• Published 1st Aug 2014
  • 766 Views, 3 Comments

The Marerainian Affair - Uncle Knot

A smile and a wave can mean more to a Princess than she would ever guess

  • ...

2nd Breakfast

At the palace

“Chocolate or butterscotch?” asked Twilight

“Chocolate” answered Derpy

“Mmm, I like those. So Derpy, may I have my mail?" asked Twilight "Hmm, a letter from the Great & Powerful Trixie. That should be fun”

“Excuse me, Princess, is it my imagination or is this table getting bigger?” asked Jorge

“Yes, it is," said Twilight "and stop calling me Princess, especially at breakfast”

“Okay, Dawn” responded Jorge

“My name is Twilight”

“Yes," said Jorge "Twilight is the period of time between the day and beginning of the night, it is also the period of time between the night and the beginning of the day. You do not strike me to be the end of the day, so I cannot call you Sunset, you are like the beginning of the day, so I can call you Dawn.”

“’Dawn’ I like that, but only you can call me that, so when others are around call me Twilight”

“Good morning Twilight, I smell muffins” said Spike

“Good morning Spike, yes we have muffins. Ditsy is here and so is Jorge”

“How does he do that?" asked Jorge "How does he float into the room without wings? He is a dragon, right?”

“Who is Jorge?" asked Spike Where does he come from? What kind of name is Jorge? Why is he here?”

“Yes, Spike is a dragon," responded Twilight "he is a baby dragon and hasn’t gotten his wings yet. He floats about when some thing or some pony monopolizes his mind, and as long as he doesn’t think about it, he can float. As for Jorge, he hasn’t told us anything about himself yet, but since the table is still growing, I thought it would be wise to wait till every pony else showed up for breakfast, so he would not have to explain himself more than once”


“Good morning Applejack, this is Jorge." said Twilight "Do we smell apple fritters?”

“Yup, made them fresh this morning, sorry I didn’t bring more, but Big Mac and Apple Bloom got to them first”

“Good morning Fluttershy, come on in, this is Jorge” said Twilight

“Hello Fluttershy, I’m Jorge”

“Please don’t look at me like that," said Fluttershy "unless, you know, unless you want to”

“Your eyes could launch a hundred ships," whispered Jorge "and your tears could sink a thousand”

“Wow, wow, wow, what did I just hear?” exclaimed Rainbow Dash

“Rainbow Dash, good morning” said Twilight, Applejack, Derpy, and Fluttershy in unison

“Confound it! Rainbow Dash beat me to breakfast again”

“Good morning Discord”

“Good morning Fluttershy. Are you blushing?” asked Discord

“Ha ha, you missed it Discord." interrupted Rainbow Dash "This stallion dropped a line on her that could sink a battleship”

“I don’t like the sound of that." said Discord "Who is this stallion?”

“Hello, my name is … “ answered Jorge

“I wasn’t asking you." interrupted Discord "Really Twilight, you must show proper care about who you invite to breakfast. And keep out the rift raft”

“Jorge is joining us for breakfast," said Twilight "and if you insist on being rude, you may leave, Discord”

“Very well for the sake of breakfast, hello Jorge” said Discord

“Hello” responded Jorge coldly

“My, my, my, the décor of this breakfast nook is lacking, but the view is certainly improving. Who is this handsome fellow? My name is Rare – rit – ty”

The wall grew some windows, showing the view overlooking Ponyville. The windows also grew awnings least the harsh light of the rising sun sting the eyes.

“Pleased to meet you, Miss Rarity, my name is Jorge”

“Oh, so gallant. I believe we have a gentle colt among us ladies” said Rarity

“I saw him first” said Fluttershy

“Fluttershy!” exclaimed almost every pony at her boldness

“No, you didn’t. I stole him first” said Pinky

“Good morning Pinky Pie” said every pony

“Pinky at least use the door, like every pony else” commented Discord, Rarity, and Applejack