• Published 30th Jun 2014
  • 2,716 Views, 178 Comments

Like Night and Day - DuqFedora

This is what happens when an all-knowing god takes care of business while somebody tries to get into a relationship. A "A New World, A New Way" spin-off.

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Chapter 2

"It doesn't matter what you use, there is no way to break a link of true love as it surpasses time and space itself."


What surprised me most when my consciousness came back to me was the lack of sound surrounding my half asleep body. Even the darkest of caves has the sound of dripping water and the echo of Geodudes. Still, for an Umbreon who fainted in the forest, there was a clear lack of… anything.

I opened my eyes and saw the grayest sky I’ve ever seen. It looked like the sky was stuck between day and night without the beautiful colors of twilight. The clouds were blocking anything that would come from outside Earth’s atmosphere, making my surrounding dull and lifeless.

Speaking of where I was, it seemed like I mysteriously changed location. Around me was no longer a forest filled with the color green and brown, but an empty city filled with fog. There was no wind and not a soul in sight.

I knew that laying there wouldn’t solve my problem, so I took any scrap of energy left in my system and slowly stood up. My joints cracked as my legs felt like they haven’t moved in ages. Still at the pace of a snail, I stretched the rest of my body like if I woke up from a long nap.

When I took my first real analytic look around, only one thought occurred to me that I couldn’t keep inside my mind. “Where am I?” To my surprise, a shadow crept from a building to my right and slowly advanced towards me.

Normally, a dark type like me shouldn’t be afraid of ghost, seeing that any of their attacks are not very effective, but the fact that the only thing that existed, beside me, in this silent city was a shadow coming from Arceus knows where, I quickly panicked.

“Don’t fear.”

It was barely over a whisper, almost to a point where I wouldn’t be able to hear it. It sounded female in nature, but held a strong tone of authority and power. I knew that I had to obey what looked like a request, but still had the same effect as an order.

I froze in place, listening to the request I just received. That’s when I felt the first gust of wind of the last ten minutes. The feeling you get of the element touching your fur gets normal after some time, but after a good time without it, you get to miss it.

I looked behind me, looking for the source of that wind and saw one of the most majestic creature I’ve ever seen, Milady not included. She was a blue swan-like Pokemon with pink crescents wings beside her body. She irradiated peace and beauty, but also strength and authority.

“Who… are you?” I asked, trying to keep my stoic mask on (and again, failing royally at it). She looked at me and smiled, making my mental defenses crumble like if they were made out of wet sand.

“My name is Cresselia and I’m here under your demand.” She explained. I looked at her in confusion. How could I have asked her to come if I didn’t even know who she was in the first place?

“I can feel that you are confused about my presence. You see, you are currently trying to get into a relationship with a female that doesn’t share the same feeling for you. It… also didn’t help that she was human.” She said the last part in a downed mumbled, but I still managed to hear it. It’s when I listened to it again in my mind that I’ve caught that weird sentence structure.

“Didn’t? Was? What do you mean by was a human?” I asked her, trying to determine if this strange way of speaking was caused by a simple mistake or a hidden truth.

“Well, the reason why you are currently here is tha-“ She started, but I only wanted the specific answer to my question, so I cut her and asked the same question again. She glared at me and continued.

“As I was saying, we are currently in your dreamscape. You are in a life-changing transition toward your new life and, well, let’s just say that it will not only change for you but also for…” She looked deep into my eyes like if she was reading something from inside my soul. “…for Neige.”

While listening to her, I looked around again. I tried looking for any insight on where I was. Seeing that the only other Pokemon in my dream stated that it was, indeed, a dream, I came to the logical conclusion that this city must be from a memory of mine. Yet, I’ve never entered a city as huge as this.

That’s when my eyes caught the sight of a sign attached to a dull red storefront. On the sign was written ‘Lysandre’s Café’. On top of the door was a flag with a letter ‘F’ drawn in a flame pattern. I now knew where I was…

…I was in Lumiose City, where I was captured all those years ago.

All the memories I tried to cram behind an armoured steel vault exploded, leaving all those nightmares free of their bindings. I could feel the pain of the kicks, the agony of the fire, the soothing touch of… Cresselia?

“It seems like some Pokemon had a rough time.” The Pokemon hovered beside me as I opened my eyes, realising that I was crying. I shook my head, trying to regain my composure, but the emotions were too wild to be tamed.

“It also seems like those memories were bothering you for a long time.” She continued as she started to glow. I already had my head facing away, trying to hide the tears from the only other soul surrounding me, so the light didn’t blind me.

A small tendril of light came from behind me and slowly made his way to my forehead. I jumped back in surprise, not knowing what it was supposed to be. “Let it to its job.” I sighed and closed my eyes, placing my trust in this Pokemon I’ve never met before. When the light through my eyelids was the strongest, I felt like if a weight was lifted off me.

“What did you do?” was the first question that I was able to ask. She giggled and ‘retracted’ her light back.

“As the Pokemon ruling over dreams, I made sure that those horrible nightmares wouldn’t bother you anymore in the future.” She explained. I was about to call her wrong, telling her that it was impossible, but I stopped for a second. If I was indeed in my dreamscape and that she was the only one except I that could enter it, maybe her claims were truthful.

“Then why are you helping me? Shouldn’t there be more important Pokemon to take care of?” I asked, still a bit wary of her presence. It’s not every day that you stand in front of a Pokemon in control of a non-physical plane.

“You see, I may be the Pokemon ruling over dreams, but I also rule over love.” She turned her head, smiling. Curious, I turned my head only to see Neige, standing like a lifeless puppet.

“Like I said earlier, you are trying to tie an impossible bond. Such bond can only be created by pure love. You have what it takes to make it happen, but the feeling isn’t mutual due to a… cultural shock.” She took a pause before the last part. I’m sure it was to find a polite way to say Pokephilia, or irrational love for Pokemon to a point of sexual relationship.

“Yeah, like you said. This is an impossible quest that I’m doomed to fail.” I sighed. “Such is my fate.” I sat down, my head hanging low. I raised my head back to see her motioning ‘no’ while approaching me.

“Like I also said earlier, there is going to be a great change in the near future for both you and your lover that will help you get that relationship on the road.” She explained. “Now, I must leave for you to return to the world of the awoken. I only have one thing left to tell you…” The dream started to turn black as she was floating away in the darkness.

“Whoever you see in that forest, help her and you’ll be rewarded with a great surprise.”

I blacked out.


As the feeling of drowsiness left my system, I felt some pushing on the side of my body. I tried to open my eyes to see the one who offended me by trying to wake me up and sadly succeeding, but it seemed that my body had other ideas and I started to drift off again, ignoring the annoying feeling of pushing and poking on my ribcage.


That name. Like a password on a freshly new padlock, my eyes opened wide at the mention of the name only my closest friend knew. To my surprise, I only saw a Pokemon over me… in an incredibly awkward position to wake up to as a male of my species under a female.

At first, I was really confused. First, the Pokemon who was standing over me was an Espeon who knew my name. That, by itself, was intriguing as this name was kind of private. Second, I only saw another Espeon once and it was only for a quick moment in a Pokecenter. Thus, her knowing my name was impossible. Three… I was still overthinking it and I needed to stop.

“Tenebre, please help me, they… they are com-” She started rambling before a rope suddenly tied around her neck, pulling her backward toward who I assumed threw said rope. The perpetrator was some weird imitation of a Ponyta, but with a color palette far from the normally white and fire red horses.

Due to its stocky body, I immediately knew he was a male. His body was covered with weird tainted fur. It was some kind of bluish green that didn’t look safe to touch. Almost as safe to touch as the poisonous hands and claws of a Toxicroak. Plus, his mane was a Grimer purple, making him look like a biochemical laboratory reject.

Naturally, when I saw Mr.Sick Sicko and his three goons grabbing the only one around me that actually looked like another Pokemon, my first thought was to slowly fade away like if I never existed, preventing any problem in the near future. That’s when I remembered Cresselia’s warning :

“Whoever you see in that forest, help her, and only HER, and you’ll be rewarded with a great surprise.”

Since that, after my quick observation, I realised that the only female member of any specie was being kidnapped in real time in front of my eyes, I’ve decided to go after those thugs even though I could have dodged this fight like the pacifist that I am.

When I stood up to face the goons, they suddenly realised that they missed one of their prey. They looked at their team and, with a nod, started surrounding me. The one holding the Espeon knocked her own and threw her without regret farther in the woods. Behind my shocked expression over that act, my analytical mind was going wild. I added ‘Has great intelligence, enough for a strategy’ and ‘heartless’ in my mental list of those Ponyta’s characteristics.

When the team of four perfectly surrounded me in a square, I knew that I had to find something or I would be the next to get captured. I closed my eyes and sighed. “Time to get serious… more serious than normal.” I whispered to myself before shouting “DOUBLE TEAM!”

I smirked as a team of ethereal Umbreons appeared in the middle of their circle, surprising the Ponytas enough to break their formation. I suddenly remembered a strategy I used once during a gym leader battle that allowed me to win without injuring the enemy myself.

“Sand attack!” I jumped in a small spot of sand and made a cloud, covering the team with thick, annoying smoke. The sand disrupted my fakes, but I knew I wouldn’t need them anymore. I looked inside and saw that one was about to come out of the smoke toward me.

“Hey you!” He exclaimed as he saw me through the cloud. When he got out, I used confuse ray on him, turning his eyes into a cartoonish spiral. Using quick attack, I ‘carefully’ returned him inside the smoke. I now knew that I had to enter it too.

Inside the cloud, my eyes trying to block the annoying sand, I spotted another one trying to find his way out. I managed to catch his attention and decided to do something that Brave would be proud of.

I turned around and started shaking my butt toward the Ponyta. “Hey Ponyta, can I borrow your face for a few days while my behind is on vacation? It would be greatly appreciated!” I taunted him. I knew that, from personal experience with Neige, he wouldn’t understand me, but it was oddly gratifying to insult somebody for no reason.

Still, the action of showing my behind was enough to anger him to a point that he was only focusing on me. He lunged, trying to catch the black furry spot through the smoke. Sadly, I quickly dodged, leading him to the confused Ponyta who gladly knocked the unlucky one using a wooden club.

Calculating the situation in my head, I knew that one was down and one was my temporary ally if I stay away from his strikes. Logically, that meant that there was only Mr. Sick Sicko and Goon #3 left.

As the dust was dissipating throughout the wind, I finally saw who I was going against. The one that I confused earlier passed out of… well… confusion, leaving the two Ponytas and I in a triangle formation.

“Orange, kill this bucking cat thing and bring it to the village. I must bring the white one before dusk so that I can make that coat.” Sicko said before running away toward Espeon’s lifeless body and running away with it. I started charging a shadow ball to stop him in his tracks, but a sudden hit in the back of my head broke my concentration.

I turned around and faced the last goon left. He charged forward with his mace, hoping that I wasn’t intelligent enough to find a counter to it. I chuckled as I jumped over him. He seemed to pinch me on my side, but I didn’t feel anything as I kicked his back, causing him to fall on the side.

Before he could get up, I jumped high into the air and threw a shadow ball right on his side, making him scream in pain before stopping, either asleep or dead. At this point, it didn’t matter to me. I had to find the Sicko and get Espeon before she becomes a coat.

Sadly, when the adrenaline of our fight faded off, I felt a funny feeling on my lower right. I turned my head only to see a little needle where the goon pinched me earlier. For once, I got outsmarted by a guy who charged forward without thinking.

“Sometime the best… strategies are the… stupidest… ones.” I said while trying to run, the endorphin flowing through my bloodstream like Magikarps in the water. In the middle of my running pattern, my muscles lost their power and I fell flat on my face, falling in the arms… or wings of Cresselia.