• Published 5th May 2015
  • 9,315 Views, 455 Comments

Biomom - MythrilMoth

Rainbow Dash learns that Daring Do is her mother and gets caught up in yet another of her adventures while trying to confront her. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle has an adventure of her own.

  • ...


Twilight Sparkle looked around at her friends, shaking her head. "I can barely believe it," she said softly, tears streaming from her eyes. "All of you...you're really here...I'm really back..." She sniffled. "My friends...I've been dreaming about you for decades, aching...aching to see you all again..."

"Decades?" Applejack asked. "But...Twi...you've only been gone a couple'a days..."

Twilight smiled. "Is that all?" she said, laughing. "Just a couple of days..."

"The hardest couple of days any of us have ever faced," Rarity said.

Twilight hugged her. "For me, it's been sixty years," she said softly.

The others gasped. "WHAT?!"

"Wow, no WONDER you're so big!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh, Twilight..." Fluttershy said. "It must...it must have been so awful..."

Twilight scratched her head. "Well...I missed all of you terribly," she said. "But...I wasn't alone." She trotted over to the obelisk, staring up at the prism with sad eyes. She laid a hoof on the cold marble. "My beloved," she said. "Thank you..." She looked back at Princess Celestia. "What went wrong, Tia? Inner Light should have brought me back here..."

"Dongnocc stole the prism, Your Highness," Daring Do said. "We...we got it back, but...not in time."

Twilight frowned. "I see," she said. "So that's why it's...dark..."

"Father is...Father is truly gone now, Mother," Celestia said. "Not even his spirit remains."

Twilight smiled, tears spilling down her face. "You're wrong, Tia," she said. "His spirit resides in all ponies. It has for thousands of years. Every time a filly gets her Cutie Mark, it's...it's him. And...he lives inside the two of you." She swept her daughters up in a great, feathery hug, and they cried together. The others gave them their space, watching with misty eyes and sad smiles.

Rainbow Dash's lip quivered. With a loud, bawling wail, she threw her hooves around her own mother and pulled her into a crushing hug. Daring Do rolled her eyes, smiled, and hugged her back, nuzzling her affectionately.

"So...does this call for a party?" Pinkie Pie wondered as the moment reached its apparent end. "I'm...I'm not really sure what kind of party to have here...so much has happened..."

Twilight sniffled, then teleported over to her mother and hugged her. "How about a redo on the Mother-Daughter Picnic?" she suggested. She smiled around at the room. "We can all bring our mothers...daughters...grandmothers...whatever." She looked at Rainbow and Daring. "ALL of us."

"I think...that would be lovely," Celestia said.

* * * * *

The vast expanse of hilly terrain between Ponyville proper and Twilight Sparkle's castle had dozens of pavilions set up, with picnic blankets and sun umbrellas and cushions scattered haphazardly far and wide. Huge picnic tables covered with dozens of serving dishes filled the area. It was a warm, sunny day, and an atmosphere of good cheer, frivolity, and love filled the air. All across the picnic area, families sat in groups; beneath the largest, most lavishly decorated pavilion, nearest the grandest buffet table, an entire crowd had gathered:

Granny Smith, Applejack, and Apple Bloom.

Fluttershy and her mother, Cherry Blossom, who stared around in fear at all the ponies, but refrained from flying away in terror due to constant whispered assurances from her daughter.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle and their mother, Cookie Crumbles.

Pinkie Pie, her sisters Marble and Limestone, and their mother Cloudy Quartz. Much to their surprise, Maud had managed to show up this time—completely unannounced; she'd spontaneously appeared out of a large picnic basket, scaring Pinkie half to death.

Rainbow Dash and Daring Do, who had decided, in light of the most recent adventure, to come out into the open and reveal her secret to all of Equestria and damn the consequences. Tank flew over their heads; Daring watched him with wide, wary eyes.

And on the largest blanket was the family that had shocked Equestria: Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. To the chagrin and bemusement of many present, Celestia wore a T-shirt which said "I'M GROUNDED", and Luna sported one which said "I'M GROUNDED TOO."

"I still can't believe I'm the grandmother of the rulers of Equestria," Velvet said, shaking her head. "Especially when you're both thousands of years older than me."

Celestia laughed musically. "Ours is quite a complicated family." With a twinkle in her eye, she whispered, "Don't worry. We won't insist on back birthday presents."

"Mother, how long must we wear these embarrassing shirts?" Luna complained.

Twilight chewed absently on a hay cake. "Well...how about one day for every year I spent in the past?"

"Sixty days?! But Mother...!"

The others around them laughed. "THAT...is gonna take some getting used to," Rainbow Dash said.

"No kidding," Daring agreed. She shook her head and sighed. "You know, you've probably pissed off a lot of my readers."

"How so? By being your daughter?"

"By killing off Dongnocc," Daring said. "He was a popular villain. Not as popular as Ahuizotl, but still."

Rainbow shrugged. "You're Daring Do. You'll never run out of bad guys."

Daring laughed. "True." She ruffled Rainbow's mane. "And...you know...having my estranged daughter as my sidekick might actually go over well with the fans. Whaddya say...next adventure, wanna come with?"

"Do I?!" Rainbow cried.

"Oh, by the way," Velvet said, casting an aside glance at Twilight, "while you were...away...Spike and your friends told me some very...interesting stories." She raised an eyebrow at Twilight. "I don't seem to remember raising you to be quite so neurotic, dear..."

Twilight cringed. "Aheh...I have no idea what you're talking about..."

Celestia and Luna exchanged wicked grins. "Oh, I'm sure I can vouch for at least some of what they told you," Celestia said.

"Tiiaaaaaaa," Twilight growled. "I made you. Don't make me unmake you."

Luna looked out over the gathered ponies. "You know...until recently, I hadn't thought of Father in years," she said softly. "He...he would have loved to see Equestria as it is today..."

"Yes, he would have," Twilight agreed. "I told him...I told him ponies would find harmony. If only he'd lived to see it..."

"But he did," Celestia said. "You said it yourself. Father's spirit lives on inside all ponykind. Luna and I may be his flesh and blood, but we are all his children, in a way..."

As the sun shone down on happy families laughing, talking, eating, and enjoying each other's company, a ghostly golden alicorn stallion stood on the highest balcony of the crystal castle, watching them with eyes like liquid sunfire. He smiled. "Take care of yourself, my love..."

~the end~

Author's Note:

What can I say? This story went WAY off the rails from what I had originally planned. And I couldn't be happier for it.

I think I'd actually have liked this to be longer, but I wanted it to read and feel like a pulp adventure novel, without getting too bogged down. There probably should have been more action sequences. I maybe could have given it even more of an Indiana Jones vibe. But I think there's just enough action in the story to do the job. On the whole, I'm mostly satisfied with this little story.

For those who haven't figured it out: Inner Light's name is a multiple-level play on words. First and foremost, his name is a reference to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Inner Light"; you'll notice that what happens to Twilight Sparkle in this story is quite similar to Picard's experiences in that episode, with the major exception that Picard merely had a lifetime of memories and experiences implanted in his brain, whereas Twilight actually did go back in time and become part of a stable time paradox. The framing device, however, is the same: more and more time passes for Twilight as the characters in the present deal with the immediate crisis of getting her back.

Inner Light's name is not merely a reference to this, however. It also refers to his destiny as the source of Cutie Marks, which are the inner light within all ponies; lastly, it refers to his soul being the power source for the time machine. He was the inner light within the prism.

There's sequel potential in this story. I'm not sure if or when I'd ever get around to writing a sequel, given my laundry list of other unfinished stories that need attention, but it's not outside of the realm of possibility that I'll pay another visit to the world in which Daring Do is Rainbow Dash's mother and Twilight Sparkle gave birth to Celestia and Luna. Only time will tell.

Thank you for reading. I hope you've enjoyed it. And to all mothers everywhere, I hope you have a joyous Mother's Day in the bosom of your family.

~ MythrilMoth, May 10, 2015

Comments ( 186 )

i like it

Great story!

Now I gotta listen to "The Inner Light". Feels inbound.

Great story.
I can't wait for a possible sequel.

awesome story six hearts :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::yay:

also lol Celestia and Luna got grounded and i wonder how Discord will react finding out that Twilight is Celestia's and Luna's mom.:pinkiehappy:

or how will Trixie react oh my:twilightoops:

sequel? pretty please:fluttershysad:

One of the greatest stories I've read yet. Keep on the good work!

5946249 more like "Jakiro, one head spits ice and the other had his mic turned down too far"

sequal please hell even anouther epilogue where the nobles find out about twilight being i guess she would be queen now with celestia and luna being her daughters. also the daring do reactions.

Another great story, Moth, reminding us of just how many people are important in our lives every day. You may have your BFFs, or your BBBFFs, or your five best friends who would go to Hell, or Tartarus, and back for you.

But none of that would be possible without the one who gave you life.

Your mother.

The one who started it all.

P.S.: Must suppress laughter at Tia and Luna's shirts!

agree could have been longer. but definetly make a sequel

A heartwarming end to an awesome story:twilightsmile::heart:


i wonder how Discord will react finding out that Twilight is Celestia's and Luna's mom.

Won't be surprised if he already knew.

or how will Trixie react oh my

That would be priceless:pinkiehappy:

Shining Armour and Cadance finding out and their reaction to it would be quite hilarious as well:pinkiehappy:

So by this new family dynamic, Cadance has gone from Celestia's niece to Celestia's Aunt! XD


:twilightoops: oh my that would be hilarious to see

most lavishly decorate pavilion

I think that should be 'most lavishly decorated pavilion'

Technically, she'd be both. Cadance is still Celestia's niece but is also her aunt by virtue of being Twilight's sister-in-law. Similarly Twilight is both Cadance's sister and grand aunt. Shining Armour is simultaneously Twilight's brother and grand nephew. He'd also be both Celelestia's nephew and uncle.

Last but not least, Twilight is technically her own grand aunt/niece. Not quite 'i'm my own grandfather' level but still a glorious mind screw of a family tree.:twilightsheepish:

5961761 Thanks for the catch. Doing final edits when your allergies are screwing with you leads to small, stupid mistakes.

5961734 Oh my god I love your avatar!

Regarding the last bit of the Author's Notes:

And to all mothers everywhere, I hope you have a joyous Mother's Day in the bosom of your family.


I need to go and make a phone call now. :pinkiesad2:

So...did you plan on finishing this on Mother's day or was that a coincidence? (I'm thinking it was planned)

I want to see a sequel that deals with the politics of Twilight Sparkle being Celestia and Luna's mother.

House Sparkle just became one of the founding families of equestria.

5961833 Yes, it was planned.

Maud had managed to show up this time—completely unannounced; she'd spontaneously appeared out of a large picnic basket, scaring Pinkie half to death.

Okay, somebody's got to draw that! The picture I've got in my head is freaking adorable!


aaand its gone. Dang it, why can't I ever keep an idea in my head long enough to make it?

Possible sequel hook, why is Twilight's cutie mark on the tree of harmony? And why does Inner Light's spirit seem to be so solid in Harmony castle? Could they be related?

I want a moment where Cadence finds out that "Auntie Celestia" is revealed to be "Niece Celestia"

5961611 That's actually a really good explanation for the whole "Princess" thing. Does that mean Twilight now outranks Celestia and Luna? And now that I think about it, her kids are older than her now. By a couple millennia even.


I second this! Must have! NAO NAO NAO NAO NAO NAO


The wonders of time travel. It royally screws up family trees and makes geneologists hate their job.

5961932 I bet Twilight's family tree is curlier than Starswirl's beard by now!:rainbowlaugh:


yeah and Shining Armor's reaction finding out he is an uncle

..... dear MythrilMoth

SEQUEL PLEASE: :flutterrage:

Much to their surprise, Maud had managed to show up this time—completely unannounced; she'd spontaneously appeared out of a large picnic basket, scaring Pinkie half to death.

I see it runs in the family.:rainbowlaugh:

A very enjoyable story right up until the end. However, I'd really love to see Shining, Cadence, Discord, and Night Light's reactions both to new Twilight and this revelation.

Shining: I didn't know you wanted to beat me in giving Mom grandfoals that badly!
Cadence: If Celestia is my aunt, does that make Twilight my grandmother? In addition to being my sister in law? And the filly I loved foal sitting for? ...Twilight, please explain this to me in a way that won't break my brain or drive me to drinking.
Night Light: ...I always knew you'd go far, Twilight...but even I'm shocked here.
Discord: So...does this mean your destined match is freed up and you're quantumly single now?

This has been an enjoyable story. I especially like how Daring made no excuses or apologies for her decisions, and the Rainbow was mature enough to accept that and even sympathize a little. Well done.:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache:

Sequel= father's day story.


I have to agree with this sentiment. It would make a hilarious one-shot.:rainbowlaugh:

I loved it.

Well, I certainly didn't foresee the return mechanism. In all, an enjoyable blend of world-building and adventure. If you do choose to build on this world, it should be fascinating to see what comes next. Twilight is probably going to need some time to adjust to her old time, and being Queen Princess Mother of Equestria is sure to have some deep ramifications. And, of course, there's the Do/Dash team in whatever adventure they get up to.

I quite liked this, and I'd love to see more. Thank you for it.

5962676 Fixed. Thanks for the catch.

Number 1 fav story. I'm making a new bookcase for this.

Honestly, I'm okay with no sequel. The story read well, and was tied up far too nicely for one.

Sequel or no sequel HOLY SHIT this story was amazing. The head canon of it was sound, the logic was amazing and holy shit this is amazing. I thought this was going to be just another daring-rainbow mother fic but it turned into something amazing.

BRA Fucking VO. One of the best stories out there, made me wanna cry and laugh at the same time.

5963508 It's pronounced like Gnocchi, with the same long o vowel sound in both "Don" and "gnocc", so "dohn-nyohk".


Cadence: If Celestia is my aunt, does that make Twilight my grandmother? In addition to being my sister in law? And the filly I loved foal sitting for? ...Twilight, please explain this to me in a way that won't break my brain or drive me to drinking.

For further brain breaking action, Shining is is also Cadance's Grand Uncle:twilightsheepish:

Let's see... the prologue earns the like. The epilogue clinches the favorite in this epic piece! Heck, this would be how I'd picture the movies to go... if it allowed certain things like Fluttershy performing a suplex. :pinkiehappy:

Well, MythrilMoth, that was an interesting story. One thing I mused upon is how Sunset and the others would react once they heard about this. Another was the question of Twilight's size if she crossed over again.

Liked the story and the twist, which by the middle of the story was a bit predictable for the reader (clearly not for the characters XD ), but liked it nonetheless. Maybe not throwing so many hints would have helped maintaining the suspense a bit longer.
My only problem with it was how much TS stole the spotlight from what appeared to be a RD story in the beginning. For some reason, I don't like these bait and switches :s.
Hope to see a sequel exploring the Biomom concept.

5964770 I...have no idea, and I'm not going to dwell on it. :rainbowderp:

Since Twilight can be considered to be an adult alicorn now, I'm guessing she'd appear to be around the same age as Celestia and Luna in the human world.

As for Sunset's reaction, consider this; she tried to kill Twilight during the Fall Formal incident. As Twilight has a very important role in Equestrian history, it would mean very bad things happening had she actually succeeded. Imagine how Sunset would feel once she realizes the consequences of what she tried to do.

Why is it that almost every time Twilight winds up in the past, she ends up the mother (or at least mother-figure) of the Princesses? :rainbowhuh: Not complaining, just noting...

That was AWESOME one of the best stories I've read so far (I don't really look at the grammer errors (not that you have any) I just look at the plot of the story) :rainbowdetermined2:

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