• Published 5th May 2015
  • 9,285 Views, 455 Comments

Biomom - MythrilMoth

Rainbow Dash learns that Daring Do is her mother and gets caught up in yet another of her adventures while trying to confront her. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle has an adventure of her own.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven

Three pegasi and an alicorn princess flew with all possible speed to the province of Neighpoli.

Fluttershy drew parallel with Rainbow Dash. "So," she said quietly, "is Ms. Do really...you know...your mother?"

Princess Celestia blinked and glanced at them.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash said. "We've...we've got a lot to talk about after we kick Dong-knock's butt and get Twilight back."

Celestia flew closer. "Is this true? You're the daughter of Daring Do?"

Daring Do frowned. "Hey. Don't talk about me like I'm not here." She sighed. "Yeah, this squirt's my kid."

Celestia looked between the two of them. Her lips quirked. "I do see the family resemblance," she said.

Daring raised an eyebrow. "Funny you should say that," she said. "You don't look a thing like your mother."

Celestia winced. "You've figured it out, I see."

Rainbow frowned in confusion. "Whaddya mean?"

"Ms. Do, how could you possibly know what Princess Celestia's mother looked like? I mean—"

Celestia sighed. "It's...it's time I told you the truth, my little ponies. So that you'll understand what has happened...and why."

* * * * *

Twilight Sparkle watched Celestia prance around the valley, wings fluttering as she leaped at butterflies. She giggled. "Celestia," she called.

Celestia trotted over to her. "Mommy, when's Daddy coming home?" the five-year-old filly asked.

"Hopefully soon," Twilight said.

Celestia cantered around to peer down at her mother's notes, which were spread out in the cool grass. "Whatcha workin' on, Mommy?"

"I'm not entirely sure yet," Twilight replied. "I've just...been thinking a lot about how I got here, and...and about you," she said. "And your sister."

Celestia frowned. "I don't got a sister," she said.

Twilight smiled. "You will," she said. She leaned in and whispered, "Don't tell Daddy. He doesn't know yet."

Celestia's eyes widened. She giggled.

"Now, I need you to get the basket and collect lots and lots of berries, alright?" Twilight said. "If you do a good job, I'll bake a yummy pie."

Celestia's wings flared as she let out a squeal of joy. "Yay!" she bolted into the house, then returned a moment later with a basket floating behind her in a soft golden aura.

Twilight smiled. *Already able to use her basic magic...*

An hour later, Celestia returned with a basket overflowing with different kinds of berries. Twilight gathered up her notes and shepherded the filly inside, where she began working on the promised pie.

By the time the pie was cooling on the windowsill, the front door opened. "Twilight? Celestia? I have returned."

"DADDY!" Celestia bolted into the living room, giggling and squealing. Twilight smiled and followed sedately.

"Welcome home, Inner Light," Twilight said. She trotted up to her husband and nuzzled him warmly. "Did you have a good trip?"

"I did indeed," Inner Light replied. "The crystal ponies..." He shook his head. "I would never have believed such a thing possible. I still have no clue as to how these crystal ponies came to exist..."

"Was the Crystal Empire well and peaceful?"

"Oh, absolutely," Inner Light said. He sighed. "If only the three equine tribes could know such harmony," he lamented.

Twilight bowed her head. "It'll happen," she said. "There's a crisis they must overcome first before they can truly unite. I...I wish we could do something about it now, but...but I can't risk changing history. Harmony is something the pony tribes need to create for themselves."

"I pray you are right, my love," Inner Light said.

Twilight swatted him. "Of course I'm right," she said.

Inner Light levitated a smooth crystal prism almost as large as Celestia out of his saddlebag. "In any event...I received this from the Crystal Queen as a token of gratitude."

Twilight's eyes flew open. "Oh my gosh!" She took it in her own magic and studied it from every angle, her heart hammering. "Do you know what this is?"

"It is a magically receptive prism," Inner Light said with a shrug. "A curiosity, to be sure. The Crystal Queen thought I might find a useful purpose for it."

Twilight set the prism on the table and began pacing. "This prism...it's part of the device that brought me here in the first place," she said.

Inner Light tilted his head. "Truly?" He leaned in and poked it with a hoof. "Curious."

Twilight started pacing furiously. "But that means..." Her ears flicked repeatedly. Shaking her head, she grabbed the prism in her magic and bolted for her study. "I've got a lot of work to do there's pie in the kitchen don't let Celestia eat too much and by the way I'm pregnant again!" The door slammed shut behind her.

Inner Light stared after her, jaw agape.

Celestia giggled. "Mommy's silly."

* * * * *

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hung limp in midair, their eyes and mouths wide in shock.

"...WHAT?!" Rainbow screeched.

Daring Do shook her head. "This kind of shit is exactly why I don't read sci-fi. Ontological paradoxes make my brain hurt."

Fluttershy frowned. "So...that means...everything you've done for Twilight her entire life...it's all been part of this...part of your history?"

Princess Celestia grimaced. "Don't misunderstand," she said. "Even if none of this were true, I would have nurtured Twilight Sparkle and helped her grow into the wonderful mare, true friend, and humble princess she is today." She sighed. "But...yes, everything I've done, every challenge I've placed before her...all of it was to prepare her for the day she would travel back in time..."

"To make babies with some random alicorn dude?" Rainbow asked.

"There is nothing random about Father," Celestia said, faint anger in her voice. "My Father was the kindest, most gentle soul to ever live. And..." She looked toward the horizon. "He made the single greatest contribution to ponykind of any pony that has ever lived."

"Oh yeah?"

"My father, Inner Light, created Cutie Marks."

Daring Do whirled around, screeching to a halt. "Ooookay, THAT I didn't get from the engravings."

Celestia smiled. "Only because you can't read ancient alicorn," she said.

"Whaddya mean created Cutie Marks?" Rainbow demanded.

Celestia laughed softly. "Mother tells the story so much better than I...and it has been thousands of years. Perhaps you can wait to hear it from her..." She sighed. "If we can get her back..."

* * * * *

Celestia stared down at the screaming, squirming blue foal. "Wow, she's noisy," she said.

Twilight Sparkle giggled. "Even as a foal, Luna's loud..."

Inner Light frowned at her. "You're doing it again," he said. "Every so often, you say something that...seems out of place. You have been for some time now..." He glanced at Celestia. "Since our first daughter was born, in fact."

Twilight grimaced. "Tia? Would you go pick some apricots, please? Mommy is hungry."

"Okay Mommy."

Once Celestia was outside, Twilight nuzzled Luna, then looked up at her husband. "There's something I haven't told you," she said. "I...I wanted to be absolutely sure. Until Luna was born, there was still a chance I was wrong, but...but now..."

"Yes?" Inner Light asked patiently.

Twilight sighed. "I know you don't believe I'm from the future—"

"I've accepted that it is...plausible."

"Liar," Twilight said. Shaking her head, she continued, "Our daughters...Celestia and Luna..." She sighed. "Where I come from, Celestia is the ruler of Equestria. She raises the sun. She taught me magic. I was her personal student for years." She frowned. "And now that...now that I know...now that all this has happened, it's making me look at my entire life to this point in an entirely different light." She leaned down and nipped at a stray feather on Luna's wing. "It's crazy, but...the very pony I grew up worshipping...is that silly little filly I just sent out to pick fruit. If I hadn't been sent back in time by y—by the tomb..." Twilight's ear twitched. "Celestia and Luna would never have been born, would never rule Equestria...I'd never have become Celestia's student, I'd never have become an alicorn..."

Inner Light frowned. "What you're describing is a paradox."

"Exactly," Twilight said. "And...and I don't know when, or how, but...I think I'm the one responsible for my being here. That prism you brought back from the Crystal Empire is proof. Why else would you and I have it if I wasn't...if I wasn't meant to use it?"

"So...you intend to build a time travel device...not to return to your own time, but to guarantee your own destiny? And theirs?"

"Yeah," Twilight said with a heavy sigh. "But...I'm hoping if I do it right...I can also use it to go home."

Inner Light hung his head. "Twilight...when are you going to accept the fact that you are home?"

* * * * *

"But you know...I think I'm startin' to get the whole 'Twilight went back in time to become your mom' thing, but..." Rainbow Dash glared at Celestia. "You built a time machine and sent her right to it, you KNEW this was gonna happen, you've let us all freak completely out over this..."

Princess Celestia held up a hoof. "Alright, I admit that when all is said and done, I have much to apologize for, but let me make one thing clear. I did not build the machine that sent Mother back in time. She did."

Rainbow drew up short. "Twilight...did?"

"Of course she did," Celestia said. "She had to. Because as soon as she realized she was my mother, she had to make sure she would be sent back in time to meet Father and foal my sister and I."

* * * * *

"Mother," Celestia grunted as she cut into the ground with a beam from her horn, "why must I...nnnngh!...spend all my time helping you destroy the countryside and haul all this heavy marble clear across the mountains when Lulu gets....agh!...to stay home and play all day?"

"Because her magic is not as strong as yours yet, Tia, and I can't do this all by myself. Even with your father helping, this is still a huge job."

"I still don't understand what...GAH!...it is we're building here! Why couldn't we...hnnnnngh!" Celestia's horn dimmed; she hung her head and panted.

Mother stopped and laid a hoof on Celestia's head. "I'm sorry, Tia. Go ahead and rest. Go play with your sister. I think we made a good enough head start that I can finish up now." Mother stood tall and proud, spreading her wings. Her horn practically shone in the sun.

Celestia looked up in awe at her mother. She had always been much larger than herself, of course, but when Celestia was a young filly, Mother had been much shorter than Father. Now, she stood his equal, with long, strong legs, a slender but supple body, and a long, sharp horn. Her soft violet eyes shone with light and love and intelligence and warmth, and her long, silky purple mane streamed and billowed even with no wind. The pink streak in Mother's mane had been joined by a bright golden streak since Luna's birth.

"You'll want to at least move to a safe distance if you're not going home right away," Mother said.

Celestia's eyes widened, and she flew backwards and up, angling away from the dry, crabby plain. Mother rose into the sky on an invisible wind, her eyes glowing a soft white. A bright magenta glow surrounded her horn.

The entire mountain shook. Huge chunks of dirt and rock rose into the air; Mother unceremoniously flung them into the distant mountains.

Celestia shook her head and returned to the valley. If Mother was going to be tearing up the mountain...well, it would be a shame to get that much dirt in her coat and mane.

Besides, Luna would make fun of her.

* * * * *

Rainbow's mouth opened. She raised a hoof. She closed her mouth.

Daring Do shook her head. "You see why I hate ontological paradoxes?"

"Umm...girls? And...Your Highness? I think I see the airship..."

In the distance, they could see a faint dark spot in the sky, moving slowly away.

Rainbow and Daring exchanged a glance, smirked, and shot off after it.

"Wait! ...oh dear." Celestia sighed. "We should hurry." She flew off after the two pegasi, Fluttershy following in her wake.