• Published 9th Aug 2014
  • 942 Views, 38 Comments

SSAdventures: Spirit Awakening - Spirit Shift


  • ...

"It's not my fault they were bipolar!"




Blazing Notes groaned loudly as he found himself in a familiar situation. Only this time it was twice as annoying.

“Oh my Celestia, he said what to her?”

Spirit put on his best Trottingham accent, trying hard to both imitate and mock his friend, “Oh I say, I do so admire how plump your outside curvature looks, how do you do it… PPPPFFFTTTAHAHAHAHAAAA!”

The colt in question glared at them both. “Oh will you please stop bringing that up?”

“What? She asked what we were up to.”

“Didn't expect to laugh this hard though,” she said, trying hard to stifle some remaining giggles.

“Alright, but you two still haven't answered my question. Spirit, how in the world do you know the legendary DJ Pon-3.”


Rather than getting upset, Blazing Notes simply looked over at the unicorn, silently begging her to end it.

Getting the message, the white mare turned to Spirit, who still looked slightly confused. “Dude, I’m a DJ now. DJ Pon-3 is my stage name.”

“Ohhhhhhh… neat.”

“Yeah I know right?” She turned toward Notes. “Sup, I’m Vinyl Scratch by the way. Itchy and I were friends back when this wrecking ball lived in Canterlot; back when we were foals. ”

“Blazing Notes, charmed.”

“I know you are. Any more questions? I know you have some, so let’s get ‘em all out of the way right now,” she said, wearing a knowing grin.

“Oh well I--”

“Also, no autographs, no demos, no free stuff. No I won't remove my shades, I do have a marefriend, and we have sweet, sweet, sexytimes pretty much every night. Any more?”

Blazing Notes cursed slightly under his breath. “Fine, one more, why do you call him… Itchy, and why Scratchy?”

Spirit jumped into the conversation before Vinyl could say anything. “Ohhh I remember this! I remember like it was just yesterday.”

~WARBLE~WARBLE~WARB- Vinyl gently put the colts hooves back on the ground. ”No, I got this, man,” she interrupted, “I’m kinda in a hurry.”


Vinyl rolled her eyes behind her shades before turning back. “But it is a pretty funny story, so I have to tell you the whole thing later. Long story short. We used to run around and explore… like... a lot. One day we both… well we kinda got into some bad stuff, spent the next month with the worst itching sensation. Spirit’s parents wouldn't let him itch, so he spent the month complaining about how much it itched.”

“What about you?”

“Nahh, I ignored my parents and spent pretty much every waking moment scratching my ass across the ground.” She looked upwards with a wide smile. “Good times. Anyway, everyone teased us and called us Itchy and Scratchy; he liked it, so we kept calling each other that.”

“Woah, what did you two get into?”

Spirit trotted up next to her, and glanced over at Vinyl. “It’s a secret.” She nodded alongside him.

Before Notes could ask anything else Vinyl spoke up once more. “So, first day back in Canterlot?”

“Yep!” Spirit beamed.

“You 18 yet?”


“Let’s go!” she said, trotting away.

Spirit immediately followed her but Notes stayed behind. “Wait, where are we going?”

“To get wrecked of course! I got a gig at this sweet club, and you two are comin with me!”

Now he was interested. “Hell Yeah!”


“Welp… didn't expect this to be how my day went.”


Bionic Force feverishly dodged trees as he ran away from the 10 ton red hot lizard chasing him. Looking behind him, it seemed that his tactic of running through the dense foliage succeeded in slowing the dragon down. However he would run out of forest soon, and then he would have to figure something else out. “Why are you so upset?” he asked, far too calmly.

“You have blinded me! My eye pains me, I can no longer look through it!” the dragon roared.

“Well, in my defense I did warn you that I had a laser cannon… well I did, you crushed it. Technically, I should be the angry one here--”


“Uuup,” Bionic Force quickly dove to the side and made a sharp right turn in order to avoid the searing hot fire that spewed from the dragon. His barrier protected him from the fake fire, but not against a real dragon’s flames. He needed to come up with a plan. “Hmm, I’m gonna need some help here. Last time I checked, those two idiots were still gone.” Bionic Force sighed, still effortlessly dodging trees. “Damn, guess I have to.”

Eventually, the forest ended and the small colt came out into the open field, the same one that held the hill overlooking the city. Stopping at the hill, Force quickly pulled out a small rose colored whistle, on it sat the initials SH. Blowing it, he let out an extremely loud, high-pitched whine, not a ringing noise like normal whistles. It was higher, almost a screech.

The dragon broke out of the forest soon after, roaring and growling ferociously. Smoke billowed out of his teeth, and the left half of his face was completely burnt and damaged. “I have you cornered! If you dodge now, your precious town will go up in flames, not that it matters to me!”

“Neat,” Bionic Force began to hear the screams of the town behind him, “Won’t make a difference if the town’s empty though. They can see you from here. In fact, the guards may be here in a few minutes.”

“No matter, I will kill them and leave! My concern for now, is the one who has disfigured my face!” he snorted, black smoke completely engulfing the small colt.

Luckily his thin barrier was enough to keep the smoke from affecting him. “Yeah, but the sad thing is… I’m in a hurry, we need to move on, and I have no time to fight you. Maybe if all three of us were here...” Force trailed off when he began to feel the ground under his hooves tremor and shake.

“Enough!” the dragon roared. “I have had enough of this pointless banter.” Lifting his head, deep flames began to form in the back of his throat. Force, however, seemed to be more interested in the shaking of the ground.


Just as the dragon threw his head forward to spit out his fire, the ground exploded beneath him. Something had rocketed into his jaw, cutting off the flames’ exit and causing it to flow out of his nose and ears. Now very much in pain, the dragon fell backwards snorting, sneezing, and coughing out flames and dirt.

Meanwhile, the figure that bursted out of the ground fell through the air and landed nimbly right in front of the small colt. She was an earth pony mare, her coat so full of dirt that her cutie mark wasn't even visible. Like the dragon, she was also coughing and spitting out dirt. Once she was done her golden eyes frantically searched the area, a wide smile on her face. “Oh my gosh, you finally... Bi?” Her smile slowly dissolved into a slight frown of confusion.

“Don’t call me that.”

“Wait, I thought I gave that whistle to Spirit.”

“Never mind that, I can see you got my note from Coco.”

“Oh yeah, thanks for letting me know about that. It was… therapeutic.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, Soul, as you know, I blew the whistle.”

“The one that’s only supposed to be used by Spirit to call me, yeah. Kinda disappointed about that by the way,” she said, looking down at her hooves sadly.

“Spirit got eaten by a dragon.”

Soul Heart’s head snapped up in shock. “Again? Ugh, I finally catch up to him and he goes and gets eaten by another damn dragon!”

“Yeah. I need to go find Blaze, you mind beating that one down? It’s small so you should be able to get this.”

Soul turned toward the dragon who was quickly gathering his wits. She grinned and turned back, “Yeah, it’s midsized, probably not fully grown. I can take this. Go get Notes and I’ll get Spirit.”

“Awesome, see ya.” Immediately, he set down the hill and back to town.

Soul looked down at her body, and for the first time noticed how brown she looked. “Oh man, I hope he doesn't mind that I’m covered in dirt. Oh well, he’s probably covered in gross sticky stuff, so at least we’ll match!” she squealed.


After fixing her now even messier mane, Soul turned back and trotted up to the dragon’s body and looked directly up to him. From standing at his stomach she could see that he was only about two Celestias tall. “Spit him out.”

Now angry beyond words the dragon angrily pulled his arm back to take a back clawed swipe at her. Swinging harshly, the dragon’s claw connected with Soul’s side, but he was stunned when he felt that the mare had not budged an inch.

Soul stood up on her hind legs and pulled back her right hoof. “Last chance… spit him out.”

Undaunted the dragon pulled back a fist and prepared to simply crush the ignorant pony. However, before he could swing he, found himself with his gut being blown inward as well as his entire body being blown back. Several trees broke when he knocked into them.

Soul stood there with her hoof stretched outward, a very mean expression locked on her face. “Welp, I tried. You’re not a diamond dog, so I’ll go easy on you.”


Ugghh, oh what the hell, my head. Blazing Notes thought as his mind struggled to focus, his vision remained blurry so he decided to close his eyes. Blazing Notes, in his delirium, could only make out a few things in all the chaos, he was on the ground, music was playing, and people were yelling all around him...

“You bastard, was that really necessary!?”


“I come outside for the first time in 3 months and you get yourself knocked the fuck out. Pathetic… nice place though…”

The sounds began to fade, and he eventually began to lose consciousness.


Slowly coming to sometime later, he quickly realized that it wasn't the same place, and even though he leaning against something, the entire world seemed to spin harshly. His head hurt, his vision was beyond blurry, and his thoughts were muddled. All he knew was that his entire body felt like it was wracked with pain. Next to him he could hear a faintly familiar voice.

“Ohh *munch* you’re up. *gulp* Awesome, we’re almost back to Crossroads.”

Blazing Notes slowly opened his eyes, he saw red, then blue, then shapes. Eventually, those three things combined and he saw his friend in front of him. “Spirit? Oh, what the gobshitted bloody hell happened, my head feels like mush right now,” he groaned.

Spirit giggled nervously. “Yeaaahhh… we had a pretty wild night,” he said, picking up another cookie.

“Wait,” Squinting he looked around and realized something important. “Are we on a train right now?” he asked, noticing the fast movement outside the window. He also noticed that it was late in the afternoon, which was weird because that would’ve meant that it had only been an hour, at least, since they had left for Vinyl’s club.

*Nomnomnom* “Yep, and they said that they’d give me these oreos if I didn't hop on the roof again.”

“Didn’t work, did it?”

“Nope!” Spirit struggled in his seat in order to emphasize the fact that his entire lower half was tied firmly to his seat. “But I got to keep the cookies!” he said, proudly holding up the plate.

Blazing Notes nodded slightly, his head still pounding. Oddly enough, it didn't feel like a hangover, since his head hurting was the only thing seriously wrong. “Uuuh, mind telling me why I feel like hell right now?”

“You don’t remember?”

Blaze began to shake his head but stopped midway, flinching from the pain. “Nah, last thing I remember was taking off with you and DJ P--…” Blaze looked at Spirit’s already confused face, and sighed. “Scratchy.”

“Oh… yeah that makes sense, you did get the living hell beat outta ya… at least that was what Scratchy said,” he muttered, grabbing another cookie.

“Well, where were you when I was getting my arse kicked!?” he said, flinching slightly.

“I was there,” he said simply.



The colt nodded in understanding. “Alright, but do you know what happened?”

“Oh yeah, they told me everything! Personally I thought it was pretty funny.”

Blazing Notes glowered at him, “You think everything’s funny. Just tell me, and let’s get some food when we get off.”

Before he could reply, both colts jerked forward, a sign that the train had stopped. Looking out the window, both of them saw the small gray colt standing outside the train. “Hey look it’s Bi!”

Hopping out of the train, Spirit bounced right up to his younger brother and lifted him up in a large hug. Blazing Notes slugged himself out as well.

“Hey man,” he groaned.

“Alright, it’s been three days, where the hell did you two go?” he said, shoving himself out of his brothers strong grip. He took one look at Notes and added, “Told you so… chew toy.”

“Well, Blaze here was upset that he didn't have any luck with the mares in this town after he called this mare fat, so we headed to Ponyville to see if it was just a fluke. But it turns out that Blaze is just really bad with mares, cuz the one in Ponyville threatened to get the entire town to beat him senseless. I thought that was weird because Blaze is usually so good at talking up fillies, like remember that one time with the orphanage and--”


“Right, sorry… Anyway, then we headed to Canterlot and I met up with Scratchy for the first time in like 10 years-”

Bionic Force cocked his head slightly, as if trying to register that name. “Who?”

Notes answered. “Vinyl Scratch.”

“How does this idiot know Vinyl Scratch?”

Spirit rubbed a hoof on his muzzle. “Well, I think you kept yourself locked in your room most of the time experimenting with dragon eggs while we were playing. But anyway, then we found Scratchy, and we almost died from laughter after I told her what happened with Blaze and the fat mare. In the end she took us to this really awesome club where... Blaze did you say three days?”

“Yes, you left almost as soon as we got here. While I went to fight a dragon.”

Spirit immediately ran back into the train while Blazing Notes looked at the colt in disbelief, “You fought a bloody dragon?”

“Well technically Soul did; I just tricked her into doing it. Afterwards, I told her that I was wrong and that Spirit was in another dragon. One that took Spirit back to their nest. She ran off after that.”

“Oh, what the hell! I wanted to fight a dragon! It’s right there on my bucket list!” he whined loudly, ignoring his throbbing skull.

“Well, next time, don’t go running away cross country just to hit on a mare that you’d leave anyway to come travel with us. Seriously, what sense does that make? You gonna hit it and quit it? Shame on you.”

Blazing Notes shrank as he felt the sting of Bi’s lecture, “I know, I just lost a little bit of confidence when I struck out so much here.”

“The mares here are known for being bipolar, you idiot!”


“Seriously,” he said seriously. “There’s even a warning sign near the train station. Speaking of which, the train’s leaving.” True to his word, the train that Spirit had jumped back into began moving forward; slowly picking up speed. Eventually, just as it fully left the station, Spirit jumped out of one of the back car windows, rolling on the ground over to Bionic Force and Blazing Notes.

“What the hell were you doing, mate?”

Spirit got up and dusted himself off a bit. “I forgot something,” he said, holding out the pink invite. Bionic Notes plucked it from his hold. “If it’s been two days since then, Pinkie’s party would be tonight. We should totally go!”

“Hmm, I don’t know. My head’s still hurting.”

“If we go, I’ll tell you both what happened at Scratchy’s club.”

Blaze sighed. “Alright.”

“Yeah, sure.”

Author's Note:

Lol :twilightblush: I totally forgot to add the quotes on the chapter titles. Small chapter this one, only because I thought that this was a nice place to stop. The next chapter might also be small unless I get carried away again. I love writing about Soul, she has so much potential in this story since she has the best back story.