• Published 27th Jul 2014
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The Conversion Bureau - The Return of the King - Dan_s Comments

A take on Humans Acting Villainously: Celestia has won, humanity and all they were has been consumed. But uneasy rests the tyrant's crown. The Newfoals remember things that go bump in the night, and now even Celestia must fear them.

  • ...

10) Burning Love

The Conversion Bureau - The Return of the King
Burning Love by Dan's Comments
Disclaimer: My Little Pony is the property of Hasbro, Inc.
Godzilla is the property of Toho Company Ltd.

Appleling was so frightened she'd dropped her disguise. She would have dropped a lot more, but all her other muscles had frozen in place.

"Uhm, hi," Fluttercorn said, "We're here to collect the Elements of Harmony . . . oops, I wasn't supposed to tell you that."

It wouldn't matter, I traded them to Discord for a museum, Godzilla told her.

"You WHAT!?" Fluttercorn briefly regained her former vocal range.

I traded them to Discord for a museum, Godzilla said, He said some of you are his friends and he wants you out of this fight, and to make sure you don't get dragged back in.

"Ah, beg pardon," Appleling said, "But why kin I hear you? And why're you sayin' such mind-breakin' stuff?"

As a Changeling Queen, perhaps because your soul `hears` the resonance of my love for all life, including Changelings, Godzilla told her, And Discord may have meant one of the other Bearers.

"Makes sense," Appleling said.

Or it could be you're standing on my head.

"Well, you did put us here, ta hear," Appleling said and grinned to Fluttercorn. Fluttercorn shook her head.

You are also now alicorn-level creatures, Godzilla said, With enhanced empathy. That may be another reason.

"That sounds like a Twilight answer," Appleling said.

"Can you imagine what would have happened if the potion would have landed on him?" Fluttercorn said, "Uhm, why did you bring us out here?"

I would have turned into a three-headed, gravity-beam spitting monster who would have eaten the moon. Godzilla's head moved slowly, pivoting upwards until he looked at the pegasus patrols. I have a message for you to take back to Celestia. We merely wish to live in peace, away from the ones who attacked us. Without the barrier, and the potion, Equestria has no defenses against us, save our continued goodwill. We are willing to leave them alone, if the leave us alone.

A resumption of conflict will serve neither nation, and without the advantages you had last time, it will not go your way.

Appleling stomped her hoof. "Sorry. But you expect us ta tell Princess Celestia that?"

Would you prefer I tell her in person? Godzilla asked.

"No," Appleling said.

Pinkiecord arrived next to the pair. "Nothing, if the Elements are in town, you should be looking for them there," Pinkie said and looked around, "Not out in the middle of the ocean."

"Pinkie," Fluttercorn warned, "Be very careful."

She's the one I zapped earlier, Godzilla said, She doesn't learn very fast, does she?

"I think we kin handle this," Appleling said.

"Who are you talking to?" Pinkiecord asked.

"You didn't just hear that?" Appleling asked.

Maybe a lack of empathy, Godzilla told them.

"I'll buy that," Appleling said, "Pinkie, Discord has the Elements. And we have a message from . . . "


"Godzilla to Princess Celestia," Appleling said, "He and the Newfoals jist want peace. And if Equestria starts something, they'll finish it."

Colloquially expressed, but essentially correct, Godzilla replied.

"I'll doll it back up fer the Princess," Appleling said.

Pinkiecord began grinning. "Oh, I get it. You don't want us starting something we can't win," she said and winked at Appleling and Fluttercorn. "Something big and fluffy!" she shouted before she stomped down with all four limbs on Godzilla's head.

"NO!" "NO!" NO!

But Pinkie's powers went ahead.

Pinkie looked around. "A giant butterfly?" she asked and looked at her forelimbs, "This stuff really takes some practice."

"Pinkie Pie," Applejack and Fluttershy said in unison. They looked very different. Not just that they looked like a very attractive cross between humans and ponies, not just that their skin and hair tones where a 'compromise' between what each had before, but they had the most gorgeous, butterfly wings. "You have summoned the spirit who is guardian of the Earth, and the Earth is very displeased and offended by what Princess Celestia has done. Earth will take its vengeance on the Princess."

"That's a spooky duet you two have going there," Pinkiecord said. She noted the butterfly had soared well over the pegasus patrols and the sky was growing darker despite it still being the afternoon. "How high are we going, and why isn't it cold and how come we can still breathe?"

"We are under Mothra's protection," the pair said, "And as such you do not feel the full effects."

"Okay, so this was a very bad idea?" Pinkiecord asked.

"Yes," Applejack and Fluttershy said together.

"Fine," Pinkiecord said, "I'll fix it."

NO! "NO!" "NO!"

Good Lord! Godzilla thought, This is a pony's way of helping? Maybe Celestia really did want to help!

"I don't want to die!" Fluttercorn squealed as they dropped like a meteor towards Equestria.

"Silly, you can fly," Pinkiecord said. Fluttercorn smiled.

When I hit, the wave will probably swamp everything inland to Ponyville and the central geyser will reach 10 miles.

"I don't want to die!" Fluttercorn squealed.

Appleling facehoofed.

We're down into breathable air, firing retrorockets, Godzilla told them, Hang on or bailout.

"I don't want to die!" Fluttercorn squealed and hung on for dear life.

The sound exceeded the thunder of the heavens, or any mythological being of Earth. Only Saturn could claim a noise like that, and only as it boosted men into space. They slowed their descent and their forward motion came to a standstill. Then they settled gently back into the ocean.

Splashdown, Houston, Godzilla thought.

"It's a Stetson, not a Houston," Appleling said. She glared at Pinkiecord as Fluttercorn did. "Never do that again!"

Never say 'never', Godzilla warned, Now since she can't hear me, please relay the following. Next time she attacks me, I'm going to stick my finger somewhere she really doesn't want it, and turn her into a fractal.

"If you attack Godzilla again, he's going to stick his finger somewhere you really don't want it, and turn you into, a fractal?" Fluttercorn said.

Both Pinkiecord and Appleling shuddered at that.

"Is that bad?" Fluttercorn asked.

"I doubt even Twilight would understand it, so yeah, it's bad," Pinkiecord admitted.

Appleling rolled her eyes and looked down at Godzilla. "Would you be willing to help us regain the Elements from Discord?"

Would you be willing to guarantee safe passage for any Newfoals who want to emigrate from Equestria? Godzilla asked.

"I think the answer's 'no' to both," Appleling said sadly, "We apologize for the trouble. Pinkie take us back."

With that, they were gone, and I began my swim back to the Newfoal city. I suddenly realized I could have demanded the ability to speak from that new draconequus. No, I realized, With her questionable control, I might have ended up as the world's largest, talking wood louse. Or an alabaster milkshake.

The swim home let me consider the ponies' real problem: Discord. He seems to be playing his own game and is trying to play off Celestia. But the unexpected keeps forcing him to alter his game. Or is he orchestrating these wild swings? I have much to consider on the swim home.

"What do you mean the colony is just gone?" Celestia asked the messenger from the NewLands, "An entire town does not just disappear under a mud slide."

The guardsmare knew that Celestia didn't kill the messenger, death would have been preferable to the hurt, disappointed look she was getting from her sovereign right now. "I pray that my news were different, but that is what we found. The town is gone, a mud flow of great depth is all that remains. We've been searching for survivors, but - "

"Enough," Celestia said as she looked around the war room. "Begone."

The messenger retreated.

"Another one?" Discord asked, "Once is an accident, nineteen is pure carelessness. Maybe that forest fire had something to do with it. I did warn you."

"The humans seem to have built their cities and towns in the most inhospitable places," Celestia replied.

Discord began ticking off cases on his fingers. "Mare's Cow, they all froze to death, including the weather team; Seaddle covered by pyroclastic flows, I'm sure the humans had an evacuation plan; Celcelestianci, eaten by roaches from Detrot; Detrot, eaten by roaches; Mare Waii, that volcano goddess sank the islands; Saddelaide, rabbits ate the crops and spiders ate the ponies. Funny, Luna York seems to be doing quite well. Maybe because she built the city on the Brooklyn Heights rather than around Jamaica Bay so when that hurricane came in -"

"Enough, Discord," Celestia said, and raised her head to show her tears, "I am mourning the death of so many loyal subjects."

"Right," Discord replied, "That you put them there has nothing to do with it. Have you ever considered sending your dissenters to these colonies instead? With your track record, you'd be out of enemies instead of friends inside of six months. And you'd save oodles on mascara."

"Discord, if you cannot be of assistance, begone," Celestia told him.

The three arrivals on top of the map table prevented his departure.

"We know who has the Elements!" Pinkiecord said, and pointed at Discord, "HIM!"

"You know maybe they set up all their cities as traps for the less cautious and technologically advanced," Discord said.

"I said Discord has the Elements of Harmony," Pinkiecord said.

"Someone would take over their planet and try to move right in and get wiped out. Do you send ponies to vacation in Yellowstone? It's beautiful. You should go there yourself," Discord suggested.

"It's an active super volcano!" Celestia said, "I'd go there, and you'd detonate it to try to get rid of me. I'm not stupid Discord."

"Discord has the Elements of Harmony," Pinkiecord, Fluttercorn and Appleling said together.

"If true," Celestia said, "They are unobtainable, and you should return to your cell."

"I have the Elements?" Discord said, and took an innocent pose, "I suggest that is base slander, and a lie. I don't have them. You can search me."

"Not without a hazmat suit and a gasmask," Appleling said, "Godzilla said he gave them to you. Because some of us Bearers are your friends and you want us out of the fight."

"Friends?" Celestia asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I lied, to get my hands on the Elements. But I don't have them now," Discord said.

Appleling turned to Celestia. "He also said that the Newfoal city merely wishes to live in peace, away from the ones who attacked them. He also pointed out that without the barrier and the potion, Equestria has no defenses against them or him, save their continued goodwill. They are willing to leave us alone, if the leave them alone. A resumption of conflict will serve neither nation, and without the advantages we had last time, it will not go our way." Appleling took a breath after delivering the message.

"You expect the Equestrian Crown to bow to threats?" Celestia asked, "They are our little ponies, they are ALL our little ponies. They will be returned to our protection. Return to your rooms, and remain there until you are summoned."

Appleling was ready to protest, when Fluttercorn and Pinkiecord led her away.

"You too Discord. You may have deprived us of the Elements, but you haven't won," Celestia told him.

Discord saluted, and vanished.