• Published 5th May 2012
  • 13,517 Views, 753 Comments

The Color of Apples - Jet Howitzer

You have fallen for Applejack, but will she reciprocate your emotions? Time will tell...

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IV: "The farm's not going anywhere!"

You sat at your desk once more, writing down your experiences, keeping the journal that your parents asked you to keep. They’ve been dead for years, but you continue to write the journal, in honor of their memory. Finishing the entry for the day, you looked up to the shelf above your desk. On it rested almost a dozen journals, each one two hundred and fifty pages long, and each one filled to capacity with entries. With a sigh you close the journal, and put it on the shelf, upside down, and you head to bed.

The memories of the day still bounce around your head, and you can’t help but smile a bit at their recollection. The day started like any other, a quick run through town for exercise, then off to work.

And what a day at work it was. You finally had somepony that you could talk to. There was still a tiny nagging doubt in your mind, but you dismissed it. You weren’t going to let your mind get in the way of your hopes. You slowly climbed into bed, and you turned out the light. Sleep came quickly, and soon enough you were exploring the fantastical lands of your dreams.

With a groan you raise a hoof in a feeble attempt at warding off the sunlight that had managed to land right on your eyes. Unlike yesterday, you had no reason to get up so early, since it was Sunday. Still, you had a training regimen to keep, so you climbed out of bed. You walked out of your home and you breathed deeply of the fresh morning air. You attached the training weights to your legs, and you did a few quick stretches to limber up.

With your stretches done you begin your run with a smile on your face. As you run along the street you allow your mind to wander from topic to topic, and every distraction you see throws your mind down a new avenue of thought. Eventually, though, your mind settles on Applejack. This doesn’t really come as a surprise, though. Given what happened yesterday you’re surprised you didn’t come to this train of thought earlier.

What was it about her that made you comfortable enough to share that story? It wasn’t like other ponies hadn’t asked about where you were from, or what you did before you came to Ponyville. It certainly wasn’t the fact that you thought she was pretty, since many pretty faces had asked the same question. Perhaps it has to do with… With…

You wrack your mind for the right words, but they don’t seem to find you, nor you them. All you know is that you don’t know. Which, honestly, isn’t satisfying at all. Your run takes you to the outskirts of town, and you stop, momentarily, at the monument constructed outside of town. It’d been nearly a year since it had been built, and yet you had only been there on the day it had been consecrated. Then again, considering what happened there, it was no wonder you hadn’t come by again.

You turn away from it, and resume your run. You run a total of two laps around the perimeter of Ponyville before you call it a day. As you approach your home you spot a grey pegasus standing in front of your house. As you get closer you notice that it’s Ditzy, likely here with some mail. Except, today’s Sunday. There’s no mail on Sundays.

“Oh, hey,” she greets you, “I’ve got a special delivery for you. The post called me in just to deliver this.”

She holds a small letter out to you, and you grab it. “Hold on a moment, I’ll be back in a second.” You quickly dash into your home, and you grab a few bits. You rush back out, and you give them to Ditzy. “Here, go get yourself a muffin, or something. Consider it my thanks for getting this to me, despite it being a Sunday.”

Ditzy’s smile widens at your gift, and she quickly jumps up and takes flight, likely heading to Sugarcube Corner to get herself a fresh muffin. As she finally disappears from sight you turn, and head back into your home. You toss the letter on the coffee table in the living room before you head to your room to remove the training weights. Once again the strain of your muscles is all the indication you need to know that you’re still improving. A quick set of stretches, followed by a shower, finishes your morning routine, and you head back to the living room to open, and read, the letter.

You take a seat on the couch, and you take a good look at the letter. The return address is somewhere in Manehattan, but it’s not an address you’re familiar with. You ponder the address for a while, trying to place it relative where you used to live. After a few minutes you give up on trying to place it, and you flip it over and open it. You pull it out, and you see that it is hoofwritten. As you read your face shifts from the small smile that graced it due to your interaction with Ditzy, to a grim mask.

You let the letter fall from your hooves, since you found yourself lacking the strength to hold it any longer. You found your body moving of its own accord, and soon you were heading to Sweet Apple Acres. You finally reclaimed your motor control just as you reached the gate that led to the farm, and you stopped where you were. You looked at the letter once more. Could you really show this to her, considering that you only just told her what happened? Would it be right for you to heap more emotional baggage on to her shoulders when she was already carrying so much?

Before you could answer your own questions you heard a voice call out to you. It wasn’t the familiar voice of any of the farm ponies, but was instead the voice of one of your close friends. Admittedly, you were surprised to see him here on a Sunday.

“What’re you doing here,” you ask the pegasus approaching you.

“Oh, you know, just checking up on Applejack, and the rest of the Apple Family. I need to make sure my investments stay on track. Not that I expect them to stop doing what they’re doing.” A small chuckle escapes him before he continues. “That, and I wanted to see about picking up some more Cider. Rainbow goes through that stuff like its water sometimes.”

His response brings a smile to your face. “Should she really be drinking that much? It can’t be good for her.”

“You try stopping her.”

“Nah, she’s your mare, you stop her.”

“I’ll stop her when she starts drinking too much. Anyway, what brings you by the farm? They’re not doing any work today, are they?” His look takes on a more serious note. “Is AJ trying to do all the work on the farm by herself again?”

“Not as far as I know. I just came by to chat with AJ some, but,” you lower your gaze, “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, now that I have time to think about it.”

“You…” He starts laughing to himself, before he stops and looks at you again. This time, his laughter is louder, and you can’t help but join in. “You’ve got a thing for AJ, don’t you? Sweet Celestia, this is priceless! You? You’re the one she’s been talking about?”

At this, you stop laughing immediately, and the pegasus stops as well. “She talks about me?”

“Well, yeah. She talks about you quite a bit, but she says that she doesn’t know much about you. Hay, from what I can tell that’s what everypony thinks about you. You’re around town plenty, but you don’t tell anypony about who you are. And if you’re hiding something grim, and terrible, about your past, trust me when I say that I’ve got you beat.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that one.”

He raises an eyebrow, but shrugs it off. “Well, if you want to come with me to see AJ I’ll make sure the conversation stays on a fairly neutral topic, so that you can have some time to work out your feelings.” He puts a hoof on your chest, and he levels his gaze with yours. “Don’t take too long, though. There are other stallions who are vying for her heart.” He then pushes a bit harder, and you swear you can see something glinting in his eyes. “And if you hurt her, Big Mac will be the least of your worries.”

He drops his hoof, and his face becomes cheerful once again. “Anyway, let’s get going.” He turns and begins walking down the road once again, heading for the farmhouse.

“I’ll be there in a minute, Storm. Just…”

“Take your time. The farm’s not going anywhere!”

You looked at the letter for a moment, memorizing the address. Two years. Two years you waited. Well, you can wait a bit more. I’ve got a life to live. And maybe a mare to win… You crumple the letter, and then you dig a small hole outside the farm property line. You drop the letter into the hole, and you quickly fill the hole up. You take your first step back still looking at the small mound of dirt, as if afraid that the letter will somehow pull itself back out. You quickly turn back around and head towards the farmhouse, not giving the letter a backward glance.

As you approach the farm you spot AJ and Storm having a chat on the porch of the farmhouse. Storm is quite animated, while AJ is just sitting there peacefully listening. As you get closer you can make out some of what Storm is saying, and you manage to put together a few tidbits to build a picture. Something about some filly jumping across a gorge, but not quite making it.

As you approach Applejack notices you, and waves you over. You walk towards the pair, suddenly incredibly self-conscious. You step onto the porch, and it’s only now that you notice that Storm stopped his story as you walked over. You shoot him a glare, and he just offers up a smile.

“So, what brings you by today? You know that we don’t work on Sundays.”

“Oh, I just came by to hang out. Maybe spend some time around here while I’m not working. I also thought, maybe, if you didn’t mind, we could continue what we were talking about yesterday.” Applejack’s face brightens almost imperceptibly, but you manage to catch it. You are certain that Storm noticed too, since the smile on his face only gets wider.

“Well, AJ. Since you now have plans with the local endurance runner, I suppose I’ll just get my cider, and head back home to Dash.” He motions for Applejack to lead, and she makes her way to the cellar. Both you and Storm follow, and you shoot him a look. He simply shakes his head in return, and he puts on a small boost of speed to catch up to Applejack. You reach the cellar door just as Applejack and Storm begin descending, and you follow suit.

You’d only been down here a few times before, and so you took the time to look around. As you expected, and remembered, there were several barrels of cider with taps stuck in them close to the entrance, and you saw labels on them listing the batch of apples, and how long it fermented. You continued through the cellar, and you took in the rest of the cellar. There were dozens of other barrels, all with the same markings as the others, and you noticed some had labels stuck on them. You approached one of the labeled barrels, and you saw that it was an order tag.

Apparently the Apple family shipped their cider to a large number of places, including a few bars in Manehattan. You could only imagine the premium that those bars paid to get the cider the Apple family produced. You wandered through the cellar a bit more, looking at all the places the Apple’s shipped to, before you found Storm and Applejack moving a few barrels. You trotted over, ready to lend a hoof.

After a few minutes of moving barrels you got to the barrel that Storm had requested. Your jaw dropped when you saw the label on the barrel. That barrel of Cider cost more than you could hope to make in a year. More than you could make in two years! You looked more closely at the label, and you had to do a double take to make certain that you weren’t mistaken.

It was a barrel of Zap Apple cider.

“Zap Apple Cider?” Your question was brief, but it seemed to be enough for Applejack and Storm to get what you were asking.

“Yup. I had to shell out quite a bit for this barrel, but it was worth it. I’ve only ever had one mug worth of Zap Apple Cider, and it was probably one of the best tasting drinks I’ve ever had. It’s a present for Dash. Birthday, and whatnot.”

“We only make a barrel every few years, and that’s only if we manage to harvest every tree that produces Zap Apples. This batch came from a real good year, so we decided to make a barrel of cider. Hay, if I remember properly we actually managed to get two barrels out of that yield.”

“And it really costs that much for a barrel?”

“Yeah. We save it for real special occasions, so we don’t want to sell it without really getting what it’s worth.”

“Well, since I’ve got what I came for, I’ll leave you two alone.” He gives a wink as he turns to go, and you feel a blush come to your cheeks.

“Storm, you’d best leave now, before I forget my manners. Or, perhaps, I’ll just let Rainbow know what you told me about her last attempt at cooking your fancy human food?”

Storm’s face turned a shade of green that reminded you a bit of summer grass. “You wouldn’t dare!”

“Oh wouldn’t I?”

“Jeez, I’m going! Can’t a stallion have his fun?”

“Not when it’s at my expense.” Storm walks out of the cellar, significantly less upbeat than how he entered. A few moments pass with neither of the two of you moving, and finally, after what feels like an eternity, Applejack turns to look at you.

“Human food?”

“It’s a long story…”

(Well, here it is. Not much happens, I know. But it's all about setting up for the future.)
(I've kept your name out of this, but I want to know if you, the reader, would like to have a name. If so, what? I can do either, but I want your opinions.)