• Published 20th Jul 2014
  • 1,449 Views, 4 Comments

You Will Play Your Part - Wind Scribe

Twilight is now officially the 'Princess of Friendship' and everything is just fine...or is it? With such a responsibility, Twilight questions whether or not she is ready for such a task. Especially after having had time to think to herself

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Ch. 1

“Hail to her benevolence! Hail to her prosperity! Hail to her, Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

Princess Twilight waved nervously back to her would be subjects. Though to the citizens of Ponyville, the gesture looked sirene from atop her lofty balcony. It happened every week this procession. Twilight would don her full regalia, courtesy of Canterlot’s finest jewelers, and stand before her subjects. The citizens of Ponyville meanwhile would shut down their businesses and shops and congregate out in front of their princess’ new castle where her precious library used to stand. True, most of her books had been replaced, and a new section of the castle had been converted into the new public library. To Twilight herself, it just didn’t feel the same as the homely, hollowed out tree she used to live in.

The absence of oak wood scent kept Twilight from fully immersing herself in her memories as a new round of praise was professed and brought her back to her present. The cheers of the crowd below still went on, but Twilight had had enough and decided to end the procession early. With one last wave, she stepped back from the balcony and headed back into the castle past her guards. The two pegasi guards fell into line right behind her with stoic silence. Twilight fidgeted slightly at the presence of the guards. At first they were merely a ceremonial standard in her eyes, but that changed soon after the past few weeks.

They were everywhere she looked; in the castle, out on the streets, even patrolling the skies around Ponyville. And unlike the times she used to view the guards as vigil sentries when she was younger, they no longer carried the air of commanding admiration. With their new gray-scaled armor, their posture and indifferent gaze gave them the appearance of unyielding authority. Once more, on several accounts Twilight had witnessed one or two guards out on the streets prosecuting innocent civilians or straight up harass vendors in the market. She believed it to be a necessary precaution, but the unnecessary violence made the notion harder to believe each day.

Now with only the fading cheers behind her, Twilight was reminded of how lonely it was compared to inside the castle halls. Her throne room was only open for court processions once every other day. Even her friends’ visits were few and far between. All in all, Twilight thought that her title as ‘Princess’ was turning out more disheartening than regal. She stopped in the middle of one hall and let out a heavy sigh with a bow of her head.

“Oh my, sounds like somepony is having a rough day.”

Twilight’s gaze instantly rose to find the owner of the familiar voice.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight bowed in respect of her mentor, “No, princess, it’s just been...tiring.”

Twilight’s tone on her last word certainly gave her mentor some pause for thought. She turned to the guards and with a nod in their direction, “Winter Storm, Gray Gale. If you could give us a moment of privacy.”

The two pegasi bowed and left without a word. Twilight glanced over her shoulder. She never knew how her mentor was able to remember every one of the guards’ names, especially with their enchanted armor that hid their true coat and mane color.

Now alone with her once be student, Princess Celestia spoke up, “Now Twilight, what seems to be troubling you?”

Twilight took a moment to organize her thoughts. Even though she knew she was free to speak her mind, her habit of always wanting to make sure her words were ordered properly never failed.

“Princess, I don’t feel like I’m completely cut out for the same title as yourself.”

“Why whatever do you mean, Twilight?”

Twilight let out another heavy sigh, “I knew being the ‘Princess of Friendship’ would be demanding, but it just feels difficult.” Princess Celestia listened and waited before prompting Twilight to go on. “I’ve been the ‘Princess of Friendship’ for nearly three months now and at first, it all seemed pretty straightforward. Spread the magic of friendship and help teach those what it truly means. Though now it seems like all I do is listen to ponies in court every other day about taxes being too high.”

“For somepony like you Twilight, I would have imagined something as trivial as that would be easy for you to handle.” Princess Celestia saw Twilight’s ear flick twice. One of her giveaways. “Now, why don’t you tell me what’s really on your mind.”

Twilight couldn’t help but bite the inside of her cheek. How could she have thought her mentor would not see past her little facade.

“Ok, so honestly. It’s everything, princess,” She almost blurted out, “What I mean is that I’ve been thinking a lot about everything that’s brought me here.”

Twilight’s hoof gestured to the air and back to herself. Princess Celestia instantly knew what she was talking about and nodded in understanding.

“And you should be proud of yourself as I am of you.”

“That’s just it, princess,” Twilight whirled around on her mentor, “I am proud, but at the same time, unsure if everything I’ve done was the right choice.”

“Come Twilight. Walk with me,” Princess Celestia rounded on the spot with her student in tow.

With time, twilight had come to appreciate the elegant decor of her castle. The crystalline infrastructure gave the whole crystal empire look to it. Then there was light infused gems glimmering off the walls and ceilings that provided all the ambient light she needed even on the darker nights. Though Twilight had decided to add her own personal touch with pine and oak carved furnishings. Again, it was nothing compared to Golden Oak’s rustic aesthetics.

“Tell me, Twilight. What makes you feel that your choices are not just?” Celestia’s query snapped Twilight from her own little world once more.

Having has so much time to really think about it all so many times before, Twilight already had the words ready, “Princess, you remember when Nightmare Moon returned? It was through the power of the ‘Elements of Harmony’ that we were able to re-imprison her.”

Princess Celestia nodded as she remembered how her once dear sister nearly plunged the world into eternal darkness once again. The town of Ponyville was all but destroyed in her final struggle against the new Element bearers. Although truly a lose to her kingdom, the priority of protecting her subjects came first.

“Though, princess? Does her imprisonment have to be for so long? four thousand years is an awfully long time, even by ethereal standards, ” Twilight inquired.

“Twilight, it is important that all crime has its appropriate punishment, and for those who do not understand that the first time, they must be shown no leniency on the second.”

“Of course, Princess Celestia, and I can understand why Discord had to be re-petrified now. Though what of Queen Chrissylis?”

“You know how your brother is, Twilight. You shouldn’t blame him for exacting justice and his retribution.”

Twilight remembered what her brother had did. After his and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s Wedding, Shining Armor had rallied an invasion force and made his advance on the changeling badlands. after the swift and crushing victor, the queen of the changelings was brought back to Canterlot to stand trial. Found guilty, her punishment began. Twilight had been there the moment her brother personally carried out the sentence. At first, Twilight became reclusive after witnessing her brother slice off the changeling queen’s wings and horn. Next came the execution of over half the the changeling drones as an active sanction against the changeling hive. The blood curdling screams had haunted her dreams for days, but her brother ultimately reassured her that Queen Chrissylis’ suffering would pay off her penance in the end.

Both the alicorns had made their way to Twilight’s throne room by now. Again, Twilight sighed inwardly at only seeing throne sitting directly in the middle of the expansive room. It wasn’t just her that discovered the power of friendship, but she alone was chosen to wield the most powerful of element thus leading to her ascension.

“Now, Twilight,” Princess Celestia cut in to her thoughts, “I see where your thoughts are leading, and you mustn’t doubt your actions.”

“How princess? Sombra and the Crystal Empire-”

“Were not entirely your burden to carry, don’t you remember? You merely provided Mi Amore Cadenza with the means of ridding the Crystal Empire of Sombra, permanently. Now before you continue, let me ask you this. When you fought Tirek, what went through your mind?”

Twilight only needed a minute to think back to when she had banished Tirek to the deepest part of Tartarus. It was all still fresh in her mind from three months prior. All the power she wielded and all of it directed at defeating a single entity that brought harm to everything she knew. It was glorious when she felt the tide tilt in her favor and in the moment Tirek saw his defeat. She watched as he begged and pleaded for mercy, but she would have none of it. He had to be stopped.

“I was thinking of protecting my friends and family.”

Celestia smiled, “You see? You actions were always in the name of protecting the ponies you cared about, and by any means necessary.” Celestia walked forward to stand before Twilight’s throne, “That is what it means to be a superior leader, Twilight. Protecting your subjects and ensuring peace.”

“But I still don’t know if I’m capable of that princess.”

Princess Celestia returned to Twilight’s side. Twilight couldn’t quite look up to meet her old mentor’s eyes as of her words were an admission of resignation. A full minute passed before Princess Celestia made the first move. A gentle gold clad hoof rested beneath Twilight’s chin and tilted it up so the two alicorns’ eyes met.

Princess Celestia’s warm smile broke to speak, “Twilight, my ever loving student, The elements chose you to bear their power to ensure justice and order would prevail. In time you will recognize this. Just remember; you are a princess and you play your part.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I uploaded this one pretty fast and around 3 o' clock in the morning. So if ya spot any spelling errors, I'd appreciate the heads up..

Comments ( 4 )

Wasn't it 1 thousand years on the moon?

...Wow thats a creepy AU... Poor Luna :fluttercry:

You need to use the 'Alternate Universe' tag.

Other than that, this felt awfully short.

4722190 Ah, thanks for catching that

4722040 It was, but her punishment was made to reflect her multiple offences

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