) and discovered lots of new talents. Wow, time passes by. However, this story is still something I never finished. I will do my best to finish it between Overwatch matches. Thank you for staying connected to this fic through everything.

If you want to see other stuff I made, just go on my DeviantArt : http://duqfedora.deviantart.com/
I will start doing 3D modelling commissions soon so... yeah, if you want models of your favorite non-organic object, just hit me there.

Any comments or recommendations? Messages welcoming back? Just put them down here. Take this new part chapter as my warm up. And to answer your question : No, I am no longer following the original fic. Some of you might have seen my comments in the past about it and it didn't change. No, I am no longer watching MLP... except episode 100. That stuff was amazing.

Have a good day or night. Canty out.