• Published 4th Jan 2015
  • 1,778 Views, 10 Comments

Hearts Heal Slowly - TwilightUCrazy

After a serious operation and an unbearably-long recovery, Applejack feels as though a piece of herself has gone missing. It's up to Rainbow Dash to help her get it back.

  • ...

Prologue: Down and Out

The Friendship Express lurched to a screeching halt in Ponyville Station, and let out a steamy sigh as the conductors began opening the doors to the passenger cars. Bustling crowds of busy ponies stepped out onto the platforms, making the mother of all rackets. Screeching roller luggage bags filed out of the station, screaming foals faded away, and the last of the passengers disembarked.

At last the station was again quiet.

Rainbow nervously trotted in-place.

She looked over her withers back at Twilight. "Did you guys see her? She didn't go right by us, did she? Do you think she missed the train?"

The princess scowled and rolled her eyes. "Rainbow Dash, would you please settle down?"

"Indeed, darling!" the white unicorn standing next to her said. "You've been entirely on-edge the past several days! I know you're excited to see Applejack, but there's no need to have a heart attack yourself over it." Rarity paused and blushed sheepishly. "N-no pun meant, of course..."

"Technically, it wasn't a heart attack."

"Details, dear. Details."

"Besides!" the hopping Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "she wouldn't just pass us up! I made apple cupcakes just for her! She wouldn't want to miss those!"

Fluttershy pouted. "Umm... Pinkie? Do you really think cupcakes are a good idea for Applejack? I mean, don't you think that a healthy diet would be better for her so soon after surgery?"

Pinkie stopped mid-bounce and her hair sagged slightly. "Cupcakes? Unhealthy?"

Fluttershy brought her hoof to her face.

None of it impressed Rainbow Dash, who continued to pace nervously along the edge of the train platform, peering into the passenger compartments.

A soft, repetitive squeak-squeak-squeak trickled through the air, and Rainbow Dash pricked her ears forward, trotting a car over and peering in the door.

Applebloom nearly ran her over.

"Pardon!" the young filly squeaked and landed on the platform.

Granny's decrepit form followed and took the space of thirty seconds for her to clear out of the corridor.

"Pardon me, ma'am." The conductor stepped off behind her, carrying two short metal strips in his fetlock. He stepped onto the platform, softly pushing Rainbow Dash aside so as to place the makeshift ramps.

Applebloom knelt. "Move the right one a bit to the left."

The conductor did as told.

"Now the left one a bit to the right."

Once again, the conductor obeyed.

"Aaaaand, perfect!"

Granny smiled. "Alright there, Big Mac," she said softly. "Bring 'er down."

The second the sunlight caught off of Applejack's slightly-pale orange coat and blonde mane, it was like the last month hadn't happened. All of the worry, all of the stress, all the heartbreaking tears she’d shed – but would never admit to doing so – were but a memory.

Even if it was just her face showing, it was like a part of the spectrum in Celestia's sun was gone without the farmgirl around. Something small, but crucial, had gone missing in the world with her friend gone.

The moment her brother softly pushed her down the makeshift ramp, Rainbow Dash could feel everything slide right back into place.

She could barely contain her excited squeal as their other friends approached. Now, everything was going to be okay. There would be no more doctors, no more tests, and no more hospital rooms. And she liked it that way.

Applejack snored softly beneath a blue, plush blanket. Her head rested to the side against a pillow that the Apple family had liberated from the hospital.

It took all of Rainbow's willpower to not bowl over the farmpony in a tight squeeze. But she managed to contain herself.

"Awww..." her friends collectively cooed as they moved in and gently nuzzled their friend's mane.

The sleepy earth pony moaned and stirred a bit. Her droopy eyes, highlighted by dark circles, slowly opened and blinked a few times. She yawned and had a weary look around.

"We there already?" she murmured tiredly.

"Indeed you are, darling," Rarity said with a warm tone and a soft nudge to her cheek.

"Welcome back," Twilight said with a smile, brushing a hoof through her friend’s blond mane.

"We missed you sooooo much,” Fluttershy said tearfully.

“It was the worst thing ever without you, Applejack! All my ‘Get-well-soon-AJ’ sleepovers weren’t the same without you,” Pinkie said with a pout.

Applejack chuckled softly, though winced in pain when she did so. She paused and looked Rainbow’s way, giving the pegasus a tired smile.

Rainbow sniffed and shrugged, feigning indifference. “Eh… I knew she was gonna be okay. Nopony as tough as me or AJ goes down to something stupid like being sick.”

The farmpony blinked her sleepy eyes confusedly.

Rarity leaned in and spoke into her ear. “Don’t let her fool you. Rainbow Dash was beside herself the whole time you were gone.”

Twilight smirked the pegasus’s direction. “You were all she asked about almost every day. She even started reading medical journals from my library about your condition to figure out how bad you had it,” she said with a giggle.

Rainbow flushed as Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, even Big Mac began snorting with laughter.

“Yeah, well… it’s not like I’d have anypony else in this joint to race with if Applejack didn’t…” She paused and swallowed a painful lump in her throat. The thought made her sick to her stomach all over again. “...if she didn’t come back…” she muttered.

Her eyes burned with unspilled tears before she felt a warm, orange hoof reach out and take her by her fetlock.

Rainbow sniffed again and looked down at her enfeebled friend as she smiled up at her.

“Aw, c’mon, sugarcube. You didn’t need to worry about little ol' me. I’m plenty tough.”

Managing a smile, Rainbow still couldn’t help but notice the shaky nature of her friend’s foreleg as she held on.

Deciding to make it easier for her, Rainbow leaned in and happily gobbled up the earth pony in her eager hooves. She felt like she could let the tears out now, and stained Applejack’s coat a muddier shade with every nuzzle.

Twilight and the others circled around, joined by Applebloom and Granny Smith. Everypony leaned in for a group hug, and Big Mac wrapped his meaty hooves around all of them.

It didn’t matter. In that moment, the family was complete again. Rainbow Dash had her friend back, and nothing else mattered except how good it felt to not have to worry. It was like color being painted into a sketch. The picture was made complete, and nothing else could have made her happier at the time.

Applejack let out a contented sigh. Her smile was brighter than a shiny new bit. The hug lasted long after the train had departed, yet ended all too soon just the same.

“Alright you little whippersnappers,” Granny Smith said, breaking up the hug. “I don’t wanna break up this little reunion, but this little filly needs ‘er rest!” she said, ruffling Applejack’s mane.

Rainbow bolted upright and trotted over to Big Mac, pushing him aside. "It's cool, big guy. I got this."

"Got nothin'," Applejack protested sleepily, removing the blanket from herself with a gentle push. "I'm walkin' home..."

The pegasus winced at the sight of the spongy bandage covering her friend's lengthy scar down her chest. From below her sternum all the way up to her clavicle, a large rectangular patch covered the site of the incision. Around the bandages were bare patches of pale skin where they had shaved away her coat for the surgery.

As Applejack pushed against the wheelchair arms, Twilight and Fluttershy rushed to either side to help her up.

"Easy, y'all. I got this," the farmgirl grunted and pushed.

She got her forehooves onto the floor, and set her rear legs to stand. Gravity betrayed her however, and her legs quivered weakly.

Rainbow reacted quickly and pushed the wheelchair back underneath her friend's rump before she could collapse completely.

"Whoa. Easy there, cowgirl."

"Don't push yourself too hard, Applejack," Fluttershy said, nuzzling her friend's freckled cheek.

"Why don't you give it a few more days before you start straining your body too much? Your muscles probably haven't finished healing sufficiently yet."

"I'm inclined to agree with Twilight and Fluttershy, darling. Walking hasn't changed all that much, anyway. It’s not like you’re missing out on anything. Besides I'm sure you'll be up on your hooves in no time!"

Applejack scowled at everypony around her. “Alright y’all, back it up. I ain’t no invalid. Ah can take care of myself just—w-whoa!”

Forcing herself up determinedly when her legs weren’t ready to support her caused them to crumble pitifully beneath her. The farmpony lost her balance, and Twilight gasped, snaring her in her telekinetic grasp before she could hit the floor.

Everypony’s glares burned into the stubborn mare.

Applejack blushed and timidly slumped back into her seat. “M-maybe just one ride home wouldn’t hurt nothin’…” she muttered.

Rainbow giggled. “Then get ready for the ride of your life, AJ!” she said. “Bet I can have you home in ten seconds flat!”

Her friend chuckled and braced herself. “Uh oh...”

“One, two, thr— OUCH!”

The “ee” never got past her teeth before she was yanked by her tail to the ground. She yelped and painfully rubbed at the sore spot on her backside, looking up at the glowering Twilight.


The princess's tone was firm and final.

Rainbow pouted. “N-no?”

“No,” she repeated.

Rolling her eyes, the pegasus sighed and leaned on the handles. “Fine... steady as she goes, then.”

Applejack was asleep again by the time the convoy arrived home.















Hearts Heal Slowly
written by TwilightUCrazy

Comments ( 9 )

OK I have a question why way applejack in the hospital?


Following a grievous heart condition

Pinkie stopped mid-bounce and her hair sagged slightly. "Cupcakes? Unhealthy?"

Silly Pinkie. Everyone knows that nothing is healthier than greasy fish and chips with beer, preferably for breakfast.

In all seriousness though, I like this a lot. I hope it doesn't get too sad though: I'm too delicate for that kind of thing.

I have a bad feeling that this story will break MY heart at one point or another :raritydespair:

Faved & upvoted, can't wait for the next chapter!

5463748 Reading comprehension escapes you doesn't it.

I need an update! This is too amazing to simply stop!!!! :raritycry:

I hope you'll decide to finish this... why do I read unfinished stories anyway, I don't know. But I was unable to stop myself from doing this.

Why is this cancelled???????

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