• Published 1st Aug 2014
  • 766 Views, 3 Comments

The Marerainian Affair - Uncle Knot

A smile and a wave can mean more to a Princess than she would ever guess

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In the Marerainian capital, behind the palace in the garden, 4 ponies enjoyed their coffee and waffles.

“Thank you, Duchess for your invitation to brunch” said Octavia Melody

“Think nothing of it my dear” responded the Duchess “and thank you for that lovely concert last night”

“Yes, yes, it was very nice” said the Duke

“Again, thank you” said Octavia

“Miss Octavia has always preformed splendidly” responded the fourth pony. A large brown and tan pony with a brown and tan mane.

“Of course Mr. Knot” said the Duke

“Ah ha” interrupted a new voice “So this is where you’ve been hiding”

“Good morning your majesty” responded the duke and duchess “Come join us, we still have some coffee left”

“Excellent and good morning to you Mr. Knot and your lovely companion, Miss?” said the new voice

“Good Morning your majesty” said Knot “Allow me to introduce Miss Octavia Melody”, “Miss Octavia, this is Crown Prince of Marerainia; Jorge Fillipi Hapsburg”

“Good morning your majesty” said Octavia

“Call me Jorge” said Jorge “And are you ‘that Octavia’ who preformed at last night’s concert? You are all the buzz, the staff keeps talking about you. I wish I could have seen the show, but my duties kept me up late”

“You’re too kind, I tried my best to match the orchestra. They are very talented”

“Oh don’t be so modest my dear” said the duchess “You were the star of the show. Wasn’t she Mr. Knot?”

Of course Madame, Miss Octavia has shown herself to be more than an envoy, but also an ambassador, at least a musical ambassador” replied Knot

“Oh woe is me” said Jorge “I have neglected my official duty in welcoming the ambassador from Equestria”

“Don’t jest your majesty, we are here on an ‘unofficial’ visit” said Knot “not an official one”

“An ‘un-official’ visit, eh? Maybe I should return the favor” said Jorge

“What have you in mind?” asked Knot

“I could travel to Ponyville, incognito, as let’s say Miss Octavia’s cousin." responded Jorge "That way I could access this Princess Twilight Sparkle that my aunt and uncle so often speak about. She need not know who I am”

“Oh, yes, how romantic” said the Duchess

“Intriguing” said Knot

“Preposterous, what about your official duties here?” said the Duke

“It need not be a long trip, Uncle" said Jorge to the Duke "Just a few days to get away from all these papers and reports”

“And how would we protect and transport you?” asked Knot

“Well, I can trust you Mr. Knot to provide me with the best in silent and invisible security?” said Jorge

“Yes” said Knot

“And I also read a report from one of our patrols about a small airship, nearby, hiding in a cloud” hinted Jorge

“I see” said Knot “I shall not test your military’s observational talents again”

“Wait, please” said Octavia “I have friends in Ponyville, that know me very well. To be traveling with any stallion, especially one from Marerainia, could be difficult to explain, even a …”

“Distant cousin?” suggested Jorge “Is there a stallion there that would express jealousy?”

“Well, it’s complicated”

“I have a solution, since you wish to travel by airship, I know that the crew of ‘that airship’ would like to avoid any involvement with the residents of Ponyville” said Knot “it is a bit embarrassing for them. Having a crew member to go into town to get provisions for them could suit you well as a disguise. It would also minimize your visit and reduce your risk”

“Risk? In Ponyville? Like what could happen? A baby dragon going on a rampage? Parasprites devoring the town? A wild herd of baby rabbits stampeding? ” said the Prince

“Stranger things could happen” said Octavia

“Ah Equestria the land of unicorns and pegasus” said the Duke “ruled by the beautiful witch queens for a thousand years”

“They are our beloved Princesses” interrupted Octavia “Not witch queens!”

“Our apologies” said the Duchess “We in Marerainia have long lived without using magic in our day to day lives. The sun and moon travel across our skies unassisted. Our history is full of stories how we ‘earth ponies’ as you would say, fought off raiding sky pirate pegasus, and hypnotizing unicorns, and marauding griffins, as far back into our collective memories as the evil witch king Sombra, who sold his own ponies into slavery.”

“Times have change my dear Uncle and Aunt” said Jorge “All the more reason for my visit to go well. An alicorn princess as my queen could well dispel (pardon the pun) our nations distrust of all things Equestrian.”

“We can only hope that this potential union goes better than our previous attempts” said Knot

“I am sorry that my daughter refused Prince Blue Blood’s offer” said the Duchess

“Think nothing of it” answered Knot “her refusal only proves her intelligence”

“Really? He did seem quite Princely to me” said the Duke

“He does indeed have the ‘princely’ character, but he is lacking in being a gentle colt” replied Knot “their relationship would have been most costly”

“Tis such a shame that Princess Cadenza choose the path of love” said the Duchess “She would have made my nephew a beautiful wife”

“Ah, well yes” said the Duke “but her consort is most charming, how could she resist?”

“Not at all” said Knot “Mi amore Cadenza has always been a strong willed filly. Even when I brought her to Canterlot, she had a mind of her own. I think that appealed to Shining Armor the most, her selfless sense of justice. My attempts to forestall their union was the vain conceit of a dottering old bachelor”

“I promise you Mr. Knot, upon my oath as a prince” said Jorge “to court this Princess Sparkle with all due respect and courtesy, as a gentle colt”

“Well said your majesty” said Octavia “your sincerity will aid you, but may I suggest you let her make the decision about you”

“Miss Melody speaks wisely” said Mr. Knot “You should expect the unexpected with her, Cadenza was her foal sitter, and Shining Armor is her brother. She is most content reading her books and studying her magic. She has a tendency to hide in her shell, but her close friends ensure her involvement, and this…”

“That is your way” said Octavia “Pinky Pie, one of her best friends, and mine, will throw you a party. There you must give a good impression of yourself”

“I shall sweep her off her hooves with my cleaver dance moves”

“Oh no” said Octavia “Twilight, I mean the princess is a terrible dancer, and worse she doesn’t know it. By all means do NOT dance with her”