• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 8,180 Views, 180 Comments

Where Was Spike? - powerpony

A few one shots of where Spike was in the episodes where he was absent.

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Somepony To Watch Over Me

Big Macintosh pulled his pie cart through a large dusty field that was surrounded by large rocks and dead trees. As he was walking, he heard someone call “Hey Big Mac,” from behind him. He turned around and saw Spike walking towards him while pulling a wagon that was filled with gems.

“Well howdy, Spike,” said Big Mac. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m gathering myself some gems,” said Spike as he pointed to his gem pile. “I’m going to try to make myself a jewel cake. If I don’t eat these ones like last time. What are you up to? Pie delivery?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac Said. “Care to join me? I could use the company.”

“Sure,” said Spike.

The two began to walk through the dusty fields. They were quiet for a bit until Spike stroked up a conversation.

“That’s a lot of pies you’re delivering.”

“Eeyup. But you should see the pies Applejack has to deliver. She has at least ten times more pies than me. I just hope she delivers them on time.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, today we decided that Apple Bloom was old enough to stay home alone.”

“That’s good. Apple Bloom is getting bigger.”

“Well, try telling that to Applejack. When we had the conversation, it took a lot for me and Granny Smith to convince her that Apple Bloom is not a baby anymore and that she can take care of herself. But just now, as we were on our way to make our deliveries, she went back home to go check on her. Applejack can be very overprotective after Apple Bloom.”
Spike then let out a small chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” asked Big Mac.

“Oh nothing,” said Spike. “It’s just that what you just said reminded me of how Twilight use to be very overprotective of me.”


“Oh yeah,” Spike chuckled. “When I first became Twilight’s assistant, she was so worried that a little dragon like me would get hurt in such a big library. She tried everything to make sure I didn’t get hurt. If she wanted a book from a large shelf, she would use her magic to levitate me because she was afraid that if I got on a ladder, I would fall off. If I was reading a book, she made me wear gloves so I wouldn’t get a paper cut. She was even overprotective of me when we weren’t in the library, like if we were taking a walk through Canterlot, she would make me wear boots because she was afraid that I would step on a rock and hurt my foot. She even scolded me once just for saying hi to a pony on the street; telling me that I shouldn’t talk to strangers.”

“Yikes,” said Big Mac. “Were you able to convince her that you can take care of yourself?”

“Yep,” said Spike. “One time, I decided I was sick and tired of Twilight treating me like a baby all the time, so I decided to prove to her that could do things on my own. She asked me to get a book on a very large shelf and just before she use her levitation spell on me, I rushed towards the ladder and started to climb up it. Twilight tried to order me to come down, but I just kept climbing until I got the book and made it back down the ladder. Twilight was really impressed that I was able to do that without any help and she soon stopped babying me and allowed me to do things by myself.”

“That’s quite impressive,” said Big Mac. “I wonder if that will happen with Apple Bloom and Applejack.”

“Apple Bloom is a clever little filly, she’ll probably think of something,” said Spike. “Who knows? Maybe she’ll deliver Applejack’s pies herself.”
Big Mac let out a small chuckle after hearing that.

“Yeah, right. What are the odds of that happening?”

Big Mac then soon stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a big brown sack lying in the middle of the field. He walked up to it and saw a note attached to it that read;
Big Mac then opened up the sack and saw dozens of gold bits inside it.

“Are those from the person you’re selling your pies to?” Spike asked.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac. “Guess they’re too shy to pay me in person.”
Big Mac then untied himself from the cart and walked away from it.

“Well, I guess I should be heading home,” he said. “Granny’s probably got dinner ready. Thanks for keeping me company, Spike.”

“Hey, it was my pleasure,” the small dragon said. “I should be heading home too. I got a cake to make.”

As the two walked away, a hole appeared out of the ground and Rover, the red coated Diamond Dog, popped out of it, noticed the pie cart and smiled.

“Hey, Fido! Spot! Dinner’s here,” he yelled down the hole.
Just then, the two other Diamond Dogs, large one, Fido, and the small one, Spot, both jumped out of the hole.

“Well it’s about time,” said Spot.

“Yeah, I’m starving,” said Fido.
The two then each grabbed a pie from the cart and were about to take a huge bite out of them when Rover stopped them.

“Hey! Where are your manners?”
The two dogs then extended their pinkie fingers out and when Rover nodded his head in approval, they gorged themselves with the pies. Rover then grabbed a pie himself and soon joined the others.