• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 3,134 Views, 57 Comments


Shovel Knight and Shield Knight embark on a new quest in Equestria. New challenges, as well as new feelings, arise.

  • ...

Prologue- Thoughts of days past and beyond *edited*




Those were just a few of the outstanding words when it came to journeying with his beloved Shield Knight.

It has been about half a year since Shovel Knight was finally able to save her from the evil of the enchantress's magic. After he had blacked out in the final battle, he thought that he failed. True, before her rescue, he often dreamed about her falling and himself catching her.

But there was no dream.

He thought that he had failed, and if that be the case, he would prefer his presumed death over that world. However, when he awoke, there she was. Laying next to him against the wood log.

He had done it.

They had done it.

They won and were together again at last. It was not long before they recovered from the injuries sustained in the final battle, and they were once again adventuring. Defeating monsters, striking the earth, and hoarding the large amounts of grand treasure they harbored in their twelve acre land. This was truly a blessed dream that had come true.

"Shovel Knight?"

"*snorke* Hm?" he awoke from his daze.

"Ha, at this rate, the legendary Shovel Knight's legacy will be that of his all-mighty snore," she chuckled.

"Heh, perhaps so," he chuckled a bit himself. "Now then," he got up and stretched, taking his shovel that had been leaning up against the log and securing it on his back. "Where shall our next destination be?"

"Hm, a good question indeed," she inquired, shifting through the large amounts of treasure maps and bounty posters she kept in her traveling parcel bag. "This appears to be promising," she spoke of a peculiar map they had purchased from a merchant a few villages back. Apparently, there were a few abandoned mine shafts in the hills eastward, most likely because most of the lands miners and explorers were now taking part in Mole Knight's excursions.

"Promising indeed," Shovel Knight said, hoisting up his own parcel bag. "In that case should we be on our way?"

Shield Knight smiled and nodded. They proceeded to follow the map's directions. It was not far east from where they had set up their temporary camp the night before. Though not long, the small journey to the mine gave Shield Knight a few moments to think. She did not remember much during the time the dark magic had possessed her. She did not want to think of the horrible things she may have done while under its influence. However, while her body was under the complete control of the amulet's dark power, part of her still remained when she became the Enchantress. All she saw was a dark and unforgiving abyss, but she knew that Shovel Knight would come. She always knew that he had her back no matter what, and she had his.

...But, then what?

It had taken years of adventuring to build up the trust she had in him. Then there was just that, adventuring and questing. Shield Knight never truly thought outside of it. True, on occasion the pair would retire to their land, and enjoy a small and peaceful vacation. However, no matter they ventured there was one thing they would most certainly never escape.


One day, she would grow old. They both would. But what about everything up to that point? The future always held both danger and mystery. Were they to only continue on endless and exciting adventures until they retire? Perhaps, but a thought of a different life had indeed cross her mind. What of settling down? Shovel Knight's shovel was good for than just digging into their enemies. She recalled his stories of his life of seclusion during the time the tower was sealed. He farmed, and grew quite a crop on their land as well. They wouldn't have to worry about food, and the countless riches they had collected would be far more than the two would ever need in their lifetimes.

What about people other than them? What about...children? Shield Knight stopped in her tracks, looking up to the sky for perhaps some sort of answer to her question. Were herself and Shovel Knight to be wed in the near future? Was it too soon? What about-

"Shield Knight?" Shovel Knight looked back, concerned.

Shield Knight snapped out of her deep thought at hearing his voice. It was far too soon to think about such things. Right now, they had an abandoned mine shaft full of underground passages, caves, and possible treasures to investigate.

"Sorry, I was just in a bit of deep thought. Let us keep onward," She smiled and Shovel Knight nodded as they continued to their destination. It was not long before they arrived at the entrance to the mine shaft. It appeared to be more recently abandoned, as it appeared to be in good condition from the outside. Upon entering and lighting a lantern, they discovered a path leading downward, further into the bowels of the earth. Agreeing to continue venturing in further, the duo followed the path. Along the way, they found many scattered pick-axes. So far, no human remains appeared to be in sight, confirming it was only recently abandoned.

"Look there," Shovel Knight said pointing ahead a to little further down the path. A strange violet glow emitted from just up ahead from what appeared to be the way to the next part of the mine shaft.

"I see, let us proceed with caution then," Shield Knight said. Nodding to each other, Shield Knight drew her shield as well as Shovel Knight drew his trusty shovel, as well as preparing one of his relics in case it was needed. Proceeding slowly and cautiously, they approached the violet light at the end of the tunnel. Upon entering the room, it appeared to be filled with forgotten loot, most likely lift by careless miners, with a glowing violet diamond sitting atop a pile of said loot. Carefully going forward, Shovel Knight picked it up with his shovel, in case the jewel held some sort of magic.

"It looks beautiful," Shield Knight commented as Shovel Knight brought the violet jewel in for closer inspection. The two stared at its glowing beauty, admiring it. It was most certainly the brightest jewel they had come across in their travels.

That's when they began to hear whispers.

Going into defensive stances upon hearing the sounds, they readied themselves for possible incoming attacks.

"Show yourselves!" Shovel Knight shouted.

"Cave trolls perhaps?" Shield Knight said with her shield ready. Strange, cave trolls usually sprung traps from the shadows, but there was no traps on the path at all.

"Lies..." the whispers began to say.

"No, if this was recently abandoned then they would not have populated it yet," Shovel Knight said looking to see where the whispers may be coming from.


"Quick, Shield Knight, let us depart before-"

"You shall PAY FOR YOUR SINS!"

Bright light engulfed the two as their vision faded into black.


A never ending sea of darkness.


Sinking deeper and deeper.



Shovel Knight opened his eyes and gasped for air. He was in the middle of a field, a violent storm tearing apart the landscape.

"Shovel Knight! Help!"

He could see Shield Knight further off in the distance. He raced forward, wanting to get them both out of this violent storm.

You cannot save her...

As he rushed forward, the soggy ground beneath him turned to a hard, cold stone.

"Foolish. Little. Shovel Knight."

The area around him turned to brick walls, going upwards to what appeared to be forever. A red full moon shined through a cracked glass pane above, where Shovel Knight looked in horror as he saw a silhouette.

The Enchantress floated downwards, sadistically smiling all the while.

"She was never yours to save."

"No..." he fell to his knees.

The Enchantress laughed as the glass pane above shattered.





All of these things could pretty much be said about how the weather was outside today in Equestria. Regardless of such hot weather, ponies had to do their jobs.

Including getting apples from apple trees.

"Ugh," AppleJack huffed as she bucked another apple tree. "Ah know it's the middle of July, but why do we need to have such plum hot weather?" she thought aloud. True, her and her brother Big Macintosh were used to working under such conditions in the summer time.

It didn't mean they had to like it.

There luckily weren't any meetings at the friendship palace today, so she didn't have to worry about that. Still, she and Granny Smith still had to go to the market tomorrow, and the weather was going to be just as muggy. Wonderful. Well no pony said that apple farming would be easy, but this was Applejack and her family's pride, joy, and how they made a living. She bent down her head to pick up a few stray apples that hadn't fallen into the buckets, until-

"Applejack!" she stopped picking up stray apples off the ground and turned around to see her younger sister rushing towards her in a panic.

"Apple Bloom? What's wrong?" she asked in concern as Apple Bloom stopped in front of her, huffing and puffing all the while.

"Somethin' jus'-" she puffed, "Fell in the orchard! Somethin' big!"

"The hay?" Applejack said shocked. She began to see what Apple Bloom meant, as she saw some smoke not too far in the distance, further into the apple orchard. "Alright, tell Big Mac and then wait in the house with Granny, I'll go an' check this out."

Applejack and Apple Bloom went their separate ways. Though Applejack thought in the back of her mind-

"This is what I get for complain', ain't it?"

She continued to rush to the smoke ahead, hoping that whatever it was, it didn't start a fire.





"...coming to..."


"...Ah think he's comin' to..."


Shovel Knight gasped for air as he immediately sat up. He frantically looked at his surroundings. Where was he?! It looked like some sort of room. The surface beneath him felt soft.

"N-Now, take it easy there feller. Everythin's alright."

He looked forward, seeing some sort of orange creature. He could not waste any more time. Leaping forward and pinning the creature to the floor, he shouted-

"Where is she?!"

"Applejack!" Shovel Knight looked behind him to see a smaller, yellow creature. He quickly looked forward, seeing his shovel against a wooden wall. Jumping off the creature, he grabbed his shovel, and raced past the yellow creature. He ran to his right, not noticing the stairs in front of him. Despite his fall, he quickly grabbed his shovel and hoisted himself back up, and burst through the door.

"Shield Knight!" He looked around, seeing a bigger, reddish creature. "You!" it looked at him then darted away. "Wait!" he dashed for the creature. It entered a building, in with Shovel Knight in pursuit. He looked left and right, not seeing it in sight.
However, he them immediately took notice of what was in front of him. "Shield Knight!" she had been laid down on what appeared to be hay. He went forward, hugging her as she slept on the hay. "You're safe..."

He was not sure where he was, but as long as they are both alive, he knew everything would work out somehow...

Author's Note:

Edit notes-
*fixed some minor spelling and grammatical errors- July 23rd