• Published 9th Aug 2014
  • 942 Views, 38 Comments

SSAdventures: Spirit Awakening - Spirit Shift


  • ...

"Who the hell is Moonlight ButtTwerk?"

A young colt by the name Blazing Notes began to prance in place with excitement, the guitar bouncing on his back along with him. “Is this the place? Please Celestia, tell me this is the place!”

Bionic Force checked the mini computer attached to his foreleg. “Calm your junk, Notes, this is the place.”

A young mare named Coco Pommel began to blush uncontrollably. “I-I-I didn't realize that we would be coming to a place like this.”

Spirit Shift looked up and tilted his head in confusion. “I thought we were monster hunters.”

Force continued to study his screen. “Well I thought we were researchers.”

Blazing Notes looked like he was about to rush in with the way he was dancing on his hooves. “I don’t care WHAT we are right now! This, right here, is the best moment I’ve had since we left home!”

Coco looked slightly shocked. “How could you say that?”

Notes turned to her. “Look where we are!” he said, pointing to the sign that read, ‘Plot Shaker’. “We are at an effing strip club you nobs!” He turned and pointed at the young colt. “Force, your a growing colt, you should be excited!”

The colt’s expression remained expressionless. “I would be more excited if the mares inside were all either ninth degree black belts, or automated cyborgs with triple digit intellects.”

Notes glared at him before turning to the blue pegasus on his other side. “Spirit, please tell me that you’re at least somewhat excited to be here,” he begged.

Spirit put down his action figures and turned to him with his usual bright smile. “Nope, I am incredibly bored right now!”

Notes threw his hooves in the air and groaned. He sat back on his haunches and began to rub a hoof on his temple “Not that I’m complaining, but please tell me why the hell we suddenly decided to go to a strip club. I just need to be sure that we won't get ambushed, or find out that every single mare in the place is a changeling or something…..” he shuddered. “....again.”

Spirit fell out laughing at the memory of Notes in the shower, frantically washing himself up and down, all while screaming stuff about the gunk not coming out of his coat.

“Well, simply put, we seem to be in dire need of financial stability?”

“Yeah, you never told me. How exactly did we suddenly go broke over the course of a single morning? We've been here 3 days, and this is the first I've heard of it.”

Force opened his mouth to reply but got cut off when Spirit jumped up in front of him. “Flashback time!!” he exclaimed before he began to make strange warbling noises while wiggling his hooves.


It was a normal day in little old Ponyville-

We’re in Manehatten.

I know, Coco just listen.

Oops, sorry, please continue.

Ahem, like I was saying. It was just another normal day in Ponyville, the birds were singing, the ponies were out and about, and the regular monster was on it’s way to attack the unsuspecting town. It hit like a bomb outta nowhere, immediately destroying the orphanage without warning.


“Oh sweet Celestia no, not the orphanage!” a random mare cried out.

“What the hell is that!!” screamed another. Pointing over at the gargantuan body of an 8 tentacled starry skinned creature. It had one large eye that contained 8 unmoving pupils, and each of his slimy tentacles ended in a fist that was on fire. It stood clear over the city and randomly punched down, destroying all manner of homes and businesses. Every so often it would grab something and toss it into it’s never closing black hole of a mouth. The millions of rotating sharp teeth easily tearing it to shreds.

A brown colt’s eyes shrank to dots. “Sweet Shiva, It’s heading for the Gametrot!”


The brown colt wearing a spinning propeller beanie fell to his knees and screamed to the heavens, tears running down his eyes. “nnnnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!”

A tan earth pony mare came up and comforted her son. “What kind of sick, BASTARD would destroy the games?”

The colt whimpered in his mother's embrace. “It was the only one in town. Who’ll save the princess now!?” he sobbed.

“Oh, won’t somepony help us!” the mare sobbed alongside her son.

Suddenly a super masculine voice rang out over the town. “Have no fear! Your savior is here!”

Everypony’s eyes were attracted the gleaming pony floating down in a ray of golden light, his wings spread wide. His hair was a calm blue surrounding a blazing red that matched his eyes. His coat was as blue as the azure sky, though the sky’s radiance paled in contrast to his own. “I’m here to save you!” His crimson cape flowing in the breeze like Celestia’s hair.

The entire town began to cheer his name, the ones who didn't gaped in awe.

One grey mare with a dignified bow tie acted as the latter. “Who is that magnificent stallion?” she asked.

Another pony with violet shades and a white coat galloped up and smacked her upside her head. WHAP “How in Equestria could you NOT know who that is!”

The gray mare rubbed the back of her head. “I-I just-”

WHAP! Another slap. “NO! Shut up! There is absolutely NO reason for you to not know him! Shame on you!”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry, you are forgiven.” She grabbed her by her cheeks, and forced the mare’s gaze toward the pony still hovering in a golden light. “That, my dear cellist, is Spirit Shift. The most radicalest, stylishest, awesomest, epicest, and all around amazingest monster hunter in all of Equestria… est,” she exclaimed.

“Wait, aren't awesome, radical, stylish, and epic all roughly the same in this context?”

The white unicorn merely deadpanned, slapping the other pony once more before turning back to me err I mean that great pony. “His deeds are legendary! His skills, unbeatable! I hope that he makes that thing his bitch!!”

The stallion in the sky turned to her and nodded. “Exactly! Watch as I, Spirit Shift, completely destroy that beast!” With that I turned and flew at mach speeds toward the monster creating two, no, three Sonic Spiritbooms in his wake


If that Rainbow Dash gets one named after her, I should too!

I sped toward the demon at mach speeds, gearing up to put the beat down on his ass.

BOOOM! SKUUUSH! WHAP!! WHATING! FALCON HOOF! FALCON HOOF! WHIPLASH! SPLASH!!! BUBBLEBEAM!! I pulled out all of my completely original moves to combat the beast.

“Spirit, what the hell are you doing?”

Until Force came in and ruined the immersion.

I put what I had in the best place I could think of on the fly, and turned around. “Sup Bi, just messin around till we leave.” I answered, completely normally.

My little brother, Bionic Force, stoically stepped into my hotel room and stared at me. “What are you yelling about, I’m getting complaints from the front desk. And for that matter, where have you been the last two days?”

“Nothing, I swear!”

“Uhuh, then why is there a lifelike scale model replica of what looks like Ponyville behind you?”

Okay, so I couldn't hide all of it behind my back, but I did what I could.

“And what are you hiding in your hooves behind your back?”

‘Dammit!’ I thought. I looked down in shame and held them out.

Force looked down and saw the lifelike custom figures that I made of several different ponies. His expression didn't change, but I could tell that he was getting upset when his right eye started to turn from it’s normal grassy green like color to that mean red color that it gets like when he’s irritated.

“Spirit, where did you get these?”

I beamed and started to recount my story. I lifted up my hooves but he just sat them back on the ground.

“No flashback, just tell me where you got them.”

“Well, two days ago when we entered the city, I saw these figures of the Elements of Harmony in a store window. They were so lifelike and detailed, that I just knew that I needed to have one. So I went inside and talked to the owner about them. He said that they were just demonstrations showing his ability to make them for anypony. That was amazing, I thought. I just had to get some made for us. So I asked him about it, and he told that it’d be done by the end of the day. I came back and he was done! Awesome, right?

I got the figures and left, but then I came across a scale model store with the Ponyville one outside. Without thinking, I instantly ran inside. This one was for sale so I bought it, but then I thought that if we were were all gonna play with it, I would need a monster, right? I thought that the monster from my dreams would be a perfect fit. I went back to the model maker and he said that he would need a picture of it. Well, I didn't have that, so instead I came back the next day and spent the entire day describing it to him, It took a while, but it was definitely worth it.”

I held up the creature from my dream named Benevelzhe, (no, like this, Be-ni-vel-zay) the one with the 8 flaming tentacle fists. “I mean, look at this detail!” It really was detailed, you could see the dried blood on it’s teeth and everything!

I then held up the figures of us. “I even made one for Soul Heart, do you think she’ll like it?”

Force, being the killjoy that he was, swatted away Soul’s figure, not our’s, just her’s for some reason. “That answers the question of where you’ve been the last two days,” he mumbled. His voice became more hollow than usual. “Spirit… how much did all this come up to?”

I looked down and tried to remember. “I’m not sure, when I asked how much it all cost at the end, he just wrote down some huge number on a piece of paper. I was like woah, but we got this. I just took out the group wallet, and sat it on the counter. His eyes almost popped out of his head and that made me fall over laughing. He said it was enough, so I ran back to the hotel and I’ve been here since.... Woah, dude, is your eye malfunctioning or something?”

At this point, Bionic’s robotic right eye was blazing red and smoke was coming out of his ear, the rest of his face stayed the same though. He simply closed his right eye and covered it with his hoof, mumbling something about overheating.

“Spirit,” he said, his voice all firm and serious, “you’re going to come with me, and we’re gonna return the Ponyville replica. We can’t take it with us, and frankly, I’m very curious to know how you even got it through that door. But I can ascertain and compare the dimensions of the two objects later. Secondly, we are going back to the doll maker and we are getting our bits back.” He began walking back toward the door, but I called out behind him.

“Can we at least keep the figures?”

He turned back. “You can keep the ones of Notes and yourself, but I don’t like there being any sort of object made in my image. It just makes me want to open it up and look inside.”

“Wait, what about Benevelzhe and Soul,” I said, holding up those two. Force came back and picked up Souls figure. He stared at the earth pony, the hoof work completely accurate right down from her light pink coat, dark red mane and golden eyes, to her heart on her flanks. He even somehow managed to recreate the hoof shaped bruise in the middle of the heart, completing the cutie mark. Seriously nice stuff.

I thought that, as a scientist, Force would have to admire the time and effort put into it, so it took me by surprise when he just nonchalantly tossed it out the window. “You can keep Benevelzhe,” he said as he trotted out the room.

So we returned the Ponyville replica and got some of our bits back, though not much since Benevelzhe destroyed most of it. But we couldn't get into the shop because there was a note on the door that read something like. ‘Not here, won the lottery, out seeing the world.’

“Awe, lucky!” I groaned.

“Great, now were stuck here until we make some bits.”

“How are we gonna do that? I’m a fighter, I can’t do chores, mom said so! Oh man, I’d have to wear a fancy suit!” I began to panic at the thought of being stuck in one place, working. I started shaking Bionic back and forth. “Dude we need some bits! Have Notes put on a concert, play his guitar, sell some of your tech!”

Force simply backhoofed me across my face. “No, no and hell no. Let’s actually think here, we could-”

“Pardon me?”

We turned around to see an off-white coat and two-tone blue mane and tail. She wore a white-bordered lavender sailor collar with a scarlet tie and a tri-shade hair clip in the back of the- oh you get it! we saw you Coco. Jeez storytelling is hard sometimes.

“My name is Coco Pommel. You two are fighters right? Mercenaries?”

I faked a look of offence.“Young lady, we are adven-”

“Yes, we are,” Bionic interrupted, “do you have a job for us?”

“Oh thank Celestia, we need some help here in Manehatten. There’s been a string of abductions, kidnappings, and attacks all over the city. If you would, I’d like to pay you to help catch him.”

Force stepped forward. “Why are you so concerned about this case? With a cutie mark of a lavender chapeau, I assume that you are not with the police.”

I smiled, leaned over and put my hoof around her neck. “Cutie marks don’t matter though, she could be whatever she wants to be.”

Coco flinched back and blushed. “N-no he’s right, I’m not. My sister was attacked, and I can’t stop hoping that whoever’s doing this gets put behind bars. It’s mean, I know, but I just can’t help it.”

“Hmm, a valid enough excuse I suppose. Come Spirit, we shall act as mercenaries for the day. It should provide at least some sort of experience to learn from.”


Spirit finished warbling and continued. “So we found out pretty quickly who it was; it was a stallion called Winnie O’Shank, weird name right? Apparently, he’s a recently escaped convict and homicidal maniac accused of working with the secret slave trades. Not usually our mark, but I was excited anyway. Force discovered that he used to own a some kind of shop, and that his ex wife still worked there. We pulled Notes away from some mare, and now were here!” he exclaimed throwing his hooves into the air.

Looking around, Spirit saw that nopony was around except Coco who was smiling and lightly stomping her hooves on the ground.

“That was a great story Spirit, I especially liked the sound effects!”

Spirit bowed with a bright smile. “Thank you! Thank you! Where are the others though?”

“Oh, they left after the spiritboom part. I chose to stay here so they told me to give you this.” She handed Spirit a piece of paper that he read aloud.

“Spirit, we’re going inside to get info. Stay here, don’t move, don’t explore, don’t do anything stupid. If you see somepony run out, run them down immediately. Inquisitively yours, Bionic Force.

P.S Stop trying to imitate voices, you're bad at it, and it grates on my ears.

P.P.S. When we get back, tell me about the mares in your fantasy, they sound hot! ~Blazing Notes

Spirit lowered the note. “Huh…… alright then. Hey, Coco, you wanna play with these figures?” he beamed, taking out the figures of himself, Force, Notes, and Soul.

She took one and lovingly gazed at it “Ohhh, alright!”


Notes and Force trotted past the large bouncer and into the club. Once inside the sound proof walls, the blaring music instantly became more apparent. Notes eyes bulged when they landed on the many mares doing various lap dances. Looking further back, he could see that the ones doing sexy pole dance moves were protected by shatterproof glass, probably there to protect the mares from being pelted with bits.

Eventually, Notes tore his eyes away and looked back at the small green haired colt next to him. His gaze was locked forward, almost as if the plethora of pony plot around them didn't concern him in the slightest.

Notes looked back at the burly guard that they just passed. He stopped them at first, but Bionic simply pulled a wallet out and showed him something. The guard stared at it for a sec then let them through. “Alright, I’ll bite, what the hay did you just show that dude to get us in here? I know for a fact that you’re not 18 yet.”

“Magic paper, the second it’s opened it displays what you want them to see. Comes in handy when I need to bypass age restriction.”

“Nice, mind if I-”

“It won’t work for you.”

“Oh, is it like magically bonded to only-”

“No, I specifically made it so that it won’t work for you. I just don’t trust you not to abuse it,” he explained as they made their way to the back room, showing the card to anypony that stood in their way.

Notes glared at the smaller colt. “You’re a dick sometimes. You know that?”

Force lazily glanced back. “Maybe if you stop thinking with yours, I’d trust you with more than just that guitar.”

“Whatever, who are we here for again? I want to get that outta the way before I begin enjoying my time.”

“We’re here to find Shank’s ex wife, she might know something.”

“Is she a stripper here?”

“No, after Shank got arrested the first time, ownership went to her.”

“Alright, sounds simple enough, what’s her name.”

Bionic stopped in his tracks, annoyance flashed across his face. He sighed and kept walking. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Come on, I’ll find out eventually, just tell me now.”

The young colts left eye began to twitch, he mumbled something.

“Err, come again?”

Bionic sighed. “Moonlight... Twerk...”

After dragging Notes’ laughing butt halfway across the building, the duo soon came to the owner’s room at the far end, the owner’s name plastered on the front of it. Notes nearly fell out laughing again, while Force frustratingly rubbed his head.

Notes managed to get a few words out through his laughter. “I seriously hope that this isn't her real name. I mean, who comes up with this stuff.”

“Don’t know, and for once, I don’t care.”

Without knocking Force stomped his way in, surprising the owner who quickly stashed away the bits that she was counting. She glared at the two and pointed an angry hoof at them.

“Who the hay are you two? How did you get in here.”

“Unimportant, we need information.”

“The rates are on the wall, now get out!”

Notes immediately reached for his wallet, but remembered the reason why they were here.

“No, are you… Moonlight Twerk?”

“Yes, and?”

“We need to know about a stallion named Winnie O’ Shank, what do you know?”

The mare’s eye shrank, and without warning, she jumped out the window behind her, not caring about the glass that, no doubt, cut through her skin. Notes started forward, but one calm gesture from Force told him to wait. He led them back outside to where they found Spirit’s smiling face sitting on a struggling mare. Coco stood cowering some distance away.

“I caught her! I caught her!” Spirit cheered.

Notes hoof pumped “Sweet, are we done now?.”

“No, we still need information.”

The mare continued to struggle under Spirit’s weight. “I won’t tell you anything! You can’t make me!”

Coco hesitantly moved forward, making her way next to Force and Notes. “Wh-what do we do now?”

“We’re not going to torture her, if that’s what you’re wondering… I don’t have my saddlebags at the moment anyway.”

Notes took a step forward. “Chill, bros, I got this. Spirit, get up.”

Spirit obeyed, and before the mare could run, Notes grabbed her and dragged her back into the club.

Spirit and Coco watched in confusion. “What’s he doing?” she asked.

Bionic didn't answer.

About 30 minutes later, Notes confidently strutted out of the club, his head held high and a self satisfied smirk on his face. “Alright, long story short, Winnie’s underground with the diamond dogs. They're helping him, but in return he sells them pony slaves. Good news is that he was coming out tomorrow to come see Moonlight. They’re still a thing apparently.”

Bionic took this information and nodded. “Good job, we’ll come back tomorrow and wait for-" he suddenly paused and frowned slightly, "Spirit's gone isn't he?”

Coco and Notes looked around and nodded. Notes didn't react but Coco began to panic.

“Shouldn't we go look for him! This part of Manehatten is dangerous at night.”

Notes patted her on her head. “He’ll be alright, he probably got excited when I mentioned diamond dogs.”

“Oh… is that alright? Should we be worried?”

Both Notes and Force shook their heads.

~~~Next day

Notes groaned audibly. “Dude, we’ve been out here for hours! Couldn't we have at least brought Coco with us?”

“No, shut up, just a few more minutes.”

They continued to wait in a nearby alleyway. Bionic Force had his night vision lens on over his right eye, and Notes was messing with his guitar in wait.

Eventually, Force detected movement and signaled Notes to put his guitar away and move over to join him.

The sewage cover in the middle of the street began shaking, soon opening to reveal a brown earth pony stallion with an extremely unkempt mane and tail. When he climbed out the duo could see that, on his flank, lie the image of a bloody knife, signaling to Force that it was in fact, their target. He looked around a bit before carefully making his way over to the strip club where he was to meet his wife. The second he entered the building, Bionic motioned for Notes to move out.

Notes’ job was to make sure that the entire place was to be empty for the confrontation, so it took him by surprise when the entire place was filled with both diamond dogs, and the mares from earlier.

Shank stepped forward and chuckled darkly. “Did you think that you could get the drop on me? This entire building is on my side!”

Bionic just stared at him. “Alright… you’re still coming with us though.”

“Like two children could capture me. You’re not going to leave here alive!”

Force turned back to Notes and calmly explained. “This is why we didn't bring Coco…. Just in case you were wondering.”

“Wait, you knew this would happen!?”

“Of course. Not that it matters, we can take this many even without Spirit.”

“I know… it’s just… I was kinda hoping to actually check out the club after this was all over.”

“Well sucks to be-”

“Do not ignore me!” Shank screamed. In a fit of rage he ordered all of the dogs and mares to attack the duo.

Notes quickly pulled out his guitar, and batted away the first diamond dog that attacked him. However, when a mare rushed him, he completely dodged her. “Dude, I can’t hit a mare!”

Bionic assumed a martial arts stance and began beating down on anything that came his way. “I can, send them over here.”

Notes nodded, and threw the next few mares that attacked him over toward his friend who easily knocked them unconscious. Bionic, in order to not be overwhelmed, responded by sending a few diamond dogs back toward Notes to get their heads bashed in.

The fight continued this way, Notes skillfully using his seemingly indestructible guitar to bash the heads of the dogs, and Bionic just not giving a damn, and mercilessly beating down on anything that moved with his jujitsu. Eventually, the one sided fight ended with Force and Notes alone in a room with dozens of unconscious bodies.

Bionic stomped down on the head of a dog that tried to reach out, as Notes trotted up to him. “Where’s Shank? Did we beat him?”

“No, he wussed out, and ran while we were fighting.”

“Damn, what now?”

“Now, we head home and wait for Spirit to get back.”

“Then what?”

Force made his way to the entrance. “Then we get our bits, and go.”

Notes tilted his head in confusion. “Umm… alright… but before we go can I at least go see the other clubs in this city?”



The next morning, Coco Pommel made her way up the stairs of the hotel that the group told her that they were staying at. She knocked on Bionic’s room door a few times before taking a step back and waiting. Eventually, the young colt opened the door a crack, just enough for one eye to peak out. Through the crack Coco could just barely make out all sorts of add misshaped contractions. She could hear bubbling noises and electrical surged coming from the small colts room. Her eyes scanned what they could through the crack before landing in the young colts forest green eyes. Immediately, she remembered what she came here for.

“H-hello, how’d it go last night? Did you get him?”

“...Hay, turn around for a sec.”

Hesitantly, Coco turned around, not fully knowing why. Behind her, she heard the door close and jumped at the noise of what sounded like a building coming down. Glasses clanked together, pieces of wood flew out in front of her. This went on for t least five minutes before she heard the colts voice again.

“Okay, you can come in.”

Something in the back of her mind told her not to, but against her better judgement she turned and went through the now open door with her eyes screwed shut. Peaking one eye open she tried to get a look at whatever was causing the loud noise.

Nothing, opening both eyes, she took a look around and all she saw was a completely normal hotel room. A bed, a television, a phone, the works. Her eyes made their way over Force who had quickly picked up a large empty flask, and somehow fitted it into his small saddle bags.

“How did you do that?!”

Force turned his gaze to her. “Do what?”

“N-nevermind. I was asking you about last night.”

“It went about as well as I expected. Winnie O’ Shank saw us coming, and set up an ambush.”

Coco gasped and covered her mouth with a hoof. “Oh no, were either of you injured? Where’s Notes and Spirit?”

Force looked down and thought for a second. “Hmm, Spirit should be back any minute now, Notes is probably ignoring me, and going to check out one of the other clubs in this city.”

“What about O’Shank, did you capture him?”

“No, and yes.”

Looking at Coco’s confused expression Force decided to explain further. “Just watch.”

“Hey Bi, I’m home!”

Spirit’s loud voice caused Coco to jump forward in surprise. Turning around, she saw Spirit, completely unharmed, carrying a beaten and unconscious earth stallion on his back.

Force was unfazed. “See.”

Spirit made his way to the center of the room before dumping the body on the ground. “Hi Coco!”

“I-is that…?”

“Yeah, so funny story. I made my way over to the diamond dog hideout, really far underground by the way. And when I got there, a bunch of dogs just up and attacked me for no reason! I tried to tell them that I was just exploring, but I guess they were just stupid or something.” He pointed to the stallion in front of him. “Eventually, this guy showed up and pulled a knife out on me. I figured that if he was the only pony in a cave full of dogs, he might know something. So I brought him here.”

Coco’s jaw had long since hit the ground. “Spirit, that’s Winnie O’ Shank! You caught him!”

“Really? Awesome!”

“Yup, good job.” Force began dragging the knocked out earth pony toward the door. “Now let’s go get paid.”

“Isn’t Coco the one paying us?”

“No, she’s broke, we’ll get our money from the police department.”

Coco looked down shamefully. “I would've found away," she mumbled.

Force continued to drag the stallion behind him with no apparent effort. “Really doesn't matter, now let’s go.” Coco and Spirit followed him out of the room, down the three flights of stairs, and all the way to the police department four blocks away.

The second they went inside, every eye was on them, or rather, the stallion being dragged behind them.

“We’re here for the bounty on this one’s head,” Force announced.

The cops simply stared at the colt for a few seconds before one stepped forward. He wore a badge signifying that he was the one in charge. “You caught him?” he asked in disbelief.

Spirit eagerly raised him hoof. “Technically, I caught him!”

The stallion turned to Coco. “These two telling the truth?”

Coco shied back slightly. “Umm, yes…”

“Alright. James, go get the reward money”

One of the cops stopped gaping at the trio, and ran to the back of the building.

“Also, I think you have somepony that belongs to us.” He nodded to the set of cells. The cop led them over to the second cell. Inside was a sleeping stallion with a gray coat and black mane, on his flank was the mark of a flaming guitar.

“Oh hey look, its Notes!”

Coco looked up at the police chief. “Excuse me, but why is he in jail?”

“Well, Miss, we caught him harassing some fillies, he was asking where to find some strip club. Is he yours?”

“Yeah, he’s ours.”

The cop moved over and began knocking on the bars. “Blazing Notes! Wake up, it's time to go."

Notes woke with a startled snort. looking toward the noise he noticed that his friends were on the other side. "Took you nobs long enough," he scoffed.

"This is why you can't use the magic paper."

Spirit chuckled. "He'd probably go around saying that he was the booty inspector or something."

The cop cracked a slight smile and Coco began giggling alongside Spirit.

Notes rolled his eyes, annoyed. "Hahaha, very funny. Now get me outta here."

After they released Notes he went to go retrieve his guitar. The cop in charge of confiscated items visibly struggled to lift the object over the counter.

"Sweet, Celestia. That thing weighs a ton."

Notes picked it up with one hoof, twirled it, and strapped it on to his back. "Yeah, Bi got a bit carried away when he modified it."

Ignoring the stallions confused look, Notes made his way back to the others who had already received their bits and were on the way out.

Outside, Bionic weighed the bag of bits on the flat of his hoof. "Judging by the weight and size there's approximately 324 bits in here. It'll last us for a little while I suppose."

Coco smiled. "That's great but... are you three going to leave right now?"

"Seeing as we haven't payed the hotel we were staying at for the last two days, it would be wise to leave."

Coco looked slightly disappointed. Notes noticed and immediately rubbed up next to her. "Don't worry, you could always call on me if you're ever lonely! I'll come back in a heartbeat."

The mare blushed and quickly distanced herself. "It's alright, really."

Bionic felt something whoosh past him. Calmly, he looked down at his empty hoof and sighed. "I have bionic attachments on 40% of my body… and I still can't keep up with him," he mumbled. Bionic shoved an envelope into Coco’s hooves before turning to chase after his brother. "Notes, he's got the bits again, we need to go!"

Notes shrugged before saying a quick goodbye and running of after them. "Remember, Call me!" he yelled back.

Coco giggled as she waved goodbye to the three random colts.


The next morning, Coco woke up after what seemed like the best nights sleep in weeks. Probably because she was sure that Winnie O’Shank was behind bars. She got out of bed, and softly went about her normal routine. She brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and made some breakfast. Before she could eat her oatcakes, however, there was one small piece of business to attend to.

On her counter, lay the unopened white envelope that was given to her by the colt from yesterday, Bionic Force. The reason that it was opened, was the fact that the words, “Do Not Open Until the Arrival of the Red Maned Demon,” were written in bold on the front of it. At first it scared her slightly, but Coco assumed that it probably wasn't that big of a deal.

She shrugged, and continued eating her breakfe-WHAM!!

Looking up, she saw that her front door was now lodged firmly into the far wall, a single hoof mark dented into it. Turning, she could see a light pink earth pony mare standing in her doorway. Before she could react, that same pink color filled her vision, as well as the sounds of a nose sharply in taking air. She immediately realized that this pony was sniffing her, and backed out of her chair away from the crazy mare.

“Wh-wh-who are you!?” she stammered, now huddled against the wall.

The pony continued to sniff the air, ignoring the young mare’s question.

It was then that Coco noticed the pony’s fiery red mane. “Could this be who Bionic Force meant?” she thought.

“Where is he?” the pony asked.

“Wh-where is who?”

The pony began to dash around Coco’s home, frantically sniffing anything and anything. “No… he wasn't here,” she turned and sniffed Coco once more. “You were around him!” she declared, thrusting her hoof out toward Coco.

“Eep.” Coco bolted her eyes shut in fear. Eventually the sound of muffled laughter caused her to take a peak. The mare had her hoof over her mouth and was giggling uncontrollably.

The strange mare held her hoof out to help her up. Hesitantly, Coco took it and pulled herself up.

The mare gave a kind smile. “I’m sorry If I scared you. My name’s Soul Heart, I’m looking for a stallion named Spirit, sometimes goes by the name Shift. I smell him on you so you must have seen him.”

Coco opened her mouth to answer, but instead, thought back to the letter on the counter. “One second please.” She quickly ran over to grab the envelope and came back. Opening it, she read the first lines and nodded. “This is for you, I think.”

Soul eagerly grabbed the letter, her smile fading to a thin line as she continued to read, then falling further to a full on frown. Coco was about to ask her what was wrong, when suddenly the mares mane burst into flames, her face briefly contorting into one of pure rage. Coco found herself resuming her frightened position against the wall.

But as soon as the blaze came, it disappeared, Soul’s face turning back into one of kindness. “I have to go, thank you very much the help.” Dropping the letter, Soul dashed out of Coco’s home.

Seeing that she was gone, Coco’s curiosity led her to pick up and read the contents of the slightly singed note.

Soul, if you’re reading this then you’ve probably tracked us down to the mare Coco Pommel’s house, and subsequently bucked her door in. If so, then you just missed us. But before you stupidly run off after my brother, Notes, and I. You should be aware that beneath the City of Manehatten, there lies one of the minor secret slave trades. This one run by the Diamond Dogs in the area and a pony named Winnie O’Shank. Shank is in jail, but the dogs are still free. Have fun.

~ Bionic Force

Author's Note:

I swear to Luna, :facehoof: don't ask about the chapter title, I lost a coin flip to Bionic Force and he got to pick. Otherwise, how's the story? If it; A) made you laugh, or B) go WTH? then I did my job. Semi-full descriptions of the characters can be found on the link below the story cover. (Made by me) :pinkiecrazy: