• Published 21st Jul 2016
  • 374 Views, 23 Comments

Anthology of Equinity - Sollace

Lots of stories, lots of little stories, big stories, thin stories, all kinds of stories! This is simply a collection of all my ideas that never make it to a full page, or simply aren't long enough to stand on their own.

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Sergeant Celestia, the strong leader of the southern resistance, leaned over her makeshift desk. She was bathed in a dim and flickering light, cast by a rusty old oil lamp as it swayed silently against a support beam of her tent.

Her brow furrowed. She was focused on the wide array of maps and figures splayed out across her table’s surface, and a scroll and quill floated at her side taking notes as she formed her plans.

There was a commotion outside, and a short-maned stallion, clad in tarnished golden armour of the celestia resistance, poked his head through a tarp flap into the tent, “Princess.”

“You know I dislike that title,” Celestia seethed, not looking up from her figures. “What is the matter? Why is there such a din outside of my tent?”

“My apologies,” He bowed his head, and continued, “We have a pony requesting your presence, shall we turn her away?”

“No. Let them through. We would like to speak with this pony.”

“Very well, your highness.”

Again with the regal terms, Celestia hoped to discourage such behaviour. She hardly thought of herself as a princess. Such an authority was beyond her. Celestia silently scowled in a way that the guard wouldn’t notice. They were only recently recruited, so it can be forgiven, but Celestia still made a mental note to bring this to attention next time they have a mass gathering.

No sooner had the guard left, than he was replaced by a new figure, a dark blue Alicorn in heavy black armour and a multitude of jewels hanging around her neck. She also bore a helmet and coat bearing the sigule for the Lunar Resistance.

“Greetings Sister” Sergeant Luna greeted as she strolled into the tent.

“What business do you have here, Luna?” Celestia kept her attention to studying her maps.

“My” Luna held a hoof to her chest in mock shock and she did her paces of the tent, “One cannot pay their beloved sister a friendly visit, in these times?” She stopped at a desk, the one Celestia reserved for storing books and beakers. She regarded the books for a moment, then continued on her way.

“In these times that our factions are at odds, yes, state your business or leave me be.”

Luna gave a sigh, “Very well then.” She had now covered most of the area, and was nearing beside, and a little bit behind, Celestia. “It is in my understanding that you are in possession of a certain... magical artefact.” Luna stopped upon spotting a globe beside the desk, Celestia’s favourite one, she imagined.

“Artefacts” Celestia corrected, “And yes, but how have you come upon this knowledge?”

“Three artefacts I understand,” The globe split open and Luna levitated a pair of glasses from inside. She also unstopped a bottle and began to pour them both a drink, “the remainder of a set of six.” Luna had air of smugness about her.

“What is your point, Luna?”

“What if I were to say that I knew where to find these remaining artifacts?”

“Then I would call thee a traitor”— It is at this point that Celestia finally decided to look up —“for it is these artefacts that may hold the key to the downfall of the dark lord.”

“Ah,” Luna swirled the glass slightly in her aura. The golden liquid had a strong pungent scent to it that faintly reminded her of a fresh spring afternoon.

She strolled back to the front of the tent, all the while setting the other glass down beside Celestia on her desk, where it was promptly ignored.

“But I am not a traitor” She exclaimed triumphantly, turning on her hoof to point back to Celestia with the glass, “For I have come forward with such information. For I have these artefacts, they are in this very tent.”

“Then by all means hoof them over so as I might end this forsaken era.”

“That… would be difficult.” Luna admitted.

She gave Luna a questioning glance, now truly curious what her sister could possibly be up to, “And why so?”

“You are surely aware of the nature of these artefacts. They are bound to me, and I to them, much in the same way that you are to yours. I cannot simply hoof them over so to speak.”

“Then what do you propose?”

Luna set her glass down, having not taken so much as a single sip, “An alliance, too long have our factions been at odds whilst the true enemy plays god with our peoples. You of all ponies should know that no one mare, even of Faustian descent, cannot wield all six of these, Elements of Harmony as you describe them.”

Author's Note:

This one was written around the same time I was still reading The Hobbit, by J. K. Rowling J. R. R. Tolkien (as if there was another one).

The original one was actually a lot shorter than this, with the majority being only dialogue. I quite liked the idea and so gave it an extra run through the grinder on top of the usual polish.

A few pieces were added or expanded to improve the atmosphere, such as Luna's investigation of the tent or the notes about Celestia's dislike for being referred to as 'princess'.