• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 2,317 Views, 15 Comments

How Could You? - Color-Clouds

Royal Pin has had a long-lasting love for Pinkie Pie. But his love life comes to a tragic end when somepony new around the corner appears.

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How Could You?

Royal Pin. The blue unicorn. While and light blue mane and tail. Golden eyes that shine like a bright summer sun. A pinprick for a cutie mark. Once was united with Pinkie Pie.

That mare. She was the sweetest most hyper mare I've ever met, yet the always-smiling type. But why did she do that one little thing right in my face just like that? I thought that we were together forever.

I was wrong. I shouldn't have never trusted her. She's a liar. A heartbreaker. A cheater.

The scar on her face she deserves. She tore my heart, I tore hers.

And that Cheese Sandwich guy. What was on his mind as to getting her? Why din't Pinkie tell him that she was already happy with another stallion? If she would've told him that this would've never happened. But then a thought came to my mind. What if she loved him more than me? She must have. Otherwise why would I think that they were smooching faces in the first place?

And that begins my story. My story of heartbreak, and revenge.

● ● ●

It all started on a bright and cheerful spring day. I was out on a walk on the outskirts of Ponyville. Birds chirped, the sun blazing upon me and my surroundings, and a couple of clouds to shade me every once and awhile. It seemed like a perfect day to go and have a nice lunch-date with Pinkie at a lakeside. So I paused where I was to turn around and trotted my way to Sugarcube Corner, where my dear love lived. I opened the door and stepped in. The bakery smelled of sweets, mostly cakes, brownies, chocolate and my favorite, cookies. I stepped up to the corner where stood Mrs. Cupcake. She smiled a welcoming smile and asked me what I'd like.

"Pinkie Pie, do you know where she is?"

"She just left on a walk a few minutes ago. I believe she said she was on her way to the park to meet up with a friend of hers."

"Thank you."

I left quietly, wondering who Pinkie was to meet up on a fine day like this. Perhaps some company she and her friend wouldn't mind.

And going to go see her and her friend was the biggest mistake I've ever made.

I made my way to the Ponyville Park, a quiet spot on warm days for a surprise. So I searched for a pink cotton-like mane around the area, looked here, there, almost everywhere, but no curly pink mane was found.

"Where is she..?"

That's when I spotted her.

Sitting on a bench behind a series of trees and bushes. With her friend. More so coltfriend, who was wearing a cowboy hat and poncho. Boy did he look familiar. The two were sharing lips, what horror it was to me. Why? Because Pinkie and I have never even had our first lip-to-lip kiss. Never. The only thing closest to kissing was a nuzzle on my cheek. That's it. I guess she never did love me, huh?

"You know I love you Pinkie, right?"

"Are you kidding me?! We ate each other's faces!"

The two started laughing hysterically. Right there. They never even noticed me standing to their right about 5 inches away. Finally, the mare looked up, and her eyes, flooding with fear almost instantly. The light orange stallion asked what was wrong, and looked in the direction that Pinkie was looking. The two faces stared breathlessly into my eyes. I did the same. We were all just standing there, dumbfounded. There was literally silence for about a couple of minutes.

"...Pinny...I-I almost didn't see you there-I-I can explain-"

"No. I've seen enough Pinkie."

"Pinkie Pie who is that?"

"Her coltfriend...or should I say...ex-coltfriend?"

"You're CHEATING ON ME?! Pinkie what is-"

"Cheesy no! I'm not cheating on you, I'm cheating on HIM!"

Pinkie covered her mouth almost instantly after she announced the truth.

"Royal Pin please forgive me this was all a misunderstanding!"

"Mis-un-der-stan-ding. Really..."

I approached to Pinkie and handed her a hoof. Accepting it, she hopped off the bench, and removed her hoof from my own. Then she looked into my eyes, desperately asking for forgiveness. I could tell by her facial expressions that she was about to cry. Well she had the darn right to cry.

"Royal Pin you know Cheese...Cheese-*sniff*-Sandwich...?"

"I most certainly do. He came into Ponyville a few months ago."

"W-well...we were*wimper*-sending letters to each other since his departure..."

I glared into her eyes sharply.

"I'm sorry Pin it's just that...that..."


"We have alot more in common..."

"So what?! You said that we would be together forever and you lied! You broke the Pinkie Pie Promise!"

"I never said that we would! I never Pinkie Promised in the first place! In fact I never loved you Royal Pin!"

I never loved you Royal Pin!

Those words rumbled through my head. I was hurt in the heart, I almost felt like crying right there. But then, a strong feeling came on. It was a bad feeling. A feeling of hatred. Revenge. Anger. That's when I lost it. I snapped at that moment.

"Oh...so there really is such thing as a bad ending...I bet you wouldn't want to see the end...but I most certainly do..."

My horn glowed, turning into a blazing sharp light, preparing for an attack spell.

"Pinkie...now is a good time for you to run..." said the Cheese boy.

"Cheesey RUN!"

But it was too late. For them at least, because I used all my power to create a dynamite-like explosion. Screams, far and near were heard, and echoed throughout my ears.Then there was silence. An even longer silence than before. I was still in my place, but there was dust everywhere. I began to make my way straight to look for Pinkie or Cheese Sandwich. I eventually stopped in my tracks to see a fainted pink pony laying on the ground, with scratches, marks, and dirt all over that it created her bright pink mane into a fainted pink mane.

"I shoulder never trusted you...Pinkie Pie."

She gasped and looked up to me. That's when she attempted to get up and make a run for it. She was weak though.

I used my magic to levitate her so she could be right in my face where I wanted her to be.

"Pinny please...I'm so sorry...I just-I-I never really accepted the fact that you loved me..."

I went emotionless for a moment. Then I grinned a sly grin. Pinkie was terrified, her emotions looked as if she could tell what's on my mind.

A painful scream rolled through my ears as I sliced a cut across Pinkie's eye with my own horn. I'm surprised how sharp my horn is. Sharp like a pin. A pinprick perhaps.


Pinkie touched her cut to see how much it was bleeding, and by her hoof, it was bleeding a lot.

"Why would you do this to me...?"

"I would ask you the same thing Pinkie Pie."

I threw her to the ground, and made my way through the dust to look for Cheese Sandwich.

"How could you?" she whimpered.

I could hear her cries, her whines, her sorrows and pains. But like I cared. She deserves what she deserves, and needs to learn that cheating can lead to bad things...

I saw a brown mane a few inches away from me. It had to be him.

"You know you can't take my marefriend just like that, right?"

Cheese Sandwich looked up at me. He had burn scars on his forehead, muzzle, hooves, and in a few other places on him. Most likely from the impact of my explosive spell that I used. It was well worth it.

"Get away from me partner...I don't want to see you."

"That's not your decision to make."

Cheese tried to stand up, but he would stumble, like a newborn foal learning how to stand on his tiny hooves.

"Listen, I never asked for this. We can to it the easy way or the hard way."

No response came from the orange stallion. He must have really wanted to ignore me.

"Alright then. You asked for it..."

I levitated him to my face, and just when I was about to slit his throat with my surprisingly sharp horn, I was halted by a mumble from him.

"What did you say?"

"I said...I'll do anything to have h-her..."

"Oh? Think you can rebel against me for her?"

"I'll do any-anything...just please let me have her..."

I slammed him down hard on the ground.

"Alright...let's see what you got, cowboy."

Cheese Sandwich glared into my eyes, and stood up. A few limps here and there, but he could handle it.

"This Cheese won't let you prevail, good sir."

"Really...then let the battle begin..."

In a flash, I used my magic to hit the ground to create dust all around. So much dust that Cheese Sandwich wouldn't be able to find where I went. From there I sneaked around him, eyeing him like a tiger about to catch his prey. I acted like that tiger, and pounced right onto him. He's a pretty nice fighter I gotta say, you know all punch and punch, 'you can't stop me' scheme, everything like that. But really. I mean come on. I then used my horn to cut his chest, but it wasn't too serious of a cut, maybe a few inches or two.

"Give it up Royal Pin. Pinkie Pie won't love you no longer. Kill me and she will hate you forever. And you can't just force ponies to love you. So there's no point into it. I highly suggest that it's time for you to trot back to the place where you came from..."

"You don't even know where I came from."

"Yes I do."

"Oh yeah? Where?"


From there he kicked me off of him with his hind legs and erected. We stood face-to-face, waiting for another movement to begin round two.

"Stop! Stop it right now! Both of you!"

The voice wasn't coming from Pinkie. Which meant trouble.

"Hault! Pause! Freeze!"

Out of the dust came a purple alicorn. Princess Twilight Sparkle. Even worse, since she's a princess, and can do literally anything. Next to her was Pinkie Pie, but she looked different. Her mane fell straight, and her eyes looked of anger. Her scar from my horn had bled so much that blood could be seen all around that eye of hers.

"Cheese Sandwich and Royal Pin, come with me at once."

Suddenly, I noticed two pegasi flying above, a unicorn and an earth pony beside us as we followed behind the two. They looked like the friends of Pinkie Pie I suppose.

We followed her to the newly opened castle, which literally popped out of nowhere for some odd reason. But I thought it looked so neat, especially with how shiny it is with all the crystals and everything.

Stepping inside made me feel like I wasn't even in Ponyville. Everything glittered and shone like a bright star. It was like stepping into a whole new world that was undiscovered. That fascination ended suddenly when I was thrown into a room with Cheese. The doors were locked, and inside the tiny room were crystals and gems. There was a desk, probably for Twilight to have conferences with others.

"Sit down. Both of you. Now." the Princess of Friendship demanded.

I took a seat on a small, shiny chair. It was cold, maybe made of crystals and have observed too much of the cold air.

"Okay. One at a time, starting with Cheese Sandwich. What happened?"

Cheese Sandwich looked nervous to the bones. He looked as if he had seen the last of Pinkie Pie before she passed away. His emerald green eyes trembled, and his teeth chattered in fear that he would be the one to blame.

"I was at the Ponyville Park with Pinkie Pie. Suddenly Royal Pin appeared before us. The next thing I knew, I was in the dust of his magical explosion thingy that he made."

Everything was quiet. The only sound I heard was the writing of a quill. Twilight was writing down every word we said.

"Is that all, Cheese?"

"Well...Royal did attempt to slit my throat..."

"...Okay. Royal Pin, you share your perspective now."

I'll tell you what Princess. I hate that stallion right there to pieces. If I could kill him with anything in the world, it would be my hatred.
I wish he had never stolen Pinkie from me. Cheese Sandwich outta have the damn right to treat her the way I did.

"I was jealous."

"That's all?"


"Tell me more. Princess' orders."

"Well...it was indeed my fault for treating Pinkie and Cheese the way that Cheese Sandwich explained."

"Anything else?"

"No, Princess."

She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes.

"Is there anything else I need to know about?"

"Yes. Cheese Sandwich can keep Pinkie. I don't even care about her anymore."

"Good. Cheese Sandwich, you are dismissed. Royal Pin, stay here for a moment."

The door was unlocked and Cheese was lead out to talk with Pinkie. Slam. Click. The door locked again.

"Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie, you may leave now. I'm going to have a moment with Royal, alright?"

"Thank you Twilight."

Twilight came back into the room and sat in her desk. She glared at me for a long time.

"Royal Pin, you can't do things like this. I don't know what I'm gonna do with you."

She took out a piece of paper from her desk and scanned through it. Every now and then she'd shift her eyes to me, with a creepy, uncomfortable feeling that locked onto the glare.

"Very well then. Our conference is over. You're probably relieved that you have no punishments."

That's not good. If she says something like that, I'm in trouble. Deep deep trouble. But why should I care? I wouldn't mind if I got killed right on the spot. There's nopony left that I could love, My family abandoned me, my friends will probably hate me for when they read the latest article on me and all this, and Pinkie Pie, my first love, was taken away from me. But Cheese does deserve her I guess. Besides, he even mentioned how even if I was victorious and gotten Pinkie, she wouldn't even love me.

"Well you're wrong! You not only attempted to kill Cheese Sandwich, but you also hurt Pinkie Pie! A crime like that must be handled with a punishment. I'm trying to not be the bad guy here, Royal Pin, but you do need to face the consequences. So you are to do a Ponyville pickup after whatever damage you've done to the area that you had your fight."


"Good. You are dismissed. A pony will follow you to make sure you're doing your work."

I got out of my seat and the door was opened. And followed behind me was a pegasus with a rainbow mane. I believe her name is Rainbow Dash. I've heard all sorts of things about her.

I looked at Pinkie Pie one last time before I made my way out the castle doors. Her mane was still flat, and she still had that scar on her eye. She was talking aside with Cheese, and suddenly she caught my glance. Pinkie's face washed from disappointed to complete anger. I turned away, for I did not wish to see her with that emotion. So out the large doors I went, leaving to go and do my work.

● ● ●

It was months ago since that incident. Now I sit in the house of mine, alone, wondering if anypony is out there for me anymore. Most likely not, my face was known and hated ever since the story got printed on the daily news. I'm sick of ponies treating me like the bad guy. I was never wanting to be the bad guy around here in the first place. It's Pinkie's fault for choosing Cheese Sandwich over me. I got jealous, and that made me create this large mess. The last time I've seen Pinkie was just a couple of weeks ago outside Sugarcube Corner, her scar still on her eye. I wonder if it's a permanent scar, like the ones that stay on you for eternity, or the ones that could be healed at some point. There I go, now I have feelings for her. I'm so pathetic.

Despite the ponies giving me the 'evil-eye' and the regrets, I've got better plans for my future. Hopefully a mare will have feelings for me and forget about who I really am.

In me head whispers the last remark that I've heard from Pinkie since:

How could you?

Heh. I would ask you the same thing Pinkie Pie.


Comments ( 15 )

I can't believe I didn't notice this! I'm putting it in some groups where it will be seen.

I think you also probably need an editor/proofreader. I NEVER volunteer to do this, but I will do it for you if you want me to. There are some grammatical errors that can be fixed, and I can also make some more suggestions if you want them. I'd rather do that by PM, so PM me if you would like me to do that. It's entirely your choice.

Boy, Royal Pin sure is a jerk, isn't he?

This story is good keep up the good work

Great story. Hope to see more from you!

Yeesh.That was way to dramatic for my taste.

An interesting premise, especially with the use of Cheese. An enjoyable read too, though there are a few grammar errors here and there. Nothing disjointing, a read-through can fix them up.

But I didn't find it believable. I don't see Pinkie Pie cheating. Ever. And even if she did, she would have told the other party about it. She's not one to do this sort of thing. I can buy that she didn't really love him and loved Cheese all along, but she would have told Royal about it beforehand. She wouldn't cheat on him, and then be in the position she was in with the inevitable 'you're cheating on me' scenario. Even if she was hiding it to prevent harming him, it really had the opposite effect. The longer she kept it, the worse it becomes. Royal will get more involved over that time, as so will Pinkie's involvement with Cheese. The longer its hidden, the more angry Royal will be in the situation. I think Pinkie would be the type to immediately go and say, "It's over," and that's it, to prevent any further heartbreak or harm. She likes ponies to smile after all. She wouldn't just put it bluntly and storm off, but she certainly wouldn't cheat on him for months and hide it just to 'protect his feelings'. If she wanted to do that, she'd have told him right away that she was no longer interested. In the end, the scar she got might have been a little far-fetched, but deserved because of her carelessness. How could she not expect Royal to do something so extreme? I get the idea you're painting Royal as the bad guy here, which while understandable, doesn't come across as such to me because of the way Pinkie acted here. Yes she had good intentions, but she went around it the wrong way, and in the end, her actions cost Royal to lash out and get punished for 'harming her'.

So why didn't Pinkie get punished? Did her friends not see how backstabbing she was by cheating on Royal over a few months? Again, good intentions, but going the wrong way. But even if she's supposed to be good here, cheating is not nice. She should have gotten something and not been the main target for sympathy. I don't know about you, but if I had a friend in this situation, I would have given my friend a giant rant or something if I found out they cheated on someone for months and never had the gall to tell them, because he/she wanted to keep it quiet to prevent 'hurting their feelings,' good intentions or not. I can see why her friends feel sympathetic towards Pinkie in this situation, but they're lacking common sense here. It's okay to cheat now? I wouldn't let her get away with something like that, nor do I see her doing it in the first place. So why is Royal being the target here? All three of them are guilty of something in this case, though Cheese is the truly innocent one, as he had no clue. You could say the same for Royal, but he went and harmed them deliberately, while Cheese remained inactive, giving him innocence to this case. That leaves Royal and Pinkie, but really, Royal is kind of innocent too. It was because of Pinkie not telling him that she wasn't interested or didn't love him that caused him to lash out after he did find out. If your partner was cheating and you found out, you'd likely want to do something. Yes you'd get angry, extremely more so if the cheating went on for months. People do harm their others in this kind of situation because of the betrayal and rage, so in a way, Pinkie had it coming here. But she's allowed to get off scot free. Why? I'd happily take some justification here for why she can get away with betraying a pony who loved her when she stabbed him in the back. I can't think of anything.

But then, this might just be me. Cheating is a scum topic to me. It lowly to hear about. So in the end here, I didn't feel sympathy for Pinkie, cut on her face or not. It takes a lot of guts for me to come out and say I'm not liking my favourite pony in a damaged situation. But honestly, Pinkie's behaviour and getting off without punishment ruined it. I get what you were going for here, and it's well pulled off to an extent, but cheating is a personal troubling subject to me.

So personal ranting and arguments aside, and apologies for the long comment, I'm going to upvote this, because I did enjoy it, cheating frustration aside. I see you're a CheesePie fan too, so I'll look forward to future stories you may do on the pair as well.

I loved the story the only problem now is that I severely want royal pin to DIE or be sent to the MOOOOOOOOOOOON

See, this is the kind of stuff that starts drama. You shouldn't have to demonize one corner of a love triangle to support the other. It's just petty.

I think the author was trying to make Pinkie out to be unfaithful. Or the author was trying to make an interesting story using an affair as a plot device who knows. As much as i am against hitting women or men for that matter but when it comes down to the heart he felt like what he did to pinkie was justified because she cheated on him with Cheese who has made her cry in the past i am not sure if he knows that part about how cheese made her feel worthless causing her cry but if he did and Pinkie left him for that guy i can understand his anger but that does not excuse attacking a girl! You don't attack people just because they did something stupid you just don't I don't know why I can see Pinkie not telling someone about what she is doing right away I guess i see her as thinking of not wanting to hurt their feelings but like you said she would say something right away knowing by waiting it would make it worse. I don't know this story is making me question everything i knew about Pinkie. Still Pin is an ass for attacking her I don't care what his reasoning was.

First of all, hi, Color Clouds!

4729921 Well, you have some really legit points here, although any character who slashes another character's face in a jealous rage immediately winds up on my poop list. I don't care if he caught them in bed together. That's still wrong. Like, Shakespearean-tragedy level wrong. And she certainly doesn't "get away scot-free" for cheating when she's (possibly) blinded in one eye! Frankly, if I were Cheese, I would be seriously worried about this, because a person who cheats on someone else to be with you is a person who probably will not think anything of cheating on you to be with someone else.

BUT--I think you are right about Pinkie. I don't think she would cheat and lie about it. And that brings me to the story this almost is (and Color Clouds, please indulge me as I tinker with your fic--I hope you won't mind!)

We open with our narrator, Royal Pin. It's his POV. And what does he tell us?

Pinkie is his "girlfriend," but
--she hasn't told him she loves him;
--she hasn't even kissed him;
--he says she broke a Pinkie Pie promise that she says she never made;
--he's angry enough to set off a bomb (basically) and slash the mare he "loves" across the eye;
--he shows no remorse;
--his family "abandoned" him;
--he hides out in his house, imagining that everyone hates him;
--months later, he still feels "she had it comin'."

He is, to say the least, an unreliable narrator. So what if--

--Pinkie really WASN'T his girlfriend? Like, ever. At all.

You only have to tweak a few lines to read the story this way, and Pinny becomes a crazed stalker who has imagined this romantic relationship with a kind pony who has done nothing but try to be friends with him. If you remove Pinkie's admission that she cheated, almost all her other lines about being sorry for disappointing him, about trying to explain to Cheese about poor Pinny, that there's been a misunderstanding . . .do you see what I mean? Pinkie's friends' reactions start to make sense, too.

And THIS I would believe, perhaps because I've touched on this myself: Pinkie is so universally friendly and openly affectionate to everypony that it's easy to imagine that someone could mistake her friendly behavior for something else. It's why my Cheese (both human and pony versions) doesn't leap to the assumption that she is being nice to him, ergo, he is her boyfriend. He bends over backwards assuming the opposite: that they are "just friends" unless she says otherwise, and that being Pinkie's friend, especially being one of her best friends, is one of the best possible things in the world.

Frankly, this is something I'd like to see in more Pinkie shipfics. Most of the time the fic simply takes it for granted that Pinkie is interested in a romantic way. I've hardly ever seen the other party OR the narrative take into consideration that maybe she isn't.

Anyhoo, it's certainly a different fic, especially since Pinkie's not the crazed killer here, and I'll be interested to see what you do next, Color Clouds.

I'm not really into the dramatic stuff, but this was really amazing! You definitely earned a favorite from me :pinkiesad2::pinkiecrazy:


O_O Damn! that's intense please write more soon cheespie ftw! :scootangel:

This is great!! Keep up the good work!:pinkiehappy:

(by the way, I'm CheeseAccordion on deviantart:derpytongue2:)

"We have alot more in common..."

I always make this mistake too, but It's "a lot" (two words).

"Get away from me partner...I don't want to see you."

So...the sudden southern "partner" comes up? ...Okay...:applejackunsure:

I wish he had never stolen Pinkie from me. Cheese Sandwich outta have the damn right to treat her the way I did.

This sentence only has one space below the one above it, I don't know if you meant to do that or what...but, you did. Just sayin'.

So anyway, pretty good story considering it's your only one. There are a few more grammar mistakes, however. I saw your hype on deviantart and I thought, "Hey, this looks pretty cool." It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but not in a bad way. I'm not such a good writer, but I can see you have potential. Keep writing, and I'll keep reading. This'll get a thumbs up, because I did like it. I'll also start following you because I'm interested to see what you'll do next. Continue the good work!!!

I recommend reading some of shortskirtsandexplosions work. Maybe pick up a few good tips. :pinkiehappy:

4738645 Also, you should totally do that!!! It would be really cool.

4962887 Well, of course, I wouldn't even think of it without asking Color-Clouds, since it's her story (if you don't already know, she is an awesome artist!) And I am so backed up with the writing I'm already supposed to be doing. I don't think I'll touch anything until after my EG fic is done. But thanks--that's a nice thing to say.

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