• Published 18th Jul 2014
  • 1,781 Views, 76 Comments

The Balance of Harmony - Thornwing

Discord's lost his mojo. Can the ponies help get it back? What happens if the balance of harmony can't be kept? Another adventure begins.

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Chapter Twenty-One - One Good Turn

Twilight found herself in an empty space. Trapped between worlds in a state where time had little meaning. She performed a quick self-check.

‘Wings – check. Tail – check. Horn…‘

She reached up to make doubly sure that her horn was indeed fully intact.


In calculating the risk of breaking the spell that threatened her friends, she had not taken much regard for her own safety. Her primary concern was stopping the dark magic infused with Sombra’s evil influence from destroying her friends, or worse yet, turning them against her.

‘Now all I have to do is find where I’m at, where my friends are at, and how we get ourselves out of this place.’ She resolved that working through all of that was preferable to letting Sombra have his way with them. The fail-safe had been broken before, she just had to find out how.

Since time and space seemed to be foreign concepts to the dimension she presently found herself in, Twilight engaged in a focused pattern of thought. She figured if she could will it to happen, it could. Her thoughts focused on her friends as each one in turn spawned a sea of memories about special times together. Her very first recollection settled in her mind – the very first time she encountered Pinkie Pie.

As she wove her thoughts around the events of their first encounter, a scene began to materialize before her. She could begin to make out the general outline of a building. The fluffy rooftop and sweet candy like walls began to solidify into a dream version of Sugar Cube Corner.

‘If there was ever a place where I would be able to find Pinkie Pie, it would be there.’ Twilight began to walk cautiously toward the building.

She approached the door and gently pulled back on the handle. It gave way without much effort opening to a sparsely decorated room within. Sparse may be too generous a term to describe the room. There was only a single table with two chairs sitting on opposite ends. A straight-maned Pinkie sat slumped over the table on the left side.

Twilight walked inside. “Pinkie Pie? Is that you?”

The gloomy faced pony didn’t even bat an eyelash as she responded in monotone, “What does it matter?”

“It matters to me.” Twilight came around the opposite end of the table and took a seat. “Do you mind if I join you?”

“No pony’s going to stop ya, so I guess it’s up to you.” Pinkie closed her eyes as a small tear began to form at the corner.

“You look like you could use a friend,” said Twilight as she tried to smile her biggest and most anti-gloomy smile toward her depressed friend.

“Why bother, they always leave you feeling sad in the end.” Pinkie’s tears were flowing in earnest now.

Twilight reached across the table and laid her hoof on top of Pinkie’s. “I know a pony that could always find a way to fix that. She never left a friend feeling sad or lonely.”

“She must be a rarity then, cause there aren’t any friends like that around here.” Pinkie pulled back her hoof.

“You may not believe me, but I know for sure that pony exists and she’s right here with us this very moment – she isn’t a rarity at all. Actually, she’s more of a Pinkie Pie.”

The word pun seemed to catch a spark of interest in the mind of the normally playful party pony. She sat up straight and responded. “So you think I’m that special pony friend that would never leave somepony feeling sad or alone?”

“I’m absolutely sure of it.” Twilight could feel a change coming on and looked for a way in which to strengthen and reinforce it. “I’m so sure of it, that I bet you I could list off the names of every pony you’ve ever helped and you would see for yourself just how good of a friend you really are.”

“I don’t know if I could ever be that pony.” Pinkie put up her barrier once again and slumped back down in her chair.

Twilight began to list of the names of every pony in Ponyville she could think of. Pinkie had such a prevalent effect on everypony around her that there was bound to be some memory she could help trigger that would break her out of the funk she was in. As she rattled off the names, the rest of the room began to brighten – objects appeared and filled the empty space with the standard fare to be found in the sweet shop from back in town.

Pinkie seemed to be responding positively as the mnemonics of the names read aloud drew up memories of those ponies in her head.

When Twilight got down to the last few names she could remember, she struggled to find anything else to help push her over the top. She was so close to breaking through. One or two more might be enough. As if in response to her need, one more pony finally came to mind – a very special pony friend that was often overlooked. A certain mare that sat in the background, but had found a special bond with Pinkie as they worked together to overcome a struggle of sadness and self-doubt not more than a week ago.

“Derpy Hooves!” Twilight blurted out the final name. She looked over at Pinkie hoping the flood of memories would be enough to snap her out of her sad state.

Working in Pinkie’s brain, a conga line of party pony memories danced away into the darkness as a final scene played out - her alone with the gray Pegasus. Her own plans to help the sad pony overcome her doubts and deliver a piece of her willingness to be friends with everypony that would accept her made her feel happy once more. A smile cracked onto the bitter canvas of her face as the tears flew away. Pinkie’s mane and tail burst into a pile of curls as a shower of glitter filled the room.

“Twilight!” Pinkie threw herself across the table and wrapped her friend in a gigantic party pony hug.

Twilight gazed up at Pinkie from the prone position she now occupied on the floor. “There’s only one super party pony in my book, and I’m glad she’s back.”

Twilight returned Pinkie’s hug as the room around them faded once again into nothingness. Once the moment had passed and the room around them had vanished, the two ponies stared out into the darkness.

“What’s next?” asked Pinkie with a smile.

“Maybe that should be up to you, Pinkie.” Twilight figured her guess was as good as any and they should probably work as a team. “Who do you think we should help next?”

Pinkie thought for a moment. Her stomach growled as she thought about all the treats and snacks that had just vanished before her eyes. “It’s so hard to think on an empty tummy. I’m so hungry – an apple fritter just sounds so good right now. The best pony I know to get one of those from is – Applejack!”

Twilight followed along down the bumpy road through Pinkie’s completely rational thoughts. Hopefully they weren’t about to land themselves inside a freshly baked apple fritter, she considered. Her mild fear was quickly forgotten as a new scene materialized around them. The path leading up to Sweet Apple Acres wound out before them both.

As they moved down the dusty path, Twilight couldn’t help but notice something felt wrong. Upon closer inspection, the trees in the orchards that lined the way didn’t seem to be fully formed. In fact, they didn’t look like trees at all. It was more like multiple wood panels had been propped up to look like trees. Not a single real apple could be seen in the entire bunch.

Twilight leaned over to Pinkie Pie, “I don’t know what’s going on here, Pinkie, but we better be on our guard.”

Pinkie had caught the scent of freshly baked apple goodies wafting through the air and wasn’t paying attention to much else. “Hmmmmm, apples….” She began to salivate as the scent drew them on towards the big red barn up ahead.

A large sign above the barn door caught their eye as they approached.

Apple Bloom’s Fresh Farm Fare

They rounded the bend and came through the gate to the farmhouse area. A familiar voice called over to them from the barn door.

“Well howdy ya’ll! Welcome to Apple Bloom’s Fresh Farm Fare! Can I interest you in a fresh apple pie or a tasty caramel apple?”

“Applejack!” Twilight called over to her friend as they approached her makeshift sales stand.

“Not since last I checked. I’m Apple Bloom, and this here’s my apple farm.” Applejack’s words sounded a bit twisted.

Twilight caught a glimpse behind the doorway in which Applejack stood. The other half of the barn, the part which they couldn’t see on their way down the path, was completely missing. Only the front half of the building seemed to be in place. She could see more of the fake apple trees off in the distance as see peered through the frame of the door.

“I’m starving, what have you got that’s fresh?” Pinkie Pie bounded up to the stand.

“Just take a look for yourself.” Applejack looked up and away from the objects she indicated in her window.

Sitting on the doorsill were a couple of paper cutouts of a pie, a fritter, and a candied apple.

“No, really. Where’s the food?” Pinkie Pie picked up the paper food imposters as she tried to see if they were hiding the real things underneath.

“Applejack, what’s going on here?” Twilight probed for answers as Applejack continued to try and dodge the questions.

“I have no idea what your talkin’ about. I’m Apple Bloom and this here’s my farm. I’ve got the best tastin’ apples in all of Equestria right here.” A little bead of sweat had started to surface on Applejack’s forehead seeing as she had been caught in her lies. The sputtering sound of a small fan type machine could be heard just inside the gate – the apple smell they had caught earlier was definitely being generated by the contraption.

“I guess I could spread some frosting on this and give it a try.” Pinkie Pie pulled out a frosting bag and began to decorate the paper cutouts.

“What’s with all the fake trees and food – and why do you keep saying that you’re Apple Bloom?” asked Twilight.

“I don’t have a clue what yer gettin’ at. Everypony knows that you can’t say no to a cute little filly sellin’ her apple treats.” Applejack continued with the charade.

Twilight replied, “Yes, but you’re not a cute little filly and those aren’t real apple trees or treats.”

“Ohhh, these are so good. You should try one too!” Pinkie Pie grabbed one of the frosting covered paper treats and shoved it right in Applejack’s mouth.

“Pinkie!” scolded Twilight. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“What? I’m just sharing these delicious treats with my friend Applejack.” Pinkie finished another bite of her paper pie. “Do you want one too?”

“No thanks, I think I’ll pass.” Twilight hoof-palmed her face. “This is even worse than that awful tonic the Flim Flam brothers were trying to sell us.”

She looked over at the fake salespony who now had her mouth stuffed with a full fritter of her own medicine. The frosting dripped out of the corners of her mouth as she painfully chewed and tried to swallow the bitter core of the sugar coated treat. It was just too much for her, and she finally spit out the messy wad.

“I can’t do it anymore.” Applejack hung her head and looked like her entire façade had just crumbled away. “I can’t keep lyin’ to myself. I know those aren’t real apples and I know this ain’t a real apple farm.”

The trees in the distance began to topple as real plants sprung up out of the ground. The trunks shot up as branches and leaves burst out to fill the space between them. Soon enough, real apples popped up all over the place completing the look of a real apple orchard. The barn rumbled as the missing sides snapped up into place from off the ground. The paper apple treats puffed up and became more three dimensional – the frosting still dripping from the edges of the now edible food. The sign above dropped the name of the cute little filly Applejack was pretending to be leaving just the title that actually fit.

“Oh yum!” Pinkie Pie exuberantly took another bite of her frosting covered apple pie. “This is the best tasting apple pie you’ve ever made, Applejack.”

“Actually, I don’t think I made that one.” Applejack’s honesty finally returned as the last bits of deceit dribbled out of her mouth.

She grabbed a cloth and wiped off the corners of her mouth, happy to be rid of the terrible taste the lies had left there.

“What in tarnation’s goin’ on here, Twilight?” Applejack looked around at the farm and fields. “Why are we in the middle of Sweet Apple Acres?”

“We aren’t,” replied Twilight. “We’re caught in Sombra’s netherworld. We need to find the rest of our friends and then see about getting ourselves back to Equestria.”

The farmscape around them withered and died as the trees were sucked back into the ground. The barn fell to pieces as Applejack leaped out the door just before it all toppled in on itself. The area surrounding the three ponies faded to black once more.

“So how exactly are we supposed to find the others?” asked Applejack.

Twilight turned her question around and asked it right back. “Where do you think we should look next, Applejack?”

Applejack looked a bit surprised to have her own question asked of her. She pondered a moment before saying, “Well, if I was to go lookin’ for Rainbow Dash on a lazy summer afternoon, I’d probably find her takin’ a nap in one of my trees or on some cloud.”

“Then let’s go take a look and see if we can’t find her.” Twilight helped guide her along the mental path. “Just focus on the tree or cloud where you think you’ll find Rainbow Dash, and that should do the trick.”

“Alright then, can’t be any weirder than my fake apple farm.” Applejack closed her eyes and imagined a calm summer afternoon down by the watering hole. Rainbow Dash would almost certainly be found napping in the branches of her favorite tree there.

The scene around them changed. The sunlight filtered down through the black sky above and soon the ponies found themselves on the banks of the pond that had become a favorite spot for them all to bring their pets for an afternoon of relaxation. They did indeed find Rainbow Dash, but instead of sleeping in her tree, she was yelling at a pair of squirrels that had taken up residence.

“Get out and stay out!” Rainbow Dash yelled at the pair of furry critters. “This is my tree and I didn’t say you could move in.”

“Rainbow!” Applejack yelled over towards the angry Pegasus.

“What do you want?” Rainbow Dash replied. “Can’t a girl get a little rest before the big race?”

“What big race?” asked Twilight. “The Equestria Games just ended a little over a month ago.”

“Well, then you obviously don’t know how important the Ponyville Challenge is.” Rainbow Dash flexed her wings as she continued, “It’s the premiere event in Ponyville. A five mile run, followed by a five mile swim, and all finished up with a fifty mile flight to Canterlot and back.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense,” stated Applejack. “There isn’t a single other pony in all of Ponyville that could even compete in that challenge besides you. I can’t fly, Bulk Biceps can’t swim, and Derpy isn’t the greatest runner around.”

“That’s right, Applejack.” Rainbow Dash swooped down from the tree and came to land in front of Twilight. “So I guess that just leaves you, Twilight. I’m going to beat you and show everypony who the real winner is here in Ponyville.”

“But I don’t even want to race.” Twilight looked back at Rainbow Dash trying to figure out what was really going on.

Rainbow Dash circled around the princess. “Too scared to compete, I see. How about you just admit that I’m better than you in front of the whole town then?”

“What’s that supposed ta prove,” questioned Applejack. “It’s not like there’s a competition to see who the most popular pony is.”

Rainbow Dash rounded on Applejack. “You stay out of this. It’s just between me and Twilight.”

Rainbow Dash turned around and faced Twilight snout to snout. Applejack came around as well and pushed them both apart.

“Now hold on just a second. Just because Twilight’s a princess an all doesn’t mean she thinks she’s better than everypony. And just because you’re the best flier in town doesn’t mean you’re a better pony than anypony else either.”

“Then let’s prove it. Ponyville Challenge – just me and Twilight to settle once and for all who the best pony is.” Rainbow Dash glared at Twilight straight through the hat of Applejack that separated them.

“I think I understand.” Twilight came around to face Rainbow Dash. “You think that just because I’m an Alicorn princess that somehow I’m better than you, and you can’t stand the thought of being overshawdowed.”

“Maybe,” came the gruff response from Rainbow Dash.

Applejack threw herself back into the middle of the two ponies. “Well, I happen to know another Alicorn princess that used ta think the same thing. She couldn’t stand the thought of bein’ outshined by her own sister. Her older sister was a good enough friend that she didn’t let the younger sister’s envy get in the way a’ her love. Eventually she came around and discovered that both of ‘em have important parts to play – neither of which is more or less important than the other.”

“Rainbow Dash – you’re an amazing flier and a truly brave and courageous friend.” Twilight shed a tear. “I would never have become who I am today if it wasn’t for you.”

“Me neither,” added Applejack.

“Go Rainbow!” Pinkie Pie cheered as she batted a set of pompoms still expecting to watch a race.

The pair of squirrels returned to their tree as Rainbow sat back on her haunches and thought about her challenge. The desire to win and show how she was the best pony around didn’t seem to matter as much as it once did. She looked at each of her friends and felt a little silly for even questioning the reasons why she had come to Ponyville in the first place. The realization that friendship meant more to her than being the best pony around finally sunk in. When she looked back up at the three smiling faces in front of her, she couldn’t even remember what she had been worried about only a few minutes before.

“What are we waitin’ for? We’ve got some more friends to rescue – who’s next?”

Twilight giggled at the quick turnaround and then answered, “Ladies choice – Rarity or Fluttershy?”

Rainbow looked around – the pond and tree were fading back into the blackness. “I guess we should check out Rarity’s place. It’s just over that hill.”

The quartet trotted up and over the hill as the landscape behind them faded away. Carousel Boutique rose up out of the grassy space ahead. The rest of Ponyville could not be seen in the distance. The single building had a very strange feel to it as they entered and sought out its owner.

“Stay back! You can’t have them!” Rarity’s voice rang out from across the room as she clung to an assortment of gowns and hats.

“Rarity?” Rainbow Dash questioned the sanity and reality of the situation they faced.

A single white pony with Rarity’s signature purple mane seemed to have lost her mind and devolved into a clothes hoarding junkie in the far corner. A pile of clothes and other assorted knick-knacks littered the space behind her. What really caught their eye was the sight of their own gala dresses being trampled under the hooves of the deranged mare.

“They’re all mine. I won’t let you take them away from me.” Rarity’s voice was a bit muffled by the pile of dresses she had pulled up close to her chest.

“I remember that one. That’s the first dress you ever made for me.” Rainbow Dash pointed out the cloud and rainbow design amidst the pile of assorted clothing. “I sure looked cool wearing that one.”

“Isn’t that the dress you made me for my birthday party?” Twilight pointed at another gown in the pile. “That’s the one even Fancy Pants liked because it was so amazingly plain and pretty.”

“And there’s the one that got you all flustered when I put it on to give you a bit of a tease.” Applejack marveled at the thought of becoming the pretentious caricature of herself – Apple Jewel.

“I made them, and they’re mine!” screamed Rarity.

“Hey, I remember that one.” Rainbow Dash pulled a very pretty gown from the pile, carrying it free from the grasping forelegs of the clothes hoarder below. “Isn’t this the one we finished making for you when you ran out of time making all the changes to the rest of our gala outfits?”

“I thought that one looked familiar.” Twilight finally remembered where she had seen it before. “That’s the dress those two mares in Canterlot were fighting over.”

She flew up and grabbed the top part dress away from Rainbow Dash. It split into two separate parts.

Twilight continued, “See – I knew I had seen this one before.”

Rainbow Dash added, “You took your old dress and split it up to settle the argument between those two fancy ponies.”

“I-I guess I did.” Rarity looked around at the piles of clothes surrounding her.

Each and every design had come from her own head with most every stitch being applied by her own hooves. Very few of them were actually intended for her. The dress she made for Rainbow Dash would have clashed horribly with her own mane. The simple gown she designed for Twilight, but never really finished, worked great for her, but would have never been the kind of thing that she herself would have worn. Even her own dress, the one she designed for her night at the gala, the one that her own friends had stitched together when she herself spent all her time instead focused on pleasing them, she had given away so that somepony else could enjoy the thrill of dressing up and feeling just like a princess.

She looked over all her hard work, much of which had been given away in the end. Her friends loved the way they looked and couldn’t have been happier than when they wore those gowns. Every feeling she had ever had when she had wanted to be the center of attention couldn’t come close to the feeling of knowing she had made her friends so happy with her generous gifts.

Rarity levitated the gown she had made for Rainbow Dash off the ground. It looked out of place amidst the pile of otherwise fancy dresses. Rainbow saw the opportunity and she took it. She swiftly maneuvered herself into the floating gown and struck a regal pose. The billowing cloud trim was the perfect accent to the pattern of rainbow colors that flowed down her flank. It all worked for her. She was the only pony that it made sense for.

Rarity melted into the pile of fabric as her choke hold grasp on the dresses she held slipped away. The proclivity to take and hold was replaced by a feeling of generosity and sharing. She looked up at her friends who were still all admiring the handiwork of their own gowns.

“What do you all think this is, a fashion show?” Rarity regained her footing as the rest of the ponies left their gowns in exchange for a hug of one of their closest friends. “We have a friend to rescue and I’m not about to waste any more time on these frilly things when Fluttershy is in danger.”

“Lead the way, Rarity.” Twilight smiled as her friends all fell in line and trotted out the door turning in the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage.

The town wasn’t exactly built up around them and the path to Fluttershy’s house was more of a bridleway between the boutique and the stream that ran alongside the cottage. As they crossed the bridge, Rarity’s shop vanished behind them and the quaint little den on the other side of the stream popped up right in its proper spot.

There was quite a commotion already happening inside. The shrieks and barks from a dozen or more animals joined with the somehow bellowing tones of one out-of-control pony. The girls walked through the door and directly into animal chaos.

“Get back here Angel Bunny, or I’ll tear your whiskers off!” yelled an enraged Fluttershy.

The normally docile pony whipped around the room as she chased the darting rabbit. Angel was in fear for his life as he dove for cover behind the largest object he could find – a bear.

“Out of my way! That little thief stole the last carrot from my garden and he’s going to pay for it.” Fluttershy’s nostrils flared as she huffed and puffed before the giant animal blocking her from reaching her prey.

The bear simply folded its arms and shook its head from side to side. Fluttershy let out a guttural scream as she zipped over to her little kitchen and pulled out a frying pan intending to bash her way through the bear to get to the rabbit. Rarity stopped her in her tracks as her magic grabbed a hold of the frying pan and held it firmly in place.

“Fluttershy dear, you really must control that temper of yours.” Rarity remained calm as she walked over and took a seat on the couch. “Come join me over here and we’ll have a little chat.”

Rarity patted the cushion on the seat next to her as she tried to coax Fluttershy into joining her. Reluctantly and with one or two furtive glances over at the bear and the cowering Angel behind, she took Rarity up on her offer. Fluttershy floated over to the couch and landed with a thump.

“These animals ruin everything – they steal my food; they mess up my house; what do I get out of it --- nothing.” Fluttershy leaned back on the couch as Rarity nodded in true psychiatrist fashion.

“I see what you mean dear, they are a dreadful sight.” Rarity levitated over a pot of tea and poured a glass for them both.

Twilight and the rest of the crew kept their distance. They trusted that Rarity knew what she was doing and would have the whole problem resolved in no time. The animals began to poke their heads out from their hiding places as they worked up the courage to venture a peak at what was going on.

Rarity continued after pouring the drinks, “Could I interest you in some tea, dear? It always helps to calm my nerves when I’ve had a rough day.”

“That sounds good, but we better drink it fast before one of these ungrateful pests decides they want a sip as well.” Fluttershy glared out at the animals who dove back into their hiding places and holes.

“It must be tiring to do so much for all of them and get so little in return. It’s not like they’re your -friends- or anything.” Rarity’s words struck a chord. “It’s almost like that unruly pack of Griffin’s that I heard you talk about – thinking that we owed them something.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to comment, but the words got stuck in her throat. She thought about what made the Griffins so quick to hate on ponies when Gilda had given them a sounding board for their complaints. She thought about the reasons why she had so many animals living with her. She even thought about why she had decided to come and live in Ponyville in the first place. It was all about her friends. Gilda felt she didn’t have any. The animals had come to trust her and befriended her due to the kindness she had shown. All her pony friends would never have been so accepting of her if she hadn’t shown them kindness in return.

The thoughts and feelings of malice slipped away from her mind as the soothing tea shared with her friend helped to calm her. Angel hopped over towards the pair and offered up the carrot he had taken earlier. Fluttershy looked down at the sorry state he was in after being chased and scared half to death. She scooped up her little bunny friend and gave him a big hug. She took the carrot and then fed it right back to him as she swaddled him like a newborn in her forelegs.

“I’m so sorry I chased you Angel – can you ever forgive me?” Fluttershy continued to rock the bunny as the house and everything inside it began to fade away.

The animals, one-by-one, also began to disappear. Angel was the last to go – Fluttershy just about lost it as he faded away in front of her eyes. All that was left when it was done was an empty space with six lone ponies standing in the darkness.