• Published 12th Apr 2012
  • 16,043 Views, 1,050 Comments

When The Wind Changes - Symphony

Discord is free again, but this time some changes occured.

  • ...


A/N: Edited version! Edited by frieD195 You got this chapter because I felt bad about leaving it without an update for so long again. The Tank story is coming. The writing of the second chapter has begun.

The Canterlot Castle garden.

The royal garden is known all over Equestria because of the exotic flowers and animals who reside there. The serenity of the garden itself is often spoken of and praised. Many ponies wish to go there just once in their lives. Two ponies were sitting next to a tree, holding eachother close.

One of the ponies was a white unicorn stallion with a dark blue mane with blue streaks. His purple armor strapped firmly to his frame and his helmet was lying next to him. Lying in his arms was his wife. A soft pink alicorn with a luxurious multi-color mane. Her crown glistened in the sun, as did the hoofguards she was wearing.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were resting after a full day of hard labor for the two of them. The calm and quiet atmosphere was exactly what they needed.

That was, until a roar of flame and screaming rocketed through the garden. Shining Armor stood up immediately as the alien sound was heard and positioned himself infront of his now startled wife.

’‘Armor, what’s going o-’’ She stopped talking as soon as she witnessed a slightly scorched stallion barrage around a corner with a panicked expression. The stallion’s coat was a goldish grey with a few darkened spots from what she assumed to be from the roaring fire she had heard moments earlier. His mane was an extremely dark grey, almost black but the grey tones in his mane were brought forward by the sun. His eyes though, was something else. They were a brilliant crimson. His pupils were barely visible pinpricks, presumably due to his panicked state. Another detail that caught her attention was the heavy necklace around his neck. It was charcoal grey, decorated with three fire rubies. Two of them were glowing in a red aura.

’‘HALT!’’ Shining Armor bellowed and got in the way of the strange unicorn. The stallion spread his wings and with a powerful thrust, he leapt over him and stopped. Cadance’s and Shining Armor’s jaws dropped. The stallion was panting and his wings, who were now in their full extent were twitching.

’‘What!?’’ The alicorn asked forcefully, obviously unamused.

’‘Identify yourself. Now.’’ Shining hissed as his horn started glowing with a faint purple aura. The stallion sighed, slumped his shoulders and walked towards the duo. Cadance peeked at the strange stallion standing infront of them.

’‘I’m Discord, Embodiment of Chaos and the Spirit of Disharmony. You may have heard of me before...’’ Discord said half-heartedly. ’‘You must be Twilight Sparkle’s brother, Shining Armor. The astonishing filly behind you must be Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.’’ Discord bowed in a mock-fashion. ’‘Charmed.’’

Shining’s façade of being a powerful, unbreakable captain of the Royal Guard shattered in an instant, revealing the face of a scared, young colt. ’’No way...’’ Cadance’s face lit up as she beamed. She stepped forward, making Discord take a step back.

’‘I’ve heard Auntie Luna talk about you!’’ She scanned his features. Decent frame. Muscular, but not too muscular. He was taller than Shining Armor by at least half a head. He always held his head high, showing that he had a good posture. Luna hadn’t been lying when she had said that he was handsome.

’‘Have you now..?’’ Discord smirked. ’‘What did she say then?’’

’’Oh you know, just things like that you’re mischevious, but in a good way and that you really are caring and a real softie, but you have a rough exterior to hide that fact.’’ She smiled and had to supress a laugh as his face fell. Discord cringed and bit his lip. A sudden roar of flames, but this time much louder echoed through their surroundings. Discord’s eyes widened.

’‘I’d love to talk but... Ohshitgottarunbye!’’ Discord turned around and sprinted away from the scene, leaving two confused ponies behind. Cadence turned towards the corner where Discord had originally came from to see Celestia ignoring them completely as she ran past them, obviously chasing Discord.

But instead of Celestia’s mane being its usual tricolor, her mane was an everlasting fire that roared in the wind as she passed them and ran around a corner where Discord had passed. Just before she dissappeared from their view, her horn started glowing and shot a fireball at what Cadence presumed to be Discord. A pathetic yelp affirmed her suspicions.

’’So... Do you know what’s going on?’’ Cadance nudged her husband, who twitched and shook his head.

’’I don’t know anymore!’’ He exclaimed and threw his arms up dramatically. Cadance’s ears flattened to her skull and she took a step back.


Big Macintosh tapped his left hoof impatientally. He had been waiting for almost an hour now. He had walked back to the stand once to see if it was still intact. To his great relief, the stand was still standing strong. He sighed and blew a strand of hair away from his eyes

Suddenly, the door of the library opened and Big Macintosh snapped into full attention. Out walked Princess Luna with a smile on her lips. She closed the door and sighed. Mac took a deep breath and straightened his yoke while walking towards her. She was stretching her wings when Mac cleared his throat. Luna turned towards him, startled by the sudden intrusion.

’‘Forgive me fer interruptin’ Princess, but Ah’m afraid Ah have to ask ya a favor...’’ Macintosh kicked sheepishly, making a small cloud of dust.

Luna eyed the stallion for a couple of seconds before she shook her head slowly. ’‘I’m sorry, but what’s your name? And what’s the favor, if I may ask?’’ The large stallion lifted his head and a small smile cracked.

’‘Mah name’s Big Macintosh. Ah’m Applejack’s big brother. And th’ favor is that I... I need help... from Discord...’’ He smiled sheepishly and straightened his neck.

’‘Why... Why would you want help from Discord of all ponies?’’ Luna arched an eyebrow and became a little suspicious as Big Macintosh started stuttering.

’’Ah... Uh... It’s... It’s kinda... personal...’’ Mac blushed slightly. ’’So can ya get’m tah talk to me or not?’’

’‘I’ll see what I can do about it.’’ Luna sighed.’’Discord can be awfully stubborn from time to time, but I’ll try to talk him into it.

’‘Thank ya kindly, Princess!’’ Mac beamed and bowed before he turned around and started walking back to the stand.

’‘Strange stallion...’’ Luna chuckled and started flying back to Canterlot, eager to see the Spirit the conversation had been about.


As Luna landed again in Canterlot, she could sense that something was off as soon as she set hoof on the castle grounds. Nopony was out, except for a couple of guards who were the unmovable elite. The guards saluted to her respectfully as she passed them. Inside the castle, not a single servant was in sight and the air smelled strangely enough like burnt chicken.

She dismissed it and continued her trot through the halls of the castle, heading straight to the part of the castle containing her and her sister’s private quarters. She was tired from the flight and wouldn’t complain about resting her head on Discord’s chest. She blushed unintentionally as she started thinking about him.

A sudden yelp from the hall next to her made her jump slightly. Luna stared at the direction where the yelp had come from. She perked her ears and could hear the clopping of hooves running down the hall. Luna took a deep breath and peeked around the corner to see Discord running towards her. A panicked expression plastered on his face.

’‘Discord!’’ Luna exclaimed as she saw the sooted patches on his fur. Discord skidded to a halt. A perfect expression of ‘I’m screwed’ fell over his face as soon as he saw her. ’‘What did you do?’’ She stomped, demanding a straight answer.

’’...Nothing...’’ Discord whistled. Luna’s eyes narrowed, making Discord gulp.

’‘Then why is your tail on fire?’’ Luna motioned to the burning strands. Discord squealed and started putting out the flames.

’’...It’s supposed to do that from time to time... you know... Periculum and... stuff...’’ Discord smiled sheepishly. Luna sighed and facehoofed.

’‘You annoyed Celestia, didn’t you?’’

’’...Maybe.’’ Luna glared at him. ’‘Okay... I did annoy her...’’ Discord rolled his shoulders. ’’A little...’’ Another glare. ’’A lot, then.’’ Discord huffed.

’‘Where is she now?’’ A roar from a fire answered her question. Luna witnessed as Celestia came around a corner. Discord hid behind Luna like a scared colt hides behind his mother. ’‘Calm down, Celestia...’’ Luna said softly. The flames on Celestia’s mane started dying gradually. ’’Do you want some tea?’’ Celestia glared at Discord, until her expression softened and she sighed. The fire in her mane snuffed out completely.

’‘Fine...’’ Celestia huffed. ’‘But if you ever’’ She glared at Discord again. ’’do anything like this again, you won’t be able to get away. Understood?’’ She hissed. Discord nodded furiously. Luna giggled at how submissive Discord was now. It gave her an idea

’‘And Discord, to pay it off, you’ll have to give me a backrub tonight.’’ Luna glared at him. ’‘Understood?’’ Discord and Celestia stared at her with cocked eyebrows. ’‘What? It’s tiring to fly to Ponyville and back...’’ She pouted.

’’Ah... Why not?’’ Discord shrugged and Luna smiled slyly.

’‘Tea.’’ Celestia reminded the two and turned around, walking to the kitchen where she could prepare it on her own. Luna nodded and followed. She looked back to see Discord still standing on the spot. Luna walked back to him and nuzzled him.

’‘Come on now...’’ Luna nudged him to follow her. Discord started walking behind her.

’’I need a shower...’’ Discord said nonchalantly.

’‘You do.’’ Luna smirked as Discord shot her a stare. ’’I can help with that...’’ she whispered to him, making his wings rise in an embarassing fashion.

’‘I’m okay with that.’’