• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 1,922 Views, 20 Comments

WarHammer 40000: Dawn of Friendship - PhoKingAzn

It is Forty thousands years after the rise of the mane 6, Welcome to the World of WarHammer

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Chapter 1: Shatter the Sky

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war

Chapter 1: Shatter the Sky

On board the Thunderhawk traveling through Equestrian Orbit,
UltraColt Twilight awaits for the next mission.
Beside her is her librarian, Spike.
Across the carrier was a new recruit
He wore his armor with pride, including his helmet.
Moments later a screen across the carrier flickered on, Inquisitor Spitfire Appeared

"Good marrow UltraColts,"
"According to reports, it appears your recruiting town, Pony Ville, is being under invasion of Xenos" Said Spitfire,
"We are sending you to deny any Access until the liberation fleet arrives, also we are sending in Black Pegasus and Pony Guard to assist"

"Why would we need help from a bunch of Xenos" replied spike, easing in his seat
"Those primitive DiMads Dogz can't even handle all three of us"

"Patience Librarian, let the Inquisitor speak" said Twilight.

"Thank you Twilight" said Spitfire, "Since Pony Ville stands between DiMad Dogz and Clouds Dale, Reports have seen sightings of cleared forest paths of giant trak trends. The inquisition is assuming of a new DiMad Dogz War Machine."

"Thank you Spitfire, we will be well informed" said Twilight

The screen flickers off and the recruit feeling unease in his chair

"Spike showing such disrespect against the Inquisitor could get you killed" said the recruit

"the inquisition is just near to the the council" replied spike "Unless I'm tainted with chaos I'm damn sure I'm fine"

"Enough of you two" said Twilight Calmly "We must focus on different matters in our recruit world in Pony Ville"

The speakers of the ship came alive and the pilot's voice was heard

"Twilight we are approaching the drop zone, get prepared in a pod"

Twilight instantly stood up and headed for a Pod and said,

"come on you two, make hast we must drop soon"

And just in that moment a huge explosion shook the craft and the recruit fell over as spike back slammed into a wall.
The pilot came on over the speakers

"Sir, DiMad Dogz DiMad Baks are attacking our ship, our broad engines have been hit" a pause...
"We are losing altitude" As another explosion shook the ship in the opposite direction.

"Save yourself pilot launch the pods in 2 minutes" yelled Twilight

Twilight pushed the recruit into the pod, along with Spike and jumped in as it was being ejected.

Inside the pod, it was dark and claustrophobic. The feeling of free fall filled the recruit with fear and contempt.
The sounds of explosions and gunfire in the background. And also a DiMad TrOl Screaming.
The Adrenaline filled the recruit's Blood as excitement and fear took his mind as he shook and shaked in his seat inside the pod.He could barely speak. All he heard was the force of the wind passing the pod.

A few moments later a Huge Explosion of an impact erupted as the Pod Landed To Earth.