• Published 12th Jul 2014
  • 3,538 Views, 113 Comments

Roar - Loyal

Rainbow Dash needs to hear the roar.

  • ...

Drown it out.

She could hear everything. Not a single sound passed by her ears that wasn't registered. Each flap of pegasus wings, each soft breeze, every single last murmur of the world alive around her. From the whisper of the sheets to the beeping of the machine, she heard it all.

But she could not see it all. All she saw was the interior of her room, the boring bedspread, the same nightstand, the septic-white tint of the clouds that made up her walls. And the machine. That damnable contraption of medical technology hard-wired into her body, pumping her full of who-knew-what, monitoring her, watching her.


Always the beeping.

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*

Like a heartbeat.

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*

The ticking of a clock.

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*

She remembered flying. Soaring fast and free, with nothing to hold her back. She remembered twirling and spinning, flapping laps around smaller clouds. She remembered the heat of the sun and the chill of the air as it rushed past her flanks. She remembered the way her mane tugged at her scalp, her own body begging her to slow down.

She remembered the roar of the wind.

*Piip... Piip... Piip*

Nothing but a memory now.

She heard a pegasus fly by, probably on their way to some important engagement. Or maybe they were out flying just for the sake of flying. Maybe they were part of the weather team, making sure everypony was inside.

She heard the thunder.

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*

She heard the machine.

She remembered breaking the sound barrier. She remembered hearing nothing in that moment, gone was the world, and nothing existed in that moment. Nothing but her, the sky, and the speed.

She remembered the fall.

She remembered the pain.

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*

She sighed.

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*

"Yeah, yeah..."

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*

"I get it."

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*


*Piip... Piip... Piip...*

"Shut up."

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*


*Piip... Piip... Piip...*

"Shut up."

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*

"Shut up!"

*Piip... Piip... Piip...*



She heard her hoof hit the machine. She heard the crack of parts breaking, of mechanisms shattered and jumbled until nothing worked the way it ought to have.

But the beeping was not done. It beeped longer, louder now. That damnable piece of machinery sat there, its miniature screen broken, but still beeping.

She could still hear the pegasi fly by. She heard her sheets as she kicked them off.

"No more."

She heard her heart pump blood into her veins, fast enough it echoed in her head.

"I can't stand it."

She heard her bones protest, grating together sickeningly.

"I can't hear it anymore."

She heard her teeth grind together.


"No more."

She felt the breeze pass over her coat. She felt the pain as she dragged herself out of the house.

She could remember the thrill of the first drop, the tension in her back as she opened her wings. She remembered the adrenaline coursing through her; replacing her blood with sweet, sweet clarity. She could remember seeing everything, watching the world around her rush by. She remembered seeing trees and clouds, other ponies, animals and streams and wide, wide fields of grass, all of it beneath her as she rushed on, faster than it all; faster than anything in the world.

She remembered the echoing boom of her speed, dousing the landscape in a brilliant light. She remembered the smooth flight, the way she could turn on a dime. She remembered closing her eyes and feeling her heart drop into the pit of her stomach. She remembered the tension on her wings, pulling her further, faster... ever faster.

She remembered stopping, feeling it all come to an end. The world caught up to her, broken bones and all. In half a heartbeat, Rainbow Dash's world had become stillness. Quiet, calm, indomitable stillness.

And the beeping.


It chased her out of her home, down the hallway and through the living room. Out of the front door and onto the bank of clouds she kept her house. She felt the breeze again, and it whispered past her ear, tantalizing her with the promise...

To a pegasus, nothing is more sacred than flight. Their wings are what make them who they are. Their ability to rise above the world, to ascend to heights taller than the tallest mountain, to soar above tree and meadow and field; the capability they have to come over the clouds, even, into that untouchable, intangible plane of existence where the was nothing but the clouds and the sun...

And the roar.

That blissful, beautiful sound that drowns out all else. When you're moving so fast that nothing else exists. There are no beeps, no flaps, no gentle coughs or polite words. When there's nopony nearby, and nothing can reach you, when you're in you're own world, and you can't hear anything else.

No doctors telling you you'll never fly again.

No screams as the scalpels cut your skin.

No sobs on those long, impossibly long nights.

No beeping.

Dash crawled to the edge of the clouds, looking out at the world below her. Thousands of feet between her and the ground. Thousands of degrees of separation between her and the things that mattered. And that could be thousands of feet between her and the beeping. She looked around. Nopony in sight. Not even the pony that had flapped past her home a little while ago.

But there was still the beeping. Long and loud, loud enough to penetrate through the walls of her home and reach her where she lay, goading her, torturing her.

"Enough." She choked, looking down once again. "I gotta... I can't..."

She felt her tears.

And she heard the beeping.

Until she pushed herself over the edge.

Then, she felt the fall. She felt her heart drop, down into her gut. She felt the weight lift from her broken bones, freeing her from the pain.

And the roar. The wind picking up around her, rushing past her. She opened herself to it, like greeting an old friend.

She didn't hear the beeping. She didn't hear the flapping of wings. She couldn't even hear her heartbeat in her ears anymore.

She didn't hear the doctors.

She didn't hear the crying.

She didn't hear the screams.

All she heard was the roar.

And it was the last thing she ever heard.

Comments ( 112 )

That was pretty intense and moving.

:fluttercry:so sweet and heart warming actually made me cry for some reason . so sweet . I love it !

That was fucking beautiful.

Wow... That was surprisingly a lot deeper than I expected. It was plain beautiful. Thank you so much for writing this!

Wow, this is amazing and sad. Very beautiful though, so I enjoyed it.

Didn't I tell you to give up on writing and focus on keeping the JC Penny guarded? Also this

About 8 years late on this idea bub.

did that bird just pull a hammer and nails out of its ass?

Now that is how you pack a huge wallop into onky 1K words!

Beautiful. Terribly heart-wrenching and very bad for my health, but beautiful nonetheless.


It would seem so...

~Skeeter The Lurker

Also this was impressive.

Why the hell am I on a RD tragedy kick today?

~Skeeter The Lurker

4683651 Kiwi didn't even have to use words.

And it probably took a thousand times as long to make.

4683688 Actually way shorter than you'd think.

if it took longer than a week, then not as short as I think. I wrote Roar in a half an hour.

Holy s:yay:t. You made me cry. You... Goddamn. Something about suicide striking a bit of a chord in me, I guess. I don't really know how to put it into words.

Sorry if this is a bit personal, but is this from personal experience? Or was it just idle thinking?

Just an idea I had kicking around my head for a week or so.

4683724 Don't you mean an idea you stole from an 8 year old short animation you hack?

A video I had never seen until you linked it, sure. Let's go with that. -_-

4683724 Huh. Well done, then.

4683930 Pfft like I have any way to verify that. All I have to go on is the word of a rent-a-cop and that ain't much.

seems to be enough for the people who pay me. Curious.

Did... did something happen? I just... this might be one of the darkest and saddest things I've ever read.

I'm... I'm literally speechless right now.

Jesus Crimaney! Holy God! Caltuo, my friend. Caltuo...

4684167 Thats because they have you on camera every second your at work. They don't need your word they have video tape.

lol you think I'm on camera at this construction site that's adorable <3

4684380 I've worked in more construction sites than you have completed fics my boy. They have camera's everywhere to catch employee's stealing shit.

And I've yet to see one.

4684486 Well of course you aren't gonna be able to see them. What good is a security camera thats in plane sight? You could very easily pin point its blind spots.

No, I mean it's my JOB to find and utilize these cameras. I know every inch of this site. The server doesn't have any camera connections, nor do the foreman's trailers. There are no cameras anywhere on this site. Especially since I've combed for them. If there are, they aren't watching any ccommodities, points of ingress or egress, perimeters, high-value assets, or hallways.

4684542 Then they are begging to have copper and tools stolen. 9 times outa 10 any major theft from a construction site isn't by an outside party it's by someone who works there and has plenty of day light hours to scope the place out.

4684550 4684542 Will both of you just stop with your little dick measuring contest, or at least take this argument to private messages? You both should be mature enough to have been able to end the argument before it reached this point... Loyal, I like your writing, but I just lost a bit of respect for you. Madness, I never heard of you, but you really aren't making a good impression...

The last thing I want to see when I check out a fic is the writer in an argument with somebody in the comments...

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

4684835 Kid you could not even begin to fathom how little I care about what kind of impression I make on your sorry ass. As for what I do with my friend in the comment section of HIS story is between me and him. Keep your cunt mouth out of this conversation before I eat all your fucking chickens.

4684841 First off, you could at least be a little bit creative when you insult me, because frankly, your insults were comparable to a three month old slice of bread in terms of quality. Secondly, your attempts to insult me remind me of the twelve-year-old children I used to beat on Xbox Live. I actually did need a good laugh, and you brought up good memories, so thank you. Thirdly, my point still stands.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

4684867 I wasn't so much trying to insult as I was quoting a line from Game of Thrones because it's topical. Also your point does not stand. Loyal can do and let happen anything he wants in his comment section. Also I can promise you with a surprising amount of accuracy Loyal doesn't care about you losing respect for him. He's a big boy after all and he doesn't need your respect to get through the day.


4684841 Damn, you shut her up.

4684880 I never said he needed my respect, and that wasn't the point of my comment, the point was that both you and he were acting like immature children arguing over who should go first in a game of hide and seek. I personally could care less about how you two view me, but when i go to read a fanfic, I do not like seeing arguments on the comments that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the actual story.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

4684889 Na I'm sure it will be back, the PMS seems strong with this one.

4684896 Well learn to fucking deal with it PMS-Avenger, the comment section doesn't belong to you and gets run how ever the owner wants it to be. If you don't like it then leave and stop coming back to complain about it. I'm sure Tumblr misses you why don't you scurry on back there?

this is gonna be good. I do love it when MB catches someone.

Oh and if you don't want to read something that doesn't relate to the story, it'd be wise to avoid the comments section. They are, after all, open-ended forum format places of discussion and debate, not necessarily with relation to the story for which they are attributed.

If it really bothers you so much, then refrain from reading.

4684919 I've tried telling it that but it seems to be either a little dim witted or lacks a solid grasp on the english language and isn't understanding what I'm trying to tell it.

Reminds me of a really old video called "Kiwi!", except waaaaay more fleshed out and interesting. Nice work!

4684929 I posted the video further down in the comments.

4684919 It isn't the fact that it was unrelated, so much as it was a long argument that the writer of the fic is a major part of. Also, I have said my bit to MB, and won't be saying any more to him.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

You and Madness Brony both.
I didn't even see that video until today, when the aforementioned douchenugget linked it in the comments. (See above)

4684934 The she-ogre throws down her sword and retreats to the pits of tumblr. Another she-beast slain, ale for everyone.

Are you implying you have anything more to say to me? Because I'm just about as done watching you as you are Madness Brony.

If so, go right on ahead. I wouldn't call what MB and I had an 'argument' as much as i would a par-for-the-course grillfest he enjoys taking me on with each new story I publish.

Allow me to give you some insight:
Madness Brony and I are friends outside of Fimfiction. He and I spend lengthy amounts of time chatting, arguing, playing games, or generally just hanging out. I consider him a close friend, and these comments (And the ensuing arguments) aren't just regular, they're actually kind of comfortable for me.

I'll re-assert myself: If you don't like what you see in the comments, then please move on. There are thousands of other stories that I'm sure will meet your criteria of enjoyment.

If I worried myself over each person who was dissatisfied, either with the story or the comments section of the story, I'd have hung myself eons ago. The fact that you, or even a hundred others like you, might not like what's in the comments section doesn't bother me.

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