• Published 18th Jul 2014
  • 1,782 Views, 76 Comments

The Balance of Harmony - Thornwing

Discord's lost his mojo. Can the ponies help get it back? What happens if the balance of harmony can't be kept? Another adventure begins.

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Chapter Fifteen - Not the Best Night Ever

Twilight broke her canter as she neared the palace steps. She noticed the guards seemed to be much more on edge than normal. They still saluted as she entered and was directed toward Celestia’s private quarters. Still, something wasn’t right in general; the influence of the elements must be spreading, she thought.

She made her way quickly up the steps to the top of the West tower. Another set of guards snapped to attention as she approached. After a quick salute in greeting to the princess, they opened the doors and allowed her to pass by. The moment she stepped inside, she was nearly knocked off her hooves by Rainbow Dash.

“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash swooped over and launched the two of them off the ground. “It’s so good to see you again – you’ll never guess what happened to us.”

“Slow down there, Rainbow.” Twilight smiled as she tried to peel the exuberant pony’s hooves out of her mane. “I’m glad to see you too.”

“Hello, Twilight,” came the timid voice of Fluttershy, still settled on Celestia’s bed but now fully wrapped and treated for her injury.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight hopped over Rainbow and made a one wing flap leap over towards the bed and her injured friend. “What happened? How are you hurt?”

“Don’t worry your head about it, Twilight,” stated Applejack. “She may look all nice and fragile, but this here is one tough pony.”

Twilight still looked down at her friend with a deep worry and concern knowing that she was most likely the cause of her injury having sent her off to face who knew what unknown dangers. “Oh, Fluttershy, I hope it’s not serious – what did the doctor say?”

“It’s really nothing, Twilight.” Fluttershy gave a little smile. “The doctor says I’ll be good as new in a week or so. I just need to stay off my wings until then.”

Twilight gently wrapped her forelegs around Fluttershy’s neck and gave her as big a hug as she felt she could given her condition. “I’m so glad to have you back, Fluttershy. I was so worried about you all.”

“No need to worry with me on the job.” Dash swooped back over into the group of ponies all gathered around the bed.

Twilight peaked back up and finally noticed Princess Celestia standing over in the far corner consulting with a few of her guards. She also looked around and saw the smiling faces of all her friends – back together once again – all except Rarity that was. The glowing gems in the necklaces of Pinkie Pie, Applejack and even Fluttershy herself next caught her eye. This realization snapped her back into mission mode.

“It looks like you’ve all made a lot of progress in tracking down your elements.” Twilight settled for a moment on Applejack’s essence of lies, Fluttershy’s essence of malice, and once again on Pinkie’s essence of sadness.

She got up from Fluttershy’s side and turned to speak in the direction of Celestia, “And I think Rarity and I have made some progress in tracking down the element of greed.”

Celestia looked up from her current conversation and quickly dismissed her guards. She walked over to Twilight and her friends to finally greet her princess protégé.

“So what is this I hear about your search for the element of greed, princess?” Celestia stood commandingly before Twilight, still exuding a royal feel, but also filling a motherly role just the same.

Twilight responded, “Princess, I believe we have already found some of the essence of greed among the ponies in town. However, I think the bearer of the element may only be found at the charity auction I have heard is being held tonight. It’s the perfect place for them to show their hoof.”

Celestia thought for a moment and then replied, “Then you should all get ready. I can have you join me in the royal box so we can watch the entire event together.”

“I think that’s my cue to exit.” Gilda shuffled over from the corner. “Frou-frous events really aren't this Griffin’s style.”

“Aww c’mon, G,” chuckled Rainbow Dash. “We could paint your talons and do your tail up in some nice pink bows – it’ll be awesome!”

“Not happenin’, Dash.” Gilda chuckled a bit in return at the obvious sarcasm of her friend. “This bird’s gotta fly on home. I’ll catch you all next time and maybe we can have a -real- party.”

The group said goodbye to their friend as she walked out onto the balcony and took off toward her home. Gilda sure wouldn't have been comfortable at an event like what they were planning to attend. Perhaps some of Twilight’s other friends might not as well. Fluttershy especially might not be feeling up to such an event at the moment.

The last thing Twilight had planned for was a formal night out. She wasn’t sure if fancy princess attire was really something she would need to add to her packing list for her next adventure. She looked around at the other ponies and wondered how they should go about getting ready. The answer to their problem just happened to walk in the door.

Rarity strutted into the room magically dragging a rack of dresses and one tiny little tuxedo outfit behind her.

“Why, thank you dears.” Rarity stopped as she turned to thank the guards for holding the door open for her. “Now, where do I begin?”

She looked around at all the other ponies staring back at her. They were in a slight state of shock and surprise at both seeing their friend again and also taking in the view of the fabulous outfits she had with her. Even Spike seemed to fixate on the small, baby-dragon sized tux hanging on the rack.

“Well,” Rarity began again. “What are you all waiting for? We have a charity auction to get ready for.”

Applejack sputtered, “But Rarity, we just got invited to go just now. How’d you know? -- And where’d you come up with all those fancy clothes you got there?”

Rarity took a small step back as she worked to distribute the outfits to each pony. “The gratitude of others never ceases to amaze me. Fleur was so pleased with the gown I was able to put together for her that she invited us all to attend the event tonight. Hoity Toity made such a huge sale by selling a single dress to two different ponies that he said I could have my pick of anything else in his shop to wear tonight as well – although we have to have them all back to him by tomorrow morning - or else.”

“That’s amazing, Rarity!” Twilight leapt up to grab the dress Rarity had sent her way. “This will help a ton in being able to fit in at the event so we can track down the element without causing any commotion.”

The girls all spent the next few hours getting ready for the auction. They put on their dresses and did up their manes. Rarity came around and put some finishing touches on a few of their outfits and finally proclaimed them ready to go. Even Spike looked quite dapper in his tuxedo vest and tails.

Fluttershy convinced Twilight that she was ok to attend as long as she didn’t have to fly. She really didn’t want to spend the night alone in the castle.

Luna showed up just as they were about to leave. She and Celestia quickly performed their rising and setting ritual before Celestia donned her royal robes and golden horseshoes in final preparation for their departure. They all begged Luna to come with them, but she declined saying instead that she didn’t want to be in their way. They reluctantly accepted the decline of their invitation and Celestia lead the group of ponies out of the castle and across the way to the Canterlot Auction Hall.

The highest of the high class of Canterlot were already gathering themselves into the hall as they arrived. The crowd quickly split itself to either side as the princess and her entourage passed. She led them upstairs and down towards the front where the royal box of seats awaited them.

Twilight looked out over the railing at all the rich and famous ponies of Canterlot. Everypony who was anypony was gathered below waiting for the auction to start. Fancy Pants and Fleur were seated front and center. Right next to them were Upper Crust and her husband Jet Set. It seemed that the rift between the two mares had been swiftly repaired - along with the dress they both now shared a piece of in a fabulous new style created especially for them by the skilled hoof of Rarity.

Celestia asked the ponies to stay put while she got the event started. She flew out of the box and down to the stage below before addressing the crowd:

“Fillies and Gentlecolts, thank you all for coming tonight. It is with great humility that I stand before you all and witness your overwhelming generosity towards my School for Gifted Unicorns. I know that this wonderful event would not have been possible without the overwhelming support of all of you and especially the Unicorn that helped put it all together – Mr. Fancy Pants. Thank you for your gracious donations this evening and for all the good you do for each other each and every day. Without further ado, may I present our master auctioneer for the evening, Mr. Golden Gavel.”

The ponies all clapped in a very civil and respectful manner as Celestia flew back up to her seat. Golden Gavel approached the lectern now that the auction was about to get underway. Before the auctioneer pony could even place the first item on the stand to start the bidding, he was interrupted.

“Now see here,” bellowed Fancy Pants, “that is my personal copy of ‘Mane Kamph’ and I demand it be returned immediately.”

The lovely young presenter pony holding a somewhat ragged looking book looked nervous as the crowed heaved a sigh of shock and awe. Fancy Pants leapt up on the stage and strutted over to her before levitating the book off the display tray she carried on her back.

“Now hold on there just a moment sir,” came the reaction from Golden Gavel. “That’s our first item up for bid. If you want it, you’ll have to bid on it just like every other pony here.”

Fancy Pants rounded on him and proclaimed, “I will do nothing of the sort. This book is mine.”

The auctioneer didn’t back down. “It certainly was sir, but if you recall, you donated it to the auction -- just like most of the rest of the items we have up for bid tonight.”

“Now why would I do a silly thing like that?” replied a somewhat shocked Fancy Pants.

“I believe it was, ‘for the children,’ sir,” responded Golden Gavel.

“Oh very well then,” said an annoyed Fancy Pants as he slammed the book back down on the display tray, still attached to the petrified pony beneath, and returned to his seat.

“Alright then, shall we begin?” Golden Gavel tapped the lectern as the display pony shuffled nervously across the stage. “Up for bid is a, umm, first edition of…”

Fancy Pant’s foreleg shot up into the air as soon as the gavel tap landed. “One million bits!”

Fleur snapped her head toward him with a look of absolute shock. Most of the other ponies in the audience did the same. A million bits wasn’t an amount one heard thrown around every day.

“A million and one!” shouted Jet Set also raising his foreleg.

“How dare you try and outbid me for my own book!” Fancy Pants shot Jet Set a nasty look. “Upper Crust, I demand that you reign in your husband if you know what’s good for him. – A million and two!”

The auctioneer sat stunned at the lectern. He hadn’t even had a chance to open the bidding and he already had the two richest ponies in town going at it in a bidding war to end all bidding wars.

Twilight looked down on the action and thought to herself, ‘That isn’t really even a good book – and it isn’t even in very good condition.’ She whispered over to Celestia, “I think we found what we came for.”

Jet Set upped the ante. “A million and three, and I demand your mare give my wife back the half a dress she stole from her.”

“It’s ok, honey, I love the dress I got and I’m happy to share it with Fleur.” Upper Crust tried in vain to get her husband to sit back down.

“How dare you, sir.” Fancy Pants dropped his glove from off his hoof and struck Jet Set across the face with it. “That harlot of yours has insulted my Fleur’s honor by even attempting to wear that half of her dress. I demand satisfaction! – and that half of the dress, of course.”

“Fancy, please stop…” Fleur sobbed into her hooves as the two stallions went the rounds.

“That’s it! Nopony fights over my fashion and gets away with it!” Rarity bolted from the royal box and rocketed down the stairs. In a flash she was up on stage herself holding the auction item book in her magic levitation spell.

She held the book over her head and called out to the two fighting ponies. “One more ungrateful word out of either of your mouths and I will turn this book to a pile of ash.”

Fancy Pants and Jet Set forgot about their own argument for a moment and stared up at the stage and the enraged pony threatening their precious book. They both looked at each other and then over at their wives. Each of the mares was holding the other, tears streaming down their faces as their husbands fought over the silly book and their beautiful dresses.

It took a moment, but they both seemed to come around.

“I-I don’t know what’s gotten into me,” stammered Jet Set. “I-I don’t even want that book.”

“My beautiful Fleur,” cried Fancy Pants, “how could I let this happen? Your dress is lovely, and that book I donated was only being used as a doorstop in our winter home in Aspen Grove anyway.”

Rarity, a bit stunned by the reaction, let the book drop to the ground. The cover tore off in the process leaving a shabby pile of yellowed pages strewn about the stage floor. She walked over to Fleur and Upper Crust and put a hoof on each of their shoulders. She called over to the two stallions who now looked a bit sheepish:

“You two should be ashamed of yourselves. These two ponies are some of the most beautiful mares in all of Equestria. - They look even more fabulous in my original designs, - but that’s not my point. You need to apologize to one another and to both of them this instant!”

“My most sincere apologies, my dear. To you as well good sir.” Fancy Pants gave a deep bow toward Jet Set and the whimpering mares sandwiched between Rarity’s hooves. “I completely forgot the reason why we are all gathered here tonight. My behavior was utterly deplorable.”

Jet Set lowered his head and spoke to his wife. “I’ve never been so ashamed of my horrible behavior. Can you ever forgive me sugar lump?” He then picked up Fancy Pant’s glove and carried it over to him. “My good man, I believe this belongs to you as does every right to that book of yours. My deepest apologies for my shameful outburst. Will you and Fleur please accept my humble invitation to dine at our house tomorrow evening so that we might try and make amends?”

A burst of light sprang forth as the pair bumped hooves in exchanging the glove. Rarity felt a rush of wind around her as the pages of the tattered and broken book disintegrated even further into particles of magic. The energy swirled around her as she rose up into the air. The air in the hall felt electric as small streams of the essence of greed flowed from most every pony in the audience toward her on stage. The gem around her neck glowed a bright purple hue as the energy was sucked up into it.

The audience all stood and gave the unwitting actors a round of hoof applause. It was the best pre auction entertainment they have ever witnessed. Many ponies called for an encore like it was a night out at the Canterlot Opera. Rarity, gave a few reluctant bows as she shuffled off the stage and returned to her friends in the upstairs booth.

When she entered the small room, her pony friends gave her another round of applause and showered her with hugs. It took a lot of guts to stand up to a couple of angry ponies like that, but she handled it with the grace and composure that only she could.

The rest of the night went well following the fiasco of the opening item. The Canterlot ponies were very generous in their bidding – even on items that had little or no actual value. It was all for a good cause. The pony who bid ten thousand bits on a partly rusted old horseshoe got another standing ovation as the night closed off on an encouraging note.

With four elements now in their possession, the group of happy ponies waltzed off toward Canterlot Castle to turn in for the night.