• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Sir Hat

Comments ( 176 )

Auto faving because you gotta respect a guy/chick who can post stories so often.

...Am I going to regret looking up what a vexillophile is?

4759948 it's someone who has sex with flags

Comment posted by SFC deleted Jul 27th, 2014
Comment posted by Nealend86 deleted Jul 27th, 2014


...Am I going to regret looking up what a vexillophile is?

I mean now the imagination, the wonder of it is ruined.:fluttercry:

4759972 What have I done...:raritydespair:

Fucking {/spoiler] you bitch!:twilightangry2:

4759960 I fail to see how that went beyond hyper patriotism and into named fetish territory. Also it could have started out as a makeshift dildo, and why am I hypothesizing this at five thirty in the morning?

4760063 Buddy, I'M hypothesizing at THREE in the morning.
I'd say it's just something this fic is inducing.

I'd call Marylin a hypocrite, but she never claimed to be anything but a huge bitch, so... I'll stick with that.


Vexillology is awesome! :pinkiehappy:

I'm gust waiting for her to bitch slap someone through a window now.


God damnit, Hat.

Bitch's pussy so loose she gotta use a flag pole as a dildo.:trixieshiftleft:


im ok with the lady but... im expecting the racist to get stabbed in the throat

With a flagpole?

Also, Why did I even start reading this...Huh, I guess it's not bad.


4760084 Well I'M a day ahead of you. So there. I was hypothesizing in the future, thusly I am forgot where I was going with this, carry on citizen *Walks into a tree for the next ten seconds before walking into a random building*

4762998 I'm in SE Queensland, Australia.
Where are you to make that claim?

Comment posted by neorenamon deleted Jul 28th, 2014

Normally I'd not read this, as I really don't like HiE clop. BUT that's because it always follows the same tired formula of "male human in Equestria for unexplained reasons ends up having sex with a female character". That this is a story about a FEMALE human in a clopfic piqued my interest, as it's a rarity amongst a sea of human penis. Also, I think the main character is awesome already.

"Oh shoe, you dirty bitch."

And faved.


Also, would the attitude towards foreigners in Trottingham be a sly jab at the people the locale is based on? Chiefly those who follow a little group whose name begins with U and ends with K-I-P? =D

Mr. Sir Hat,

I have a quick question: what kind of knot is that? it sort of looks like a Sheat Bend, but the way it is ended has me asking.

4763183 :twilightoops: Well I'm STILL several hours ahead of you! Also I live in New Zealand, biatch.

4763397 Pretty sure the main character would classify that image as porn. Coz, flags 'n shit.

4764652 Ok. Being an Eagle Scout, I know alot, but for some reason it didnot look like one.

(Ps i will be reading the fic)

I've gotta brush up on my knots. :pinkiesick: Technical theatre requires a surprising amount.:applejackconfused:

Amazing how well you can tell the entire content of a story by the first chapter!:pinkiegasp:

Well, there's Blueblood...and Em, that's all that's been introduced and Em is still about 60% blank slate.

Nothing's happened. And impending town of racists and bat pones would have been fun. But...so be it, I can't make you stay.:applejackunsure:

...Can make my stay worth it?:unsuresweetie:

Yeah I tend to avoid HIE fics like the plague unless the concept at least attempts to be different to be different and even then I just skim read it some. I also love prince blueblood and like when people don't make him automatically the over the top antagonist/villain out of everyone else to the main OC or canon character of a story so I admit I kinda clicked this to see where he stood here.
From the amount I skim read its nice to see he is her friend though I'll have to actually read it for reals this time to see if it mentioned how they know each other.This female human seems to have a bit of an overly defensive attitude that makes her seem bitchy and bossy but this is only chapter 1 so the rest of her character might be revealed on the way through this.

Okay I actually read it this time and they must be really really great friends if she can say stuff like that to her boss and him hardly even call her a hypocrite for telling him that he needs a date while shes in a bathroom playing with herself.

I'm curious why the Trottingham native thinks that sort of behavior is appropriate.

Especially wondering why the native thinks it's appropriate enough to escape without a kick in his jaw for that bullshit.

I have seen and can understand (but not approve of) the "shun the foreigner attitude", but this just takes the fuckin' cake and brutally violates it in the middle of the street.

What the fuck?

Otherwise, seems alright.

Sir hat i love and hate you for the sheer golden shit you dole out:rainbowwild:

Damn it... Another story that I've got to favorite and follow. I can see how this is going to pan out, and that just makes my day. I love the idea, and I hope to watch it expand.


Dark hair, pale skin... Irish. Southern most likely.
Somewhere in the blood.
I'm 5/8 Irish. mostly Northern though, so I've got the copper hair and pale skin. Throw in my sister's and mine genetic throwback to a silver-miner a couple generations back resulting in light-senitive eyes and you would see how my friends came to nickname me 'Were-fox'.

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