• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 3,134 Views, 57 Comments


Shovel Knight and Shield Knight embark on a new quest in Equestria. New challenges, as well as new feelings, arise.

  • ...

Chapter IV- Concerns and Consultations

"Dear Princess Celestia,"

"Yesterday, two strange beings claiming to be from another world appeared in Sweet Apple Acres. One male, one female, both bipedal like Spike, and both in suits of armor. After making contact with them-"

Spike snickered.

"And what exactly is so funny?"

"Heh-heh, sorry Twilight, but you sound just like one of those 'big grumpy generals' from the Space Invaders comics."

Twilight just rolled her eyes and continued to speak as Spike wrote down the letter.

"After making contact with them, they both posses the title of knights in their world. While they seem friendly, I still have some concerns that they're aligned with some other force from their world, though they claim to be only explorers."

The male knight was armed with a shovel, kinda ironic considering his name is Shovel Knight. While the female knight had a shield, her name being Shield Knight. Right now, Shovel Knight is staying at Sweet Apple Acres while Shield Knight is staying at the Carousel Boutique."

"Like I said, they both seem friendly, but we've decided to keep them separated until we know what to do with them."

"Please write back as soon as you can."

"Your friend and fellow princess~"

"Twilight." she huffed as she finished her sentence. "Alright Spike, go ahead and send it."

"Alright," he huffed his green mystic flame and off the letter went. "Hey Twilight?"

"Yeah Spike?"

"Are you, y'know, gonna be okay? I mean, you seem a little worked up about all this."

"I know Spike, but we really have to take extra precaution. We really don't anything about who these supposed 'knights' are or what their motive for coming to Equestria is."

"But I thought you said they were nice."

"Seemed nice Spike. We don't know anything about them. They could just be lying and putting up a show. They could changelings, demons from Tartarus, anything! I just-" a cup and a pitcher of iced tea was suddenly thrust up to her vision.

"Figured you'd need this."

"T-Thanks Spike." she sighed as she took the pitcher with her magic and poured herself a cup.

"Twilight, that's really not all that's bothering you, is there?" Twilight took as sip of the tea, soothing some of the tension that had built up in her throat.

"Spike I just don't want anything bad to happen, okay? It's my duty as a princess of Equestria, and... "

"And, what?"

"Nothing, nevermind." she poured herself some more iced tea. "Could you please go unpack some of the books we got from the Canterlot library for me Spike? We still need to sort them all out in alphabetical order."

"You got it Twilight!" her eager young assistant dashed off. Twilight smiled a little at his enthusiasm, only to remember what that and truly was.

"And I don't want to risk losing my friends or my home again." she took another sip of the iced tea.


It did not take long for Shovel Knight to finish his work with AppleBloom. Even if it was really only a little help, he appreciated it all the same. Before they knew it, the golden light of the sun was right over their heads.

"It appears the rumors are true. Time does move much faster with hard work."

"Ah think ya mean time flies when you're havin' fun," she trotted up alongside him.

"Oh, I already knew that. Why do you believe I am an adventurer!" the two shared a chuckle as they began the walk back to the barn to get cleaned up. "However, what I said before rings true. Hard work does make time fly much faster. It was a fellow knight that taught me that, among many other things."

"Really? Who's that?"

"His name is Polar Knight, but that is a story for another time."

"Aw c'mon! Now ya got me curious!" she bumped his armored shin playfully.

"Alright, Alright. I will tell you after we have cleaned ourselves up."

"But after we get cleaned up, ah gotta go to a Cutie Mark Crusaders mettin'" Just then, a lightbulb went off in AppleBloom's head. "Hey, how about ya come with me to the meetin'?!"

"If you insist, who am I to decline aid to help in your quest."


After the duo had returned to the barn and gotten themselves cleaned up, AppleBloom asked her elder sister if Shovel Knight could come with her.


"Ah c'mon AppleJack, please!"

"Alright, Alright, but Big Mac's gonna help ya get there, alright?"

"That's fine! Let's go Mr.Knight!" AppleBloom said as she galloped out the door.

"Right behind you!"

"Now hold on a minute there, 'Mr.Knight'."


"Now, ah don't know what yer tryin' to pull, but let me make one thing clear to ya. Ah don't trust you, and especially not with any kin of mine."

"I understand your concern Ms.AppleJack, but-"

"Hold it! Jus' listen. Ah'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but try anything funny and you better start beggin' Celestia for mercy when ah'm done with. Am ah clear?"

"But I-"

"AM. I. CLEAR?!" Applejack's face was pretty much pressed up against Shovel Knight's helmet at this point.


"Good. Better keep it that way."

"Are ya'll comin' or not?!" AppleBloom shouted from outside.

"Coming!" Shovel Knight went outside while Big Mac trotted to Applejack's side.

"Make sure she stays safe."

"Eeyup." Big Mac trotted outside, closing the door behind him. Applejack just sighed in frustration.

"Now what's got ya all worked up sugarcube?" Granny Smith trotted in slowly from the kitchen.

"Granny, how can ya just trust him like that. Ah mean, those knights just plum show up outta nowhere and we're just supposed to 'assume' that they're our friends?"

"Aw c'mon know Applejack, AppleBloom is a strong filly, she can take care of her-"

"That's not what I mean Granny. How do we know we can even trust em'. That Shovel Knight pinned me down faster than a hammer to a nail and that was jus' because he thought we hurt his friend. I can understand AppleBloom and her filly curiosity but why you Gran- "

"Now listen here sugarcube, yer concerns ain't outta place at all. Ah realize that they may be 'aliens' or some sort of baloney like that, but my intuition tells me that they're some real nice folk. After all, it's that same intuition is how ah met yer grandpappy, and judging by these beautiful grandchildren of mine, it hasn't steered me wrong yet!"

"Thanks Granny," the two shared a hug and Granny Smith went upstairs for a nap. However, Applejack was still just as distraught as when she talked to her. "Ah'm sorry Granny, but ah just don't want these things to stick around..." She looked at the picture of her and her family on the shelf. "Ah need to see Twilight."


The journey to the Crusader's base, or rather 'club house' as they called it, did not take long as it was practically already in Sweet Apple Acres itself.

"C'mon in!" AppleBloom said, holding the door open, allowing Shovel Knight entry, but stopping her brother.

"Sorry, official Cutie Mark Crusader business, can ya just wait out here Big Mac?"

"Eeyup." with that she closed the door, soon followed by Big Mac pressing his ear up against the door.

"Shovel Knight, allow me to introduce you to-"

"Hey, you gotta be that other knight guy right?"

"You know of me already?" Shovel Knight smiled, leaning down to the other filly's level.

"Yeah, your friend is staying at my sister's boutique." she squeaked.

"Shovel Knight, this mah friend and fellow member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Sweetie Belle."

"It is my pleasure to meet you."

"And our third member Scoot-" Scootaloo's mouth just stood agape, eyes wide. "Uh, you alright Scootaloo?"

"You look awesome!" Scootaloo said buzzing her wings.

"Heh, I should say the same to you as well. You are the first pegasus I have ever met."

"R-Really?" she looked up, twinkly eyed. It was a bit of strange feeling for Shovel Knight. He never really had such appreciation merely because he... what was the word? 'Looked cool?' Strange, he thought it looked rather warm inside his armor.

"Is your name actually Shovel Knight?"

"What's your favorite color?"

"Is that armor heavy?"

"Do you dig as a hobby or for sport?"

"Girls!" AppleBloom shouted.

"Eh, sorry." Sweetie Belle apologized.

"Seriously though, is digging a sport thing where you come from?"

After a short bombardment of questions from the three they all sat down and the crusaders went over some of their past excursion plans.

"We've tried roller bladin', candy makin'-"

"Weight lifting, time lording-"

"Oh and this place is also home to the Rainbow Dash Fan Club!"

"Young friends, I must be honest with you. I have no idea what any of those things are."

"Ah, well, that don't matter. How about ya tell us about the Polar Knight guy ya mentioned earlier."

"Hm? Ah yes, he was old friend. He too followed the code of Shovelry."

"Shovelry?" the trio asked.

"Yes, Shovelry. It is a code of conduct as old as the land. A shovel is a tool meant not just to strike the earth, but to protect those closest to you. To dig and plant seeds to grow food for thy family. To dig into those who would harm your friends. To dig into the earth and gain treasure to be shared with those closest to you. THAT is shovelry."

SweetieBelle blew her nose into a tissue. "That was beautiful."

"A bit sappy but still pretty cool."

"What about the Polar Knight guy? He didn't follow the code?"

"I'm afraid not. He raised his Shovel in the name of evil. I'm not sure what has become of him after my last journey."

"Yer last journey?"

"Yes, and quite the journey it was."

"That sounds pretty awesome too."

"Yeah can you tell us about it?"


"Please!" they all looked at him with big, wide eyes. Shovel Knight chuckled.

"Alright, Alright, let me start from the beginning..."


Princess Celestia read the letter in front of her carefully. Taking note of how Twilight described their appearances.

"I see... if this is the case, then I believe we have who you are looking for, Black Knight."

Black Knight just stood their in a steady silence, gripping tightly onto his spade.

"Where are they?"

"It is a town not too far from here. I can have escort you by chariot and be there in min-"

"No. I wish for my presence to be as discreet as possible."

"Very well then." the tension in the room tightened. "I'll arrange for an escort by train. However, you DO remember our agreement, correct?"

"What has to be done, will be done."

"I sincerely hope that will be the case."

Black Knight exited the throne room with the guards, shovel drawn and at the ready.

"I just hope in the end, everything will be like a bad dream..."

Author's Note:

Looks like Black Knight has entered the fray, and new concerns have arisen about the knight's presence.
What will happen? Take your guesses.
Hope you're all enjoying the story so far!
(Chapter currently unedited)