• Published 21st Jul 2016
  • 374 Views, 23 Comments

Anthology of Equinity - Sollace

Lots of stories, lots of little stories, big stories, thin stories, all kinds of stories! This is simply a collection of all my ideas that never make it to a full page, or simply aren't long enough to stand on their own.

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Rotten Apples


Applejack put her ear to the door waiting for a response. When none came, she glanced to her side where Big Mac is leaning against the wall. “Eeyup” Big Mac stepped over and positioned himself in front of the door. In a swift motion he kicked out behind him. The door splintered and fell inwards with a resounding


Applejack strolled in first. “Well, well, well. What do we ‘ave here.” Before her sat two twin Pegasi, both a vibrant green and yellow. They were sitting at a small dining room table, a small pile of bits spread out for all to see. Just behind them was visible a saddlebag slumped against the table leg, overflowing with yet more bits, and a half full satchel of apples bearing the apple family insignia.

Both pegasi gasped and both made to speak in unison, “I-"


Applejack silenced them with a motion of her hoof. Taking the piece of wheat from her mouth, “Ah don’t want to hear it.” She glances back to Big Mac, “Won’t ye go check out the outhouse. Ye can go through the kitchen.” She winked to Big Mac.

“Eeyup” He turned and left in the direction of the kitchen.

She turned back to the two Pegasi cowering in front of her, “Now-” Applejack pauseed in thought for a moment, “Ah’m feeling’ a might generous today. Keep the bits, as a gift.”

The Pegasi’s faces lit up, one showing visible signs of relief, “Oh thank you. I promise; this is the last time-”

“You won’t have trouble from us again” The other sister squeaked.

“Indeed ah won’t” Big Mac walked back in from the kitchen, “All clear?”

Big Mac nodded, “Eeyup.”

“Let’s get outta here.” Applejack gestured to the two Pegasi before her. “Here’s hopin’ ya ‘ave a good life.” She flicked the piece of wheat onto the ground turned on her heel to leave, grinding it into flower as she did so.

Applejack and Bic Mac were walking down the trail away from the farm house when, faint in the distance, there was a deafening boom. A ball of flames and smoke erupted into the sky raining pieces of timber down on the surrounding fields catching the corn alight.

Big Mac paused to look back at the destruction. Applejack just kept walking, “That’ll be the last we ’n hear from the Corn family.”

Big Mac replied with his usual “Eeyup” and followed her sister back to the main road.