• Published 2nd Oct 2014
  • 13,051 Views, 625 Comments

Celestia's New Student - Art Inspired

Trixie becomes Celestia's new pupil.

  • ...

Fifteen: The Gala

Unlike the mornings that usually awoke Trixie, this one was able to awaken her much earlier. Wind swept in with a whistle. Seeing as how Trixie had left the glass door open, it came from outside Trixie’s balcony, gracing her hooves that hung from the side ending of her bed. Her head rose, but her eyes wouldn’t open just yet. Without sight, she reached down the other side to the floor to feel around for that book she’d been reading.

By the time her eyes finally did open, she’d gotten hold of her book, and said with sleepiness in her voice, “Gotcha…”

It slowly came back up to the cushioning that Trixie, too, relaxed upon. She stayed there for a good minute like that, on her waist, feeling the sleeves serenely rub against only her torso. The wind blowing against her hooves only helped in bringing her in and out of her overly comfortable position.

“Mmh, alas…” She yawned. “The Great and Sleepy Trixie must meet Celestia shortly… She really should be getting up just about now.”

She said this while clenching the covers more tightly, and almost falling back to sleep. Had it not been for Dingo suddenly barking at Moon Dancer making a noise outside, Trixie would’ve gone right back to sleep with ease.

“Ugh, Dingo! It’s just Moon…”

She got out from the blankets, and came up to the door to listen closely. It sounded like snoring alright, but in between, Trixie could easily pick up distinct words whispered. So, she cracked her door quietly, and listened more carefully.

In between her cute, light snoring, the batpony spoke up with her head bobbing for consciousness, “Love you… too, Druid.”

Trixie smiled innocently, and even more silently closed the door before proceeding to get ready. In little time at all, she was again at the entrance to her room, but this time sneaking by Moon Dancer who much deserved her shuteye. Down the hall, and on the appropriate turns, Trixie made her way to the ballroom. There was this ominous feeling, too, like she’d forgotten something. No material item, but something she'd wanted to ask Princess Celestia about last night, but it'd slipped her mind.

She gasped, and said aloud the realization. “Trixie was right! The gazebo! Celestia requested Rarity to make Trixie’s Grand Galloping Gala dress for her! Ohh, ohh… And the door is right there.”

Her reaction was a mix of excitement and utmost nervousness. Questions arose in her head, like whether or not Rarity even knew who the dress was for. Not to mention, does she forgive Trixie for all she’s done in the past? Would she? “Trixie hopes Rarity simply made the dress and then left, but that's probably not the case. Trixie isn't prepared for this," Trixie said to herself, her confidence being drowned by worry.

Then, she remembered what she’d said to Celestia just last night ago. She’d said, “Okay, Trixie can’t wait!”

She huffed. “I guess… Trixie guesses she knew this was going to happen. Rarity will probably be the second hardest pony to apologize to, so, here goes nothing…”

Thus, the doors opened. Trixie found the inside of the ballroom to be beautifully ruined by designing equipment. Sewing machines, crates holding supplies from the Carousel Boutique, and a cat high up on a pile of stacked boxes littered the place thoroughly. The far end of the room was occupied by a shimmering rimmed, wooden floored platform that sat aligned with the entrance. On it, a curtain shielding what must’ve been Trixie’s dress behind it. Amongst all this stuff, Trixie felt it only right to remark under her breath, “At least there’s somewhat of a walkway…”

For the most part, the room seemed fairly empty, and had it not been for all the dress making materials, Trixie would’ve thought she were in the wrong room. She was about to ask aloud, "Hello?" Just before she did, somepony came out rounding the corner of the centerpiece. It was Rarity, and for a second, Trixie couldn’t move or make a sound.

Rarity hadn’t even seen the showmare just yet, and had her back facing Trixie as she kept up with her checkup of things. “Everything simply must be perfect,” Rarity announced. “After all, Princess Celestia, I want Trixie to know that the past is just that. It’s the past, and that if you say she’s willing to be my friend as well everypony else’s, then I cannot deny this especially coming from you.”

“Quite,” Celestia spoke from behind the shading of the fabrics. She came into view, and quickly saw her student still frozen in place. “You do know that my new student is still sorry for what she did while in possession of the Alicorn amulet, right?”

“Y-yes, I do,” Rarity said soundly, her head lowering.

“And, she also wishes for you to help her in winning over the others.”

“I know, your Highness. It’s just, Rainbow will be the most difficult. She’s a hard forgiver. Why, when Trixie’s name popped up over at Twilight’s castle the other day ago, she made this big scene and everything! It was absurd.”

“Yes, I’m aware of Rainbow Dash’s thoughts towards Trixie," the princess said. "I’m also well aware that every pony feels differently towards her becoming my student overall based off of what we've discussed, but what’s done is done. Just as what’s happened in the past, there’s always a new beginning.” Cunningly, just as Trixie raised a hoof, Celestia openly invited her their way. “Ah, there she is.”

Rarity turned to see Trixie without her cape and hat, something unexpected. She couldn’t immediately place her hoof on why Trixie looked so different, and more like a pony Rarity had never met before, but Rarity was much more concerned with greetings. ”Trixie,” she said, making her best welcoming face she could, and Trixie did the same.

“Rarity! Good to see you!” Even Trixie was surprised by Rarity’s sudden hug. This was nothing compared to what ran through her head just moments before.

After letting go, Rarity asked forwardly if only to keep the ball rolling, “So, guess my friends and I will be seeing you at the gala tomorrow night. Right?”

“Yep,” Trixie replied cheekily. “It’s Trixie’s first gala, and Trixie would be honored to attend.”

“But, dearie, you need a dress!” She touched Trixie’s muzzle quickly but mildly to keep her from speaking. “Luckily, I have you covered.”

Her hoof moved straight from Trixie muzzle to a little red button that could be found on the side of the platform next to the group. With the curtain unveiling Trixie’s new Grand Galloping Gala dress, the showmare almost cried.

The colors matched, the formation was flawless, and the headpiece was to die for. This attire was more than Trixie could’ve ever dreamed of. She couldn’t wait to try it on, either. That’s when a distraction came for Celestia. Through the doorway, a young stallion guard came running in with an urgent notice concerning a very furtive situation.

“Your Highness, your Highness! From the Crystal Empire!”

She snatched it, read it seriously, gasped, and then screeched in the highest tone anypony’s ever heard Celestia reach. “Oh my gosh," Princess Celestia said excitedly. "Are those two pulling my leg? They can’t be!” She looked down at the three ponies including her own guard, who all obviously wanted in on the juicy bit of news. “Umm, have you ever known about a surprise so big, that nopony else is allowed to know about it but you and a few select other individuals?”

They all looked at one another, neither answering.

Celestia spoke up. “Well, I do! Trixie? I need to go attend to this briefly. Mind if I see you in your dress a little later?”

Trixie shook her head. “No, that’d be fine your Highness. Trixie doesn't mind.”

“Thanks. You two might as well be left alone right now anyways. See you in a bit.”

While Celestia left the room with the guard that had delivered the note, Trixie ventured to ask, “What was that all about?”

Rarity responded with, “I haven’t the slightest idea, Trixie… Hmm… Curious, though, isn’t it? Let's not get off track, though. Let’s get you fitted!”

“What?” Trixie asked with her hoof being snatched by Rarity’s. “Now?”

“Well, yes, but of course. Why not now? I made this dress specially for you.” Rarity eyed her creation yet again, and continued, “I simply can’t wait to see you in it. Without the wearer, it’s just... incomplete!”

Trixie was hurried along and hopped on into the dressing room in the back. A few moments later, she’d exit, and all Rarity could do for a second there was stare. Her mouth stayed hanging open thanks to the way Trixie looked. “Simply divine,” Rarity finally complimented.

“Thank you…” Trixie smiled. “Umm, Trixie needs assistance with her hoof shoe lacing. Please?”

Rarity generously approached and began using her magic to tie it, but not too tight. “There we go. Now the other hoof.”

With the fashion pony now busy, Trixie looked down at Rarity, and said, “Trixie… wanted to apologize.” Rarity frowned, but didn’t say a word. So, Trixie continued. “You know, for the last two visits I’ve made to Ponyville.”

Rarity finished, but held Trixie’s hoof in her’s a bit longer. “Darling, please,” she began sweetly, now smiling confidently again. “Just so happens I know you were behind me while I was talking to Celestia back there. Let the past be the past, and-”

“No, Rarity,” Trixie interrupted. “I need to do this… I’m sorry, for everything. And, thank you for the dress!”

Trixie was the one that was giving the hug this time around. To be honest with herself, Rarity couldn’t help but to love her actions. With a tear being wiped away quickly, she replied in a shaken voice, “You’re… very welcome, darling.”

After the hug had ended, Trixie looked down at her dress, and sighed. “Trixie has never worn a more lovely ensemble. She only wishes she could wear it more often than just at these very rare and special events… but, then it wouldn’t be special, would it?”

Rarity nodded. “I’ll see you at the gala, then… Mmh, Trixie, just know. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to help you and Rainbow out, like I said, but Applejack has already said she’s willing to give you a chance.”

“That’s good… Uh, what about Pinkie Pie?”

Rarity gave Trixie a deadpan face. “Consider her your best friend already. Fluttershy’s very easy going by the way, so you’ll do just fine with her. Honestly, the only of us seven counting Spike that still doesn’t fully trust you is Rainbow Dash.”

“Spike’s alright with Trixie?”

Rarity laughed with a scrunched muzzle. “Once I’m done with him, he will be.”

In a few short minutes, Trixie had removed her dress and was ready to leave Rarity. She probably had some cleaning and reorganizing to do anyways, but before Trixie left, she simply requested, “Wish Trixie luck with Rainbow Dash tonight, Rarity.”

With her eyes closed, Rarity nodded. “Good luck. And... say, before you go, have you met Discord?”

Trixie blinked. "Oh… His first impression on Trixie was sinister, and downright bad. Recent interactions, though… But, yes, Trixie knows of him. Why do you ask?”

“Well, recently, my friends and I became closer with him. Through constant struggle, we’ve finally been able to accept him in our friendship, which to this day is a surprise to all of us. Even Twilight Sparkle.”

She looked Trixie seriously in the face, and Trixie asked, “That sinister, huh?”

Rarity answered, “Mmhmm… Now, my point is, if we can… I’m going to use my words carefully here, and say evolve past our displeasure for Discord, and even become close friends with something as wicked as he is, I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

Trixie blushed. “Trixie will… have to remember that if she gets a chance to talk with Rainbow Dash at the gala.”

“When,” Rarity corrected.

They departed shortly thereafter, Trixie content with the new friendships she'd been building. Time between then and the gala was quick spent getting ready. There was so much to do, to name off the current tasks that still needed attending to would be enough to spin anypony around in circles for hours. Trixie, for the most part was as ready as she’d ever be. She just hoped that Rainbow would be willing to give her a chance to redeem herself.

The young student wandered in the halls like she so often found herself doing, draped in what was sure to be the most beautiful dress of the evening. Rarity had outdone herself. Trixie was headed right for the princess’s quarters, both eager and scared for the exciting evening, but Celestia still absolutely needed to see Trixie in her dress first.

She rounded another corner, now headed east. The shadows sloped forward next to the moonlight that glared on the wall directly next to her. Just when a figure encompassed what little light that did come through, Trixie gasped. Her sounds of surprise were drowned out by Twilight yelling down the hall, “Trixie! Hey, wait up!”

“Oh, Twilight…!” Trixie huffed, and then began trotting closer to her. She hadn’t expected another hug, but that’s just what she got. Twilight seemed more than happy to embrace Trixie openly, but unfortunately for the showmare, Trixie just couldn’t stop herself from allowing a quick flash of memories to enter her mind. They were particularly filled with the bad ones.

“How you been? Hope the princess hasn’t kept you too swamped with studies.”

“Good,” Trixie replied. “The Great and Powerful Trixie took your last words spoken to her to heart. She’s been doing very well ever since.” She soon enough saw what Twilight wore. “Also, wow! You look absolutely amazing!”

Twilight blushed. “Thank you, and you look wonderful, too!” Twilight grinned that much more at Trixie. More exactly, at what she was wearing. “Rarity told me she’d be doing this for you, but to see it finished… It matches you perfectly.”

“Thank you,” Trixie said humbly. “And, Princess Celestia doesn’t keep Trixie too preoccupied… You know, Trixie doubts she’s that kind of student, the kind you were in her highness’s mind.”

Twilight walked with her friend, and chatted some more to pass the time. “No, you’re the same type of pupil I was,” Twilight said sharply. “Princess Celestia’s told me so in her letters. It’s just, she’s trying very hard not to overwhelm you. I think she's worried that if she teaches you the way she taught me, it might backfire.”

“Right, because Trixie probably wouldn't be able to stick with it for long."

“She’s said that she’s scared you’ll decide to end this after all. With me, I was pretty much guaranteed to stay under her wing with no problems, and to do my best to excel at every possible avenue of magic I came across.”

Trixie nodded. “I’m not that student she used to have.”

“Right! You’re different,” Twilight promised with a smile. “You're special. You focus on something way more different than just mere magic, and you’re a totally different pony all together for that. It's the same program she had going with me. It’s just… you, yourself… you change the equation.”

“All Celestia wants is the same outcome she got with you… Well, maybe not the same, like Trixie becoming an alicorn or anything! Hehe, err, just that Trixie excels at what she does best.”

They’d reached Celestia’s room, and Twilight looked back at her friend with a pleased grin. “You got it. Now then, let’s hope Celestia’s ready for the gala.”

With the door opening, Trixie reminded Twilight, “We’re just a tad bit early, so you might want to give her that much.”

Sure enough, the bathroom door was just opening, and Celestia came walking out from behind the doors, but something looked different. She wasn’t wearing her usual items of clothing, like her tiara. All of that could be found sitting on a table in the corner behind where her highness stood. Her mane waved at the two peacefully as ever, indications that she’d just taken a good, long shower for this event. This meant she was just about ready.

“My new student, Trixie. And Princess Twilight, too… My goodness, I’ve never, ever seen more wonderful fashion designing! Rarity made both of these dresses, right?”

Twilight answered, “Yep! She did a spectacular job, huh?”

“I can’t argue with you there, Princess Twilight. I’m almost ready. Just let me get finished.”

All except her chest piece was equipped on Princess Celestia, her dress being a dimmer pink than last year's. That was the only difference, really, but she looked so amazing all the time to everypony, to do much more would almost be too much. And so, the three were on their way to enjoy the evening, though Trixie still having butterflies in her stomach.

At a distanced enough table, far from the organized dancing and socializing that was going on, Trixie sat on a cushion sipping on some fine cider. She’d gotten it at the stands, but once the cups were filled, she and Twilight had to depart momentarily. Twilight had said she’d be getting her friends, and that she'd be showing them where they'd be sitting. However, that seemed to be a while ago to Trixie.

Finally, Trixie looked up from her glass to both hear and see Twilight with friends. There was Pinkie bouncing up and down, overly excitedly, a predictable sight, and Rarity as well. Applejack stayed in the back of the bunch, but still, Trixie couldn’t help but wonder where Rainbow and Fluttershy were. “Our table is right this way,” Twilight lead. “Now then, Pinkie Pie, Applejack… You remember Trixie, right?”

“Hi Trixie!” Pinkie blurted out, getting in Trixie's face, overly forward like normal.

Rarity chuckled. “Told you Pinkie would be more than open to being your friend.”

“Yeah, and Ah still have my wits about me.” Applejack didn’t seem resentful at all. She was just protective of her friends, and Trixie knew that. “Now, Rarity’s said you might wanna apologize to the rest of us… Is this true, Hun?”

Trixie bowed her head. “Yes, Trixie would.”

Applejack breathed. “No lying now, y’hear?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Trixie looked up to see Applejack’s expression change to slight surprise. “Trixie is sorry, Applejack, Pinkie Pie… for, you know. Using the Alicorn Amulet against you, and all of Ponyville. Trixie just hopes that we can be… friends.”

All the farm pony could do was nod, because that was even more warming to hear than she expected it to be. “Uhh, okay then… Ah’d like that,” she stated with a gleeful smile. “Heh, shucks. This is pretty neat, seeing you being all… being good and such!”

Trixie blushed, and said, “Thank you, you’re too kind. Speaking of which…” The others excluding Pinkie began giving a grim expression. “Where’s Fluttershy? More importantly, Trixie simply must speak to Rainbow Dash about this.”

“Aw,” Applejack mused. “Fluttershy’ll be your friend no matter what! She’s out back in the garden if you really wanna go see her, though.”

“And Rainbow?”

Again, that same, grim expression showed itself on Applejack’s muzzle. “Hun… Foal steps, you know? Rainbow’s still antsy with ya. Give her some time to relax about you becoming Celestia’s student and all. I hate to say it, but Ah highly doubt she’ll be willing to forgive and forget tonight, just like that.”

Trixie looked away, and sighed, “You’re probably right, Applejack.”

“Ah’m sorry, but hey, why not go see Fluttershy? Ah mean, five outta six mares won over in one go is pretty good, huh?” She offered this with a hoof, and Trixie figured she’d be content with adopting this perspective.

“Trixie supposes you’re right… Very well, then. She's at the gardens, you said?”

“Mmhmm.” Just before leaving them, Trixie heard Applejack tell her, “Good luck,” before chuckling along with Rarity. Trixie watched behind her as she left the room, and observed the group for just a little bit longer before vacating the music and everything.

Fluttershy was easily spotted amongst the beginning of some dense trees, speaking to a squirrel that occupied a high branch. “Fluttershy?” Trixie asked, the pegasus pony’s back facing her.

“Storing nuts for the cold season, huh? Oh, Trixie. I didn’t see you there,” Fluttershy smiled, turning around. “Don’t mind me. I was just speaking to this cute, little critter up there. He’s awfully busy getting ready… Perhaps it’s rude of me to bother him.”

“Heh…” Trixie was about to simply begin apologizing, like she’d felt up to doing so all night, especially towards Rainbow, but Fluttershy started speaking first.

“My goodness!”

Trixie gulped. “What?”

Fluttershy smiled. “Your dress! It’s magnificent! Is that Rarity’s doing?”

“Oh, yes! It is! You like it?”

Fluttershy calmly hoofed, “I love it!”

Trixie only felt it fair to return the compliment. “She probably did your’s, too, because what you’re wearing looks just as good as Trixie’s dress if not better.”

“Why, thank you, Trixie.” The pegasus took in some air before stating, “I never knew you could be so… kind.”

Trixie couldn’t stop smiling. With Fluttershy, she didn’t even feel it necessary to apologize, but still, she made a move on doing so. Fluttershy didn’t help her either in asking, “So, did you need something? Or just coming over here to keep me company?”

Trixie raised a hoof. “Actually, Trixie wanted to… you know, say that she’s sorry for all she’s done in the past, to you and your friends.”

Instantly, without a moment’s wait, Fluttershy admirably stated, “Forgiven.”

It was enough to make Trixie back up a little, and that’s when she saw Rainbow’s signature streak overtake the distanced clouds along with a few other flyers. They were surely the legendary Wonderbolts, but what made Trixie that much more uneasy was the sure possibility of Rainbow hearing her friend say that. This was mainly because there she was floating just up above, behind Fluttershy and the trees.

“That’s… great!” Trixie awkwardly did her best to keep a straight face, but knowing Rainbow was right there just made the whole atmosphere feel more tense just then. Luckily for her, Fluttershy thought it time to catch up with her other friends.

“I’ll be with Twilight if you need me.” Before leaving, though, Fluttershy took the time to say, “Rarity’s already tried to talk to Rainbow Dash by the way. It didn’t work. Umm… My advice would be to do whatever your heart tells you to do.” She then went ahead and hugged the showmare for good comfort, oblivious to Rainbow’s presence.

After the yellow pony had left, save for a few words heard off in the distance and the muffled music being played beyond the walls of the structure next to them, there was a moment of silence while the two looked on at one another. For the most part, the clearing they occupied though well lit was amazingly deserted.

Rainbow was waiting for Trixie to say something first, but instead of that happening, Trixie turned around solemnly and started heading for the fountain only a few steps away. Rainbow, though she could’ve left, didn’t. She followed closely behind, hovering above the grass now, and watching Trixie’s every movement.

When they’d finally gotten to the water, Rainbow was more than willing to break the silence. “Nice dress.” It didn’t even sound realistic. More like something she was being paid to say.

“Thank you,” Trixie quietly responded. “You look…” She took a chance and made eye contact shortly after looking this mare up and down. “You look wonderful, too.”

Rainbow’s sneer wasn’t comforting at all, and only assisted in Trixie getting quieter and quieter. “So,” Rainbow said. “I… might’ve been watching you while you talked to Applejack.” This was a shock to Trixie, and sent goosebumps down her forehooves and hindlegs. Rainbow even saw how shaken Trixie had gotten after she announced that. Now Rainbow, too, had butterflies in her stomach.

“You did…?”

“Y-yeah,” she tried to say smoothly, but it came out sounding as if she’d just learnt this herself. “Applejack seems… really, really willing to give you a chance. Either you’re the greatest liar ever, or…” She smiled.

“Oh, Rainbow,” Trixie said, wanting to say anything she could to deny being a liar.

“Or, you’re actually, genuinely sorry for what you did… Just, why did Celestia choose somepony like you as her new student? I don’t get it. I mean, let’s be real here.” Rainbow breathed in before boldly saying, “You’re no Twilight Sparkle when it comes to magic and spell weaving.”

Trixie blinked with worry. “Does that really matter? Does it even need to be brought up? Trixie doesn’t know, okay?” She placed her hoof on her chest, and said, “Trixie often can't help but to think about this at times, and when she does, her heart sinks. So, go ask her if you must know, because I won’t have your answer!”

Rainbow shuffled her hooves in an embarrassed way. “No, that’s not important," the pegasus said in realization. "You’re right,” she confessed to herself with closing eyes. “You’re right…”

“Why can’t Trixie be your friend, Rainbow Dash?” The question was like a dagger, cutting through all the obstacles to get to the core of the conversation.

“Erh, because, I… Uhh...”

Flustered, Trixie’s hoof pointed forth at Rainbow’s torso. “You can’t even answer! If you want Trixie to say sorry, she will, because it’s beginning to feel like that’s all she's said tonight. Apology after apology.” Her head shook in disbelief towards Rainbow’s untouched stance and unchanged face, like she was contemplating this harshly, and she was.

“How…” Rainbow finally made a more pleasant face, if only a little untrusting. “How do I know you won’t put us all in harm’s way again, like when you had that amulet?”

Trixie put her hoof on her upset head, and sternly asked, “Did Discord get the third degree, too?”

At that, Rainbow inhaled a deep breath of air through her nose, and sighed before saying, “My friends brought that up, too. I kinda flew away, because I didn’t have an answer. I still don’t.”

“Well,” Trixie began, her eyes filling with tears now. “Trixie wants to say that she's s-”

“No!” Rainbow shut her eyes tight to block her own tears, and exclaimed, “I’m the one who should be sorry.” Rainbow sniffled. “I’m sorry, Trixie, for being such a… a hard head about it, as Rarity puts it. I’m sorry I put you through this, and I know you don’t deserve this kind of treatment anymore. I just...”

Trixie asked with a hoarse voice, “R-Rainbow Dash?”

“Guh,” she grunted, wiping away the tears that had escaped. “I just don’t know what came over me. Alright?”

Trixie moved quick to grasp Rainbow in her hooves. “It’s okay,” she comforted. “I’ll forgive you if you forgive me… Friends?”

Rainbow held tight, and smiled. “Alright, friends.” They kept with each other, hidden by the trees, next the lavish, flowing fountain for a few more seconds. Rainbow was the one to break the hug. Trixie just didn’t want to let go, but compelled herself rather well despite the circumstances. “I just hope nopony saw that.”

Trixie magically pulled a handkerchief out from her dress, and said, “Trixie just knew this would be of some use tonight. Trixie doesn't think any pony saw us, by the way, but...” She took it upon herself to clean both her’s and Rainbow’s cheeks. “We’d better be getting back to the fun before everypony starts looking for us.”

Nodding to the notion, Rainbow lead the way. “Yeah, and besides, Soarin' promised me a race before the night ended.”

Trixie chuckled. “Isn’t he the cute one?”

Rainbow gasped, and then a whole new conversation began. This one, this time around would be a much more preferable conversation to the two of them. The festivities of the night went by all too fast of course, and the next morning would come inevitably, but at this moment in time, Trixie wished the Grand Galloping Gala was one that lasted forever.