• Published 12th Apr 2012
  • 16,043 Views, 1,050 Comments

When The Wind Changes - Symphony

Discord is free again, but this time some changes occured.

  • ...

Hey Shiny!

A small drop of sweat trickled down Discord’s brow. His expression was frozen, much like a Royal Guard. He didn’t even budge. The only thing that showed that he was still alive was his breathing. His eyes narrowed as he focused on his target.

He was lying on his hospital bed much similair to a cat that was about to pounce its prey at any given moment. He was deep in concentration. Nopony could disturb him right now, not even Luna, who was staring at him in disbelief. His tail swished back and forth from time to time. He licked his lips once and pounced at his target, devouring it like a savage.

His target was a cupcake Pinkie Pie had brought to him earlier. He was smacking loudly and had a satisfied expression as he munched down the sweet. He had pink frosting almost over his entire face. He looked like a giant baby.

’‘Discord,’’ Luna had a hard time deciding if this was adorable or terrifying. It was a little bit of both. ’‘you shouldn’t be jumping around like this with your damaged ribs.’’ Discord rolled his eyes and waved a hoof at her, almost losing his balance at the same time.

’‘I feel great!’’ Discord jumped to his hooves, grinning. Twilight Sparkle groaned as the spirit started poking at one of the machines besides his bed, eyes as wide as plates.

’‘You shouldn’t play with those, Discord! They’re expensive!’’ Twilight scolded. The rest of the elements had decided to leave so Discord wouldn’t do something to them in his current state.

’’I do what I want, whenever I want with whatever I want!’’ Discord frowned and crossed his arms, still wobbling a little. Luna rolled her eyes. A spark and a wisp of black smoke came from the machine. Discord became quiet and started whistling innocently. Twilight facehoofed.

’’I told you...’’ She groaned from behind her hoof.

’‘Celestia should be here in a few minutes. Perhaps she could vanquish the effects of the drugs they used?’’ Luna asked nopony in particular. Luna glanced at the spirit who was now inspecting his hooves. ’’I don’t think we should allow him to leave, Twilight Sparkle.’’ She looked straight into her sister’s student’s eyes. Twilight nodded and smiled at the lunar princess. None of them noticed Discord sneaking out through the open door.


Celestia was sitting on her chariot, she was closing in to Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle had scribbled a note, sent it to her and had told her to come as quickly as possible. It had something to do with Discord being hurt. She sighed.

’’I don’t know what my sister sees in him...’’ She rustled her magnificent wings and stood up to stretch. The chariot had landed in town and was now doing a running stop. When the chariot had stopped completely, she walked away from it and ordered the guards who had escorted her to stay by the chariot at all times.

As she walked through the town, ponies of all ages showed her respect by bowing. She just closed her eyes and nodded once to their displays. As she walked past the library, she noticed that it was empty. Not even Spike was there. They had to be at the hospital, as Twilight had mentioned something about it. After another short walk, she saw Discord prancing towards her with a bounce in his step, whistling a random tune. When he noticed Celestia, a grin that can compete with the Element of Laughter’s trademark smiles embraced his features.

’‘Shiny!’’ He squealed, bouncing towards her. Celestia’s wings spread involuntarily and she took a cautious step back.

’’Oh... Hello, Discord...’’ She took every precaution towards him, even when he was powerless.

’‘Hey Sunshine, what’s up but at the same time down?’’ Discord raised a hoof to his chin.

Celestia’s mind went blank. ’’Uh... I... I don’t know...’’ She suspected that he was trying to mislead her.

’’I don’t know either!’’ Discord sang. Celestia saw Twilight Sparkle and Luna running towards her and Discord. That’s when she realised that Discord must have ran away from them. Luna flew right into him, momentarily ignoring his injuries. Discord whooped as he rolled onto his back from the impact. He was lying on his back and Luna was standing over him with her forelegs on the respective sides of his shoulders. They were in a compromising position to say the least.

’‘Discord...’’ Luna gritted through her teeth and narrowed her eyes. Discord suddenly lifted his head without a warning and kissed her right on her lips. Her eyes widened from the shock. Twilight’s and Celestia’s jaw fell at the same time. Discord broke away, still grinning. Luna was blushing like crazy.

’’Hi Luna!’’ Discord chirped. ’’Do YOU know what’s up and at the same time down? I don’t and I’d like to know that.’’ Discord contemplated. Luna decided not to answer that question.

’‘Why did you leave the hospital like that?’’ Luna pouted.

’‘Because it’s boring there..?’’ Discord said it like everypony already knew the answer.

’‘It’s for your own good you know...’’ Luna poked his chest. Celestia cleared her throat.

’‘Would anypony please tell me what’s going on?’’ All heads turned towards to her. Twilight spoke up.

’‘Discord saved Rarity from being hit by some kind of projectile, but it hit his side and he went crashing through a window, gaining a few cuts, bruises and broken ribs.’’ Twilight shrugged.

’‘Really?’’ Celestia arched an eyebrow and looked at Discord, who was giddy with excitement as he brushed his hooves through Luna’s mane. ’‘That doesn’t explain his behaviour right now.’’

Luna lifted her head from Discord’s chest and took a deep breath. ’’I can explain that...’’

’‘Pray tell’’

’‘When he was in the hospital... He... He got a magic overload.’’ Luna’s eyes fell on Discord, who was now wiggling beneath her. ’‘The doctor was able to stop it by giving him a strange liquid called ’‘Liquid 53...’’ It made him relaxed and like this.’’ She waved a hoof towards him, making an example.

’‘Magic overload..?’’ Celestia thought for a while, until her eyes widened in realisation. ’‘The necklace...’’ Luna nodded slowly.

’‘The doctors suspect that the necklace stacks his energy until it reaches a critical point and breaks out on its own...’’ Luna sighed. ’’It doesn’t stack when he’s out walking or wasting any energy like he’s doing now.’’

’’I suppose I can release one of the bindings that contain his magic...’’ Celestia closed her eyes as her horn started glowing. She was already in deep concentration. The necklace around Discord’s neck started glowing from runic formations on it. The rubies on the front started glowing like if they were on fire. A crimson aura encased both of his wings. The ruby furthest to the right’s light started wavering, momentarily stopping glowing to just start glowing like nothing had happened seconds after. After a few more tries, the ruby stopped glowing completely and turned into the same charcoal colour the necklace itself was. The aura around his wings started disappearing gradually, until it had disappeared completely. Discord’s wings looked a lot healthier now, and didn’t droop like they had been doing when he had first recieved the necklace.

Celestia was now cleansing his body from the various toxines and narcotics the liquid they had given him contained. When she sensed his periculum, she shivered. It was like a caged monster. Thrashing, tearing and doing everything it could to escape. She quickly moved on. She couldn’t find any residue from the liquid in his body anymore. Celestia took the liberty to heal his broken ribs. She opened her eyes and released him. Discord’s eyes shot open from being half-lidded. Luna jumped off him as he stood up and brought a hoof to his mouth. He couldn’t contain it and much to the dismay of Luna, Celestia and Twilight, he vomited right in front of them.

Discord’s wings flared unconciously. He looked back at his back in a lazy fashion. He grinned as he realised that his pegasus magic had been returned.

’‘Feels good to be back...’’ Discord cracked his neck, back and wings. All of them popped and cracked in various tones. ’’Oh hey, my ribs are okay!’’ He punched one of his hooves into them to test their durability. ’‘Thanks Shiny!’’ Discord started trotting away from them. leaving them behind. Luna teleported in front of him, stopping him right in his tracks.

’’If I find out that you’re in the hospital again...’’ Luna tried to be tough, but her voice cracked by the end of the sentence.

’‘Don’t worry about it, Lu. Next time a potentially dangerous projectile is flying towards Equestria’s hope against evil, I’ll let it crash into the bitch!’’ Discord grinned. Twilight gasped from the harsh words and Celestia scowled. Luna frowned and tapped her left hoof. ’‘I’m kidding...’’ Discord quickly added. Luna seemed satisfied with the answer and nodded once, smiling.

’‘Good... Until next time...’’ Luna walked up to Discord and kissed him and stroked her muzzle across his face. Discord tensed up immediately and tried to ignore it. It wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to do. ’‘I’ll come by in a few days.’’ Luna walked away from him, swaying her hips a little more than neccessary.

’‘Daaaamn...’’ Discord bit his lips and tried to look away, to no avail. His wings snapped open. Twilight backed away from him, extremely uncomfortable at the situation at hoof.


A/N: HELLO THERE PONYFOLK! I have something special for you~

It's a pony Discord, and a part of the reason why today's chapter is a little late. So for those who is having trouble imagining what pony Discord looks like, here he is! Please note that it is just a glorified recolour... BUT HEY! Atleast it's not made with a pony creator!