• Published 12th Apr 2012
  • 5,380 Views, 85 Comments

Crossing Over - Alaborn

John Lockhart cares for a certain fictional world more than his own. Too bad he'll never go there...

  • ...


Crossing Over
By Alaborn

Standard disclaimer: This is a not for profit fan work. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright Hasbro, Inc. I make no claim to any copyrighted material mentioned herein.


Ever since returning to my world, I felt a strong desire to do something real. Math. Science. I thought engineering would suit me well. After two years of community college, and a 4.0 my second year, I transferred to Purdue University. The mere act of living in a dormitory for the first time forced me to be more social than I had been in the past. I tried random activities with the guys on my floor, though the less said about our intramural Ultimate Frisbee team, the better.

I also made a stronger effort to connect with my parents. I still didn’t care much about sports or television, so I just tried asking for advice. It didn’t matter what subject I chose. It didn’t matter if I really needed the advice. What it gave me was some actual, adult conversations. I gained new respect for all the things they did right in their lives.

I had hoped to complete my bachelor’s degree in the traditional four years, but it looked like an extra semester was going to be necessary. With trying to finish a degree as fast as possible, I didn’t have as much time to devote to the Harry Potter fandom, maybe visiting my favorite Web sites twice a week. To the average person, that might sound like a lot, but trust me, it isn’t. But late in the fall of my senior “year” was an exception. The first part of the final Harry Potter movie had just been released; I of course caught a midnight showing. It was something fresh for us fans to discuss, and discuss it we did.

The big argument was whether the final book really needed to be split into two movies. I took the side that it wasn’t necessary. I repeated an argument I had made back when the final book had been released, that there were so many scenes that could be condensed or skipped to make a more exciting movie, one that could easily fit in a normal movie’s running time. The thread on the forum was passionate, to say the least.

Refreshing the thread, one poster’s response to my perfectly reasoned argument was one of those stupid lolcat pictures, with the caption “U MAD?” Normally, I’d ignore those, except for what was on that picture. My jaw dropped when I saw a blue-green pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane smiling at me.

“Where’s that picture from?” I typed in response.

I probably ruined my mouse clicking refresh every three seconds. Finally, I got a response, the cryptic message “Join the herd” with a hyperlink to YouTube.

What is this? “My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic, Episode 1?” A story… one I heard before. “But how could they possibly…” And then the narrator’s voice faded into a familiar voice. The animated storybook was replaced by a book being read by… Twilight Sparkle.

No. Way.

Comments ( 21 )

526708 Some surprises are a little more obvious than others.

Heh, heh,


olololololol i seee the return of him to equestria:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

In the words of M. Night Ponylon:

'What a tweest!'


539980 There would need to be a new way to get there, and do you think he'd really want to go back?

541857 if he becomes a brony then you would think he'd want to go.

Woowwww the ending is epic! Hoo boy if he tells the bronies his story he will be swarmed. Lol.
Great story and great ending. I liked how the story didn't last for like 100000 chapters like a lot of other stories did and you did a good job with the plot.
Keep up the awesome writing! :pinkiehappy:

haha This was good. I enjoyed this, although I must admit I was kinda hoping that the humans would somehow meet up again. Of course, that isn't exactly plausible, but I can hope. This was a somewhat well done different take on the HiE genre in general, and I can only hope to see something else like this soon.
Now, for criticism... My complaints are that it was very short, and if I'm honest, seemed a little rushed. I can see why you made it short, but there wasn't much there in terms of the actual story. That was probably the point, to just make a story where the humans try to go home as soon as possible, but have to surmount an obstacle first. But, I mean, it was just a human who showed up in Equestria, and then went home after fighting Discord in a small battle. The other humans made it somewhat interesting, but to be frank, there wasn't enough written there to make the story. It felt, for lack of a better term, rushed. The conflict fell flat. There wasn't much to it. The conflict to the story was explained as Discord, yes? Well, Discord showed up for what, half a chapter? There wasn't much of a conflict to this, and to be honest, there didn't seem to be a point to it. So Discord failed because he was too arrogant, that's nothing new. Like I said, introducing other humans that are in the same boat, and from different time periods, was certainly a different and interesting turn of events. However, it wasn't focused on at all, really. You could have easily taken all the humans from the same time period and gotten the same results. What I'm trying to say here is that, when you put something new like that in there, it's nice if you actually focus on that thing that makes it different. In this it seemed like it was added on just for the sake of it being there. It would have been nice if you focused on that a little bit, you know? It was the defining part of the story, and yet it felt like it was just ... there.

Also, you gave hints at the beginning of the chapters to the other humans, but you could have also done chapters on them as well. You also could have elaborated on the towers. Just some stuff that could have made this better.

In any case, I enjoyed it, and I feel that it could have been made better by simply using what makes this story different to make it different, which sounds redundant, but you get the idea.

549184 I did want the story to be short. The story idea started with the idea "Here's your stereotypical HiE story character, with his dreadful life. He secretly wants to be in his favorite fictional world, and gets transported to Equestria. But wait! He's actually a fan of _____, not MLP:FIM!"

After some thought I had the idea that the blank would be filled in with "E. All of the Above", which led to the idea of who brought these people here and why. And that so happened to lend itself to a story where, once everyone figures out what's going on, they all agree they need to go home.

Yes, this story could have included chapters from the perspective of all the victims, but I chose the first person viewpoint. Thus, I limited the appearances of the other characters, outside of the narrator's viewpoint, to those introductory sections. A story told from multiple viewpoints would be interesting, but there you run the danger of making it too much like multiple different stories, all using the same take on the HiE trope.

Much respect for those writers who can write thousands of words a day. I'll gladly read your awesome writing! But I won't try to match your productivity.

I'm not going to dispute the choice to keep it in first person, and for keeping it in first person it was done well. Now, knowing that the different time periods was not the original focus, it makes sense that it isn't as pronounced. However, that does not mean that you couldn't have stressed it a little more. I stand by my original point that you could have elaborated on that. For the original statement then, of a fan of a different series, you did well.

To be completely honest, I get the vibe that you just made up the conflict with Discord on the fly just so that the ending wasn't anticlimatic. And yet, it still felt lackluster. But then again, I'm somewhat picky when it comes to that.

And I myself have huge amounts of respect for writers who churn out thousands of words of good quality writing each day. I don't write myself though.

That was pretty good.
And you know what that was, right?
The plot to "Friendship Is Magic: The Motion Picture."
Seriously, it's exactly what it felt like.
Satisfying. I liked it.

6531231 And abandon Harry at the drop of a wand.

6531234 So, basically their nose. Which is just a bit more involved than ours is.

"Wait, didn't that crazy punk chick from the 80's have..... bright red hair??????" :pinkiegasp:

not really the exciting type of adventure, but it kept on my seat!:twilightsmile:
nice fic!:yay:

ok I know I am way late to this story witch I can say was a ok story.
I will not vote it down I did give it a up vote but it just made it in my book.

Nice. On to the sequels!

Three sequels?!!! How did I miss this?!

Dang it. Now I have to reread and catch-up. Lol.

In all seriousness thanks author!

Currently at five complete stories in the series, a sixth being worked on, and a seventh planned.

I do try to include enough background information at the start of each story to allow them to be read independently.

Not really? One of the other humans directly mentioned My Little Pony, and the "present day" that the scientist pony mentioned is a pretty close match for G4. This was clearly a called shot.

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