• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 1,353 Views, 9 Comments

The Tricky Part is Getting Sweets to the Right Place - Hipster Pony Raven Horn

Trixie goes to Bon Bon to ask for a date

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Sweets Can Make You Jittery and Nervous

Trixie was not the most socially adept of ponies. A lonely childhood caused her to try and make friends by impressing them. Spending her time growing up wrapped up in her tricks, trying to be a master of all magic. In her mind being the best at everything was the only thing she was destined to be. However after not just one but two humiliating encounters with one Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville had caused Trixie to reevaluate the situation. It was hard, humiliating, and humbling but Trixie eventually learnt that the only real way to make friends, was to be a friend first.

Trixie had drifted from town to town, before attempting to settle in Ponyville. Granted the residents were a bit hesitant in letting Trixie back. But with a small endorsement from her old rival, who at this time had somehow surpassed her further and become a princess, Trixie was allowed to purchase a house and attempt to settle down.

But making friends was a troubling thing, as most of the residents still held grudges against Trixie from her last appearance in the town. While no pony refused her business, Trixie still found it hard to socialise with the ponies. But there was one pony that kept Trixie from moving out and attempting to find another residence. Her employer and first real friend in Ponyville, Bon Bon.

Trixie approached the door cautiously. Her insides felt like they wanted to revolt, the civil war going in in her stomach becoming more violent with every step. But she had to do this, there was no turning back now. Her hoof shook slightly as she reached for the bell. Last chance. Trixie pushed the bell, hearing the chimes. “I’ll be just a moment!” Bon Bon called from inside, her words taking Trixie back to her first day after moving into Ponyville.

Trixie dragged her hooves out of her bed at the incessant rapping on her front door. She yawned, growling to herself and wondering who could be calling at this time of night. As she arrived at the door she barked out “What is it? Trixie is tired from the trouble of buying a house and now Trixie wants to fall asleep.”

“I’ll be just a moment.” The voice that came through the door was unfamiliar to Trixie. It was not one of her hecklers from the day, nor was it one of her defenders. Trixie opened the door to a creme pony with curly pink and blue hair. Trixie blinked for a moment as the pony continued, “My name is Bon Bon, and I thought you could use a pick me up after your trials today.” Trixie looked down, finding a basket full of sweets sitting on her doorstep.

“I-I don’t know what to say,” Trixie looked at the basket, as if she expected the basket to disappear.

“Don’t worry too much about it.” Bon Bon replied smiling. “I heard about how much trouble you had today, and I thought you could use something sweet to cheer you up.” She shuffled a bit before adding “I’m sorry it’s so late, I had to cook a second batch as my first one was stolen on my way over here.”

“Well… th-thank you.” Trixie said, levitating the basket inside. “I… I really appreciate it.”

Bon Bon’s smile spread warmly across her face. “If you need anything, feel free to drop by Sweet Drops, my store in Ponyville. I specialise in different types of sweets than Sugar Cube Corner, but I’m still business rivals with them in a sense.” The giggle that followed almost startled Trixie with how pleasant it sounded. This pony truly thought that rivalry was a good thing, and not a bad one.

“Well… Trixie had best get back to sleep… Trixie will try and stop by your store sometime.” Trixie said, a small smile on her face. Bon Bon smiled back as the door closed. As Trixie headed back to her bed a small glimmer of hope nestled in her heart. Perhaps making friends wouldn’t be so hard after all.

Trixie straightened up as Bon Bon opened the door to her house. “Trixie! That’s somewhat unexpected, since the store is closed today for the renovations I would have expected you to be doing one of your favourite past times.” Bon Bon stepped aside, a warm smile on her face. “Come in, a batch of fudge just came out of the oven. We can talk while it cools down.”

Trixie swallowed, walking into the house. The smell of warm fudge reached her nose causing a smile to spread across her lips. The sent of the candy was almost like some sort of solvent, simultaneously melting away her anxiety and the structure she had built around it. She followed Bon Bon past the kitchen, feeling far more relaxed now than she had walking up to the door.

“It’s nice that you came to visit me.” Bon Bon said, a slight melodic note in her voice. “Since Lyra moved out the house has been feeling rather empty.” The comment came as Trixie found herself in Bon Bon’s living room, and she remembered why she had all the anxiety in the first place. She sat roughly across from her hostess, sitting straight and rigid.

“That’s right.” Trixie said, swallowing hard. “You said that Lyra was moving out. W-was it hard to break up?” The whole town had talked about one of the most notable couples in Ponyville suddenly severing ties with no prior warning.

“You didn’t really buy into the rumour that Lyra and I were a couple did you?” Bon Bon said with a slight smirk and hidden chuckle. Trixie froze, had she really been so misinformed? Why hadn’t she ever asked before? Why did she just assume? “Lyra is straight, she’s just really bad at showing that.” Bon Bon said, her chuckle more prominent as she continued, “The whole rumour started when one of our old friends said that if gayness wasn’t spread like a disease, and Lyra was so certain of that, then she’d kiss me on the lips. It was such an awkward kiss, but it was still a kiss.” Bon Bon’s laughter was barely contained, and it proved to be at least slightly infectious.

Trixie chuckled nervously as she watched her boss giggle at the memory. If Lyra hadn’t been Bon Bon’s marefriend, then has she been single this whole time? Or did she have another marefriend hiding in the shadows? Or was she single for some time and Trixie had missed her chance as she had found a marefriend while Trixie waited in agonising pain and hope that Lyra would not be there forever? “So, does that mean there is no, I mean, do you not have a special somepony?” Trixie hoped her question wasn’t too leading.

“Nope, been single for years now. I just can’t seem to find the right one.” Bon Bon said, reclining slightly in her chair. Her legs slipped from under her causing the rear ones to dangle off the edge of the chair. “Oh now look what I’ve done! I look like Lyra! I always told her this looks ridiculous.” More laughter as Bon Bon re-situated herself on her chair.

The near constant laughter was starting to infect Trixie now, breaking down her nerves little by little. Bon Bon liked to laugh, it was part of the reason it was so pleasant working for her in her store. She made jokes with the customers, with Trixie, and sometimes if she was in a particularly strange mood come to work attempting to make some sort of pun off of her own name. It was one of the things Trixie liked best about her, the genuine kindness, the laughter, and the good will towards everypony. It was something that Trixie had lacked for years, and envied that it seemed to come so naturally to Bon Bon.

“You’ve been so quiet Trixie, you’re usually a little more talkative than this.” Bon Bon said with a slight wink. Trixie could feel herself turning purple as red mixed with her blue coat. “Is something on your mind? You must have had a reason to come see me today.”

Trixie swallowed, she was being put on the spot. “I-I just wanted to see you!” She lied, her nerves were failing her. She couldn’t flee the house, but she could at least divert attention away from her. “Just t-to see how you were doing with Lyra l-leaving!” Trixie cursed her nerves, wished that she could regain some of that bravado she had when she first came to Ponyville.

“I see…” Bon Bon said, nodding solemnly. “The fudge should be ready now. Wait here and I’ll bring us out some.” Trixie nodded rapidly as Bon Bon rose, trotting off towards the kitchen. She could hear the clattering of plates, then the squeaking of wheels. Looking around Trixie saw a serving dolly being wheeled towards her with two plates adorned with blocks of fudge. “I’m so glad I got this, it’s made serving guests without Lyra so much easier.”

“T-thank you for the fudge, Bon Bon.” Trixie said, taking the plate closest to her. She used the fudge as a further excuse to avoid talking with Bon Bon. She could feel her self-loathing grow inside her for her hesitation, it shouldn’t be this hard.

“As I said earlier I am kind of surprised you’re taking a day off to see me.” Bon Bon said, taking a small bite out of her fudge. “Normally when you have days off you do things like attempt to socialise at Haybucks, or put on a small performance for passers-by, or spend time at the Library studying. You’ve never really come to see me before”

Trixie was starting to realise the absolute beauty of having fudge in her mouth. She had enjoyed it before, but she had never enjoyed it so much that she could adequately use it as a distraction for avoiding conversation before. She motioned that she had a full mouth, and spent as much time as she could simply chewing the fudge. It was sublime, with a perfect mixture of firmness and creaminess. Then it hit her. Bon Bon made this Fudge, and Bon Bon was sitting across from her smiling. She wasn’t accusing Trixie of anything when she wanted to know why she broke routine, she simply was curious. She was so certain that Trixie’s reasons for being there were benign that even the extended pause didn’t rattle her.

Trixie swallowed, the fudge giving her a certain warmth and courage that she hadn’t found before. But even so she couldn’t just say it. “Bon Bon, can Trixie ask you a question?”

“Of course Trixie, I’m always willing to listen.” Bon Bon said, leaning forward slightly. “Fire away.”

“Bon Bon… will you…” Trixie looked straight into Bon Bon’s eyes, gathering up all the determination she could muster. “Bon Bon, will you go on a date with me and give me a chance at being your marefriend?” Bon Bon blinked, sitting back slightly. Trixie swallowed, but as the answer didn’t come she closed her eyes. Of course, it was stupid of her to expect a yes. Bon Bon likely thought they were just friends, and nothing more.

Trixie’s eyes shot open as she felt a gentle press against her cheek. Bon Bon had left her chair, and was now standing next to the unicorn. “Congratulations Trixie, you have one of the things I’ve been wanting in a Mare.” Trixie turned to face Bon Bon, her eyes starting to water in a mixture of confusion and joy. “That took a lot of courage. A lot of mares who have asked me just assumed I’d say yes. They didn’t face the possibility of rejection. But you did, and for that I can give you a chance.” Bon Bon hugged Trixie as the unicorn’s watering eyes finally started to flood down her face.

“A chance, is all I can honestly ask for.” Trixie replied, hugging back. “Just one chance.”

Author's Note:

Part of me hopes that my Editor was right and it is ready to publish, part of me worries I'm making a huge mistake because I'm tired and want to post something. And part of me is glad I'm posting this later at night so it might be missed on the front page. I dunno, I'm tired and I'm publishing something.

Slight amusement, this is published the year 2014, with exactly 2014 words according to G-docs. Amusing. Similarly amusing that fim fic seems to disagree with that assertion. I'm probably too tired to be doing this. DO IT ANYWAY!

Comments ( 9 )

Interesting, Trixie didn't refer to herself in the third pony in that last line. I wonder if that was deliberate. Great story, I loved it, really cute cover art too. I have a bit of a soft spot for Trixie redemption stories, as long as they aren't ridiculously tragic or unbelievable in some other way. This story did it right in my opinion.:twilightsmile:

And here I was expecting it to end up as Trixie wanting a date.

Wait, I mean like the fruit date.

Consarnit, relaying hope for wordplay makes it hard to avoid wordplay...


It's only in poorly written fanfics that Trixie constantly uses constant third person.

Watch her original episode again, she swaps between first and third person interchangeably, while mostly using third person while performing and using first person more often while off-stage.

4813453 I am aware of this. I was just pointing out that in this story she seemed to use third person all the time, until that last line. I was just wondering if that was a deliberate move by the author.

Try reading the fic again, she drops third person more than just the last line :twilightsmile:

Hmm... not bad. Have a like.

4813969 Darn, yeah missed that, never mind.

Hmm, not bad. I liked Lyra and Bon Bon not actually being a couple, there. Short, but-pardon the pun-sweet.

Cute. Of course, that just puts Trixie's whole effort of buying a house to waste, because now she has to warm her new lover's bed at night :trixieshiftleft:

Of course, Bon Bon won't need a trolley anymore now that she has a unicorn around the house for levitation again!

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