• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 20,337 Views, 105 Comments

The Rainbow Savior - Kerberos

Rainbow Dash decides to help you out of your depression, even though she is one of the ponies that put you in that state.

  • ...

The Rainbow Savior

Author's Note:

This is just a sad story I wrote a while ago. It isn't all that great and I really didn't edit that much. Just a heads up.

"Haha, look at the loser Anon, all by himself, just like every day. Anon is such a loser, he doesn't even have any friends." You are Anon, and she is right. Ever since you came to Equestria, ponies never gave you the time of day. Pinkie is probably the only one that actually tries to be nice to you. "Hey monkey! Are you listening?" You look back up to your tormentor.

"What do you want today?" She smirks.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to tell you how useless you are." It’s the same thing every day. She makes sure at least once a day to remind you how she and the rest of Ponyville feels about you… well, being here. But today, you really could care less.

"Okay, you can go now." Her face changes from a smirk, to one of shock.

"That's it? No comeback? No emotional crap? What the hay is wrong with you?" You sit up in the alleyway you call home. Shrugging your shoulders, you look at her with blank emotionless eyes. She is so used to getting a reaction out of you, whether it is rage, crying, trying to run away.

"I guess I am just tired. And frankly, I just don't care anymore." That got her to almost stop mid flap. Not wanting to look dumb, she lands on the ground.

"What are you talking about?" You pick up an ice pick that you found one day and slide it over to her.

"Make it quick." She looks at the ice pick, then at you. She seems really confused and the next part isn't going to help. "Kill me." Her eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. No one in Equestria is above being mean, but murder, suicide, etc is almost unheard of.

"I'm not going to do that! What's wrong with you!?" You can tell she is starting to freak out. But how would you react for a person to just straight up ask you to kill them?

"I guess a lot of things. But like you said, I'm all alone and I'm a loser. No one would even miss me." Her wings fold up as she suddenly realized what she has been doing for the past months. She has been pushing you to the point that you no longer cares if you live or die. "But if you're not going to do it, give it back." You reach out to grab the ice pick and she panics. Slapping your hand away, she throws the ice pick as far away as possible.

"Don't even joke about that! I know some ponies will miss you!" It's funny how someone, or some-pony, can switch attitudes just at the mention of suicide.

"Who? I'm dying to know." She flinches at the word die while she struggles to think of a pony.

"What about Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie?" You look at her with a raised eyebrow. Feeling more confident, she presses on. "We are the elements of harmony. If anyone would miss you, it would be us." Thinking she won, she crosses her forelegs.

"Nothing more than a science experiment. Doesn't care for other species. Too scared to even talk to me. Same as Applejack. Pinkie tries, but she doesn't like me anyways." Her mouth opens wide. She never would have guess her friends acted like that around you. She knew you weren't liked, but still. "Then you make sure each and every day to make sure I don't forget it." Her mouth shuts and she starts to feel something she hasn't felt around you.


The guilt about putting you down.

The guilt about pushing you to the point that you don't care if you live or die.

The guilt that you actually wanted her to kill you. Something then happened that you would have never guessed she would do in a million years.

"I'm sorry." You look at her with an unamused expression.

"I asked you to put me out of my misery. Not to torture me any more." She stops her hoof on the ground.

"I'm sorry okay! I was wrong and stupid! But I want to make it up to you! Just please, don't do anything like this." You let out a snort.

"What do you care? No one else does. Forgive me for not leaping with joy when you have had weeks to figure this out. You just don't want to be the one responsible." She opens her mouth to argue, but closes it when she can't think of a reason other than the guilt. If word came out about you killing yourself because of her, her Wonderbolt dream would be crushed. She still thinks about something she could say. Something to keep you in the land of the living. That's when she gets an idea.

"You're right. I don't like you. I doubt anypony likes you."

"Thanks for the reminder." She winces at that, but continues anyway.

"But that doesn't mean any of us wants to see you dead. So I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I will visit you at least three times every day so you can get some food. While I'm here, we can talk, play a game, do whatever you want that DOESN'T hurt you. I'm even going to start right now." She walks up next to you and plops down on the ground. You don't move away or even try to shoo her away. The prospect of food and company seems really nice right now. Plus, you doubt you have enough courage to kill yourself anymore. Not that you had it in the first place. Sure, you didn't care if another person did it, but doing yourself is a whole new ball game.

"Fine, I'll do it. But don't bring any hay, flowers, or grass."

"Alright." You both sit in silence. Dash struggles stay still and not say anything she will regret while you just remain like a statue. She is finding it hard to see you as a friend rather than an animal, but she is at least trying. If you were asked, you wouldn't admit it, but you like the company. Even if it is her.

It doesn't take too long for it to get dark. She says that she will be back in the morning and makes sure to find and take the ice pick home.

The next day, she shows up with a bowl of fruit, as promised. She doesn't stay too long because of her job, but she comes back for lunch and supper. Each time, bringing you something to eat and she talks about her day. It is always a one sided conversation because of you doing nothing, but she does it anyways.

This goes on for weeks and Dash never forgets once to come, give you food, and company. Even when she was with her friends, she would make excuses to go see you. That would lead to some unfortunate events.

Twilight Sparkle POV

You are currently having a picnic with all your best friends. Rainbow and Applejack are tossing a hoofball back and forth while the rest of you eat and idly chat.

"... Don't you think so Twilight dear?" You turn back back to Rarity.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about some of the new princess duties that I still have to do. Oh My Gosh! I hope I made that check list!" Rarity is quick to help you calm down.

"Twilight, look at me. You don't need a checklist for being a princess. Calm down." The sound of Rarity's voice helped calm you down. You give a weak chuckle.

"Heh, sorry about that. It feels strange no longer being a student. I doubt I will ever get used to it."

"Used to what, egghead?" Turning your head, Rainbow and Applejack must have gotten board of tossing the hoofball.

"Oh nothing, just talking about princess life. It is so stressful. Sometimes I just wish I could sit in the library with Owlowiscious." Fluttershy perks up when you finish your sentence.

"I know what you mean Twilight. Sometimes, I just wish I could stay at home and feed my animals all day." For some reason, Rainbow tenses up.

"Rainbow, are you alright." She looks at the sun, then back to you.

"I-I gotta go. I forgot to feed... tank." With that she flies off towards her house. You cock your head and watch her disappear in the sky.

"I wonder what that was all about." It isn’t like Rainbow to just take off like that. Was it something you said?

"Ah don't know Twi. But I got a feelin that she's hidin somthin from us." If it were any other pony, you would have waved it off, but this came from the Element of Honesty

"Do you really think she would hide something from us? I mean, we are her friends."

"Ah don't know, but Ah want ta find out. She's been leavin around this time every day and I want to know why." Looking at the rest of your friends, they have have a face that tells you that they are thinking the same thing

"Fine, lets go see what she is up too." It isn’t very nice to follow your friend around while they don’t know it, but you are somewhat worried. You and your friends gather all the picnic supplies and head back into town Once all your things are put away, all of you head to Rainbow's cloud house However, before you get there, Pinkie points out Rainbow sneaking around down the street Pinkie pulls all of you into a bush as you watch Rainbow walk down the road. She is carrying a basket of fruit, a salad, and…

"Is that shrimp?" You look back at Rarity like she has gone mad. But before you say anything you take another look at that basket. Looking closer, you can see a sealed package labeled shrimp Normally you can't get much seafood in Ponyville unless you order it from Manehattan Even then, it is pretty expensive stuff since it is mainly served in higher end restaurants in Canterlot. Rainbow trots past the bush, looking around nervously.

"Where does she think she's goin?"

"I don't know, but did you see what she was taking. That shrimp must have cost a wing and a leg. I wonder if it is a secret rendezvous with a special somepony." You roll your eyes at Rarity's comment. She needs to spend less time reading those romance novels and more time reading something informational. Like “The Complete Art of Dressmaking” that you have been hinting at her to take.

"I don't know, but if she is, why wouldn't she tell us?” you questioned.

"She might be embarrassed to show her feminine side. Don't you remember her trip to the spa? She wouldn't dare let a pony touch her hoof." That was true. She tries so hard to be as macho as a stallion that she often forgets that she is a mare.

"Look, she has gone in that alleyway." You squint your eyes just in time to catch the end of her rainbow tail. Well, it’s now or never.

"Come on girls. Let's find out what she is up to." You and your friends walk out of the bush and creep up to the alley entrance. None of you dared stick your head out when you heard voices.

"Thanks Dash. I was wondering if you would show up."

"Like I said, I will be here for you at least three times a day." She apparently was talking with some stallion. Looking up a Rarity, she had an "I told you so" look on her face. You just roll your eyes and listen to the conversation.

"Here, I got something you might like."

"Is... is that shrimp. Jeez, this must have cost you a fortune.

"Well, I figured you are worth it. I mean, you are looking better than you were a month ago."

"Thanks, I don't know what I would have done if you didn't come along." You hear a sniff come from behind you. Rarity is levitating a handkerchief to her watering eyes.

"I wish I could have a secret lover. This is just too romantic. I have to know who this stallion is." Rarity starts to walk forward but you and Applejack hold her back.

"Shush. Ah don't want to go and spoil their date, even if Ah do want ta know who this feller is." She sits back down with a pout.

"Fine, but I WILL found out who this stallion is."

"Maybe later, but I don't want to do anything that we might regret." You turn your ear back to the alley.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go out and do something."

"You know that I don't want to be around other ponies." So he is shy, that's why she hasn't said anything.

"But that's the thing, you won't be. It will just be us at the park, throwing a hoofball or something. There shouldn't be anypony else there."

"I... guess that could be fun. Sure."

"Cool, we can leave when you're done. I'll make sure to scout around just in case my friends are still there." Okay, this pony may be shy, but even Fluttershy can be around others. It is healthy to have social interaction, so you think of a plan to give him that.

"Okay girls, I have a plan so we can meet this mystery pony."

Rainbow Dash POV

You have finally convinced Anon to leave his alley for once. You’re not quite sure how long he has been in there, but you might be able to convince him to take a bath in the pond.

Baby steps.

Anon finishes his meal and stands up. You almost forgot how tall he is since he is always sitting down.

"Alright. Let's go." You peek out of the alley and make sure no ponies are out there. Seeing that the coast is clear, you and Anon head for the park. Just like you predicted, all your friends have already left. Lucky for you, they left the hoofball under the tree.

"Alright, looks like nopony is around. You want to play a game of catch?"

"I guess so." You take the hoofball and fly a few feet away.

"You ready!?"

"Whenever you are!" You give the ball a good toss. Anon struggles to catch it, but you can't blame him for being a little weak.

"Nice catch!" You see him start to smile. Seeing him smile is a lot better than watching him cry. He arranges the ball in his hands then pulls back his arm. Giving it a good toss, you had to get airborne to catch it.

"Wow. I didn't know you could throw like that!"

"Me neither." As you prepare to throw the ball back, you spy a yellow bird heading towards you. Squinting, you realize that it wasn't a bird.

It was Fluttershy.

"Anon, I think we should go. Like now!" He looks to where you are looking at and panics. You rush over to him, grab his hand, and pull him towards White Tail Woods. You really didn't want to ruin his day by having ponies show up and make fun of him. He deserves better than that.

Once you enter the tree line, you both hid behind a tree. Fluttershy walks right past the tree's you are hiding behind and continues on the path.

That was close. Once she is out of your sight, you look back at Anon.

"I think she's gone. We should probably get back to the alley."

"Yeah, your probably right." You and Anon stay in the tree line as long as you can before making a break for Ponyville. Walking down the streets, it is awfully quiet. Looking through an alley, you can see all the other streets have plenty of ponies on them. But this one had no pony, cart, or open shop. This is starting to make you nervous.

"Isn't this street normally one of the busier ones?" That's right. Normally this street is packed with ponies. Where did they go?

"I have a bad feeling about this. Let's just get you to the alley and everything will be alright." You reached the alley, not seeing a single pony on the street. Once you turn down the alley, all of your friends jump out.

"Surprise!" You are shocked, but that is barely scratching the surface of how Anon is handling it. He is having what you would describe as a panic attack. All your friend's faces turn from happy, to one of shock. Anon grabs his chest and starts to breath heavily.

"Anon. Anon! You need to calm down. Just breathe slowly. Look at me Anon." You pull his face to look at yours. "Just look at me. Breathe slow." None of your friends dare make a sound. Anon looks into your eyes and starts to calm down. His breathing is still irregular and his eyes try to dart around. You lower him down so he can sit on the ground. Believing Anon has calmed down, you turn to your friends.

"What the buck was that about!" All your friends shy away from your outburst, but it just looks that way because you were yelling. "Well!?"

"We just wanted to meet your secret coltfriend darling. No need to get upset. By the way, where is the poor dear. Did the human scare him off? I always knew he was a bad influence." Is she being serious right now? Rarity didn't even call him by his name. You even overlook her talking about a coltfriend as small fire ignites in your belly.

Is this how you treated him? You at least called him by his name, right? Now, you are faced with a decision. Either you can blow them off and act like you normally do.

Or you stand up for Anon.

Saving your reputation and killing Anon, versus doing what's right and possibly losing you friends. After a moment of thinking, you know what you have to do.

"What? No! I was just hanging out with Anon." All your friends rear back their heads in disgust. Applejack just frowns.

"Rainbow, Ah know you don't actually like this... thing. Does he have some dirt on ya? Don't worry Ah'll take care of this." She starts to charge at Anon, but you get in her way. "Gosh darnit Rainbow, move out of the way so Ah can buck his teeth out!" You stare at her in shock.

This isn't the Applejack you know. This is something different. At least you never hurt him. You just called him names.

"I'm not going to sit by and let you hurt my... my friend!" Your friend's jaws all hit the floor.

"But... But... But he can't be your friend! He's not even a pony!"

"Kinda like Gilda huh? Remember when you ran her out of town?" Pinkie steps up.

"That's different. She was being a real meany pants! Don't you want to be our friend?" You are given the same choice again, but with more extreme stakes.

Either go back to your comfortable life, join the Wonderbolts and live a long and fulfilling life. Or you can choose to stay with Anon, probably get kicked out of Ponyville, and live in a secluded area for the rest of your life.

Your dream, or what's right.

You look at your friends, the ponies that you have grown to know on a level deeper than anypony else you have known. You have been with through thick and thin, saving Equestria countless times.

Then there is Anon. A human from some strange planet that just wants to be happy. You have tortured him almost since he arrived. You are probably only being nice so you won't be blamed for his death, not that anypony would care. But, over a month's time, you have gotten to really know him. He's sweet, kind, and gentle. He listens to your day, even if you have nothing really interesting to say.

"I... I can't be your friends if that means hurting Anon." All the mares gasp at your decision.

Goodbye Wonderbolts. Goodbye Ponyville. Goodbye the life you have come to know.

You look at all your friends. They all look sad at your decision, but it's your's to make. Applejack seems to be taking it harder than anypony else.

"Ya... ya can't do this! What did you do to her you damn dirty human!?" She lunges at Anon, only to be held back by Twilight's magic. "Let go of me! I'm going to buck the ugly right off him, Ah swear to Celestia! You're dead! You hear me!?" You take a step back from Applejack. Or, the pony that used to be Applejack. Now, she is just a pony full of hate.

"I think it would be best if you leave. And please, don't come back." You look at Twilight. She looks like she is about to cry, along with Fluttershy and Pinkie. Rarity just gives you a cold glare.

"Yeah, you're probably right." You walk up to Anon, who has been staring at you wide eyed the whole time. "C'mon Anon. Let's go."

"You don't have to do this Rainbow. I can always-"

"I said let's go!" Your eyes start to water. Anon doesn't say another thing when he get's up and follows you out of town. Once you read a few miles down the road, you break down crying.

Your dreams are crushed. You lost all of your friends. And all you have to show for it, is Anon. You cry and cry into your hooves until you feel something warm lift you up.

Anon picks you up like a newborn foal and hold you close. You end up sobbing into his neck. Was it worth it? Giving up everything for a creature that no pony likes. He continues to carry you while you cry. Anon must really care about you. He better for what you just did for him. Your crying dies down to just some lingering sniffs. He just continues to carry you as you fall asleep in his arms. Maybe... just maybe, this won't be as bad as you thought.

Comments ( 105 )

You know, i just realized, that idea of the Equestrian xenophobic Pony society is so realistic. But who knows, no one can blame their behavior, after all they are living in the "dark middle-ages" ok maybe a little modern-ish variation of that time.
Anyway, i liked the idea and the story was great, thanks for this interesting experience.

Ever since i read this i always pictured earth and unicorn ponies to be extremely racist

I hope to see the love of the sun update soon :) and even more wonderful work from you

this story deserves a sequel

Sequel is necessary, sequel is required.


I fully agree. Sequel pls. : ^)

Congrats girls, you just ruined the elements of harmony with your xenophobia! Celestia would be so proud of you all! (Sarcasm is heavily noted in this last sentence.)

brilliant story. is there going to be a sequel?

Better be some ass kicking done to those hypocrites for this one.

Future reference:
Italics represent sarcasm or ellaboration.

Helps to do these things :P

5390854 Cause that is the only way~

Well, I'm glad you warned me about the OOC acting. It very much was. I can believe that ponies would be xenophobic and could possibly even be led to violence through their hate and/or fear, but I don't see Applejack immediately going from zero to stab-a-bitch because of Rainbow saying a human was her friend.

Rainbow's character was pretty spot on, though.

is there any more or is at the end of the entire story are you making a sequel

! what do you mean "complete"?

It's not complete!

By all means, if you want to write a sequel, you have have my blessing. As long as you cite this story.

5391397 i dont really think they are acting OOC that much after all the show has made it clear that they are able to made the same mistake twice on several cases, i just see it as a repeat of the zecora episode without anypony vouching for anon until it was too late, after all on that episode the only reason for applejack to not buck zecora was that she was too tiny for it, and if it wasnt for applebloom vouching for the zebra i am pretty sure they would have lynched her with both applejack and pinkie pie as the leader since they where the ones who where more filled with hatred and ignorance for the poison joke events.
rarity not liking anon? easy she may be the bearer of generosity but there have been more than one time where she forgets it and act like a bitch for the sake of climbing the social ladder even to her own friends remember twilight birthday? as long she doesnt see anon as somepony that can help her climb the ladder in some way or someone remind her that she is supposed to be generous she is ok with ignoring him, make anon become a homeless dirty bum and she will hate his gut just by smelling bad near her.
fluttershy is fluttershy enough said, sadly unless her friends encourage her she will not get close to him to let him try to befriend her
and twilight as soon she loses all the scientific interest on him is more likely to ignore him due half to her new duties as princess and her peers pressure
and well rainbow will mostly do it because she wants to be loyal to her friends and everyone is doing it

This story needs a sequel. Maybe Anon and Rainbow will come back to Ponyville 5 years later. They save Ponyville from being attacked by Changlings, Diamond Dogs, Griffons, etc. Let's see how they think after this.

I already acknowledged that ponies could be led to violence through someone preying on their fears or hatred. They just wouldn't go from calm to kill with one sentence; especially not when that sentence is essentially "Hey, guys, lay off my friend."

Not bad at all, On the second reading I thought of the MC being very young and afraid and so being antagonistic to everyone on his arrival and causing so much distrust.

Other similar Fics I have read explain the hostility is because of being a "predator" herd instinct, arriving from the everfree or at the same time as some disaster or other bad event.

5392064 Same here thisNEEDS A SEQUEL

5398409 agreed, this is so full of tactical feels

Klu Klux Ponies. But in all seriousness I would REALLY like a sequel. Pls?

One-shot sequel: the latest ancient villain shows up, and Equestria is screwed because 1/6th of its main defenders is long gone, living somewhere far beyond the border with her only real friend.

And, watching from above, GespenstKAF laughs as Equestria burns.

While a very good story, RD's change of heart feels way too rushed

Sequel, my good writer. A sequel must be made.

Oof, right in the feels...

I feel like a lot more could have been done with this. You made Rainbow feel the guilt, why not the other five?


Agreed, more could be done here.

Wow. I really liked this. Thanks for sharing!

I loved AJ's reactions. Even though she wouldn't do that, you sure handled it well!

Dear writer it is a good indication that a sequel is required so please make it happen :)

5416138 "required" keep on dreaming buddy. I have too much on my plate as it is.

5417551 Okay I suppose required isn't good enough hmmm... necessary would be a definite. And just do what the rest of us do when to much is on our plates push it to the last second or forget about it till its actually important. But in all seriousness it was a good write and a sequel would be awesome :pinkiehappy:

Not bad. Interesting reverse of the "usual" situation in this kind of story, what with RD being the one to not be an asshole for once.

So. A homeless man had a pickaxe, is ostracized and didn't try to murder any ponies?

That is easier to conceal... and kill with, unnoticed even

Unless of course, Celestia is also extremely xenophobic.

5464820 That could be the reason why they're all xenophics in the first place. Wonder if Luna might agree to make Equestria be rule by the lunar republic if she promise if she could deal with that type of hate.

Maybe, but I don't know. It's all speculation.

Good luck killing anyone with a glorified knitting needle. There's a reason murders involving a knife always end up reporting like 20+ stabs or something - stabbing someone to death is actually really fucking hard.


...Okay. I promised myself I would refrain from looking at this fic twice but...I can't. I must make my concerns known.

"Haha, look at the loser Anon, all by himself, just like every day. Anon is such a loser, he doesn't even have any friends."

why, please gods above why, are you making every pony sound like diamond tiara?

Let me give a point of reference, ponies in the show are, seemingly, naturally xenophobic. How did they react to Zecora? They hid in their houses and didn't talk to her. ye ye.

Now, you're making kind of the exact same situation here. I see the alternate universe tag but, where exactly is the alternate universe in this? as far as I can see, the ponies in this fic have done everything the exact same way it was done in the show, which means there is really, truly, no logical reason for them to be acting this way.

This is not xenophobic. That would imply being afraid of him, but Rainbow Dash is clearly, going straight up to him, and telling him what a loser he is! Obviously she's not afraid of him if she's getting so close to him!

Your fic says alternate universe, but as far as I can tell everything has followed canon except for the human's arrival, and you give me absolutely no reason as to why the ponies are treating him like this. it goes beyond ooc, it goes beyond xenophobic, it blows the lid off the metaphorical bottle and into the fucking astral plane! They're treating him like this, it seems, for absolutely no reason other than for us to have sympathy for this guy.

I'm sorry, but no. I can't. I won't. I shan't.

Good day to you, sir.

*dons monocle and strolls away*


That could be the reason why they're all xenophics in the first place. Wonder if Luna might agree to make Equestria be rule by the lunar republic if she promise if she could deal with that type of hate.

Except for the fact that according to the Hearth Warming episode, Celestia wasn't the original ruler of the ponies and they were divided by race and culture long before she came into the picture.

5470417 Hmm, well assuming that somehow the ponies still brought their prejudices since the Unification and hasn't been dwindle through time I have to give credit to you're reasoning. Sure some may say that Celestia could of easily brought down her anger and force out that prejudices through all of Equestira, but perhaps she did it to a extent as the ponies work together, she may accidentally forgotten about other races that could face that prejudice. I'm not saying she's a bad ruler, and I'm not saying this could be the absolute truth in case other people/ponies may read this comment, but consider the fact that Ponyville started out as a Earth Pony community at first, and since the prejudice was on the down low since ponies accepted ponies, things were okay.

Except for the none ponies. And because this was a small community, I'm just guessing since we can't exactly tell how big Ponyville is actually, they haven't exactly meet with other none-pony race, case in point Zecora. So if a none pony were to stay into town, they might feel that prejudice still lingering, sure it isn't exactly big to other groups, but sadly it's focusing on the none-pony.

Sorry if I typed too much, just felt I had to add variations to the whole thing before thinking of a solution, or something like that. For some reason people down voted my comment, guess they didn't think well on my opinion, eh whatever.

wlam #48 · Jan 6th, 2015 · · 2 ·

Ponies having a natural tendency towards being irrationally afraid of outsiders isn't really all that much of a stretch. Ponies are prey animals. Their instinctive defense against danger is huddling together in a herd to crowd out outsiders, running away where possible and making threat displays to intimidate possible threats into leaving where they can't. It's not really any more unrealistic than humans being hardwired to be revolted by and afraid of spiders - there's an evolutionary reason for that, it isn't coincidence that it's one of the most common phobias there are.

5470342 Well said sir.

*grabs monocle of his own and fallows

Comment posted by Cobra55 deleted Jan 9th, 2015
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