• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 8,181 Views, 180 Comments

Where Was Spike? - powerpony

A few one shots of where Spike was in the episodes where he was absent.

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Sonic Rainboom

Spike had just woken up and noticed that Twilight wasn’t in her bed. He expected her to be exhausted after organizing all the books in the library yesterday. He then made his way downstairs and noticed that Twilight wasn’t anywhere in the library at all. That’s when Spike noticed a letter on a nearby table. He picked it up and read it.

Dear Spike.

Gone to Clousdale to watch the Best Young Flyers contest. Rainbow Dash is competing in it and me and the girls are going to cheer her on. Make sure the library is spotless when I get back.
Love Twilight.

As Spike finished reading the letter, a thought had entered his mind.

“Why didn’t Twilight invite me?”
Spike had heard all about Clousdale from Rainbow Dash and was amazed at the stories he heard about it. How the clouds and rainbows were made there and how it was the birthplace of the Wonderbolts. Spike had hoped that one day he could get to visit Clousdale and he got a little upset that he just missed his chance. Then he got angry. He didn’t think it was fair that Twilight didn’t even bother to tell him about going to Clousdale, or even invite him to come along.

“It’s not fair,” Spike said to himself. “Twilight gets to go to the one place I’ve been dying to go to and instead of inviting me, she makes me clean. It’s not fair!”
Spike was so angry that he crumpled up the letter and threw it out the window. Just then he heard someone say “What in tarnation?” from outside. He went out and saw Granny Smith rubbing her head while the crumpled up paper lay next to her. She then picked it up and looked at it in confusion.

“This is one weird looking raindrop,” she said.

“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry, Granny Smith,” Spike said as he ran up to the old mare. “I didn’t see you. I just threw that out the window.”

“Out the window? Last time I checked, you were supposed to throw paper in the garbage,” Granny Smith chuckled.
Spike then let out an awkward laugh.

“Sorry. I threw it out because I was just upset about something.”
Granny Smith then got concerned as she looked at the small dragon, who was now looking at the ground with a gloomy face.

“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked.

“I don’t think you’d want to hear it,” said Spike.

“Try me. I made be old but I am a good listener. I was on my way to the café to have myself a cup of tea. Why don’t we talk there?”
Spike let out a small “Okay” before following Granny Smith.

At the café, Spike and Granny Smith were sitting on a table in the patio. Spike talked about how upset he felt that Twilight went to Clousdale without him while Granny Smith listened while sipping on her tea.

“I just can’t believe Twilight gets to go to Clousdale and I don’t,” Spike said as he finished his rant.

“You’re right. That doesn’t seem that fair. But I’m pretty sure Twilight didn’t mean to leave you behind,” Granny Smith said before taking another sip of her tea.

“I know,” Spike signed. “I guess I just don’t like being left out.”

“I know just how you feel,” said Granny Smith. “Applejack went through the same thing.”
Spike’s ears perked up as he listened to what Granny Smith had to say.

“When Applejack was just a filly, she always wanted to go with Big Macintosh when he did one of his big pie deliveries. But Big Mac always refused to take her with him, mostly because he thought she would embarrass him. I could tell that Applejack was upset about being left out so I tried to convince Big Mac to let her tag along next time. But of course he refused. I swear, that stallion could be as stubborn as…uh…you know who.”
Granny Smith pointed to a mule that was sitting at the table beside them, looking at a menu.

“But then one day, Big Mac once again refused to bring Applejack along with him and that’s when she decided that she had enough. She looked Big Mac right in the eye and told him just how upset she was about him leaving her behind. She said that it made her feel like Big Mac didn’t love her and I could tell that she was almost in tears when she said that. Well, Big Mac felt just terrible about the whole thing. He apologized to Applejack and promised to bring her along on all of his deliveries.”
Granny Smith then took another sip of her tea and then smiled at Spike. She then put a hoof on his shoulder before continuing.

“I think the best thing to tell Twilight how you feel. Tell her how you don’t like being left behind.”

“But what if she gets mad at me?” asked Spike.

“I don’t think that will happen,” Granny Smith chuckled. “Twilight loves you and she always will. She’ll understand.”
Spike then smiled as he got off his chair and gave Granny Smith a small hug.

“Thanks, Granny Smith,” he said. “I needed to hear that. I better get going. Twilight might be back by now.”
He then walked off and waved goodbye to Granny Smith, who smiled and waved back at him.

Spike walked all the way back to the library. When he went inside, he saw Twilight look at him.

“Hi Spike. I was wondering where you were. I got so many stories to tell you about the contest,” she said smiling.
But her smile soon faded when she saw Spike look at her with an angry glare.

“Spike? Is everything all right?”

“No. It isn’t,” Spike said. “I’m very upset with you. You went all the way to Clousdale and didn’t even bother to invite me. You know how much I wanted to go here. How do you think it makes me feel that you get to go to this amazing place and I don’t?”
Spike just stood there, waiting for Twilight to respond. Finally, Twilight looked at him with a look of guilt and a small tear started to form in her eye.

“You’re right, Spike,” she said. “It was wrong of me not to invite you. I am so sorry. I was so busy thinking about how to cheer for Rainbow Dash at the contest that I forgot all about inviting you. After Rainbow won, I started to realize that you would’ve loved to come with me and I felt terrible for not inviting you. I want to make it up to you though.”
Twilight then used her magic to lift up seven pieces of paper out of the saddle bag she was wearing and showed them to Spike.

“These are tickets to the Wonderbolts’ next air show. Rainbow Dash was able to score them for us when she went on her date with them. There are seven tickets here, and one of them is for you.”
Twilight then levitated one of the tickets and placed it in Spike’s hands. A huge smile appeared on the little dragon’s face. He was happy that Twilight remembered him and that she was willing to make up for her mistake. He walked up to Twilight and gave her big hug.

“Thanks, Twilight. You’re the best friend a dragon could ask for.”
Some tears of joy formed in Twilight’s eyes as she hugged Spike back.